Program Schedule and Abstract Book

Program Schedule and Abstract Book

Program Schedule and Abstract Book CLEO:2015 May 10 - 15, 2015 The Program Report was last updated April 02, 2015 at 02:03 AM EDT. To view the most recent meeting schedule online, visit Sunday, May 10, 2015 Time Session or Event Info 8:30 AM-11:30 AM, Short Course 1 (none), SC424. Optical Terahertz Science and Technology (Separate Registration Fee Required), Short Course 8:30 AM-12:30 PM, Short Course 2 (none), SC361. Coherent MidInfrared Sources and Applications, Short Course 8:30 AM-12:30 PM, Short Course 3 (none), SC149. Foundations of Nonlinear Optics, Short Course 8:30 AM-12:30 PM, Short Course 4 (none), SC221. Nano Photonics: Physics and Techniques, Short Course 1:30 PM-5:30 PM, Short Course 1 (none), SC396. Frontiers of Guided Wave Nonlinear Optics, Short Course 1:30 PM-5:30 PM, Short Course 2 (none), SC378. Introduction to Ultrafast Optics, Short Course 1:30 PM-5:30 PM, Short Course 3 (none), SC157. Laser Beam Analysis, Propagation, and Shaping Techniques , Short Course 2:00 PM-5:00 PM, Short Course 4 (none), SC403. NanoCavity Quantum Electrodynamics and Applications, Short Course Monday, May 11, 2015 Time Session or Event Info 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Executive Ballroom 210A (Convention Center), FM1A. Quantum Metrology and Measurement, FS Oral, QELS 2: Quantum Science, Engineering and Technology, Presider: Nicholas Peters, [email protected], Oak Ridge National Laboratory FM1A.1. Quantum Measurement Techniques: Modern Approaches 8:00-9:00 AM and Trends A.M. Steinberg FM1A.2. Experimentally Quantifying the Advantages of Weak-Values- 9:00-9:15 AM Based Metrology G. Viza; J. Martinez; G. Alves; A.N. Jordan; J. Howell FM1A.3. Particle vs. Mode Entanglement in Optical Quantum 9:15-9:30 AM Metrology N. Quesada; J. Sahota FM1A.4. Quantum Refractometer A. Paterova; D. Kalashnikov; S. 9:30-9:45 AM Kulik; L.A. Krivitsky FM1A.5. Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Sensing in the 9:45-10:00 AM Presence of Quantum Decoherence Z. Zhang; S. Mouradian; F.N. Wong; J. Shapiro 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Executive Ballroom 210B (Convention Center), FM1B. Exciton Dynamics in 1D/2D Nanostructures, FS Oral, QELS 4: Optical Excitations and Ultrafast Phenomena in Condensed Matter, Presider: Kin Mak, [email protected], Columbia University FM1B.1. Ultrafast Terahertz Probes of Interacting Dark Excitons in 8:00-8:15 AM Chirality-specific Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes L. Luo; I. Chatzakis; A. Patz; J. Wang FM1B.2. Control of Coherent Intersubband Excitations by a 8:15-8:30 AM Nonresonant THz Pulse M. Woerner; C. Somma; D. Morrill; G. Folpini; K. Reimann; T. Elsaesser; K. Biermann FM1B.3. Measurement of Transversal Polarization Forces on 8:30-8:45 AM Excitons in GaAs Quantum Wells E. Martin; M. Borsch; M. Kira; S. Cundiff FM1B.4. Ultrafast Modulation of Strong Light-Matter Coupling C. 8:45-9:00 AM Lange; E. Cancellieri; L.A. Rozema; R. Chang; S. Potnis; A.M. Steinberg; M. Steger; D.W. Snoke; L.N. Pfeiffer; K.W. West; A. Hayat FM1B.5. Coherent Control of Correlation Transport between 9:00-9:15 AM Semiconductor Quantum Wells O. Vänskä; I. Tittonen; S. Koch; M. Kira FM1B.6. Quantum Optics with Dropletons M. Mootz; M. Kira; S. Koch; 9:15-9:30 AM A. Almand-Hunter; K. Wang; S. Cundiff FM1B.7. Terahertz Magneto-spectroscopy of Quantum Wells: 9:30-9:45 AM Stability of High-Density Excitons in High Magnetic Fields Q. Zhang; W. Gao; J. Watson; M. Manfra; J. Kono FM1B.8. Terahertz magneto-optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional hole and electron systems K. Natarajan; W. Pan; U. Ekenberg; D. 9:45-10:00 AM Gvozdić; s. Boubanga-Tombet; P. C Upadhya; J. Reno; A.J. Taylor; R.P. Prasankumar 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Executive Ballroom 210C (Convention Center), FM1C. Nonlinear Metamaterials, FS Oral, QELS 3: Metamaterials and Complex Media, Presider: Vinod Menon, [email protected], City College of New York 8:00-9:00 AM FM1C.1. Recent Progress in Optical Metamaterials X. Zhang FM1C.2. Third-Harmonic Generation from Silicon Oligomers and Metasurfaces M.R. Shcherbakov; D.N. Neshev; B. Hopkins; A.S. 9:00-9:15 AM Shorokhov; I. Staude; E.V. Melik-Gaykazyan; A. Miroshnichenko; I. Brener; A.A. Fedyanin; Y.S. Kivshar FM1C.3. Multipolar analysis of linear and nonlinear unidirectional 9:15-9:30 AM response from plasmonic dimers E. Poutrina; A. Urbas FM1C.4. Enhanced Magnetic Second-Harmonic Generation from Resonant Metasurfaces S.S. Kruk; M. Weismann; A. Bykov; E. 9:30-9:45 AM Mamonov; I. Kolmychek; T. Murzina; N. Panoiu; D.N. Neshev; Y.S. Kivshar FM1C.5. A new type of optical activity in a toroidal metamaterial T. 9:45-10:00 AM Raybould; V. Fedotov; N. Papsimakis; I. Youngs; W. Chen; D. Tsai; N. Zheludev 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Executive Ballroom 210D (Convention Center), FM1D. Accelerating Beams & Beamshaping Application, FS Oral, QELS 5: Nonlinear Optics and Novel Phenomena, Presider: Demetrios Christodoulides, [email protected], University of Central Florida FM1D.1. Laser Guided Curved Electric Discharges M. Clerici; Y. Hu; 8:00-8:15 AM C. Milián; A. Couairon; D.N. Christodoulides; Z. Chen; L. Razzari; F. Vidal; F. Légaré; D. Faccio; R. Morandotti FM1D.2. Improving Electron Microscopy by Shaping the Electron 8:15-8:30 AM Beam Wavefunction M. Mutzafi; I. Kaminer; G. Harari; M. Segev FM1D.3. Prolonging the Lifetime of Relativistic Particles 8:30-8:45 AM by Self-Accelerating Dirac Wavepackets I. Kaminer; M. Rechtsman; R. Bekenstein; J. Nemirovsky; M. Segev FM1D.4. Accelerating Self-Imaging: the Airy-Talbot Effect Y. Lumer; 8:45-9:00 AM L. Drori; Y. Hazan; M. Segev FM1D.5. Optical Wavepackets Overcoming Gravitational Effects R. 9:00-9:15 AM Bekenstein; R. Schley; M. Mutzafi; C. Rotschild; M. Segev FM1D.6. Three-Dimensional Abruptly Autofocusing Optical Wave 9:15-9:30 AM Packet Q. Cao; C. Wan; X. Huang; A. Chong FM1D.7. Beam Shaping and Production of Vortex Beams in Coherent 9:30-9:45 AM Raman Generation M. Zhi; K. Wang; H. Xia; A. Zhdanova; M. Shutova; A. Sokolov FM1D.8. Visualizing fast molecular dynamics by coherent feedback in 9:45-10:00 AM an optical oscillator A. Pe'er; I. Aharonobich 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Executive Ballroom 210E (Convention Center), FM1E. Symposium - Single-photon Nonlinear Optics I, Special Symposium, Symposium - Single-photon Nonlinear Optics FM1E.1. Demonstration of Deterministic Photon-Photon Interactions 8:00-8:30 AM with a Single Atom S. Rosenblum; I. Shomroni; Y. Lovsky; O. Bechler; G. Guendelman; B. Dayan FM1E.2. Observation of the Nonlinear Phase Shift Due to Single Post 8:30-8:45 AM -Selected Photons A. Feizpour; M. Hallaji; G. Dmochowski; A.M. Steinberg FM1E.3. How a Single Photon Can Act Like Many Photons M. Hallaji; 8:45-9:00 AM A. Feizpour; G. Dmochowski; J. Sinclair; A.M. Steinberg FM1E.4. Few-photon Nonlinear Optics Using Interacting Rydberg 9:00-9:30 AM Atoms S. Hofferberth FM1E.5. The Birth, Care, and Feeding of Cat States in Circuit QED: 9:30-10:00 AM Quantum Jumps of Photon Parity R. Schoelkopf 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Executive Ballroom 210F (Convention Center), SM1F. Semiconductor Laser Physics, S&I Oral, CLEO S&I 3: Semiconductor Lasers SM1F.1. Quantum Coherent Interactions in Room Temperature 8:00-8:30 AM InAs/InP Quantum Dot Amplifiers G. Eisenstein SM1F.2. Crossed Exciton States in Complex Semiconductor 8:30-8:45 AM Nanostructures N. Owschimikow; M. Kolarczik; Y. Kaptan; N.B. Grosse; U.K. Woggon SM1F.3. High-Speed Electrical Modulation of Polariton Lasers M. 8:45-9:00 AM Baten; T. Frost; S. Deshpande; P.K. Bhattacharya SM1F.4. Lasers With Distributed Loss Have Sublinear Power Output 9:00-9:15 AM T. Mansuripur; G. de Naurois; A. Belyanin; F. Capasso SM1F.5. Measuring a Radiative Recombination Current in an 9:15-9:30 AM Optically Pumped Gain Medium R. Thomas; P.M. Smowton; P. Blood SM1F.6. Suppressed Relaxation-Oscillation Dynamics in a DFB laser 9:30-9:45 AM Monolithically Integrated with Weak Optical Feedback D. Lenstra; D. D'Agostino; H. Ambrosius; M. Smit SM1F.7. Electrically pumped random lasing based on Au-ZnO 9:45-10:00 AM nanowire Schottky junction F. Gao; M. Morshed; S. Bashar; Y. Zheng; S. Yi; J. Liu 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Executive Ballroom 210G (Convention Center), SM1G. Nanostructures , S&I Oral, CLEO S&I 6: Optical Materials, Fabrication & Characterization, Presider: Harald Giessen, [email protected], Universität Stuttgart SM1G.1. Germanium Nanowires as Spectrally-selective 8:00-8:15 AM Photodetectors in the Visible-to-Infrared A. Solanki; K.B. Crozier SM1G.2. Ultrafine ferroelectric nanostructure in layered Mg:LiNbO 3 8:15-8:30 AM thin film T. Okada; M. Shimizu; S. Horikawa; T. Utsugida; K. Fujii; S. Kurimura; H. Nakajima SM1G.3. Tunable Coloration with Flexible High-Contrast 8:30-9:00 AM Metastructures L. Zhu; J. Kapraun; J. Ferrara; C.J. Chang-Hansnain SM1G.4. Hybrid Diamond-Silicon Carbide Structures Incorporating Silicon-Vacancies in Diamond as Quantum Emitters J. Zhang; H. 9:00-9:15 AM Ishiwata; M. Radulaski; T.M. Babinec; K. Muller; K.G. Lagoudakis; R. Edgington; K. Alassaad; G. Ferro; N. Melosh; Z. Shen; J. Vuckovic SM1G.5. Experimental Demonstration of CMOS-Compatible Long- Range Dielectric-Loaded Surface Plasmon-Polariton Waveguides (LR 9:15-9:30 AM -DLSPPWs) R.T. Zektzer; B. Desiatov; N. Mazurski; S. bozhevolnyi ; U.

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