E860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 These restrictions allow politicians and IRS nessman in the City of Cleveland until his and education on Army programs. The impact bureaucrats to influence medical decisions death on April 21, 1999. of his efforts will benefit the United States that should be made by a woman, her physi- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Army for decades to come. cian, family, and often with support and guid- in honor and remembrance of Mayor Ralph J. Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. Clark’s obser- ance from a spiritual leader. I strongly oppose Perk as he is celebrated at vations and advice to the Army leadership any effort in Congress that creates govern- ClevelandPeople.com’s International Hall of have impacted the decisions to implement the ment interference with private decisions that Fame ceremony. most comprehensive transformation of the should be made between a doctor and a pa- f Army since World War II, building versatile tient. I strongly oppose this war on women in and modular units capable of conducting a America that threatens our freedoms and our PAYING TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT full-spectrum of operations. This Commis- rights. COLONEL KENT A. D. CLARK’S 24 sioned Officer has continued the traditions of Instead of focusing on this divisive agenda, YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR NA- the United States Army and is an American we should be focusing on policies that will im- TION hero who has been selfless in his service to prove the lives of America’s women and girls the Nation through war, peace, and personal such as addressing the quality of women’s HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG trial. His performance and accomplishments health care, fighting gender discrimination, in- OF FLORIDA throughout his long and distinguished career creasing economic opportunities, and pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have left a legacy of trained, disciplined pro- viding them with the education and support to Wednesday, May 11, 2011 fessional leaders at all levels and care for succeed. families that is without equal. When history I encourage my colleagues to oppose this Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise looks back at this leader and his legacy it will bill and fight to keep safe, comprehensive re- to pay tribute to Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. be clear that his abilities as a trainer, leader, productive and family planning services acces- Clark for his extraordinary dedication to duty advisor, Commander and Soldier produced the sible to all Americans. and service to the United States of America. best Army in the world. Lieutenant Colonel Clark will retire from active f Mr. Speaker, On behalf of a grateful Nation, military duty in May 2011 after 24 distin- I join my colleagues today in saying thank you IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF guished years of service to the United States to Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. Clark for his MAYOR RALPH J. PERK Army and of those years over 43 months were extraordinary dedication to duty and service to spent in combat. this country throughout his distinguished ca- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. Clark is a reer in the United States Army and we wish OF OHIO resident of Florida and entered the United him, his wife Nicole, and his daughter Kaitlyn IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States Army in April 1987. He entered the Grace all the best in his well-deserved retire- Army and while serving his first enlistment de- ment. Wednesday, May 11, 2011 cided to pursue a career in the United States f Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Army by entering the Special Forces. He has honor and remembrance of Mayor Ralph J. served in every enlisted leadership position ST. RAPHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Perk, the 52nd mayor of the City of Cleveland, through the rank of Sergeant First Class and 75TH ANNIVERSARY as he is posthumously inducted into then pursued a career as a Commissioned Of- ClevelandPeople.com’s International Hall of ficer by attending Officer Candidate School at HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER Fame. Fort Benning, Georgia. OF MICHIGAN Mr. Speaker, It has been a pleasure to work Mayor Perk was born on January 19, 1914 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Cleveland, Ohio to Mary and Joseph Perk. closely with Lieutenant Colonel Kent Clark He attended elementary school at Our Lady of over the last several years of his career. He Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Lourdes School. After earning his high school has proven himself to be a tremendous war- Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise diploma, Mayor Perk studied history, political time leader who demonstrated unselfish devo- to honor and acknowledge St. Raphael Catho- science and mathematics at Case Western tion to the Nation and the soldiers he led. He lic School, located in Garden City, Michigan, Reserve University and St. John College. has been a friend and trusted advisor to my as they celebrate 75 years of commitment to Throughout his adolescence Ralph worked as colleagues and I on the Appropriations Com- the education of the youth of our community a pattern maker and later an ice peddler with mittee as he worked tirelessly to restore bal- and our country. his brother, George, at Perk Coal & Ice Co. In ance to a force stressed by the demands of Established in 1936 upon land generously 1940, Perk married Lucille Gagliardi; they had the war on terrorism. He was instrumental in donated by Ms. Florence Cowperthwithe, the seven children and were together for 59 years. significantly improving our Armed Forces meeting hall which became the first school At the age of 20, Perk joined the 13th Ward equipment modernization and funding of crit- was built using primarily donated materials, Republican Club and in 1953 was elected as ical systems affecting the Department of De- contributions and volunteer labor. The original the ward’s council member. During his five fense while he served here on Capitol Hill. In windows were donated by the Sisters of the terms as the Broadway-E.55th Street council- 2010 Kent went back to the United States Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent. Undoubt- man, Perk organized the American Nationali- Army and Represented the Secretary of the edly, this demonstrates a literal truth; it is the ties Movement, an agency that represents 35 Army and Chief of Staff of the Army as a liai- people who build a parish. ethnic and nationality groups. Mayor Perk was son officer with the United States Congres- Father Anthony Kirchner, the second pastor an outspoken proponent of human rights and sional Appropriations Committees for Defense of the fledging St. Raphael the Archangel par- is well known for his celebration of cultural di- and Military Construction. Prior to his retire- ish, led the effort to convert the hall into a versity. In 1962, Perk was elected as Cuya- ment he was the principal point of contact for four-room school. Again, the labor and mate- hoga County Auditor, and became the first Re- Members of Congress and staff on matters rials used were largely donated. The IHM sis- publican elected to county office since the concerning the Wheel Track Combat Vehicle ters could no longer stay on and the Sisters of 1930s. He was reelected twice and served as Program, Brigade Combat Team Moderniza- St. Francis agreed to take on responsibility for a county official until 1970. tion, and Other Procurement Army One & the school. They have remained diligent in Mayor Perk became the 52nd mayor of the Three Appropriations; He provided direct inter- their commitment. As the parish and the com- City of Cleveland in 1971 and was reelected face between Congress and the Army; Inte- munity grew, additional school buildings were in 1973 and 1975. While in office Mayor Perk grated the Office of the Chief Army Reserve built in 1950 and 1956. In its 75-year history, was instrumental in the creation and establish- staff and Congress for all United States Army St. Raphael’s School has grown from a con- ment of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Reserve related issues and questions; Gath- verted hall serving a handful of students to a District, the Greater Cleveland Regional Tran- ered information, prepared strategies and rec- campus with a capacity of 500. sit Authority, the Office of International Trade ommended Army positions for corresponding Mr. Speaker, for 75 years St. Raphael at Cleveland’s City Hall and the U.S. Con- with the Congress on appropriation issues; Or- School has provided a Catholic education for ference of Mayors’ Republican Mayors cau- ganized briefings and responded to requests students ranging from pre-kindergarten cus. After serving as the Mayor of Cleveland, for information across all appropriations for through eighth grade. Today, I ask my col- in 1978, Mr. Perk began a consulting busi- Congressional Members, their staff and Pro- leagues to join me in congratulating the stu- ness, Ralph Perk & Associates Inc. Mayor fessional Staff Members; Coordinated Con- dents, parents, faculty and alumni of St. Raph- Perk was a political figure and prominent busi- gressional travel for fact-finding opportunities ael Catholic and in recognizing their years VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.021 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E861 growing in friendship, knowledge and God’s sion on Teaching and America’s future since Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- spirit as part of our community and our coun- 1994 and a myriad of other national commit- atives to join me in congratulating the Norton try.
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