T h e L a w r e n t i a n LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY. APPLETON. WISCONSIN 549,, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16. 1979 I j ■ j “The Merry Wives... to be presented I he Lawrence Opera Theatre In teaching Falstaff a lesson. VV’ill present Nicolai’s “The Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page also Merry Wives of W indsor," succeed in making their February 15.16 and 17 at 8 p.m in husbands jealous, but in the end Stansbury Theatre. “Merry all is well and the opera finishes Wives’’ is a romantic treatment on a note of laughter and of Shakespeare’s play of (he merriment. Carol Creeand Carol same title. The opera is one of Anderson, play Alice Ford, and several treatments of the Meg Page is played by Karen Shakespeare story which, ac­ I unks, and Dominique Frigo. cording to one legend, was ( ree and Trunks are seniors, and written at the request of Queen I” rigo is a 1978 graduate. Klizabeth who wished to see "Sir I he Merry Wives of Windsor” John (Falstaff > in love.” was first performed in 1849 The The three-act comedy opera is opera is well-known for its directed by Professor of Music tuneful melodies and famous John Koopman and student orchestral overture. The opera associate director Kick Davis It music will be performed by the is the story of the revengeful Lawrence Symphony Orchestra plotting of two wives who are under the direction of Assistant >utraged at receiving the same Professor of Music David Keeker ove letter from the crude, and student associate directory mat tractive Sir John Falstaff, Hoy Underhill. •laved by David Morin, a 1978 Tickets can be purchased at the .awrence graduate, of Appleton Ihis office; one free ticket per Lawrence I I) can be obtained I’hiiln Curt Tullunl committee chosen Steve Prout, Todd must be a person who is poised i and lorn Vallone have under pressure and who can Housing legislation to be proposed d selected as stu d en t direct and lead the university.” lesentatives to the Prout indicated that he was by Diane Odeen idential Search Com m ittee looking for a “ visable energetic, Want to have a say in where selection process, which begins halls Blocking petitions would be Committee has been charged person.’’ While he feels that the you live at Lawrence next year? April 15. honored, but students would not M<ie task of finding a suc- trustees are basically looking for You now have a chance to voice The major proposed alterations have the option to remain in the *r to current President a person with fund-raising your opinion before it’s too late. continue using the existing same room or hall. jas\ Smith who resigned in abilities, Prout would like to see a The Lawrence Housing seniority system, with un­ The Housing Committee's first par v. president who can “un-clog some Committee is holding a Housing derclass men housing decided by term survey was not a major help P- Mahr. and Vallone join of the lines of communication” Forum to discuss their proposed lottery, but change the continuity in determing new legislation, [.v members John Bran- which he feels have broken down changes in the current LU clause. There would be no con­ according to Sue Abraham, r ‘rktr, Associate Professor in recent years. Housing legislature, and to deal tinuity clause available for small Housing Committee member and | )*s; Charles Breunlg. Mahr is looking for “someone with any other housing matters of houses. As the legislation now Head Resident of Plantz N or °f History; James who is going to best serve the concern to the committee or the stands, a group may keep a small However, it did suggest the house by having 50 percent of the 1 «, 0 oss®r of Econom ics; university in all aspects.” He students. cancellation of the continuity residents return the following IMarjone Irvin of the Con- feels that his experience with The housing committee, clause. year. In the proposed change, f s « committee. various campus organizations headed by chairperson Sue Last year’s forum, said three of the small houses would Colwell, was too late to get much and activities has given him Witmer and Associate Dean for Ibis r ,t0 ,he above be assigned by a lottery of all the input on the housing proposals. A insight into the problems of the Residential Life Bruce Colwell, Inen' J rustees Donald qualifying groups that petition Students wishing to express their university as a whole. has been reviewing the room t Alum" nC’ and John The fourth house would be filled views on housing should attend »ar S representatives Mahr is also looking for a selection procedure and preparing proposed alterations to room by room, in the same the forum or contact a Housing M r l u \ h°mas Buseh- president who “has had ex­ present to LUCC. The final manner as the residential halls Committee member. They in­ piittee round out the perience in dealing with small Continuity of dorms and rooms clude Colwell, Sue Witmer liberal arts institutions” and proposal is scheduled for com­ pletion by February 26, and will would be thrown out in the (Raymond House), Patty Ries ¿ e H h\and Va,,one were their particular problems, current proposal. Freshmen be submitted to LUCC at the (Off Campus), Ken Wiersum especially budgetary problems. sectioning would remain the Js l 31! asked for their beginning of third term. LU( ( (Kohler), Kris Garner (Brokaw), Mahr anticipates that the same, and Brokaw and Sage Itiesth What sort of will decide whether the proposals Cindy Boeye (Colm an), Sue ^ n h(ey^ ere looking for in search will be “a long process’’ would still be upper-classmen should be included in the Abraham (Plantz) and Professor as it is “a very serious matter; Purdo of the Art Department legislature and guide the room IdenTwhn lookinB f ° r a one that will affect Lawrence for I who is a leader. “He many years.” iolent decades at next convocation Letter’’ was the only fully and Politics,” “Love and Death ler and contr°versial developed female character in in the American Novel.” and Idehw * rit'C Leslie Fiedler American fiction before 1885. “ Freaks: Myth and Images of the fu davap ° r ication “¿dress In his latest book, “Freaks,’’ Secret Self.” He has written for Fiedler examines attitudes publications ranging from toward people with physical and Partisan Review to Playboy to P v in i*1 °f Fledler’s lecture psychological abnormalities and L ,iesV!0lence:the Fifties and Ramparts. what they have meant in the Fiedler became famous for a course of history. chapter entitled “Come Back to His latest interest is in fversitvE i sfnRllsh i r sat the ciemens State the Raft Ag’in. Buck Honey.’ technology in American “ Love and Death in the American Ifalo * New York at literature. N o vel,” published in 1960. The (fessor J!0lher English Fiedler was born in 1917 in Idler for tk Interviewed chapter title is taken from a plea Newark, N.J., educated in its by Jim to Huckleberry Finn in public schools and was granted a L ,V L lw York Times Mark Twain’s novel. Fiedlers W°tt of Arr i ' B e njam in BA degree from New \ork major thesis was that American Iwithfewlv6 Colle8e- said University in 19.38. He earned literature is womanless. He I s no peers m l,hP,10ns' Fiedler m aster’s and doctor of hry D|(; nfhls country as a suggests that the ideal model for philosophy degrees from the P liehi Performer. He the American male is a sexless University of Wisconsin- ts » he speaks, his life, in which the notion of Madison. taught for two years at fats h and his face brotherhood, which is centra <> UW and for 22 years at Montana I to himcli/ ^ ems almost to democracy, is a matter of man State University. He has taught turning to man in a platomc at SUNY-Buffalo since 1964 on a I ^ y ^ m s and relationship from which women Fiedler has won many awards, 1^.,njovm • erment t °nny sweeps BrUCe up beat’ the honors and prizes, including a are excluded. Photo Publu Helatinn* Office Fiedler also suggests tha Bockefeller fellowship, two fedler k »l, Hester Prynne in Na‘ha",<>‘ Fulbright Fellowships and a LESLIE FIEDLER, writer and critic. i. inclf.H author of 19 H aw thorne’s “ The Scar *nc! 2,ng “ An End to Guggenheim Fellowship. Assays on Culture Page 2 The LAWRENTIAN 16 February 1979 \/«hi her <>t ih Letters To T h e Editor T h e <iSM >< klTGD COlK < jiai« PKt 'S’ L a w r e n t i a n (USPS-306-680) Friday 16 February 1979 tP Phone*: Office: ext. 600. Business mgr., ext 300, Editor-in-chief, But who is A nd y Hazuac ext. 674. Published weekly during the school vear, except during examination periods by The Lawrentian of Lawrence University. To the Editor: I was very amused to read your in musical trends make it obvious outrageous behavior N# Printed bv The Bulletin. Inc., of Appleton Deadline for copy is that the entire school is trapped 8 p.m. Wednesday night All copv handed into the Lawrentian letters to the editor on “punk has he been the leader in in conservative midwestern must be typed and double-spaced. All letters to the editor must be rock’* while reading The the destructive ads, »- logic. No wonder Appleton signed and typed, but names may be omitted upon request.
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