UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 26 Date 12/06/2006 Time 2:11:31 PM S-0882-0001-26-00001 Expanded Number S-0882-0001 -26-00001 items-in-France Date Created 23/06/1969 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0882-0001: Correspondence Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: with Heads of State, Governments, Permanent Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit of New- UJi i. Canjeru Pro s Fix Keyslcna > Maurice Schumann Gifcarfr d'Estajng Olivier 'Guichard , Foreign' Minister rmanve Minister Education Minister ', JF loquacity helps win nego- ARISTOCRATIC by family, A BARON, .has devoted tost - tiations, France has just *>.wealth J&nd intellect;'he •*~V of"1 career "'to' 'serving i acquired a redoubtable nego* is ' back -tftolnfi'' .what he Gerieralide.-Gaulle andfiaull- lotowsvbast-— administering tiator . .... Articulate 58-year- the country's economy as ismi . i Curiously,, rewards •'old. pbh'tici&n, jqurnalist;.comr have been? feWf-for/despite J Firia'rice- Minister .... Born mentator, -.-novelist", ..' :Firs't February' 2j_ 1926, but looks winning personality! 'and ex- gained fam& es spokesman .of like- a'" young Jet --setter Re- quisite rnanners, has. been in .-.General Charles ,de.*:GauUe's spite a receded, hair line ..." relative obscurity ,'un2l .re- ..Free French forces iri ion- -'.:ConsecvatiJ'e in politics and cently. .... .Born- July 27, don where for four war. years in. economies, and favors.- Jnr 1920, jand did not become,a , he.broadcast nightly to occu- Cabinet.• minister until' two ternatiopal j monetary : coop-' -.pied france .-;•. Admirer and eration . «if At - 25 Joined years' ago, when he was put follower flf-de-'Gaulle since, an elite grimp of "civil, ser- in charge O'f, industry: •.,. :even\whije'pushing for Euro- vants knowii as Inspectors of. Before that held number of pean • economic'and' political Finance, virtually inherited technical posts, hone., of unity . ;'•;.-• Founder, • leader deputy's seat from his grand- which put him in public eye. and.deputy-of Roman Catlio- father at 30 ... Served as . Was princjpal secretary IIc Popular Republican Move- President d.6 Gaulle's Finance to General de Gaulle 1947- ment, now defunct .'. Born Minister four years . Con- 48, technical adviser to the April 10, 1911 to Jewish par- sidered ambitious enough to President, 1959-60, and in ents, came to Catholicism be thinking seriously of the National Assembly in 1967. •later . Experienced in for- next presidential election . Will be very much in eign affairs as junior minister seven years from now . public eye now in view of in Foreign Ministry, as chair- Has stayed on the winning last year's student disorders •rnan of Foreign Affairs Com- side first by cooperating and efforts since then to re- mission of National Assembly with Gaullists, then by op- form school system, which and as chief of French dele- posing de Gaulle's referend_urn.,F:.have made Education Minis- gation to United Nations in last April and by-'supp'prtirigMr'7try one of riiost. difficult 1953. ' - - -•- -. - • "Georges Pompidou.' ' •'-. .x!fe'posts in Government, - ; ; :: ;:^' - "Defense Minister.:-;:- ' • 1 (OAUtClST". "orthodoxy"''. [J ,^ maintained.• in Defense. Ministry,' last held by Pierre ' Messmer . ...y Was Foreign ' Minister in last''Cabinet . ^'.. Very touchy on subject of,-" French sovereignty and inde*T. -pendence . AVjIt administer?-, a symbol--of France's"1 inde-j • peridence: .atomic striking -,force... Impassioned, hard-, working, often eloquent ."v. .was General de'Gaulle's first'. Premier and showed loyalty by executing liberal Algerian- policy that went against his '• Associat princigles ... in 1962 was •• Raymond Mavcellin -'dropped in favor of Georges Rene Pleven Pompidou . Minister of Fi- InteriofiMinister Justice Minister - nance under Pompidou . F'FFICIENCY and'toughness ' TUT,AN of past, who hag niade born Jan. 15, 1912, is more V rather than color or flam- "* comeback by choosing respected than liked although I boyance are characteristics winning side in presidential in small groups shows charm not evident in public . ] that-kept him in post as In-. elections . ... One of most ' No compromiser or blackslap- "terior Minister while others prominent . politipians. '.of per . Considered unlikely | were shifted or dropped from Fourth Republic, which ended to become President. Cabinet altogether , . Born in 1958 with advent of Gen- August 19, 1914 and started eral de Gaulle . ! . Closs as- life as a lawyer, but shifted sociate and minister of de quickly to politics as conser- Gaulle during the war and just vative . Since 1948 has after, but did not follow him made career in Cabinet minis- into political exile in 1946 tries stretching over two re- ... In and out of succeding ©T RIZZOLI . publics. , . Served as Under governments for . next 12 ^ JtnteFiriatilOiniall .Secretary in Interior in 1348 years. Middle-of-roader with and 19"19, and Minister of strong penchant for Euro- Public Health and Population pean political unity, contrary Gallery from 1962 to 1966 . Was to de Gaulle . has wide Peter Noveili, Director brought into Interior Ministry political frendships . Was Books * Periodicals « Records ! —key post as far as law and Premier once, minister many Graphics and Fins Art I order are. concerned—as revo- times and mentioned as pos- •from around tho world \ lutionary disorders in May of sible Premier whenever crisis last year were approaching a arose . Born April 15, 1901 712 FHlh Avenue high point ... as France's in Brittany and has worked ctvYorftlOOi9 • 245-Q4QQ{( ', Number one policeman, has hard on problems of that rela- Open six days a wsatc acquired solid reputation for tively underdeveloped prov- until jn/dnight sternness. .ince. , - V HEW'YORK TIMES, Monday, 23 June 1969 .'..-.• ..• group's fficludes''AndrerliFantPn, whp becomes Mr. Debre's asso- deflationist policy when he was ciate in defense. Finance Minister from January Cabinet Members Listed 1962, until January, 1966. But The 'Cabinet list was an- before accepting the job this nounced by the Presidential -time he came out for a cau- Palace following a last one- tious, gradual approach combin- hour ' conference between Mr. ing growth and deflation. He Pompidou1 and Mr. Chaban- Tejected the extreme austerity Delmas. The list is as follows: Premier—Jacques' Chaban-Delmas. measures proposed by Antoine Defense—Michel Debre. Plnay, the elder statesman Culture—Edraond Michelet, .who turned down tho post delations with Parliament — Rogei yesterday. •Frey. Pompidou Picks Advocate of Justice—Reni Pleven. ' Mr. Debre" strenuously re- Foreign Affairs — Maurice Schu- European Unity Despite sisted his removal from the For- mann. eign Ministry until this after- Interior—Raymond Marcellin. Gaullist Objections noon. He conferred twice with Finance ana Economic Affairs—' Mr. Pompidou today and once Valery Giscard d'Estaing. Education—Olivier Guichard. with Premier-designate Jacques Planning and Development—Andrfe ,,,Chaban-Delmas. The meetings Bettencourt. BIG CABINET APPOINTED ^ere reported to have been Overseas Departments and Terri-l trtense. tories-—Henri Rev. I Equipment and Housing — Albinl rf'*; Along with Andre Malraux Chalandon. ; Discard, Who Backs British Jand Maurice Couve de Murville Industrial Development and Sc(en-| ^Mr. Debri has long been re- tific Research — Fransois-Xavien j Bid to Join Market, Gets Jgacded as a Gaullist "purist" Ortoli. ;« giving total allegiance to Gen- Posts and Telecommunications— Robert Galley. French Finance Post *efal de Gaulle. Agriculture—Jacques Duhamel. ji Objections Voiced Transport—Raymond Mondon. Labor, Employment and Population By HENRY TANNER *•*.-Orthodox Gaui|ist3 had de- —Joseph Fontanet. •Jmanded that he be kept in Health and Social Security — Ro- Special to The New Yorx Times JJcharge of foreign affairs as a bert Boulin. PARIS, June 22 — President .u'^ymbol" of continuity and as Veterans—Henri Duvillard. Pompidou today removed Michel .fthe "conscience of Gaullism." SECRETARIES OF STATE Deere" 'from the Foreign Minis- There have teen unconfirmed Attached to the Premier—L6o Hamon, Joseph Comiti, Philippe [try and replaced him with rumors that General de Gaulle Malaud, Jacques Baumel. Maurice Schumann, a European- ,had expressed through inter- De/ense—Andrt Fanton. •jnediaries the hope that Mr. Parliamentary Relations —• Jean- minded internationalist. rDebre' would remain in his post. Louis Tinaud, Jacques Llmouzy. The shift of Foreign Minis- foreign Affairs — Yvon Bourges, ;-~.But the new President, who Jean de Lipowski. ters, made against tile -strong ..took office Friday following his fnterior—Andr6 Bord. objections of orthodox Gaullists, 'ejection victory last Sunday, i Finance — Jacques Chirac, Jean was the most spectacular fea- 'pi>mmitted to making French Bailly. Jpelicy toward European unifi- Education—Pierre Billecocq. 1 ture in the announcement of a Industrial Development — Gabriel gation and toward Britain more Kaspereit, Bernard Lafay. new French Cabinet that com- (flexible and more internation- Equipment and Housing — Marcel prises an unusually large total ,alist. Anthonioz, Robert-AndrS Vivien. of 18 ministers and 20 secre- *i> He is reliably understood to Agriculture—Bemard Pons. -obor, Employment and Popula- taries of state. Mr. Debve was S»ve explained to Mr. Debre tion—Philippe Dechartre. jnamed Defense Minister. rtoday that this new approach Public Health and Social Security jjhough not a reversal of policy _
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