Hi (ol-s e-newsletter Welcome to the #ctober 0123 edition o( Concept. October 2019 I am not proposing to $rite an editorial piece (or every issue o( Concept. For a start it $oul) be too ta*ing, and secondly I $oul) struggle hard to 5nd something interesting to say and there(ore it $oul) In this issue … li-ely be very boring (or you readers, 'he last thing that is $anted is a boring start to an issue – it $oul) probably put people o(( (rom reading Contemporary North meeting (urther. In this issue $e have an article by the second o( the photographers to recently gain a Fello$ship in the Conceptual and Contemporary genre. Meet the Committee Brian McCarthy adopted a very personal $ay to present his submission $hich he describes in his piece. Vice-Chair Elect I note (rom the #ctober issue o( the 7ournal that a third person gained Avijit Myoshin Datta a Fello$ship in our category and I hope that she $ill agree to allo$ us to reproduce her comments and a selection o( her images, 'he group is in a time o( change in committee personnel and this issue Brian McCarthy F !" carries appreciations o( the $ork done (or the Group by our retiring Chair, Avril4 and also (or !eter Ellis $ho4 as you $ill rea)4 has had a very (ull commitment to the success o( our group. We hope not to lose touch #ur Chair $ith them in the (uture. Fortunately4 $e have volunteers to (ul5l their roles, 'he Contemporary Group Faceboo- page is very active and i( you do Peter Ellis not presently (ollo$ it, I do urge you to have a loo-, I8m quite sure you $ill be quic-ly hoo-ed and 5nd interesting )iscussions and pointers to articles and events, Degree "ho$s Adopting my other hat as Group Secretary4 every month I receive noti5cation (rom !S .: o( our current membership, leaving members and new members, All departing members are contacted +y email to A%M seek reasons (or them leaving, I have to say not everyone replies but the comments o( those that do are shared $ith the group committee to consider i( there is anything that can be learned therefrom, Sadly4 some Ne$s depart due to death or illness4 others leave because o( changing Special Interest Group ;SI%<4 and some because they leave the !S altogether. #n the other hand, every new member is sent a $elcome letter Issuu outlining $hat the Group does and $hat is available. With that letter is a copy o( the latest 7ournal and o( course they receive issues o( Concept (rom $hen $e are noti5ed o( their address, It is interesting to see just Note& 'he copyright o( photographs an) te*t in this issue +elongs to ho$ (ar spread our membership is $ith recent members joining (rom the author o( the article o( $hich they (orm part unless otherwise in)icate), Hong Kong, >SA and other places $orl)$ide. We extend a $arm $elcome to all new members regardless o( their home place. I guess the (ollo$ing is something that all editors $rite (rom time to time, but please seriously consider o((ering items to Concept. It doesn’t Fin) us on Face+oo- matter ho$ short or $hat the subject is providing it is relevant to !" Contemporary %roup Contemporary photography, Submissions shoul) be in Word document (ormat and accompanying images as 7!EGs, I( possible images should !" Photo+oo-s come separately but the associated text should sho$ $here each image shoul) be placed. Format for submissions to It has been said that $e photographers shoul) ta-e all opportunities to Concept: share our $ork4 so Concept is an outlet, please use it. Apart (rom anything else it saves your editor having to chase items, Images as jpegs (approx 1Mb) 'he deadline (or issues is usually the last day o( the month before Text as Word files publication. Ho$ever, the deadline (or the December issue has to be 2?th November (or technical reasons, Please send to !o"ard Fis#er: Ho$ard Fisher Concept Editor #andjaf$%irginmedia&com Report o( !S Contemporary North Meeting4 Clements .all4 @or- ,2Ath "ept 0123 Avijit Datta F "A FB" FPhys 20 people atten)e) the !" Contemporary North meeting4 convene) +y Patricia u))le A !", "i* apologies $ere receive), 'hree ne$ mem+ers $ere $elcome), Mem+ers $ere in(orme) o( the postponement o( the contemporary group A%M in Bristol to the 2Ath March 0101, Mem+ers gave a unanimous vote signalling their )esire to help pro)uce a (uture national contemporary group meeting in Yor-, 22 mem+ers presente) $ork4 o( $hich eight $ere +y )igital projection, =en Phillips4 a returnee visitor to the group4 ha) spent time in China teaching an) more recently in Valencia4 "pain an) the Algarve4 Portugal, =en presente) a variety o( images on )i((erent su+jects, .e is currently a mem+er o( Il-ley camera clu+, #ne a+stract image sho$n $as o( a +utterflyD it $as accompanie) +y a poem that he su+mitte) later. What is t#is #arness of deat# t#at beautifies my being It glo"s like emeralds in sweet love)s *ickering lig#t+ Is not my life of t#ree days "ort# all t#e sea and t#e land and t#e sky ,s sunsets calm t#e troubled day and birds sleep t#roug# such "istful nig#ts. -o t#ese "ings tremble t#e morning de" as silver beads pit "oodland glades ,nd does t#is curve of t#e glass take t#e "ind past my bod'+ so naked at dusk+ T#at I mig#t *it to my true love+ sweet p#eromone+ for a nig#t of bliss. 'he 22th century4 "ong )ynasty calligrapher, gastronome4 painter, pharmacologist, poet, politician4 an) $riter "u "hi is $i)ely regarde) as one o( the most accomplishe) 5gures in classical Chinese literature4 having pro)uce) 0E11 $ell-kno$n poems4 together $ith lyrics4 prose4 an) essays, Many $ere accompanie) +y paintingsD "us hi calle) poems imageless pictures, In some respects4 =en is (ollo$ing in this tra)itionD $e $ish him $ell in his artistic journey, !eter Bartlett A !" sho$e) photographs4 ta-en over 5ve years4 o( people vie$ing art in museums an) galleries, .e $ante) to portray 5gures among geometry, Peter’s ;monochrome< images are reminiscent o( those o( the Austrian photographer "te(an Draschen $ho has compile) similar ;colour) images ta-en in Paris4 Berlin an) Vienna in a recent +oo- calle) FCoinci)ences at Museums,G ;.atje Cantz<4 or the ol)er $ork +y Magnum photographer, Elliot Erwitt $hose monochrome images ta-en over si* )eca)es are in his +oo- FMuseum /atchingF, Erwitt o+serve) in the +oo- regarding ta-ing pictures o( people in a museum& IFor a photographer, rather than Cy casting4 it’s li-e shooting 5sh in a +arrel,I %raham Lo$ B !" sho$e) some photographs ta-en o( visitors to ." Tatton Park, .is images4 not sho$n at his re9uest, raise) issues in his min) o( permission $hich $ere )iscusse) in my report in the previous issue o( Concept. 7im "ouper A !"4 $e+ e)itor o( the !" Lan)scape group4 sho$e) images ta-en on a $orkshop hel) +y Tony /oro+iec in North Da-ota an) Montana, Tony an) Eva /oro+iec8s +oo- F%.#"'" IN '.E /ILDE NE""& A+an)one) America F is a compilation o( large (ormat analogue photographs o( those venues ta-en over si* years, Celine Ale*an)er Bro$n B !" an) Bynn Ne$ton B !" sho$e) photographs ta-en on a recent trip to !rague, A perennial )iscussion ensue) regarding ju)ging criteria in camera clu+s as some o( Celine8s photographs )i) not have vertical verticals, The late "$iss American photographer o+ert Fran- also sho$e) photographs $here these rules $ere +ro-en4 inclu)ing in his iconic magnum opus FThe AmericansG, Magnum !hotographer 7im %ol)+erg sai) o( Fran-8s $ork F/hat le) me to appreciate his $ork the most $as his -inship $ith imper(ection, "omething coul) +e out-o(-focus4 +ut it ha) the a+ility to ma-e you (eel closer to the su+ject, the situationG Jane Batty sho$e) photographs o( an un)ergroun) Ministry o( De(ence col) $ar esta+lishment at "PB Bempton cli((s, >sually -no$n (or gannets an) pu(5ns4 Jane )escri+e) the early $arning centre, o+ert .arris sho$e) a +oo- o( photographs an) te*t (rom his #pen College o( the Arts )egree in !hotography, Assignment 5ve – i)entity an) place, The au)ience )iscusse) o+ert’s use o( captions4 their ;)ecreasing< (ont siHe an) positioning, Christine Pinnington B !"4 (ormer e)itor o( Concept, sho$e) three collages o( images ta-en $ith e*pire) Polaroi) 5lm, Au)ience mem+ers relate) this to current green issues, 'he #hio photographer Bevi Bettweiser starte) the escue) Film Project – )eveloping ??11 ol) J? mm images an) sho$ing F poetic mun)anity F o( other people8s lives, Christine8s colour 5lm pro)uce) turquoise images an) +lac- an) $hite 5lm pro)uce) +ro$n images, The three collages represente) lan)scapes4 the )emise o( the 5shing in)ustry an) agriculture, .er intention is to sho$ ho$ all three $ere at ris- an) in )ecline, Christine8s techni9ue $as reminiscent o( the %erman Photomontage Da)aist artists .annah .Kch ; F cut $ith the Da)a -itchen -ni(eG < an) =urt "c$itters , .Kch e*plore) the themes o( an)rogyny4 political )iscourse4 an) shi(ting gen)er roles )uring the /eimar epu+lic, "ch$itters )evelope) Merz4 psychological collage o( (oun) o+jects to ma-e o+servations o( current events, Patricia u))le A !" )emonstrate) a hy+ri) techni9ue utilising pinhole photography an) use o( light-sensitise) photopolymer steel plates4 a relatively ne$ an) sa(e approach to etching that )oesn8t use groun)s or aci)s, Calle) FsolarplateG an image can +e e*pose) to the plate using a >V light source an) then )evelope) in ordinary tap $ater.
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