Concepts for wireless energy transmission via laser Leopold Summerer, Oisin Purcell ESA - Advanced Concepts Team Keplerlaan 1, NL-2201AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands, [email protected], +31-71-565-6227 The present paper intends to link several disciplines in an attempt to describe an application of optical systems slightly out of their mainstream applications. Back in the middle age, optics, then the \science of light" has been fundamental in understanding our universe and changing our perspective of our place in it. Optics in form of laser communication and the use quantum encryption are entering the field of space telecommunication and might well reveal to be the single most enabling technology for the introduction of secure and high bandwidth communication. In the present paper a different application of optical links is discussed, using laser links not only as a communications channel but also as a means to transfer energy without wires. Different concepts and applications of wireless power transmission via laser are discussed, including terrestrial and space-based applications. 1. INTRODUCTION Following the invention of the magnetron and the klystron in the 1920 and 1930, the developments dur- ing the second world war made microwave beams While the science of light and vision has always available to a wider scientific community. The first fascinated and influenced humans, the beginning of successful engineering approach to use microwaves for modern optics might be traced back to the famous effective energy transmission was done by W. Brown{ "Book of Optics" by Ibn al-Haytham∗, which for the in the 1960s, by powering among other devices a teth- first time describes the theory of vision and light as ered helicopter. [2] a ray theory, unifying geometrical optics with philo- sophical physics. His book already described experi- The first power stations in Earth orbit, taking ad- ments with lenses, mirrors, refraction, and reflection. vantage of the absence of day-night cycles to harvest Modern scientific optics, with the invention of the the energy of the sun were described by the early ∗∗ yy telescope in the 17th century by Dutch and Italian space pioneers K. Tsiokovski and H. Oberth . Pe- astronomers and mathematicians revolutionised our ter Glaser is recognised as the first to combine the way of viewing the universe and the place of Earth visions of these early space pioneers with the practi- and thus ultimately our own place within it. cal advances in transmitting energy without wires by W. Brown in his 1968 publication in Science, which Optics is already one of the most cross disciplinary contained the first engineering description of a solar disciplines, spanning from physics, chemistry, mathe- power satellite (SPS). [3] It established a vision of a matics, electrical engineering up to architecture, psy- sustainable, practically non-depletable and abundant chology and medicine. This paper intends to describe source of energy to meet world energy demands and the application of optics and light in an area where it triggered the imagination of researchers around the is traditionally only marginally present: energy trans- globe. mission. Since this pioneering article, several small and larger scale studies and experiments have been per- formed around the world in order to mature the con- 2. WIRELESS ENERGY TRANSMISSION cept of solar power satellites further. For a descrip- tion of how the concept had evolved since the 1968 The first attempts to transmit energy wirelessly publication, it is referred to [4]. While these stud- with the purpose of doing so are attributed to N. ies and experiments were generally intensified during Teslay at his laboratory in Long Island, New York times of high carbon fuel prices and received lower just 30 years after J. Maxwellz had predicted in 1873 attention during times of low oil and gas prices, the the transport of energy trough vacuum via electro- idea was never considered mature enough to be put magnetic waves, validated in principle 15 years later on a larger industrial scale, but the general concept by H. Hertzx. [1] of abundant, virtually CO2 emission free power gen- erated in orbit and transmitted to where needed on ∗ Ibn al-Haytham, 965-1040; also known under the names of Alhacen or Alhazen { William Brown, 1916-1999 ∗∗ y Nikola Tesla, 1856-1943 Konstantin Tsiolkovski, 1957-1935 yy z James Maxwell, 1831-1879 Hermann Oberth, 1894-1989 x Heinrich Hertz, 1857-1894 Earth has most of the time been considered as too mospherezz; transparency of the atmosphere to attractive to not pursue further. The most compre- the used wavelength; hensive study was done during 1979, when the US DoE and NASA made a joint technical analysis (fre- • possibility for directional emission; quently quoted as \SPS reference study") on the op- tions of SPS. [5] • possibility to convert the energy from the form of its source (solar, electric, heat) to a transmit- Furthermore, all studied so far essentially con- table form (e.g. microwave, laser, accoustic); cluded that there were no principal technical \show- stoppers" to the concept. On the other hand, with • possibility to convert the transmittable energy each redesign cycle based on new technology, the to- form back into a useful form of energy (e.g. elec- tal mass in orbit, cost and complexity of the entire tricity, hydrogen). system decreased substantially, indicating a remain- ing potential for further improvements. [5] [6] [7] [8] While this paper concentrates on laser energy The most daring concepts was probably proposed transmission, it is useful to compare its performances by Criswell et al. in 1990: The proposed lunar and parameters with microwave energy transmission, power stations would be very large installations on the most widely studied wireless energy transmission the moon, generating energy from solar irradiation technology. In principle, laser energy transmission on the moon to transmit it to Earth, passing via re- systems are very similar to energy transmission via lay stations and reflectors in Earth orbit. [9] [10] microwave technology: the power source (solar, elec- Following the theoretical works in the 1950s and tricity) is converted into an emitter or an emitter ar- the first presentation of a functioning laser in 1960, ray that generates the directional electromagnetic ra- the use of lasers as a means to transmit energy be- diation, which is subsequently absorbed in a receiver, came apparent. [11] [12] At the same time, the first which transforms the energy back into a more useful, photovoltaic cells were mounted on spacecraft to com- transportable form, e.g. electricity, heat, hydrogen. plement the energy provided by batteries to extend The key difference, the wavelengths used, im- the spacecraft operational life. plies the major other differences between the laser The much higher maturity level of microwave de- and microwave-based concepts: While most wireless vices and the resulting order of magnitude higher power transmission rely on microwave frequencies of overall efficiency has however prevented the con- either 2.45 or 5.8 GHz (0.12-0.05 m; both in the indus- cepts of wireless energy transmission by laser to en- trial, scientific and medical (ISM) frequency band), ter into the mainstream SPS concepts for most of laser energy transmission takes advantage of the at- the last 30 years. Recent exceptions include the pa- mospheric transparency window in the visible or near pers of Brandhorst, Steinsiek, Cougnet, Fork, and infrared frequency spectrum. (Fig. 1) Luce. [13] [14] [15] [16] The present paper argues that advances in laser technology and operational as well as engineering ad- vantages of concepts based on laser power transmis- sion provide ground for further interest in this con- cept and a stronger involvement of the scientific laser community. This paper concentrates on technologies for long- distance wireless power transmission technologies. Short and medium range wireless power transmission (e.g. via induction or evanescent wave coupling) are not considered. [17] FIG. 1: Transmission and absorption in Earth atmosphere. 3. WIRELESS ENERGY TRANSMISSION (source: NASA) TECHNOLOGIES In general, effective wireless energy transmission concepts need to comply with a range of fundamental constraints: zz For simplicity, only terrestrial applications are considered for the purpose of this paper. The principle remains of course the same of wireless energy transmission between to objects • possibility to transfer the energy though an at- in space and from deep space to planetary surfaces. The five orders of magnitude frequency difference and used. determine the sizing of the emitters and receiving de- The longest distances between emitting and receiv- vices as well as the energy density of the transmission ing points achieved so far is in the order to hundred beam according to standard optics principles. Similar kilometers. The largest amount of energy transmitted to the higher data rate achievable with optical data so far was during an experiment by the US Jet Propul- links (Fig. 2), laser energy transmission allows much sion Laboratory in 1975, when 30 kW were transmit- higher energy densities, a narrower focus of the beam ted from a 26 m diameter parabolic dish to a 1.54 km and smaller emission and receiver diameters. distant rectenna with 85% efficiency. [19] The first energy transmission in space between two objects was achieved by N. Kaya et al. in 1983. [20] The first airplane powered by a ground based mi- crowave emitter was launched in Canada in 1987 with the aim to test a wireless power transmission tech- nology to be used for powering high altitude, quasi- stationary platforms. [21] Similar experiments were performed in Japan in 1993 and 1995, powering from the ground a small airplane and a balloon respec- tively. [22] [23] The electronic beam steering by phase control of a microwave beam from space to Earth us- ing a pilot signal has been demonstrated in a sounding rocket experiment in 2006 by Kaya et al.
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