uoi. XXIII. no«. Cake Bopatcoitg, Itew Jersey, Jlugust 19, Pri«, 10 gents. 1 Fishin* Pdoto by Dr. J. B. Pardos For the Pleasure of All The management of the Hotel Breslin announce throughout the season dancing every evening at the Hotel; Saturday afternoon and evening in the Casino. HOTEL BRESLIN Music by Refreshments by MUSICIANS CATERERS OF EXCELLENCE Castle Edward dnc) Delightfully Situated on the Lake Most unique and popular hotel, recently enlarged and accommodates 200 in modern comfort. Excellent table. Cool, clean, neatly furnished rooms with running water. Spacious ball room. Orchestra, bowling alleys and billiards. Safe, sandy beach for bathing. Boat Livery. Rates: per day, $2.00 and $2.50; per week, $12.00 and up. J. P. MULLER, Manager Phone 2-W Hopatcong LAKE HOPATCONG, N. J. LAKE VIEW HOUSE LAKE HOPATCONG, N. J. BOATING, BATHING, TENNIS, ORCHESTRA TABLE AND SERVICE THE VERY BEST Extensive Improvements Private Baths THOMAS R. MOORE HOTEL COMPANY PHONE MT. ARLINGTOf 22 HOPATCONG SCHAFER'S HOTEL NEW JERSEY TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.00 A-la-carte Service in Grill and Casino MUSIC AFTERNOON AND MUSIC AFTERNOON AND EVENING EVENING Saturday, AugustioiQib. 0 Louis &, Aiello MEATS, VEGETABLES AND GROCERIES Poultry and Fish, Cheese, Butterine FINEST QUALITY WE DELIVER PROMPTLY LOWEST PRICES Deliveries by launches and automobiles ABE LOUIS Boat landing at The Sunnyside LOUIS AIELLO THE BAKERY Cbe Pagoda AT LEE'S PAVILION Cakes, Pies, Bread and Rolls baked fresh three NEAR RIVER STYX BRIDGE times daily. Delivered to all parts of the Lake by automobile or by launches. • M. KJELLMAN, • Proprietor Telephone 19-R, Hopatcong Make this your object for a row, pad- dle or launch ride. THE WOODSTOCK A Pretty PIHCH on thp Shore of Hopatoong, where Good Folks Gather. Pleasant Rooms and Liberal ICE CREAM AND SODAS Table. Table Board and Special Rates to Families Candy, Confections, and^Partiep. Rates: $2 and $2.50 per day; $10 and $15 per week. Light Refreshments J. APGAR, Proprietor . Served on wide, cool piazzas. P. O, MT. ARLINGTON] N. J. Tel. Connection HOTEL BOULEVARD MT. ARLINGTON,, NEW JERSEY CENTRALLY LOOATED-MODERN IMPROVEMENTS nelson's Repair Sbop FIR8T-OLA88 CTJISISE. GARAGE. Machine Shop Ship Carpentry Marine Railway Dinners Served to Cottagers nnd Campers 1 IT ! EXPERT ON ENGINE TROUBLE and REPAIRS E. Chaplin, Prop. Phone 24-W la Prompt Service—Reasonable Rates. SMALL LAUNCHES FOR SALE and RENT WINTER STORAGE SALVATORE ODDO BARBER ALFRED NELSON, American House Dock Opposite THE SUNNYSIDfe BARBER SHOP KING'S GARAGE Opposite Postoffice Mt, Arlington JAMES SCELSA, Proprietor. AT NETCONG, ONE MILE FROM LAKE HOPATCONG Electrical Face Massage for Ladies and Gentlemen. Ladles Shampooing a Specialty EVERYTHING PERTAINING to an UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Perfumes, Hair Tonic and Lotions Automobile Supplies Expert Mechanics Auto Buss Line to Budd Lake Machines to Hire Ulrich's Homemade Bakery TELEPHONE NETCONG 34 DOUGHBALL Bread and Buns Automobile Delivery to All Parts of Main Store and Bakery upper end of Mount Arlington Grocery Mt. Arlington and Vicinity Picnic Grounds, Nolans Point. GROCERIES, GENERAL MERCHANDISE Tel. 48-R Automobile Tires and Supplies No connections with any other branch. WILLIAM C. DANIELSON, Proprietor Agency for Cook's Laundry, Dover LAKE HOPATCONG BREEZE Saturday, August 19, 1916. Souvenirs - Pennants THE GIFT SHOP OF LAKE HOPATCONG Pillows for Canoe or Post Cards Couch Souvenir Pins and Buttons RICHARDS Euchre and Whist Prizes Pine Pillows Mission Wood Novelties Burnt Leather Smokers Sets Largest Selection of Novelties AT THE POST OFFICE BUILDING on the Lake NOLANS POINT Sweet Grass Baskets TTTTANFT T TTOTTQF 0N the Shore of Lake, in well-shaded HOTEL DURBAN * *• J.X-C*.J.I1JJULJ IIUUOIJ grounds. Accommodates SO guests. Boating, i CDPK«! PronriBtnr P n liirfrm UNniHC N 1 Bathing, Fishing.. Rates: per day, $2.00. ' IN MAXIM PARK ON LAKE HOPATCONG j, tucKS, Proprietor. p. o. Address, LANDING, N. J, per week_{;9 t0 #£4, Take Steamboat from Phone 52-J Hopatcong Hopatcong Station on the D. L. & W. R. R., or A-LA-CARTE RESTAURANT AND GRILL Lake Hopatcong Station on C. R. R. of N. J., OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT RIVER STYX, LAKE HOPATCONG, N. J. to Ithanell Pier. Special Attention paid to Automobile Trade » ' Tel. 20 Hopatcong v OTTO PETERS, Proprietor P. 0. LANDING, N. }. THE MAXIM PARK LAND COMPANY HOTEL BON AIR Best Property on the West Side of the Lake. Three and Half Miles AND COTTAGES of Shore Front an Byram Cove, River Styx and Other Sections. Fine Cottages for Rent. Bungalow and Camp Sites for Lease. Cottage and Lake Hopatcong Post Office, Landing, N. J. Central and beautiful situation, on Villa Sites for Sale on Easy Terms. River Styx Bay at the Bridge. A de- lightful spot for Canoeing, Boating, Bathing and Fishing. Attractive • POST OFFICE ADDRESS - LANDING, NEW JERSEY Buildings and Grounds. Rates very moderate. Telephone 36-Hopatcong Amfomobfle Passenger Line to Station, Tel. 7-1 Hopatcong. • VILLA GERARDS Directly on the Lake MT. ARLINGTON GARAGE SS Good Table, Home Cooking1 " Mt. Arlington, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey «*• *£ Richard Chaplin & Sons, Proprietors Boating, Bathing, Fishing, Motor Boating Rates—$2.OO per day; $10.00 up per week. BAGGAGE and EXPRESS SERVICE. GARAGE and AUTO LIVERY. Mrs. C. Engelmann, Prop. Automobile Stage Lines on both East and* West Shores. ' Machines to Hire by Hour or Day. FULLY EQUIPPED MACHINE AND REPAIR SHOP HOTEL ESPANONG The famous hostelry at Broadway and 42nd AH Supplies That Can Be Obtained at a Fully Equipped Garage Street' Entirely Rebuilt. Modern Improve- HORSESHOEING. CARRIAGES TO HIRE. ments. Baths. Running hot and cold water. Accommodates Forty. ; John J. Robinson, Prop. P. 0. Lake Hopatcong, N. J. THEO. F. KING General Merchandise Confectionery Camping Sites Fishing Tackle Phone 43-Hopatcong Coal Oil and Ice Cream Landing, = New Jersey Gasoline Groceries LAKE HOPATCONG BREEZE I ill! SEASON 1916. LAKE HOPATCONG, N. J., AUGUST 19, 1916. VOL. XXIII, NO. 8 HOTEL DURBAN. CAMP GOOD-IN-TENT. ! it A party of about eighteen guests chartered Week-end visitors in camp were Mrs. A. D. an excursion boat and took a moonlight joy Cooper, of Dover; Mr. P. H. Brown, of Brook- ride around the lake. Everyone had a most lyn; Mr. and Mrs. A. Clifford, of Jersey City*; HEALTH BOARDS MEET TO COM- delightful time. Miss Agnes Brown, of Milburne; Mr. Ernest BAT INFANTILE PARALYSIS Mrs. Dietz tendered her husband a surprise Wehmeyer, of Irvington; Mr. Clarence Roff, ot SCOURGE. party to which all the guests were invited. Morristown; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoffman and All congratulated him upon his 21st birthday Mr. and Mrs. Roaal, of Caldwell; Mr. Brown There was a meeting at the Hotel Durban and wished him many more happy ones. and Miss Rosal, of College Point, L. I., and in the Borough of Hopatcong Wednesday ev- Mr. Brown caught an immense eel off tho Mrs. William Koeing, of New York. ening, called at the suggestion of Mayor Grif- Durban dock. Immense describes it adequately Miss Emily Jacob and Miss Minnie Schulz, of fiths of Mount Arlington, at which representa- —every time he gives a measurement it grows Milburne, are spending their vacations in camp. tives of the Boards of Health , from most ot longer. the municipalities around Lake Hopatcong were Sunday morning a party from. Camp Good-in- present; also the State Board of Health at Recent arrivals are: Mr. Franklin Miller, Tent and Camp Nacirema joined a party at Trenton sent a representative. Mr, and. Mrs. D. H. Miller, Mrs. W. J. Sanders, Maple Cottage and took a hike to the Hermits, Miss M. Hermandez, Mr. G. W. Barnes, Mr. who live over the mountains in back of Silver The object of the meeting was cooperation R. H. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hormen, Mr. Spring Park. They took pipes and tobacco to in combating the scourge of infantile paralysis. J. J. Page and J. G. Manchester, of New York; the poor old. duffers and had to divide it equal- Joint resolutions were adopted and a commit- Miss Bertha Peper, of Brooklyn; Mrs. Joseph ly to keep them from fighting over it. tee of six was appointed to carry into effect Clayton; Mr., and Mrs. J. E. Bacon and Mf, Tuesday the camp took a trip to: Bear Pond the resolutions of the meeting. The commit- H.'Z, Homer, of Philadelphia; Miss Rose and as guests of Mrs. Hill and Mr. Kitner in their tee consists of Theodore A. Gessler, Mayor of . Miss Lail Rose,-of Washington, D.C.; and Mr. motorboats. the Borough of Hopatcong, chairman; William W. F. Richards, of Bcfonton, N. J. P. Griffiths, Mayor of Mount Arlington; Hud. Everybody in camp is in tears as Bill has son Maxim; R. H. Voorhis, president of the gone to College Point for the day. Bertie is Board of Health of the Borough of Hopatcong; so lonesome she went out in the woods to eat Doctors Thomas J. Harris and F. E. .Force, worms till he returned. sanitary inspector and health officer for Mount, Bill has been fishing evry day for two weeks Olive, Netcong and Stanhope. and caught three little sunfish. He wouldn't *•«••• »•« have caught them if Mother Hawley hadn't dug the worms for him. CARD PARTY AT CASINO. : No one in camp can beat Gladys^—she did Newark and New York in. one day] The second card party of the series given The hot-dog sandwiches would have b'.een de- for the benefit of the Church of Our Lady of lightful on the Bear.Pond trip if.the., campers the Lake, will be held in the casino of the had taken rolls along. One loaf of bread for New Hotel Breslin on Tuesday, August 22nd, the whole party didn't go very far.
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