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Pe»^**’*naM.c« a Automotive 760 Sobottopol Rood C3*J* 0,i.ueky MA Clinic i Ropoir ^ Santa Rota, CA 95401 ETSUKO 526-0163 GAIA Ga»' 7am-1.0pm/Mon-Sad (9'*^-.?0Ca>.'|tièHAit.li;lvsT«l(*fr>EArtft 8am-8pm Sundays > Garage 9amr5:30pm/Mon-Sat ' UMmtIMI Monismo 'S Briggs Files Anti-Gdy Petitions State Senator John Briggs, choosing the 30 percent he believes will be exactly universally admired, person­ his words and his locale with great needed to win the nomination. ality. care, on M ay 1 filed his initiative At the same time, Briggs will attempt Briggs' controversial views bring measure that could remove homo­ to tie his candidacy to the three issues him a substantial amount of'unfriend­ sexual teachers from public schools he has promoted for months— tougher ly mail, althougli he says' it is a drib­ in California. death penalty law, an anti-homosexual ble compared to the flood.of mail he Although most of the 500,000 sig­ teacher law and Proposition 13, the gets supporting him. \ natures were filed in L.os Angeles, Jarvis-Gann tax limitation initiative. The state senator, a born-again Briggs chose San Francisco as the "I'm the guy leading the tight on Christian at the age of eight and a pl^ce to file the first l.'OOO names ‘those gut issues," he said. 'What we're Catholic since his wife encouraged because, he said, 'H.t is the moral going to try to do is convert the support him to convert, also says he is wrong­ garbage dump of homosexuality in for those issues into support for m e. ly accused of being intolerant. this country." • ' Can we do it? I don't really know, but "I'm actually a tolerant person," he John Briggs is the invisible man in we're going to try." said. "You can disagree with me and the"Republican race for the governor's Briggs' secret weapon is a computer I wont hate you. Thts incorrect image nomination, but the fact that he's a tape containing the names, he claims, of intolerance just because I'm not distant fifth in a five-rftan race doesn't of 700,000 California households willing to let this wave that says that bother him one bit. where the residents support one, two homosexuality is' normal roll over me." f The ultra-conservative senator from or all three oj-his pet issues. Briggs said he considers it "morally Orange County believes that like the - Using direct mail, as well as tele­ degenerate" for society to accept homo-,_ famous come-from-behind horse Silky vision, he hopes to turn supporters ^ sexuality, but has nothing against what Sullivan, he can go from last to first- of those issues into supporters of John people do in private. by election day on June 6. Briggs. "As long as they don't bring it into . * Even though'it's hard to find anyone .Only one of Briggs key issues. P r o ­ the classroom', I don't care what they who thinks Briggs has a chance, he position 13,.is on the June ballot, but do," he said about his initiative aimed claims to have a big pot of money and he expects to qualify the other two as at gay teachers and other school work­ a campaign strategy that will turn the initiatives in November. Nothing would ers. "Homosexuality shouldn't be race around. please him more, he sa^id, than to run taught as an acceptabte alternative "Our plan is to come in late with a against Jerry Brown with the death life style." . big radio and television campaign," he penalty and' an anti-gay teacher m ea­ Briggs also said he has never had a explained in a recent interview. "When sure on the same ballot.. honriosexual eiZpe>i,ence, although "I Briggs recognizes the fact that the those other guys start to run out of sure saw enough of that sort of thing gay issue, and his rfiuch-publicized money, we'll be going strong." during four years in the Air Force. But journey to M iam i last year ■^jycam- Briggs, who boasted that 'Sve haven't I figure it was their business, not mine." paign ailongside A nita B ryant in-her spent ar penny yet," saiii he expects to ^ Despite his self-described tolerance, spend $5 0 0 ,0 0 0 in the last few weeks anti-gay teacher crusade, changeiTiurT however, he added that homosexuaFs to go from two pex‘cent, his position from a little-known legislator from "don't belong in the military." in the most recent CaliforniaTPolI, to Fullerton into a well-known, if not __S.F. Chronicle a n d Conference M a y 126i 1 3 of all people, for any school worker—■' BACABI, the..Büy Area Coipmitte THE BRIGGS INITIATIVE Against the Briggs Initiative, has homosexual or heterosexual— could be announced plans for a rally and con- fired for expressing an opinion in sup­ . ference. May 12 and 13. _The Attorney General a i California port of gay rights, in or outside the has prepared the following title and The rally, to be held classroom-. Indeed, the Briggs Initiative auiiamary of the chief phrpose and -The rally. M ay i.2 at 7:30 P M at the is a serious threat to the civil liberties points of the proposed m e a su re .'T h is, First Congregational Church at Post * of all Californians. Women, minorities, will appehr oh petitions now being, and Masón Streets in San Francisco, and organized labor expecially must circoli^d by the X|aliforaia Defend unite with the gay movement to protect will feature speakers from local trade Oar Children" organisation. unions, school and tollege instructors the ffeedom of speech and right of EMPLOYESS ' HONOSEXUALITV and workers^ and others. Speakers SCHOOL employment. INITIATIVE STATUTE will include: $ally Gerhart, profe'ssor The Sonoma County Lesbian and Gay .at San Francis'co State University Provides for filing charges against Alliance is one of m any groups and (and featurecT in the film W O R D IS school teachers, teacher *s. aides* individuals endorsing or co-sponsoring school administratora or Counselors OUT); James Ballard, president of this conference and all interested who advocate, solicit, impose, en- American Federation of Teachers,’ groups and individuals are urged to coarage or promote private or public Local 6l; Stan Smith, president of the attend. sexual acts, defined in section'286(a) Building and Trades Council, ‘AFL» Housing and/or childcare assistance and-288(a) of the penal code between can be provided on advance notice by CIO; as well as speakers from Native persons rathe same sex in a m anner American'and JThird World groups. calling (415) 752-0507 or (415) 863- likely to com e to the attention *0f 4665. The conference, set for 10 A M , other employees.or students; or pub­ > Saturday, May 13 at Galileo High licly and indiscreetly engages in said School (at 1055 Bay Street, between acts. Prohibits hiring and rquiTes dis- LoMlt To-FhM Brint ■Van Ness and Polk)f will have as its missal of su^h persons If School BoardT i I ■■.■■■■■ I ■■■ ■■■■■II»! I ■■■!■ ■! Iltlll— !■■■ ■ III ^ purpose to organize and form-'a broad- determines dafiltaess service after The Coalition Against the Briggs b ased state-wide coalition of gr.oups censidering eanmerhted guidelines. Initiative of Sonoma County will meet and individuals to defeat the Briggs In dismiseal cases only, provides for at 7:30 PM, Tuesday, May 23, at the Initiative, and plan for the election of two stage hearings» written findings, California Teachers Association Head­ a co-sexual and multi-racial Northern judicial review. Financial istunctt quarters, 2490 Guerneville Road, ■California Coordinating Committee. UNKNOWN, but potentiaUy sttita^Ual (Near Fulton Road), Santa Rosa. The conference will consist of plenary local Cost to school districts depending Both individuals and organizational sessions and task-oriented workshops. of cases which re representatives are urged to attend. The Briggs Initiative affects the rights , For further informfition call 433-5693 T Page Z'/SGLiGA News SCLGA News/Page 3 Dykes & Tykes Lesbian Mother Lesbiaii Bureau Efdine Noble to Eeék County Supervisors Demohs^rate May 14^ Source List Available ' Tax Free Status ^ US Senate^ Post ■-5 Massachusetts State Representative____ to desegregate feoston's schoolsL. CINCINNATI. OH-^ The_Lesbian Join Pr^-ERÁ Boycott New York Dykes & Tykes and'the Finally, a very valuable*"Lesbian Brooke, on the other hand, is known v Activist Bureau, Inc., is the third Llaine Noble has announced her can- Seattle-based Lesbian Mothers Na­ Mother's Resource List" is available “as a Washington-centered politician, Sonoma County Supervisors have homosexual group nationally to re­ didacy for the U.S. Senate. tional Defense Fund (L M N D F ) áre for $1.50 from Iris F ilm s, Box 26463* Noble, the first openly gay person rather thartP a state/community focus­ launched a boycott against states that ceive Internal Revenue Service tax jointly calling on women throughout Los Angeles, CA 90026.
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