WHO KILLED THELMA TODD? Vol. 1, No. 15 • June 3, 2015 Uniting the Community with News, Features and Commentary Circulation: 14,500 • $1.00 See Page 23 July 4th Concert Headliners Announced By LAUREL BUSBY Staff Writer lthough they come from Lake Tahoe and New York, respectively, Amusicians Adam Topol and Tom Freund are in many ways Southern Cali- fornia boys at heart. They both love to skateboard. Topol is a surfer, too, while Freund has just started learning to ride the waves at age 46—even taking a lesson from singer/songwriter/ surfer Brett Dennen at Gladstone’s recently. They embrace the beach lifestyle. Topol lives in Venice, while Freund has lived and had a studio there for about 15 years. “We as kids in Lake Tahoe would think of L.A. as this mythical place,” said Topol, 48, who with Freund has formed a new act, the West Side Troubadours. “I have these romantic visions of a lot of these cool bands that came out of these areas—troubadours spawning all kinds of stuff . We can now properly claim our little space.” Both of these seasoned musicians, who have either spearheaded or contributed to more than 50 CDs over the course of their Adam Topol (left) and Tom Freund (right) will headline the Palisades Rocks the Fourth concert at PaliHi on July 4. Photo: Tom Hofer careers, are excited to perform at the eighth und, who sings, writes songs and plays the for an intriguing set of songs that are “pa- choice] in a good way.” annual Palisades Rocks the Fourth concert. upright bass, ukulele, mandolin, guitar triotic, but not corny patriotic, with good In addition to Freund’s musical skills, the “I am super psyched” about playing the and piano. American values” that might be a little West Side Troubadours will feature Topol upcoming concert with Topol, said Fre- Freund said the “Palisades vibe” allows unexpected at times. “You can push [song (Continued on Page 21) Homeless Tent City Grows he number of people camping on Monica and Venice was more strictly en- Will Rogers State Beach, despite the forcing the law. Tposted “No Camping” sign, is a con- In a May 22 e-mail, he responded: “I am cern to the community. not sure of the activity in SM or Venice. We On May 14, Santa Monica Canyon res- are issuing citations for camping on the ident Sharon Kilbride counted 16 tents. beach. We can ask them to leave but we When she took a photo, one guy begged cannot remove their property or wait to her to photograph him and his bag of pot. see if they come back.” “He told me he was happy and home- On Memorial Day, Moore and two other less,” Kilbride said, noting that she had officers walked to the different beach en- heard that Santa Monica and Venice police campments at 11 a.m. and issued citations. are enforcing the no-sleeping-on-the-beach “We cannot force anyone to leave public ordinance and the homeless are now com- lands unless we can establish it as a fire haz- ing north to Will Rogers because the law ard,” Moore said. “But the citations can be- is not being enforced here. come warrants, which we can use to make Homeless tents are now on Will Rogers Beach. Photo: Sharon Kilbride Santa Monica Canyon resident Judi Jen - an arrest.” sen sent a letter to the Palisades News (page He explained that the citations issued on 7), saying that she had been accosted and Memorial Day meant the person receiving Postal Customer Postal threatened when she walked her dog along it has until June 15 to go to court. If the the bike path at night. She called the West person fails to appear, a warrant is issued. L.A. Watch Commander and he told her to “If the person goes to court, the citation **************ECRWSSEDDM************* contact Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore is resolved (perhaps community service, and Councilman Mike Bonin’s office. or pay a fine, or even spend a day in jail),” Norman Kulla, Bonin’s senior lead coun- Moore said. “If the person is arrested, he Permit #422 Permit Pasadena, CA Pasadena, sel, was contacted and he said that a meet- will most likely spend the night in jail, go to PAID ing was scheduled for May 28 to address the court, plead guilty, and get time served for U.S. Postage U.S. problem. “I am hopeful that a solution will the one night in jail.” Moore notes that this Presorted Standard Presorted be reached.” a reasonable deal for some transients, es- Moore was asked if it was true that Santa pecially those who have multiple warrants. Page 2 Palisades News June 3, 2015 AAVVAILABLE PROPERTIES ,d Be7 ,d 10 bath,ba 10,500 sq ft, 18,629 s ft ls toq 6 bd, 5.5 bth ug+ 6,,esouhtse 320 sq ft 20., 20. 77 otl8 $ 899,13, 000 1630Am moc.iflam 599,$7, 000 13535L oc.accu m 4 ,dBe b hta4 3,h 357 sq ft 17,, 019019 sq ft tlo 5 ,dBe 5 b5. b 4,hta5 364 sq ft 000200,$6, 850,$3, 000 733E c.oideMl mo 37011730#REBlaC June 3, 2015 Palisades News Page 3 Please, Fix the Flag Fourth of July Home Decorating Contest ind your American flags, pull out the on Facebook, or email it to info@palisade- bunting and dream up an original parade.org and professionals will upload it Fpatriotic design, because the annual to Facebook for you (remember to include PAPA/Joan Sather Real Estate Patriotic your address). The deadline is July 1. Home Decorating Contest guidelines are set. Preliminary judging of the submitted All homes in Pacific Palisades are eligible. photos will take place on July 2. The top Yes, that means those people who live in the choices will be viewed personally by a panel Highlands, Castellammare and the Riviera of local celebrities on July 3. and whose neighborhoods produced ab- The top prize is a flag that flew over the solutely no entries last year—zero, zilch, U.S. Capitol as well as an opportunity to nada. (Put out a flag, for heaven’s sake.) judge next year’s contest. The top 10 final- The steps to enter are simple: 1) deco- ists will also receive prizes from local busi- rate, giving it your best patriotic effort; 2) nesses and recognition certificates. upload a photo of your home to the Pacific Visit: palisadesparade.org, joansath - Palisades Fourth of July Celebration page er.com, or email [email protected]. Tunnel Accidents Spur Citizen Kalp into Action oo often, westbound PCH motorists dents,” she said, and Caltrans agreed to Pacific Palisades resident Stuart Muller sent us a photograph of the American slam on their brakes entering the conduct an investigation. flag twisted on a pole that flies above the 881 Alma Real building on May 22. Tblind curve at the McClure Tunnel In August, another fatal crash occurred “The picture was taken November 14, 2014, and it [the flag] remains the same,” because of stopped traffic. There are no in the same McClure location at 5:50 a.m., Mueller wrote. “At the time, I looked for a manager’s office on the directory signs warning that the freeway is ending, involving a motorcyclist and an unknown and also asked around for someone to talk to, but found neither.” and in late afternoon or early evening, the modeled-sedan type. Over Memorial Day, the flag remained unchanged, and the News is wondering setting sun can hinder views as drivers Later that month, Caltrans told Kalp if anyone in the building might alert the owner so that the American flag can exit the tunnel, making it difficult to see they had done the field investigation and fly freely. Photo: Stuart Muller stopped cars. would proceed with a project to upgrade After two particularly horrific acci- this section of the highway. dents, Pacific Palisades resident Amy Kalp, For the short term, they installed a who is vice president of the LADP West trailer with a warning message: “Stopped Bite Nite Coming Soon Bureau Traffic Committee, took action. Traffic Ahead.” Last June, a child was killed when two big But as Kalp pointed out last month, “It he Pacific Palisades Chamber of Paul Newman, Tom Cruise, Steven Spiel- rigs and a minivan collided around 12:35 needs to be upgraded because the sign Commerce is excited to announce berg, Governor Pete Wilson, President p.m. on the westbound 10 Freeway at the doesn’t reflect the flow on PCH. That whole Tits first Bite Nite Foodie Fest Ronald Reagan and Princess Grace Kelly. McClure Tunnel, according to the California intersection needs to be redone.” Fundraising event from 4 to 7 p.m., Sat- Not only will it be a night of tasting, but Highway Patrol. Nine people were injured, At the May PCH Task Force meeting, urday, June 13, at the Pacific Palisades proceeds will go to the Chamber of Com- seven of them passengers in the minivan. Caltrans announced that it has agreed to a Woman’s Club. merce and the Woman’s Club Capital “Many people do not realize, especially $3- to $4-million project that will include The community is invited to enjoy Campaign. Tickets are $25 per person or non-locals, that when you come out of the new lighting for the tunnel, painting and a food samples from local restaurants Glad- $45 for a couple and can be purchased at McClure Tunnel you are no longer on a changeable message sign that will include stones, Tivoli, Casa Nostra Ristorante, El the Chamber office at 15330 Antioch St.
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