<._ --\5f&n*-i;r--.~...... -- v - -- -- Y - THE --- Entered as second class Accepted for mailing at matter, February 3rd, 1923, special rates of postage at the post office at Des provided for in Section Moines, Iowa, under the 1103, Act of Oct. 3rd, 1917, act of August 24th, 1912. authorized Feb. 3rd, 1923. <X-------------- w - wv LOG BOOK PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY & SURGERY JANUARY, 1949 Number 1 Volume 27 · A New Osteopathic Announcement of a Sanatorium Scholarship at Still Announcement of Examination inthe River Oaks Manor, located A friend of Des Moines Still Regular Corps for Medical Officers about twenty miles from Des Public Health Service Moines at Colfax, Iowa, has been College of Osteopathy and Sur- United States gery, on December 29, 1948, an- organized for the treatment of FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY alcoholism exclusively. It was nounced a scholarship to be granted to a student enrolled in Public Health Service dedicated on Sunday, January 16, Washington, D. C. with a big open house to the pub- the study of osteopathic medicine lic. at D.M.S.C.O.S. The conditions of the grant are as follows: A competitive examination for appointment of Medical Officers The Manor will have an (osteopathic) in the Regular Corps of the United States Public Health eventual capacity of 100 beds. So 1. The grant shall be $500.00 per Service will be held on May 3, 4, and 5, 1949. this is the only far as is known with the . Ban ;iTi a n we;ii c!_ ) year, commencing .iza .IIIna5UXE;iiA1l tJ.urLyp 1 UUi;Iclllllls- treatment center of its kind in fall term of 1949 and con- 1111C Lexington (Kentucky), Fort the osteopathic profession. sioned officer corps composed of tinuing during the life of the members of various medical and Worth, Kansas City (Missouri), "Wet wards" will be establish- grantor and for twenty years scientific professions, appointed Denver, and Atlanta. ed at the Manor and a four day thereafter, subject to being in appropriate professional cate- Entrance.pay for an Assistant "drying out period" will be used, discontinued upon one year's gories such as medical, dental, Surgeon with dependents is $5,011 after which the patient will go notice. nursing, engineering, pharmacy, per annum; for Senior Assistant through the various departments No student shall receive more etc. depending on training and with dependents $5,551. These of the Diagnostic Service at the 2. experience. figures include the $1200 annual Still Osteopathic Hospital where than one year's assistance which shall consist of $500.00. be made in additional pay received by medical recommendations for treatment Appointments will officers as well as subsistence and and care of the patient will be the grades of Assistant Surgeon allowance. Provisions are 3. The grant for each year shall (1st Lt.), and Senior Assistant rental made. be sent by the grantor to the made for promotion at regular While Alcoholics Anonymous Surgeon (Captain). Appointments including the College 30 days before the be- are permanent in nature and pro- intervals up to and will not have an official connec- ginning of the fall term each grade of Senior Surgeon (Lt. the new treatment cen- vide opportunities to qualified tion with year. career Col.) and for selection for promo- ter, they will hold meetings and physicians for a lifetime tion to the grade of Medical Di- lend their aid in the treatment 4. In the event no student is in clinical medicine, research, and per an- public health. rector (Col.) at $9,751 program during the thirty days eligible for the grant any par- num. that the patient is at the center. ticular year, the grant shall Requirements: For appoint- Extra benefits include a 5 per The Manor is situated on 126 accumulate and be used the ment in the grade of Assistant cent increase in base pay for acres of wooded land adjacent to following year. Surgeon, the applicant must be a every 3 years of service (time a beautiful river. Physiotherapy United States citizen, at least 21 served in the past as a member aids have been established. The grant for any particular years of age, and a graduate from of the armed forces is credited, year shall be given to a student a recognized school of osteopathy disability retirement at three- Dr. Frederic J. McAllister will who best meets the following whose graduates are eligible for be Medical Director of the new fourths base pay, full medical qualifications: licensure to practice medicine or care, retirement pension, 30 days institution, but will continue as osteopathy in a majority of the Chief-of-Staff of Still Osteopathic 1. The applicant must be a stu- annual leave, sick leave, and States of the United States. Ap- many of the usual privileges ex- Hospital and Associate Professor dent who is in dire need and plicants for appointment in the of Surgery at the college. who is not able to obtain any tended to members of the mili- grade of Senior Assistant Surgeon, tary forces. substantial assistance from any in addition to the above require- other source and who has no Application forms and addition- Dr. Lustig Guest ments, must have a total of at al information may be obtained immediate relatives active in least ten years of educational the medical profession. by writing to the: At Convocation training and professional experi- Surgeon General 2. The applicant must have at- ence subsequent to high school. Public Health commissioned officers are United States Dr. Lustig, who spoke before a tended the College at least (All Service one year, two full semesters, appointed to the general service 25, D. C. college assembly Dec. 22, grad- and are subject to change of sta- Washington uated in the year of 1925 and and have a fair chance of Attention' Division of graduation. tion.) Qualifying applicants will Officers calls Grand Rapids, Michigan, his receive written professional tests, Commissioned However, in recent years home. 3. The applicant must show an oral interview, and a physical Completed applications must be he has not been at home much examination. received by April 1, 1949. of the time because of his serv- evidence of good management and be able to explain satis- The professional written ex- ices to his profession and to his he started school government. He is a member factorily why amination for the grade of As- Seniors without adequate funds avail- sistant Surgeon will cover the fol- of The American Association for his course. the Advancement of Science and able to complete lowing subjects: (1) anatomy, Henry J. Braunschweig, interne the Flint County Engineering physiology, bio-chemistry (2) at Des Moines General Hospital. 4. The applicant must be a citi- materia medica and therapeutics; Thomas Dozier, undecided about Club. He is also a scientific con- zen of the United States or a sultant for the War Department (3) practice of medicine; (4) interneship. British subject. Religion, sex, practice of surgery; (5) obstetrics Stanley Griffin, opening his of the United States government age, race, national origin, or few weeks goes to and gynecology; (6) epidemiology practice in Des Moines. and every fraternal affiliation shall have and Washington to confer with our of and hygiene; (7) pathology Gerald Leuty, opening his prac- no bearing on the choice bacteriology. Senior Assistant tice in Knoxville, Iowa. governmental scientists. He is the candidate. president of the National Society Surgeons applicants will be ex- Victor Mallory, to became house of Electro Biologists. The grant shall be administered amined on subjects 3, 4, 6, and 7 physician at River Oaks Manor, by the Executive Committee of listed above. Colfax, Iowa. In 1947 Dr. Lustig won the L. Pettit, interne at Distinguished Service Award in the college. The President is Examinations will be held at Robert deeply appreciative of interests of points throughout the United Wilden Hospital, Des Moines. the osteopathic profession. He is Kenneth M. Roberts, interne at proud for the world to know that friends of this institution and States including Norfolk, New fully realizes that such acts of Orleans, San Francisco, Seattle, New Mexico Osteopathic Hospital, he is an osteopathic physician. at Albuquerque. We are proud of him. It was a kindness will much to the further- Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, ance of osteopathic medicine in Boston, Memphis, Kirkwood (Mis- Bryce Wilson, interne at Wilden great pleasure to have Dr. Lustig Hospital, Des Moines. with us. the United States. souri), Staten Island, Los Angeles, Osteopathic THE LOG BOOK in allopathic medicine. When the Locust Street prop- Dean's Letter Know Your Faculty adequate for His analysis leads him uner- erty was no longer he was ap- ringly to the same conclusion to a college building, of three Call it discernment, cold logic, which more than 11,000 others (Fourth in a series of articles pointed on a committee for the careful judgment, or what you have been led-that the tenets of describing the background of D. M. to secure a new building will, the young man who is now Dr. Andrew Taylor Still are S. C. O. S. faculty members.) institution. The present college becoming interested in the heal- fundamentally sound-that scien- building was purchased and re- modeled on his recommendation. ing arts is beginning to make care- tific medical truth lies along the ROBERT B. BACHMAN, ful study and comparison of the July 15, 1947, Doctor Bachman path which he has indicated. D.O., F.A.C.O.O. various schools of therapy before Your school has committed it- was appointed head of the De- Gyne- making his choice. self to the exploration and de- partment of Obstetrics and He seems not to be concerned velopment of the ever-widening, Head of the Department of Ob- cology at D.M.S.C.O.S.
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