PAGE FOURTEEN-B — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri„ May 20, 1977 Washington prepared to meet Memorial Day vacation at HARTFORD - Joseph Mike, STAMFORD — The Connecticut President Cai^er and discuss his Musgrove Plantation, owned by 30, has become Connecticut’s in­ Commerce Department is The top of the news his friend Smith Bagley, a Honor rolls posted... WA fiieypKi recent criticism of South Korean surance commissioner and the offering to put up more than $30 policy. Reynolds Tobacco Co. tieir. state’s youngest agency head. He million to buy land in Stamford to Com plM from U nifd P n u Intsrnatlonal O ca..u^ o rv — - c* I B-..- : Carter will return to Washington Grade 9 bara Stults, Carol Tangarone, Stephanie was sworn in by Gov. Ella T! house the American Stock ...at Bolton PHOENIX, Ariz. - The May 31. David Cloutier, Charlene Fenton, Mar­ Toumas, Christina Weiner. i Grasso Friday to succeed T.F. Exchange, shoLild the'financial in­ fugitives who Indianapolis police tin Ferguson, Laurie Gagnon, Teresa Grade 11 • < Gilroy Daly, who has been Bolton Higb School has posted the stitution decide to leave New suspect killed an eccentric KINSHASA, Zaire — Zairean Greenwood, Teresa Landrey, Michelle Philip Beaupre, Janet Clark, Annette nominated for the federal bench. York City. munity colleges are planning a WASHINGTON - 'The Senate third quarter honor roll. Lemalre, Christina Savva, Lori Sheetz, passes an administration- heiress and carried off $5 million forces backed by fighter bombers One student, freshman Adam D’Annolfo, Thomas Dennison, Holly Dib­ series of demonstrations Monday have attacked the key rebel Gary Vine, Louise Vogel, Sara Waddell, ble, Tracy Dietz, Pamela Dolleris, to protest the lack of pay raises. endorsed federal strip mining from her home were sighted by an Teller, achiev^ high honors by David Warner, Brian Winkler. r CLOSED HARTFORD—The Connecticut NORTH CONWAY, N.H. - New FBI agent from a light plane stronghold of Dilolo on the Michael Dow, Tracy Dow, Lynn Ellis, reclamation bill after some receiving an “A” in all subjects. Legislature’s Black Caucus op­ Hampshire’s fall foliage season ’They plan to use bullhorns and Angolan border, the official AZAP Deborah Fisher.- weakening amendments and com­ Friday and arrested. For the honors list, students must poses portions of the state govern­ will draw some VIP guests come , microphones to interrupt the news agency says. It said Zairean ...af Coventry ^ Susan Fuller, Sandra Gasper, Lark Go­ promises which now must be receive no grade less than a "B.” ment reorganization plan affec­ October — the 13 members of the meeting of the Massachusetts and Moroccan troops enter the ble, Wendy Green, William Hunt, August Board of Regional Coimnunity reconciled at a Senate-House con­ EAST MEADOW, N.Y. - Here is the list: The third quarter honor roll has Kramer, Kathy Kramer, Brook SATURDAY TIL 11 A.M. ting two agencies handling urban National Republican Governor’s town Friday night and predicted Charles Lindbergh’s daughter and been posted at Coventry High School. and minority problems. Con­ Conference which will meet Oct. Colleges at Berkshire Community ference before being sent on to the Grade 12 Messier, Barry Morgan, Paula O’Brien, 1,500 other persons gather near its imminent capture. Eight students achieved high sideration of the over-all plan is to 2-4 at the Red Jacket Inn, a new College. President. Carrie Dooman, Adrien Godreau, Linda Spencer, Sandra Stenberg, Joan the old Roosevelt Field on Long honors. They were Eileen Haun, Tedford, Stephen Toumas. begin next week. motel and condominium complex MAPUTO, Mozambique — A Christopher Holbrook, Kathleen Lelner, ANGOLA, Ind. — Gen. Lewis B. Island to observe the 50th anniver­ Grade 12; Peter DeCarli, Anne with a view of Mt. Cranmore. U.N. conference aimed at Dennis Lima, Patricia Maneggia, Kathy Grade 10- Hershey, who supervised the sary of “Lucky Lindy’s” historic Moonan, Susan Murdock, Andrea Myette, Keller, Barbara Olmstead and Linda HARTFORD — Saying it needs SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - promoting black rule in Rhodesia Susan Bollinger, Debra DeCarli, Tracy draft of at least 15 million persons transatlantic flight. Louis Paggioll, Marjorie Pelletier, Nan­ Thurber, Grade 11; Patrick Cromie, Dugay, Brenda England, Leslie Johnson, a rate increase this year to keep BOSTON — New evidence has Springfield fire fighters will re­ and Southwest Africa ends today Grade 10, and Ruth Delamatta and construction of its Millstone I emerged that Massachusetts main on the job even if a new con­ over three wars, dies in his sleep cy Peters, Mary Robbins, Debra Santos, Barry Kelleher, Christina Lerch, Michael WASHINGTON - President amid a debate on what measures Gregory Smith. Lynn Stolgitis, Grade 9. Loughlin, Kimberlee Metcalf, Lynne nuclear plant on schedule. motorists have been overcharged tract with the city is not at age 83. Carter will leave Washington next to take against southern Africa’s Here is Uie list of students achieving Michaud. Northeast Utilities has requested by more than $56 million in the negotiated before their current Grade 11 Thursday for a six-day vacation white governments. The Western honors: Ann Nesman, Lisa Peowski, Sheri Pet- a $90-million-a-year-rate Increase past two years, according to the contract expires June 30. Both the WASHINGTON - Maj. Gen. Wendy Balch, April Bergstrom, Susan on St. Simons Island off the coast nations seek to tone down black tingill, Brenda Rady, Sharlene Ratasep, which could mean about $3 a state Insurance Department. city and the union have applied for John Singlaub, abruptly called Butterfield, Matthew Dreselly, Leslie G r a d e 1 2 of Georgia, the White House has African proposals for tough Nancy Roy, Gail Spink, Jeffrey Taylor, month more in charges to the binding arbitration to settle the home from his post in Seoul, South Ferguson, Lori Franz, Diane Lima, Peggy Beaulieu, Leslie Berry, Laurie announced. He will spend measures against South Africa Sherry Watson, Lawrence Weiner, Linda typical residential customer. dispute since negotiations are at Korea, Thursday, has come to Susan Negro, Scott Ovlan, Deborah Pullo, Bradley, Sean Bradley, Debra Breault, Worthington. PITTSFIELD, Mass. - and Rhodesia. Susan Schlavetti, Lori Selble, Joseph Margaret Corcoran, Andrea D’Annolfo, Teachers from the state’s 15 com- an impasse. Stephens, David Teller, Jeffrey Winkler. Dara Ellsworth, Tina Fentiman, Douglas Grade 9 Grade 10 Fitch, Marc Goodin, Janet Grace, Nancy Laura Bagnall, Tami Brown, David Griffin. Delamatta, Scott Doyle, Raymond Mary-Ann Cafro, Daniel Lima, Debra Hughes, Kristi Kelson, Cheryl Dufresne, Eileen England, Scott Gorke, Katherine Nielsen, Tamara Roberts, Kingsbury, Darlene Lodder, Junellen Diane Jean, Jonathan Kristoff, Donna Carole Rose, Janlna Ryba, Ann Pearsall, Geoffrey Riley, Susan LaFaucl, David McConnell, John a - . * ,: ; : Inside today Stoppleworth, Michele Vancour. Rowland. Wendy Smith, Jane Spink. Bar­ Tomanelli, Gary Willnauer. The weather Area news.......... 7 Editorial .............4 Sunny and warm, high in mid to up­ Churches ........... 6 Family................3 per 80s today. Fair tonight, with low in Classified ... .10-12 Obituaries........14 Area bulletin board upper SOs. Mostly suimy- Sunday with Comics............13 Sports............. 8-9 high near 90. Precipitation probability ^ g e C h a r m -t V Dear Abby.......13 Wings..................6 near zero per cent through Sunday. , M tthchestet^A National weather forecast map on The Tolland County Soil and Water Page 11. ' man| ie s t i;r , coNN.;mtURPAY. xcvii. Ferflow Conservation District, in cooperation The Vernon Historical Society will with 14 area churches, has been meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the observing Soil Stewardship Week this' board room of the school administra­ week “in recognition of the con­ tion building. Park and School Sts. cerned people whose actions are Richard Bowman will talk about the devoted to the preservation of our history of the Rockville Fire Depart­ precious soil and water resources. General accord reached ment and there will be election of of­ Registration for the Indian Valley ficers for the society. Objects and pictures owned by the fire depart­ YMCA summer swimming classes ment will be on display in the board will start Wednesday at the office at room and the old steamer engine will Vernon Circle. Classes will start June 27 and continue through Aug. 19. on SALT pact formula be on display in the parking lot on Beginners through advanced classes Vance also said the negotiations School St. The meeting is open to the GENEVA, Switzerland (UPI) - agreem ent” on the shape of a foreign minister Andrei Gromyko, will be offered to children three or will continue on three different public. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said strategic arms pact, "We have reached general agree­ levels. He said some would take older. A 'YMCA membership is today the United States and the Vance told a news conference after ment on a common framework for a place in Geneva between the perma­ 1 Rockville General Hospital will required. For more information, call Soviet Union have reached “general three days of talks with Soviet strategic arms agreement with the sponsor a series of classes for 872-7329. Soviets.” nent arms negotiators, others at the ambassadorial level in Washington diabetics beginning Tuesday at 2 This assertion went significantly Dr. Frederick W. Whittaker, presi­ p.m. Classes will be free and will further than a joint statement and Moscow. i dent of Bangor Theological Seminary also meet on May 26 and 31 and June released earlier today, which said “I really don’t know if we will have for 25 years, will preach at the 10 2. Pre-registration is required by More meetings set only that “progress had been made in agreement by October,” Vance said, a.m. service Sunday at the First To be installed calling the hospital, 872-0501, exten- developing a common framework for referring to the fact that the original Congregational Church of Vernon.
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