GOA UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT 1993-94 a, A UNIVERSITY STANDS FOR HUMANISM, FOR TOLERANCE, FOR REASON, FOR THE ADVENTURE OF IDEAS AND FOR THE SEARCH OF TRUTH. IT STANDS FOR THE ONWARDS MARCH OF THE HUMAN RACE, TOWARDS EVER HIGHER OBJECTIVES. IF THE UNIVERSITIES DISCHARGE THESE DUTIES ADEQUATELY, THEN IT IS WELL WITH THE NATION AND WITH THE PEOPLE 9 — Jawaharlal Nehru CONTENTS Page No. Preface by the Vice-Chancellor University Bodies ......................................................... 1 CHAPTER - I Academic Programme ............................................ 3 CHAPTER - II Infrastructural Development .................................... 4 CHAPTER - Ill Administration .................................................................. 5 CHAPTER - IV University Library ......................................................... 6 CHAPTER - V Students Activities ...................................................... 8 CHAPTER - VI ANNEXURES List of Members of the Executive Council ....................................................... 10 List of Members of the Academic Council ................................................. 10 List of Members of the Court ............................... 12 List of Members of the Planning Board ..................................................... 14 List of Members of the Finance Committee ........................................... 14 Details of the University Teaching Departments ....................................... 14 Details of the Affiliated Colleges and Recognised Institutions ...................................62 List of Affiliated Colleges and Recognised Institutions ....................................... 131 Expenditure of Goa University ........................ 138 List of Deans of Faculties of the University 139 'List of Officers of the University ....................... 139 PREFACE I have the pleasure of presenting the Ninth Annual Report of Goa University for the academic year 1993-94. The report covers the period from June, 1993 to May 1994. The report is presented in six chapters, Chapter I and Annexures I to V deal with the University Bodies like the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Court, the Planning Board and the Finance Committee. Chapter II deals with the academic programme. This covers the Faculties, the Departments, the affiliated Colleges and recognised Institutions. During the year under report there were 23 Post graduate Teaching Departments in addition to the Centre for Latin American Studies, the Centre for Women's Studies and the Academic Staff College. The details are given in Annexure VI. The number of colleges both professional and other than professional, affiliated to the University was 34 and the number of recognised institutions are given in Annexure VII. Alist of affil iated colleges and recognised institutions is given in Annexure VIII. Chapter III deals with infrastructural development. This gives the details of the infrastruc- ture like the buildings, roads, transport, electricity, water supply, sewerage, postal service, banking services, etc. Chapter IV deals with the administration and the financial position of University. The expenditure of the University and other details regarding the officers of the University are given in Annexure IX, X and XI. Chapter V deals with the Library and Chapter VI deals with student activities. During the year under report, the University made notable progress. In our efforts to make this University a centre of excellence and also to explore new frontiers of knowledge, we have been strengthening considerably the infrastructure for developing the existing Departments/Centres and planning for new hi-tech areas for providing opportunities for learning and research for younger generations. We have also encouraged N.S.S. and other students' welfare activities. We organised a number of seminars and lecturers on various topics and through them kept the students and teachers informed about the latest developments in the academic and social fields. I place on record my deepest sense of gratitude to the Visitor for his valuable support, to the Government of Goa for its maintenance and developmental grants, to the University Grants Commission and the Central Ministries concerned for the financial support under specific schemes, to the members of the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Court, the Planning Board and to the several Boards of Studies for their understanding support and full cooperation at every stage in implementation of the various academic, administrative and other activities undertaken by the University. I appreciate the efforts of our faculty to raise the level of standards in our University. Similarly, I appreciate the positive response in all sectors of learning we have had from our student community, for whose bright future, we all strive. I am also thankful to the administrative staff for their unstinted and constant endeavour to improve the functioning of the University. University Offices, Dr. P. R. Dubhashi Taleigao Plateau, Vice-Chancellor February, 1995. CHAPTER - I 2. Nomination of a Dean of Faculty on the Planning Board of the University. 3. Nomination of a member on the Building Commit- UNIVERSITY BODIES tee in place of Dr. Deshpande who resigned for personal reasons. The Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of the Executive 4. Nomination of a Member of Executive Council on Council, has great pleasure in presenting to the Court the Sports Council of the Goa University. the Annual Report of the University for the year 1993-94 as required under Section 26 of the Goa University Act, 1984. Established on 1st June, 1985 as an affiliating- (ii) POLICY MATTERS cum teaching institution of hither learning, Goa Univer- 1. Consideration of draft statutes governing the terms sity has completed the ninth year of its existence. and conditions of service of the teachers in the University Teaching Depts. (i) AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY: 2. Consideration of the benefits to be extended to the Separate lists of the members of the Executive non-teaching staff of the university till it frames its Council, the Academic Council, the Court, the Planning own rules. Board and the Finance Committee are given in Annexures 1,11,111, IV and V. 3. Reconsideration of the Statute S. 116 regarding redressal of grievances. The details regarding the meetings of the Court, 4. Statute S. 115.38 Additional provision to be incor- the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Plan- porated in the service conditions. ning Board and the Finance Committee and the important decisions taken by these authorities during 5. Appointment of Special Officer for updating and the year under reference are as follows: reviewing the statutes and ordinances of Goa University. THE COURT: (iii) PERSONNEL MATTERS Under Section 26 of the Goa University Act, 1984 the Court held one meeting during the year under report. 1. Reconsideration of the resolution of the Executive The important decisions taken by the Court in this Council giving promoting to the EX-CPIR staff with meeting are given below:- retrospective effects i.e. from 1.6. 1985. 1. Consideration of the Annual Report of the Univer- 2. Recognition of persons as teachers of the Univer- sity for the year 1992-93. sity for guiding Ph. D. students in the subject of Geology, Chemistry, Marine Science, ENT, 2. Consideration of the Annual Audit Report and Paediatrics and Education. Annual Accounts of the University for the year 1991-92. 3. Approval of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Director of Sports in the pay scale of Rs. 2200-75- 3. Consideration of Financial Estimates of the Univer- 2800-100-4000. sity for the year 1994-95 and Revised Estimates for the year 1993-94. 4. Recommendations of the Selection Committee for the appointment to the post of (1) Reader in Politi- cal Science (CLAS) (2) Reader in Economics THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: (CLAS) (3) Lecturer in Portuguese (CLAS) (4) The Executive Council held nine meetings during Lecturer in Spanish (CLAS) (5) Project Assistant in the year under report. Some of the important decisions Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS) and (6) taken by the Executive Council in these meetings are Project Assistant in Centre for Women's Studies given below: (CWS). (i) RELATING TO UNIVERSITY BODIES (iv) ACADEMIC MATTERS 1 Nomination of a Professor (other than Dean) of the 1. Nominee of the Executive Council on the Board of University teaching Departments on the Academic Council. (1) Evaluation. The important decisions taken by the Academic 2. Participation of Vice-Chancellor in the 15th Com- Council in the meetings are given below: monwealth Universities Congress and Conference 1. Restructuring of the courses at Under-graduate in of Executive Heads. the Faculty of Arts, Science & Commerce from the Academic year 1994-95. 3. Amendment to 0.26 regarding M. Phil!. Degree Course. For F.Y.B.A., B.Sc. & B. Corn from the Academic year 1994-95, forS.Y.B.A., S.Y.B. Corn. &S.Y.B.Sc. 4. Proposal for admitting students to the degree at the Sixth Annual Convocation of the Goa University to from the Academic year 1995-96 and for T.Y.B.Com be held on February 12, 1994. & T.Y.B.Sc, from the Academic year 1996-97. 2. Ordinance relating to the award of Certificate of 5. Consideration of the proposal to confer a honorary Proficiency, Diploma of Proficiency and Advance degree on His Excellency the President of Diploma in Foreign languages studies at Goa Uni- Argentina. versity. 6. Renaming of the Dept. of Marine Science and Dept. 3. The introduction of T.Y.B.A.
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