Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 8 1872 sir GENEBAL INDEX. W. signifies that the party is witness to a deed. Abbey, John, curate of Chartham, Angle, Saxon and Jute Boyal Pedi- 129. grees, by Daniel Henry Haigh, 18. Abstract of Proceedings, xxxix. Angles, traces of, in Norway, 203. S. Acheul, inscription found at, with a Animal remains, what, found at Eich- mixtui-e of Bunes and Latin letters, borough, 4; in the S. Jutland 234. mosses, 222. Acrise, inventory of parish church Aniwuluf and Henagia, alliance of, goods, 100. 175. JElfwold, King of East Anglia, his de- Ansagia, Bunic form of the name, 258. scent from Woden, 48. Anses, i.e., demigods, Gothic chiefs so JEsc, Esc, surnamed Octa, son of styled, 21; in reality, Woden and Hencgest I., 34; the Kings of .Kent his followers, 26. named ^Bscings after him, il>. See Aorio and Araric, Kings of the Q-otlis, Octa. 22. JEthelbald, King of Mercia, his de- Apostasy, how defined by the Deere- scent from Wybba, 48. talists, 66 ». JEthelberht, King of Kent, his descent Arendt, the Danish antiquary, 258. from Woden, 48. Aroudell, Eiohard, churchwarden of 2Ethelred, King of Moroia, his descent Egerton, 146. from Woden, 48. Arthur, the twelve victories of, 33. JEthelstan, son of JSthelwulf, pro- Asar. See Anses. bably St. Neot, 44. Asgard, its position, 21. .ZEthelwealh, King of Sussex, 264, Ash, near Davtford, inventory of parish JEthelweard, his genealogies, 20, 84; church goods, 104. regards Woden as an historical per- Ashford, meeting of church goods sonage, 25; on Ese, surnamed Oota, commissioners at, 86; inventory of 34. parish church goods, 102; meeting Alehred, King of Norfchumbria, his de- at, of the men of Lydd and those of scent from Ida, 48. the Seven Hundreds, 300. Aldington, inventory of parish church Asser, his genealogies, 20, 29 regards goods, 101. Woden as a historical personage, Aleawesfcbridge=Aloesbridge, -watch at, 25. 309, 310. Assherst, Thomas, churchwarden of Alfricus fllius Estm., 272. Great. Chart, 159. Alhfrith, King of Deira, 41. Astyn, John, parson of Burmarsh, Alkham, inventory of parish church 114. _ goods, 101. Athalarie, the last male representative Amal, the great grandson of Woden, of the Ostrogothio Kings, 28. 21. Athanario, King of the Visigoths, find Ambrosius defeats and kills Hencgest, of treasure belonging to, 186. 31. Attila, Eunic inscription directed Amyce, Alexander, of Ohilham, 132, against him, 198. 134. Attkynson, John, vioav of Bethersden, Amya, Eeynold, churchwarden of 106,107. Ohilham, 182. Augmentation Office, grant of a pension Andro, Edward, churchwarden of to Thomas Bedo, by the, 51. Great Chart, 158. 318 GENERAL INDEX. St. Augustine's Cross at Richborough, Blossom, George, churchwarden of St. 1, and ».; its dimensions, 8. Paul's, Canterbury, 123. Axehead, iron, found at Bichborough, Blunders in epitaphs and legends, 11,12. 197 n. Aylesford, lathe of, 87. Bo, Norway, stone pillar with Runic Ayo, a Longobard chief, 28. inscription, 206. Azov, the name a trace of Asgard, 21. Bocton, watch at, 309. Boeoe, his testimony to a second Octa, Bachiiler, Thomas, of Egerton, 146. 33. Bceda, his notice of the monument of Bolbro and Tedby, bracteates found at, Hors, 18 and n.; regards Woden as 196; compared with one found in an historical personage, 25; his ge- the Bifrons cemetery, 196. nealogies, 34. Bonnard, Barnard, churchwarden of St. Breldseg, a son of Woden, 25. Mildred, Canterbury, 124,125. Baker, Sir Richard, 301. Bonnington, inventory of parish church Balance-sheets of Accounts, 1868-71, goods, 109. xxxv. Boughton Aluph, inventory of parish Barber, John, of Chilham, 132, 134. church goods, 109. Barham, Bartylmewe, churchwarden Boughton Malherbe, 87. of St. Martin, Canterbury, 119. Bowes, Sir Martin, a church goods Barnes, John, churchwarden of Chal- commissioner, 85, 99,100. lock, 127. Bowes, Thomas, of Brook, 111. Barrowe, Robert, churchwarden of Boys, Mr., his researches at Rich- Boughtovi Aluph, 109. borough, 1, 8,10, 13. Batcoeke, Edward, an advocate of the Braborne, inventory of parish church Seven Hundreds, 300. goods, 110, Batt, John, churchwarden of Beoken- Brasier, Richard, churchwarden of ham, 105. Chelsfleld, 130. Battle Abbey, its suppression, 61. Bratsberg, Norway, stones with Runic Beckenham, inventory of parish church inscriptions, 192, 193. goods, 106. Brent, Master John, 128. Bede, Thomas, dispensation to, 50; Brenzatt, inventory of parish church confirmation of the same, 51; grant goods, 110. of an annual pension to, &>. See Brid, Edward, 287. Twysden, Thomas, Brid, Stephen, 287 and ». Bee, John, of Canterbury, 124. Bi'itte, John, churchwarden of Dart- Bele, Nicholas, churchwarden of Holy ford, 139. Cross, Canterbury, 118. Brodnax, Thomas, churchwarden of Bending, Adam de, W., 286. Burmarsh, 114. Benedict XIT., Pope, on vows of re- Brodene, Gborge, curate of BrooMand, ligion, 62. 111. Beornec, the eponymus of the Beor- Broadhull, watch at, 304, 309, 310; nicas, 38. now called Dymchurch, 805. Beowulf, passages cited from, 198 n., Bromley, inventory of parish church 200,211,247,253,262. goods, 112. Berga, Sweden, stone pillar with Runic Bronze and other metallic articles inscription, 192: found at Richborough, 11,12. Berlithun and Andhxm, of Sussex, 264, Brooches, distinct classes of, 237 ; 265. Anglian type found in Norway, 203; Bcrimund, flight of, to the Yisigoths, large tau-shaped, from Nordendorf, 23. 252. Bernician royal genealogies, 38. Brook, inventory of parish church Bethersden, inventory of parish church goods, 111. goods, 106. Brooldand, inventory of parish church Bexley, inventory of parish church goods, 111. goods, 107. Browne, John, a church goods com- BUdso moss, sword-hilt from, 262. missioner, 85, 99. Bilsington, inventory of parish church Browne, John, of Ohartham, 129,130. goods, 108. Brugg, watch at, 309. Bircholt, inventory of parish church Brunswick casket, with Runic inscrip- goods, 108 ; watch at, 310. tion, 177. GENERAL INDEX. 319 Brunig, a tenant of William de Plun- Chapman, Thomas, the elder, of God" ton, 276. mersham, 158. Bryssende, Eobei't, churchwarden of Charing, inventory of parish church Bethersden, 106. goods, 128. Bucharest Museum, ring with Runic Charlton, inventory of parish church inscription in the, 186. goods, 129. Burmarsh, inventory of parish church Charnay, Burgundy, brooch with goods, 114 Runic inscription found at, 236. Burn, Michael de, W., 273. Charter of Inspeximus relating to Burnet, his erroneous statement as to Cumbwell, 285. the seizure of church goods, t. Edw. Charthani, inventory of parish church VI., 79. goods, 129. Bustede, Thomas, churchwarden of Chelsfield, inventory of parish church Oudham, 134. goods, 130. Butts, Robert, churchwarden of Fair- Cheriton, inventory of parish church field, 153. goods, 131. Buttune, Robert, churchwarden of Chessell down, grave on,bow found, 249. Fail-field, 152. Cheyney, Sir Thomas, a church goods Bybill, Thomas, curate of Egerton,146. commissioner, 86. Chilham, inventory of parish church Cadman, Alexander, churchwarden of goods, 132. Challoek, 1-17. Chilham, Richard de, 291 n. Calehill, watch at, 310. Chilperic, King of the Franks of Cambrian genealogist, anonymous, pos- Soissons, introduces Runes, 228. sibly Nennius, 32. Chislehurst, inventory of parish church Canterbury Cathedral, gold and silver goods, 131. plate from, 75. Chrocus, Alamannic chieftains, two of Canterbury, St. Martin, coin with the name, 31 ». Runic inscription found in the Church goods of monasteries, inven- churchyard, its ascription, 232. tories of, 74; of parishes, inven- Canterbury, church goods commis- tories of, printed, ,76, n. sioners, 86. " Church stuff," inventories of, 75. Canterbury, inventory of parish church Churches, instances of robberies in, goods: All Saints, 115; St. Al- 131, 136, 146, 151, 153, 159, 163; phege, 116 ; Holy Cross, 118; St. cause assigned for the plunder of, 79. Martin, 119; St. Margaret, 120; St. Churchwardens, church goods sold by, Mary Bredin, 121; Our Lady of 79, 88. Worthgate, 122; St. Mildred, 124; Clerk, George, a church goods com- St. Paul, 123; Eastbridge Hospital, missioner, 86, 87. 125 ; St. John's Hospital, 126. Clerk, John, churchwarden of Chart- Capel, inventory of parish church ham, 129, 130. goods, 127. Clerke, John, churchwarden of Our .Cardinals, titles of the earliest, whence Lady of Northgate, Canterbury, 122. taken, 70. Clok, John, of Elmstead, 147. Carlus, the sword of, an heirloom, 248. Cniva, or Cnivida, a Bang of the Goths, Carpynter, William, churchwarden of 22. Great Chart, 158. Coates,Rev. R. P., Inventories of Parish Casket with Runic inscription, 177; Church Goods in Kent, A.D. 1552, reading of the inscription, 180. communicated by, 74. Caule, watch at, 304, 309, 310. Cobbe, Sytnon, of Brenzett, 110. Cawstone, John, churchwarden of Cobham, Lord, Lord Warden, his con- Chelsfleld, 130. duct in the dispute about the watches Ceadwalla and Mul, 264, 265. at Denge Marsh, 302, 303. Challock, inventory of parish church Cobham, Sirs John, Reginald, and Wil- goods, 127. liam, W., 290, 291 «. Chapman, John, churchwarden of Coenred, King of Northumbria, his de- Crondall, 137. scent from Ida, 48. Chapman, Thomas, vicar of Brenzett, Coenwulf, King of Mercia, his descent 110. - - from Wybba, 48. Chapman, Thomas, churchwarden of Coins, blundered imitation of early Godrnershani, 157. French, 172. 320 GENERAL INDEX. Coins and bronzes found at Rich- Davy, John, churchwarden of Bur- borough, 10; Roman coins found in marsh, 114. the S. Jutland mosses, 222. Davys, Sir Rychard, curate of Chilham, Colgrim, King of Northumbria, 33, 35. 132. Colinton, Adam de, his grant to Cumb-. "Deueon" and sub-deacon" used in- well, 280. stead of the names of their vest- Oolman, Thomas, churchwarden of ments, 96. Greenwich, 159. Decius, death of, 22. Conieburgh, Hengest defeated at, and " De Inventione Lingual-urn " of Era- put to death, 31. banus Maurus, 257- Constantino the Great, and Constan- Deira, the kingdom of, extended into tine the Younger, their successes Northamptonshire, 41. against the Goths, 22. Deiran royal genealogies, 37. Cooper, Christopher, Jane, 61. Delf, the, at Sandwich, 13. Coquet Isle, church dedicated to S. Denge Marsh, controversy as to watches Woden, 46.
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