^^^Pfl" 7CUR£T asks "Is Romance Dead? o D n xv*' f.'V V] t 1 I M-nadine Hayes W BC-N.Y. MONDS by Hendrik Willem VAISf WMSWander Woollcott + H. G. Wells + George Bernard Shan BIGGEST MOMENTS IN MY LIFE by MariJmrrzl JVL iss Adams tellsy ouhoivto procure your own solar horoscope — FREE •3&.|!L -* > "fat £ ihe Dentists' Dentifrice shouldbeyour FAMILY DENTIFRICE "ANY people remember is only a pyorrhea treatment. If you suspect that you M'the time when trips to have this ailment, if your gums are tender, see your den- the dentist were made only to tist at once. When the mouth is healthy— before any get relief from pain. In those tenderness develops — is the time to adopt Forhan's as ; days, no one thought of your dentifrice. -It is far better to avoid disease than to going for prevention, before treat it after it develops. The use of this scientific den- pain developed. tifrice will help you to keep the mouth of youth well And today, there are people into middle age. who do not think of using NOW ON THE AIR! Forhan's, until their mouths New Forhan's program—featuring Evangeline world-famous astrologer are beyond the help of ordi- Adams, — every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 P. M. Eastern Stand- nary tooth-pastes. ard Time — Columbia network. But the well mouth needs Forhan's. It is a denti- frice safe and pure and mild — as fine as a dentist can it, for it make was developed by a dentist, R. J. Forhan, D. D. S. The tiny teeth of children— those precious first teeth which have such an influence on the future health and beauty of the mouth — need the scientific cleansing which they will get with this gentle dentifrice. The teeth of boys and girls also need Forhan's pro- tection, to supplement the dentist's watchful care. No dentifrice can do a more thorough job of reaching every fissure and crevice of the teeth during these criti- cal years. In the adult mouth, Forhan's serves a double pur- pose. It cleans the teeth, of course, but in addition it helps to stimulate the gums. Used as recommended, with massage at the time of brushing, it rouses slug- gish circulation, brings to gum tissues a pleasant tingling, and helps to keep them in the coral glow of health. Do not make the mistake of thinking that Forhan's Forhan's YOUR TEETH ARE ONLY AS HEALTHY AS YOUR GUMS ' Radio Digest FOLLOW MY STARS OF YOUTH TO A bearer, jxy- "bW/M Frances Ingram herself tells how to keep the skin lovely at its 6 vital places ' ' "V7"OU are j ust as young and attractive, JL or just as old, as your skin looks," I told a charming woman who recently came to consult me. "Keep your skin im- maculately clean . Keep it youthful at my . ' six stars . And you are youthfully lovely Then I explained to her my method with Milkweed Cream. "To cleanse the skin, spread my Milk- weed Cream generously over your face and neck. Let it remain for several min- utes, to allow the delicate oils to pene- trate deeply into the pores, and then remove every vestige of it with soft linen. "Now—apply a fresh film of the Milk- weed Cream. With outward and upward strokes pat it into the skin at the six points starred on my mannequin. "There are special toning ingredients in this Milkweed Cream. These penetrate the cleansed pores and defend the skin against blemishes and aging lines and leave it clear, soft and lovely." / r / This charming woman came back to see me, a day or two ago. Her skin looked marvelously clear and soft and fresh! She looked at least five years younger—and said she felt it! fit STUDY MV MANNEQUIN AND HER "STARS" TO K\OW WHY I have recommended my Milkweed Cream and my method to so many women, and Onlu a health ii- .skin can start i/onnq I have seen their skin grow fresh, clear, young. Won't you follow my six stars to , THE FOREHEAD — against lines a clearer, softer, younger skin? To guard the throat — To keep your throat from and wrinkles here, apply Milkweed Cream, flabbiness, cover with a of Milkweed If you have any special questions to ask film stroking with fingertips, outward from the and smooth gently downward, ending with about skin care, write for a copy of my center of your broiv. rotary movement at base of neck. booklet, "Why Only A Healthy Skin Can Stay Young." Or tune in on my radio , THE eyes— Ifyou ivould avoid aging crow's THE NECK — To prevent a sagging chin and hour, "Through The Looking Glass feet, smooth Ingram's about the eyes, stroke a lined neck, stroke with fingertips covered with a feather touch outward, beneath eyes with Milkweed from middle chin toward With Frances Ingram," Tuesdays, 10:15 of and over eyelids. the ears and patting firmly all along the A. M., E. S.T., over WJZ and Associated jaw contours. Stations. THE MOUTH — Drooping lines are easily de- feated by filming the fingertips with my cream the shoilders — To have shoulders that and sliding them upward over the mouth and are blemish-free and firmly smooth, cleanse then outward toward the ears, starting at with Milkweed Cream and massage with the middle of the chin. palm of hand in rotary motion. INGRAM'S ream Frances Ingram, Dept. R-1I0 108 Washington St., N. V. C. \.jn:t_ Please send me your free booklet, "Why Only Healthy Skin tells in a Can Stay Young," which AJJr, complete detail how to care for the skin and to guard the six vital spots of youth. City. ..V'J.V- . DEC 26 mo &C1B 97478 THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY Raymond Bill, Charles R. Tighe, Editor Associate Editor Henry J. Wright, Harold P. Brown, Advisory Editor Managing Editor Including RADIO REVUE and RADIO BROADCAST January, ipjl CONTENTS WALTER WINCHELL—Radio's Little Boy Peep shuns publicity himself . but he gets it here. David Ewen 6 GUY LOMBARDO BATTLES A GUNMAN —An orchestra leader's thrilb surely beat fiction. Leonard Stewart Smith 8 GENTLEMAN JIM BROADCASTS—Ex- champion Corbett delivers a knock-out interview to. Doty Hobart 12 RAY PERKINS—The Old Topper, batty but clever as usual, shoots a paradox with pineapples. Betty Lloyd Walton 15 SHE BURNS GREEN—"She" being borax and IE AN GIF FORD this the drama of "her" discovery in Death Valley. 16 JEANETTE MAC- J DANTE says "Ah TOWN CRIER TALES—The noted raconteur J DONALD has an din' learn to be no dilates on Empress Josephine's Necklace. Alexander Woolcott 19 angelic smile and a 'twuncer, it jus' growed MY BIGGEST MOMENTS—The world-re- golden halo and she's on me" . like Topsy, nowned Singer was once a Timid Novice. Maria Jeritza 20 altogether seraphic. Just whose dark/own dialect picture her next time "HAPPY NEW YEAR"—Vocalizes chorus of she gets so pat on the Stars, who also make plenty of Resolutions. Evans E. Plummer 22 she deserts Hollywood WCAU Children's for the purpose of amus- DIAMONDS—Their History, since the days when every Sunday. you Radio Hour they were as cheap as glass. HendrikWillemVanLoon 25 ing fans. IS ROMANCE DEAD ?—Fannie Hurst Answers, but we refuse to tell how. Read it yourself. Lillian G. Genn 28 THE GOLDEN BATON—Being a Radio Drama, David Ross and full Pathos and Romance. of Don Clark 31 TUNEFUL TOPICS—AH the Latest Song Hits! How to sing them, as told by that expert . Rudy Vallee 34 STATION VOX—A Playlet in one Spasm, about broadcast worries of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. Monroe Upton 36 KISSES HOT AND KISSES COLD—History of Osculation—and what an unfolding! Dr. Frank H. Vizetelly 49 VENUS MAKES RUDY THAT WAY—Ro- mantic, Tender, Spiritual, say the Planets. Peggy Hull 50 THE WORLD OF OUR GRANDCHILDREN —Poverty and Ugliness will vanish in 1980. H. G. Wells 52 THE UNIVERSE OF EINSTEIN—He Builded a Greater one than did Napoleon. George Bernard Shaw 54 THE RISE OF RADIO—From a Toy to the Na- Orrin E. Dunlap, Jr. 55 tion's Joy . looking backwards and forwards. JUNIOR BRINGS HOME THE BACON— Ten Years Old and Earns $10,000 Per Year! Alma Sioux Scarberry 57 Coming and Going (p. 4) Station Popularity Contest (5 and 94) Album (37) Editorials (60) Radiographs (62) Marcella (64) Station News (begins 66) Classical Music Simplified (74) Women's Features (begin 75) Hits, Quips and Slips (81) Voice of The Listener (84) Scientific Progress of The Radio Arts (86) Stations Alphabetically Listed (88) LEAF CBS OYCE WHITE- ANN of Radio Digest, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone Lexington 1760. Radio Digest will not J *-*> be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts received through the mail. All manuscripts submitted MAN . "Oh what . it's hard to should be accompanied by return postage. Business Staff: Business Manager, Lee Robinson, 420 we have in her," believe that such a Lexington Ave., New York; National Advertising Representatives, R. G. Maxwell & Co., 420 Lexing- a find ton Ave., New York City, and Mailers Bldg., Chicago. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Gerald little, dainty scrap of says Manager femininity could ma- King of KFWB. Sweet, Radio Digest. Volume XXVI, No. 3, January, 1931. Published monthly by Radio Digest Publishing Corporation, Foreign Postage, One Dollar nipulate a great big 420 Lexington Ave.. New York, N. Y. Subscription rates yearly.
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