fORTKfon (East Lanainc W««M lm« — win— Format) UK-nun Partly cloudy and continued EAST VOL. 33Z, 334 LANSING, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1944 oday's Air Force Reserves Arrive at MSC _ — ai m ' r n . ~ ~ » w *AST Electrical Engineers Ship Out: a HI P U S German Prisoners Leavmg theMadeFrontch ,n St/ff Approximately 260 ASTRs, 17 year olds in the ;uir forces enlisted reserve corps, on campus .. W orse, tcorser have arrived for college training under the army program before being the arrival of some 250 sent into actual air force ASTRs and the prospect of 250 training, Col. G. B. Egger, com- more in August has given cam¬ ♦mandant of the army units pus We a new boost- The hoy- Adventure Series at Michigan State, revealed :oo, are apparently glad to get yesterday. here, for two coeds were overheard on Grand Will Give Movie The men are living in Wells hall at present but will Faces River saying: "They're worse than thejir force, be moved into Abbot hall, men's they're even worse than of Manhatan dormitory, next week. Other Bovs' State.'.' This is highly "Talcs of Manhattan" will be army men stationed on campus doubtful, but for better or for the presentation of the World will also move into Abbot, mak¬ worse—welcome. Adventure scries this Saturday, ing a total of about 385. according to Dean S. E. Crowe, About 250 more ASTRs are c x- of the lecture scries. pectcd to arrive on campus in ,. Slight Mistake Two performances of the film August to swell the total of 17 Windy Holden, Phi Delt, went | will be shown at Fairchild the- year olds to nearly 500, Colonel to the Union desk for a package ater at 7 and 9 p. m. I Eeficr added. The air force enlistee! restive of cigarettes last week only Ui Among the large group of stars program year he refused by the clerk. "Sorry, featured in the cast are Paul for 17 olds Gives them a chance to enlist in the can't sell cigarettes to 4-H club Robeson, Edward G. Robinson, air forces before they become of boys." And Windy Is a seasoned and Charles Boyer. draft age, and lets them complete Spartan of two years, being a Students will be admitted by a certain number of terms of Kiphomore from Detroit. their treasurer's receipt. college work under the army Highlight of the summer lec- program before they go into at- A wounded German soldier, his injured leg propped up in ture series will be the prescn tunl training. Meeting to Open a perambulator towed by two companions, makes his exit tation of Alec Templcton, blind The examining board of the from the war in Cherbourg, France. Next stop is an Allied pianist, Saturday, July 15. Tem- sixth service command will- bo prison camp. Monday for Ag pleton will present a concert in at the Veteran's of Foreign Wars Vocal ionalists I College auditorium at 8:15 p. m. headquarters in Lansing Monday AST Propertv Officer Will Inspect' Student tickets for the con- and Tuesday, July 19 and 20 to With approximately 185 Mich¬ 1 •' 1 cert are ready for distribution. interview applicants in this area igan agricultural teachers expec¬ Aircrew *um- for the program. ts to attend, the 25th annual Headquarters■ 'Tomorrow I student*mer schoolmusttreasurerpresents theirreceipt at Persons who are mentally an* conference for teachers voca¬ physically qualified can apply of Orders have not been received*' r : 'he accounting office ticket win- 4t>t tional education will begin Mon- college training under the air yet for Col. Paul Johnson, com- n -.|| if f f c I Idow to obtain their ticket. There at 8:30 a. m. and continue forces enlisted reserve piogsain mandant until last week, of the ttOUl jmOKPr will be no extra charge. Scrvice- until lYiday, Dr. Harold M. Bry- at that time if they are not older 2690th base unit of the army air for ItuleitemlentS ' men in uniform may obtain a am. professor of ag education I free ticket. than 17 years, nine months. forces, which left campus Thurs- »*> i r- • _ and conference chairman, an- Those accepted will receive day. according to a report from ' UW"flv Lvetling /ur.ced. three, six or nine months ct him yesterday. | Given especially for entering | Developing the food produc¬ the Interfraternity WKAR Will Present training depending on their ago From present indications and frcshmen, tion war training program will will sponsor an open at the time of enlistment. They the rate at which the work of tounc' be one of the features of the Interlochen Music Will be called to active duty ' closing out the unit is progrcs- "n0*61 iference which is being spon- soon after their eighteenth t-irlh- sing, Colonel Johnson assumed 1 P- in the Union- The smoker | WKAR's exclusive prescnta- lori-d by the state board of con¬ day. that he would remain in East is °Pcn to a11 college men inter-, tion of the series of broadcasts * • • trol for vocational education, in Lansing for another two weeks eF,ed in joining a fraternity. | from Interlochen, national music cooperation with State and the Thirty AST advanced electri¬ before being transferred. 1 Refreshments and entertain- | camp, will begin today at 7 p m., cal engineers are leaving Michi¬ y. '.higan association of teachers ment will be offered. The room j according to Robert J. Coleman, All property is being inventor¬ gan State for further training vocational agriculture. has not been selected yet and | director of WKAR. The programs al ied and classified in preparation colleges in all parts of the na¬ Super: ntendents of schools will be posted on the Union cal- j will be given for one hour on for a visit tomorrow from the tion, Colonel Egger announced untaining departments of vo¬ endar. | every Thursday, Friday and Sat- Sixth Service command army cational agriculture will also yesterday. ... The committee in charge o!1 urday, until Aug. 26, a period Some of the men have r ret Thursday morning. Confer- specialized training property of-, (hc smoker ,ndudeg RaIph Kcns., of cight wccks. already ■rie chairman will be gone nnd the rest will leave by Harry E. iC^r W ° * a C over- temacher, Hudson sophomore;! The programs are expected to In addition to Colonel JohnSon , tonight. Some of them wilt go fr-man, chief of the division of Mac Cropsey, Marccllus senior; jndudc the .s choral g to California, Oregon, West Vir¬ cational agriculture of the only Capta.n Limbacher and Bob CIarkt Hertford, Conn., . the string orchestra, (he national ginia, Ohio and other states. itate board of control for voca¬ Lieutenant Caminar remain of scniort nnd ,Job Edgell, Elmira,! hi h school orchcstra, and the tional the officers formerly with the In adition to these, 60 advanc¬ education. N> y. st.nior. ; bund. Among the well-known ed unit. Six enlisted men of the: . engineers who remained al Delegates to the conference guest directors will be Percy State when the rest of the AST *iU live m Williams dorm and permanent party are also here Fru|erll;,v ||0|,|H I)uno«. | Grainger, Ferde Grofe, Guy Fra- trainees shipped out at the end tings will take place in No orders have been receive Mgn of Sjjjma Ch, wj„ ho,d j ber Harrjson, and Joseph Maddy. of winter term in March, will rooms in-4j! hall, the music aud¬ for any of them yet. I an 0pen house for members of I The camp enrollment this sum- continue to take work here in¬ itorium, and other campus buil¬ All the trainees in the base other (raternities and their dates i mer numbers approximately 650 definitely, but at least until the dings and shops. unit formerly known as the f.ljd al lbe cbaptt.r house. 'student musicians. end of the current term whkh upervised practiced and rc- 310th College Training Detach- j . _____ d ends in September. instruction • groups will ment, were shipped from Mich- r* f e • • • meet ea< h morning with special igan State early last Thursday! Recent changes of personnel 'its on the college JOV llOtUC EjC {.OlljereUCe faculty. Means morning under orders from the, in I See — ASTR — Page 4 for strengthening local futurs central flying command that the: Of farmers IxVSPUrCIl liCSllltS 0f America programs program be discontinued by June j J will also be discussed by dele¬ 30. ; Further confirmation of the new world paved with plastics," TIME TABLE gates. Those who are left will go to | future of chemical research came : she added. Much of the test-tube various fields for special "on the | >esterday from Gertrude Dieken, j triumph will result in unseen TOMORROW— Loral Theaters line" training in which they will! home economics consultant for; gains, like stronger textile yarns, Cooperate Student Club Fun learn about the croup •n planes they will \ the DuPont company, of Wil- new fabric finishes, and lighter- fifth War Loan Drive 7:34 p. m., Peoples chugs* fly later during their training. j mington. Del., who said, "Chem- weight equipment. "What will matter more to the In I ical research will bring notable SATURDAY— cooperation with the fifth homemaker than the fact that *ar loan n , .... w*. ' changes in automatic lighting, drive, all Timing and her house is are Movie. 7 aad 4 p. East Professor s Wife Dies air transport trains, screens with pre-fabricated Lansing theaters are hold¬ the little things that will lighten College auditorium ing wire and shoes with leather. bond day today. Persons may Mrs.
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