absurdities *m<l idelullot), is uoivrrsRlIy, P. S. — If yen have in your -School any poor children, whose parc.ms, guardians LIST OF U-1TTE11S FROM THE and almost exclusively taught; vrhilc the //I the Post-Office, or masters are not able to purchase. Bihl.-s l';r FARMER'S REPOSITORY. children of Christians are carefully in- To Parents <md Guardians of Children, Htnictr-d ia the language* of ancient Italy or Testaments for ihsir use,'- at the fore- going prices, they may be furnished QUA- A. and Masitrs of '4f>prcntirrst through- •nd Greece, and their minds familiariz- Mr. Anderson, Inn-krnprr ; J.,lm Able CHARLES-TOWN, (J.efcrsonCountyyVirgfnia,} PRINTED B7»RICHAR£) WILLIAMS. out the Commonwealth of Virginia. ed to all the impurities of the heathen TUITOt/SLY. FELLOW Cm ZENS, mythology; to the neglect of "thatwis- Q3T The several Printers of News- Pa- W. ld..n Ilrmtnn, Kl'z i Urinton, Wm Urnm, xlom which conaeth from above."—They A'VlreW Itdmii-u, Marti n Uillenyer, Wm C un ,'' In the -following Circular Letter, pers in Virginia, are requested to give Jcilin Hiiclun iBier. «wu, (No. 380. read with delight the history of the deso-' the foregoing LETTER and ADDRESS, at THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1815. (a copy of which is intended to l>c srnt to C, Vol. VIII.] lilting ambition of Alexander and Cffiiar, least one insertion in their respective Pa- John ClRrk,2i Nullmniel OVm.in, Ah • every Teacher of Youth within this Com- O'lUv'll, Josiuh Chiton, Dplin'CirJillc V ' and oth«:r votaries of false glory ; but are pers. ., were reduced to that state to be obliged to re- What then wotild they do if all the ports of monwealth,) the Managers of the Bible kept in ignorance of that true and authcn-, C.-i.w,-!, .f >lin Ooiuvuy, Th.-nris Cockrell," VvTp TERMS OF THIS they have seen fie republic of Venice has been Society of Virginia, su^rst the'propric- Cruiirliill, R«as6n Connel, Eieunor Curson transferred to ilu^ emperor of. Aus ria ; they have ceive a ruler dictated by us and our allies ; il' tier France were open to them and shut to (^ ?, I', in tic hntnry, which, while it unfolds the . J). seen i hi* pops-replaced with tlie Jesuits'at his hands and feet were thus litd for ages ; and it the short, Amerca, wore in alliance with Krance, ty of introducing info Scininnrifs ol In- THF. price of the FARMER'S Herosr-ronY is 1 providt-nce of God, nt the same time Robert Wotlhington, ]),tnicl Dcakcne, John Dixon, Mary Djwnin heels i they have seen that in Spain, where a free situation of all Europe were such as to leave the whit English ship unarmed could hope to es- T». Doihin » V«ri one dolUr to b« pnirl nt the Whole undivided power of UngUud to be employ- struction, thV bliu.n, n* a hook to for ge- 4 i • TJ . "' coiistiU|tion hud been formed by men who had cape capture ? And is i^ to be hoped, that, in makes us acquainted with human nature, HAS RRCK1VP.1) A VttHY J.AHi.i'. PIT PLY OP time of ..ib-ier.bit.Kl nml one at tl.c «P'«.l«»' -' ed against America, the situation of the latter such a ciur, the skill, the discipline ajid undaunt- nerally read by the Scholars »* part Mr. Kdjjenton, Zi-pliinia R. Engliahrj. E,,n, ' the year. Dint»nl subscribers will be require^I to been Ashling on our side, the king has been thetr school exercise. 'Ihry r>iIV and gives to every action of man its real brought buck ; that he 'hut destroyed this consti- would be, at least, very vilpleuiaht, not to say ed bravery of the American navy would not be character. They study the frequently CHOICE^GOODS, pay thd whole in advance. No paper will be dis- [irecariout. And, if such a pernon cormidurs whut communicated- to that of Franc J ? Emulation to furnish the requisite number o» • 11 >hert I'ulton, J:\mes Fulton, Samuel continued until arrearage* are r'aid- tution ; that he has treated the makers of it as crroucous maxims, the frigidjand »vorld- .Imomr which are the following, i>n., Oeori;c I'ettief. trillion. ; i hut he has re-eHtiibiished .the inqiihi- Were the real objects of England in 1814, the mitfht do a great deal towards 'sending forth »t very l»w pncrs ; or even ffruti A,,vn«T,5*MKNT« not tXCMdlng a .qu.rr, manner in which the War terminated, and what kit fleets able in a short tune, to co >e with those of.. BLV,(,AN"i; I.A.CKt) <?HA\U.S, \1UL3 AND lion,. which Napoleon hid abolished i that when to any poor chHdrcu, Avhose p*rmts, gtiMr- ly morality of pagan philosophers ; and will be inserted three weeks to non-snbscnberi. /or t'wo of the alleilped traitors took shelter in Gibral- excellent memory she-Ins, he must be a-bold oia:i Hngland. Really if we wish to keep these two uninstt uued. in the heavenly doctrines '' one dollar, and 25 cent, for every subsequent pub- indeed if he feel no apprehensions at iht: total nations asunder,, it appi.itrg to me that we IIRVO . dians or masters may be unable to pur- Bl.ACK AND WlIll'K CUM'KS, tT, thry wltre given up to their hunters, and am) holy precepts of Christianity.•—• II. lication, and when not p.rticulur y d.r^ted to th it when complaint of this Was made in our par- subjugation of France. no Way of accomplishing the wish, but that of FFGUttS'i. DAMVSK AMJ I'LAIV SIL.lt tie contrary, will be inse.led unt.l forbid, and U uus not been forgotten in America, that di- chase. Willam Hollirf, John 1 1. - ,. Maria Heath', .\f liament,, the reply wus, that "-ae'hadna right to keeping HI peace. 1 Tney <orm thtir taite alter models of po- SHAWLS, ' lr ehurged .ccordinglv. Subscnbers will- receive a rectly after the abdiction of Napoleon, there ap* If America were to join France in the war, we In making -thin recommendation, the gjirrt Hn.wi.rd. jo'lfn M. H ipkins, Susanah'li,,' interfere in the domctttc ujfuin of Spain." The 1 ets who burnrd with the fires of unhallow- ELKGANT UinriONS, .edurtinn of one fourth on the.ra.lverlwements. [jcki'c.l an article in our newspapers, staling , that should" doubtless tell her ihkt she wan acting a Managers are influence^ with a sincere 4 1 and o 4 C.\ M UUI(J»v." .1 iVOVRT, LKNO, i-ll, Turlton T. H.-iiflenJon-, Muthia* HolknbicV Ami-nca-in will ask, why rhis principle is not ap- ed passion ; or of orators, who knew no ftinl Cist, John H/nicn, Nathan Haines, J.Ji ftj- jll Commniiicutioni adilressttl to the Editor plied to the domestic affairs of France 7 -They there was a SECRET ARTICLE in the TUBA. vjry base part; that she had received from us desire to promote the good of their Coun- HOOK, Mtji, st I.-ANCV MUSLINS, -i Y OF PARIS stipulating, that none of the parties no.provocation ; that we had not meddled with, motives but the love of fame, while they DA.HK AND LKillT PL A IX AND PLAID llite, mn.it be pr.it paid will ask, not for vile, foul-mouthed abuse of Na- try, which so essentially depcuds upoo J. poleon and the French people ; but for some Uussia, l'ru»sia, Austria & Frunce, should inter- her ; that w« had expressed our anxious rlmire are pr.rmiued to remain unacquainted GIN Gil A, MS, fere in our war against Ameiica. This news to lire in pence with her. 13u , my lord, might the improvement of the rising generation. FINK I)KK-W.H AND UNHRK8Sf.JJ l-'ANCY Dean Johnson, 2; Sally Jett, Geo. IsUp, \,ncy FROM GODUETTS AVCfclvLY JtliGIsIKK, OF proof of our right to interfere against him. with the pathetic, the eloquent Ac sublime MA.-Y-l-3>- • . Having- seen all- these things ; having seen •was- given-as copied-from- \\ie-Vienna Giizcite. •«he'not answer ?—very true, and you have rect'ir- They hope that you, as citizens of a fre« , AND . M.O. KMINt: (J A : I Olid, Jeu, Henry Jon^s, .Joseph lngle,.JLaruJ. Jclfcrjon. Tiic Vienna Gazette is under tUe- immediate con- ed no provocation Irom France; Fn.ncc lias not- strains of men whose hearts are warmed IRISH LINENS, 1C. To the Karl of Liverpool, on the part which dmeri- wh»t we and ouf allies have been at in every p:trt gad happy country, profrssing so goodly Daniel Iviible, John of Europe ; having seen that the people of France trol of the government there. The Americans meddled with you ; Franco has expressed her and elevated by the inspiring-influence cti it likely to take in a vi.ir between K-nglund paid great and deserved attention to this; and anxioui desire to live at peace witli you j and • heritage, are not insensible of the nr- TAH1.K ANIl TOWF.L ni.M'KHS, and frunce. is the only people in Europe living under a go 1 of the spirit of God. They take, for ex- Sumiu;! I.Oakland, J. Lemmoi, Nathan vcrnment approaching towards a re-iemblance to mtu . they not have lamented to see 'France re- yet you have gone to war against Frnnr.c s— if, cessitjr of a wisely directed education of ample .in the Various relations of life, the MAUSKILI.I.^ \ ROY \L uiiut'o VESTING, My lord—From sc.veral parts of America I have duced to such a' slate ? They afterwards saw .
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