The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY ATTER.MOON bY ESTABLISHMENT.’ VOSE & POSTER. Having every facility in Presses, Type and A U> which we are constantly making additional 2 I O M a in S tr e e t. prepared execute with promptness and gl every variety of Job Printing, including ’ Town Reports, Catalogues, By ■ T* E H M 8 « Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, H U If paid atricUy in advance—per annum, $2.00. grammes, Circulars, Bill Head If payment is delayed 6 montba, 2.25. If not paid till the cloae of the year, 2.60. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ fcj* New eubacribeia are expected to make the flnt ation Blanks, Receipts, B ills paym ent in advance. o f Lading, Business, Ad- ) AjrXo paper will be discontinued until ALL dress and Wedding rear jes are paid, ualeaa at the option of the publish* Cards, Tags, Labels, XJij- Single copies five cent*—for sale at the office and &c., at the Bookstores. V O LU M E 34. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23,1879. NO . 8. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZI? Z. POPE VOSE. J. B. PORTER. will receive prompt attention. and hear him preach. I think his sermons NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. There was a milliner needed at Hunt’s i ON THE ICE. tomed to it. there seems to be no possib* ®alcs and >fcetrtie$. are beautiful, and mamma used to think so Corners, as well as a wife, mother and ----- OUR S t RAP BOOK. |<gam, too.” advantage in keeping constantly cove1, 33Y3H3R3E3E33 housekeeper; nnd Mary Grant undertook.' Maria Ann went to the front door. last —“ ’3Vi b-iie, 'tis pity."— Hamlet. with a blanket while lie is doing nothi. , ;i rivalled Combinations, used hourly, great demand, Ruth went away, and the milliner stood with remnrkablo cheerfulness, this fourfold evening, to see if the afternoon paper hail Brief articles, suggestions,nnd results of experience but standing in a ham. « eh field for Agents. We practice Bee Culture,box of in the door looking nfler her, and smiling relation. The machinery of the household come She had been delivering a short When in the heated railway car, Jtiey and good news to all sending stamp lor circulars. THE WIDOW GRANT. at her sweet naivete. If you expec-to-rate •luting to Farm, Garden or Household management Judgment is needed in selecting blankets ’ritvuow.it will pay you.J.H.Martin,Hartford,NY began running with great regularity and address to me concerning what she pleased re invited from our readers interested in such matters as to thickness. With the design of gel The status of Marv Grant’s affairs were precision from the day that the minister to terra my “ cold molasses style ” of mov- As gentlemen, take this ailviee not chnnged when she went back into tile ting the best one I could find for a raaann. W A DAY to Agents canvassing for the Fireaid© Harry Fredericks, aged 19, shot in the married the widow. The new wife made I ing around. As she opened the door she Before it is too late. able price, I once bought a very thick and $ / Visitor. Terms and Outfit Free. Address little shop, but somehow her heart was dainty bonnets and pretty trifles of lace; a ' emarked,’ ’ “ I ’”like to see a body move quick Don't make the stove a cuspailore, TO MAKE POULTRY PAY. P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. R4wT bntlle of Fredericksburg.” lighter, her spirit more hopeful. She se­ heavy blanket. I have often been sorrj^ Fancy Cards, Chrome, Snowflake, &c., t Such was n part of the inscription upon new housekeeper ruled the kitchen, the ly. prompt, emphatic’’—that was all; hut As many people do. that I bought one so heavy, since during * plain marble slab in tile little cemetery of lected some silk and lace and began mak­ minister worked in his study, and Ruth I heal'd somebody humping down the stairs Alas! *Tls true, 'Its spitty; WINTER TREATMENT. 3 0 a ing a Normandy cap for Baby Sally, hum­ much of tho time it is wholly unsuitable? Allandale. tvent to school. in a most prompt and emphutic manner, Spitty ’tis ’tis trne. In the spring and fall, when the weather is Mrs. Grant, strolling by the grave, ming a tune ns she worked. “ It was my children who brought us to­ nnd I reached tile door just in time to seo For hens to lay in winter, it is necessary Her thoughts were busy with the lonely — Yawcob Strauss. that they should be supplied with all the re­ not extremely cold, audalso when the horse stopped for a moment to read tile simple gether,” said tho minister, on next Decor­ my better half sliding across Hie side-walk is in a warm stable, the blanket is very family and its sad history; with the voting ation Day. as the two stood among the in a sitting postnie. I suggested, as she Make yourself an honest man, and then quirements of food, egg-shell matter, clean­ record. soldier, the sorrowing wife, and tile patient, you may be sure there is one luss rascal in liness, and care, to keep them in a high state much too thick and warm. If I put it in A d Aged nineteen,” she murmered. “ On­ graves with their offering of flowers. limpid back to the door, that there might when the horse is sweaty or wet with jai i bravo young housekeeper playing mother “ Yes, little Sally’s Normandy cap saved lie such a thing as too much celerity; but the world. of health and condition. Good feeding is ly a boy.” so sweetly, nnd loving her father with such all that is required by Nature for egg pro­ or snow, he does not dry off well. There ’ And then, as if by some subtle feeling me from despair, and Harry’s grave she iliil not seem inclined to carry on the There are more poorhonses constructed ale hut very few times in tte courso of a of sympathy. she sat down on the soft simple reverence. brought us face to face.” conversation, so I started for my office. from the “ bricks in men’s hats” than from ducing. This substance is better supplied “ Life is not all a sham,” she said. by giving them sound, sweet food liberally year when this heavy blanket is iust right. turf near by and let her thoughts go wan­ Right in front of me. on the slippery any other material. A solemn fact. Wliile a very thin and light one" is no(t de­ fl.H.CRIE&CO. dering back to that mournful time when so “ There are true hearts, noble nnd unselfish. sidewalk, stood two independent knights of than by any artificial condiment or prepara­ God is still with us in human love, and in There is a gift almost a blow, and there tion sold for the purpose. The high price of sirable, yet one of medium thicknesk is many homes were so desolate, because BROOMS AND BEAUX. of St. Crspin. They were talking over much better than one which is of e xtra the beautiful world that He has created.” tlioir plans for the future, and as I overtook Is a kind word that is munificent; so much such preparations, however good they may their “ boys ” were in the midst of danger The slanting rays of the sun fell into her is there in the way of doing tilings. be, puts them beyond the reach ofthe farm­ weight.—American Cultivator. i and death. One dav while on a visit to one of onr them I heard one of them say: “ I hive LOWEST PRICES! Harry. • Our Harry ’ to sombody,” room, n robin sang outside in the elm, a smaller Massachusetts cities, I liniled a only two hands to depend on; but that is “ Shall we gather at the river? ” Well, er to get a profitable return for the outlay. she said to herself, gathering a spray of pot of roses blossomed in her window, and horse-car, settled myself in a corner, anil fortune enough for any man who is not that depends. If it is Fall River there A trifle invested in a few simple things— The tare of Stcck. myrtle that trailed about the grass, and she knew that crocuses nnd violets were looked ont on the shifting scenes on the afraid to work. I intend to paddle my own won’t be much of a chance to gather any­ such as pepper, pulverized charcoal, sul­ laying it tenderly in her palm. awakening from their death-like sleep in streets. Two young men. evidently book­ canoe—I believe I can make mv own way thing after Chnce and Hathaway. phur and cayenne—answers all the pur When confined to the barn or the Yard, the bossom of tile earth. poses of keeping the birds in health. Even the care of stock is greater than when at VERY BEST PLACE TO BUY '•‘A blue-eyed blonde-haired Harry, broad- keepers or elerks, followed me in and took through the world ”—his feet slid out from There is certainly no greater happiness chested and strong-armed. A warm hearted, The old ladys’ caps were not taken down seats near me. They were friends, it under him and he came down in the siiape these should be used sparingly, once or pasture, and few things pay better in tho that night. Indeed, they had changed limn to be able to look back on a life use­ twice a week.
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