/10 22 2011 / 03 volume 65 Why the DeWar rape ruling is truly shocking NEWS page 3 Tension aT The U of W Don't holD your breath for an easy resolution NEWS pages 2 & 5 COMMENTS page 9 Under pressUre local artist explores unDerWater photography With h2oohhh arts page 20 02 News The UniTer March 10, 2011 www.UniTer.ca LOOKING for listings? Cover image we can only assume that CaMPUS & COMMUNITY LISTINGS aND they're young and listen to Do you have what it takes VOLUNTEEr OPPOrTUNITIES page 6 a lot of Rage Against the MUSIC page 12, An image from H2Oohhh to be a model? FILM & LIT page 14, BY RODNEY BRAUN Machine. GaLLErIES & MUSEUMS pages 14 & 15, See story on page 20. THEaTrE, DaNCE & COMEDY page 15, comments page 9 culturE page 16 aWarDS aND FINaNCIaL aID page 18 News UNITER STAFF ManaGinG eDitor Aaron Epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer Geoffrey Brown » [email protected] PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Ayame Ulrich » [email protected] cOPy anD styLe eDitor Britt Embry » [email protected] Photo eDitor Cindy Titus » [email protected] newS assiGnMenT eDitor Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor Kristy Rydz » [email protected] arts anD culture eDitor Matt Preprost » [email protected] cOMMents eDitor Andrew Tod » [email protected] Listings cO-OrDinator J.P. Perron » [email protected] caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer Karlene Ooto-Stubbs » [email protected] BeaT rePOrTer Ethan Cabel » [email protected] BeaT rePOrTer Lauren Parsons » [email protected] BeaT rePOrTer Chris Hunter » [email protected] culture rePOrTer Catherine van Reenen » [email protected] Jordan Janisse Students show their support CONTRIBUTORS: Over 100 students, faculty, staff and support- UWFA president Kristine Hansen as well since March 2010. aranda adams, Matt austman, ers walked on Monday, March 7 in solidar- as University of Winnipeg Students’ Associa- Salary continues to be the primary issue Bethany Berard, Justin charette, ity with the University of Winnipeg Faculty tion representatives Lana Hastings and John preventing the UWFA and U of W adminis- robin Dudgeon, Phil enns, Sam Association. Macleod Arnould were on hand to respond tration from reaching an agreement. hagenlocher, Graham hnatiuk, The UWFA have been negotiating a new to questions about negotiations and the show Member dues from the UWFA are financ- contract with U of W administration and set of solidarity. ing the rental of the space at 309 Balmoral St., Jordan Janisse, Jon Kornelsen, a strike deadline for Wednesday, March 9 at Macleod Arnould gave a passionate speech which sits across the street from the U of W’s Krystal Maslowski, Sarah reilly, 12:01 a.m., which they then pushed back a highlighting the concerns of students about Wesley Hall. Sierra Sawatsky, Sara Shyiak, day. the quality of the education at the U of W. aaron Snider, Jon Sorokowski, J. The solidarity walk started at the universi- “The quality of our university should be For more coverage, go to page 5. ty’s Portage Avenue campus and culminated measured by the quality of the professors, not williamez at the UWFA’s strike headquarters at 309 Bal- the building,” he said. Karlene Ooto-Stubbs and Aaron Epp moral St. The UWFA have been without a contract The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. BY KRYSTAL MASLOWSKI uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a Q: DO YOU THINK STRIKING IS EFFECTIVE member of the canadian University Press and campus Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for Richard Anderson, on Yusuf Suleiman, truck Trish Gutierrez, childcare submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, disability driver, King's Transfer worker, YMCA six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves "No, it will stop the "Yes. It's a good idea "If that's how they feel to the right to refuse to print submitted material. The courses from going on. because they deserve a get their point across, they Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, There is no need to stop. good salary." should go on strike." misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. They should think about the students." cONTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 advertising: 204.786.9790 Editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LOCATION » Greg McIvor, second- Jenn Friess, fourth-year Kyle Morrissey, room OrM14 year student, theatre student, psychology major University of Winnipeg University of Winnipeg graduate, majored in 515 Portage avenue major "A strike makes a really large Winnipeg, Manitoba r3B 2E9 "It can be effective. It statement, and can have psychology has to be strategized an impact to cause change "They can do a better properly, in a way that really quickly. As a student, job by providing us with will benefit everyone." I am really concerned about all the details. I'd like to suffering academically and/or know what's at stake. I Mouseland Press Board of directors: financially." am glad I got out when Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney I did." Berthelette, clayton winter, alex Freedman, Shannon Sampert, Brian Gagnon, Kelly ross, caroline Fisher, Ben wickstrom and Fabian Suarez-amaya. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca March 10, 2011 The UniTer Rape survivor decries judge’s controversial decision Cindy Titus Sherri-Lee chiarot, a rape survivor, is outraged at the recent ruling by Justice robert Dewar. was my fault.” and as hurtful as it was to the complainant, experts claim judge It wasn’t until four years later, when she cannot be said to be only self-gratification. TranScript of raPe caSe ShOwS ignored precedent started attending college, that Chiarot real- It had the characteristics of a clumsy Don ThaT vicTiM FeareD for her LiFe ized the rape was never her fault. Juan. I don’t condone it, but it simply does established long before “I will forever have to live a life of dis- not fit the archetypal cases cited.” DUrinG aTTacK trust,” she said, adding that she finds it diffi- Among the “archetypal cases” cited was By reviewing the sentencing transcript of a contro- mandatory minimum cult to form lasting relationships and is still R v. Sandercock from the Alberta Court of versial decision by Manitoba court of Queen’s Bench sentencing plagued by emotional triggers, such as the Appeal in 1985. Justice robert Dewar in a Thompson rape case, The attacker’s name. Sandercock established three years of Uniter has learned that the crown submitted evi- Chiarot never took her attacker to court jail time as the “guideline” for serious sex- dence suggesting that the victim feared for her life because she had no physical evidence of the ual assault “assuming a mature accused with ethan Cabel during the violent and extensive attack. crime and did not want to relive the experi- previous good character and no criminal “your lordship did find on the facts that there was beat reporter ence, minute by minute, in a formal court record.” a comment from her asking if he planned to kill her,” of law. Rhodes was of previously good character said Sheila Seesahai, the crown prosecutor in the She believes that Justice Dewar has done a and had no criminal record, both of which case, adding that rhodes continued with his sexual Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench Justice great disservice to Canadian women by fur- were considered by Justice Dewar in sen- assault even after the victim expressed physical pain. Robert Dewar’s decision to give Kenneth ther dissuading rape survivors from coming tencing. in sentencing rhodes to a two-year conditional Rhodes a conditional sentence for raping a forward. Allison Fenske, a lawyer at Winnipeg law sentence, Justice Dewar accepted the facts submit- woman in Thompson in 2006 has sparked “(His decision) takes everything the jus- firm Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP, ted by the crown. international controversy. tice system has done around rape back mul- believes that Dewar not only ignored cur- “i accept the evidence of the complainant (victim) His decision, whereby he characterized tiple years,” she said. rent practice but also evaded the Sandercock that when the accused laid the complainant down Rhodes as a “clumsy Don Juan” overcome precedent in granting Rhodes a lenient sen- Moving backward by the side of the road, he did not enquire whether by inviting circumstances, has prompted tence. she wished to continue,” said Justice Dewar in sen- his removal from any further sexual assault Justice Dewar sentenced Kenneth Rhodes “There is a long-established starting point tencing. cases, an appeal by the Crown, complaints to a two-year conditional sentence despite of a three-year minimum imprisonment “There was no similar enquiry after she com- to the Canadian Judicial Council and, most the Crown’s insistence that he deserved three for crimes of serious sexual assault and that plained of being hurt by his … penetration,” he added. recently, his removal from a Winnipeg man- years of jail time. Alberta precedent has been recognized by in the crown’s submission to the court, Seesa- slaughter case. As of 2007, three years in jail is the man- our own Manitoba Court of Appeal,” she hai described the extensive and violent nature of the However, it was the inclusion of the vic- datory minimum sentence legislated by Par- said.
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