v ’ - . r . NET PRESS RUN roncw t AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD for the numth of September, 1927 Fair and cooler tonight; Wed-' | ^ 5,040 nesday fi^ . ■ 36ES> PRICE itoB E CENTS’ ClaMtOed AdfevChdiig oa f t f e 10. MANCHESTER, CONl»L, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1927. VOL. VUL, NO. 4. •ConPr SERVING TEA SLAIN AND SLAYER TOWN PLANNING ON GRIDIRON VERY FEW VOTE Harvard Starts New Style— ASG.O.P.MAKES LOSES, CHARTER Other College' Athletes Do­ ^ i ing Weird Stunts. ITAWWWAY R E V M VOTED Boston, Mass., Oct- 4.— Col­ lege fobtball in New England <s> has developed several queer twists thia season. Harvard warriors are serv­ ■'.VV'-S-; Only Small Part of Electors Bat Reports Trickle Across Seiectmen’s Proposals Car­ ing tea to opponents after each German game— the tea cups following Take Trouble to Go to Border That FightiiiK Has ried at Large Town Meet­ the showers. Harvard has adopted a On crimson color paint for head- Polls m Annual Town Broken Oat Again— fe d ­ ing— Two Appropriations gears. Dartmouth, . experimenting eral troops In Control, with a new fotball uniform for Election; Nordemey, Germany, Oct. 4.— only the four mqn on board. Increased Small Amounts the ends and backfield men, The great, tripl^-inotored Junkers ^ Accbrding«Ao the original plan the hydroplane was to have hoppeci adopted short knee pants, pad­ hydroplane G-24, which will try to off - at dawn, but flying conditions One Report Says— An­ ded and’ extended half way Th* usual light vote was cast at fly across the Atlantic from Lisbon were not satisfactory at that time. Manchester prefers to fashion its down the thighs, being worn the town election yesterday, only to Newfoundland, hopped oft for During, the day they grew better own town planning laws and so with long stockings and knee other Says Gen. Serrano 965 voters troubling to go to the Lisbon at 4:45 o’clock' this after­ end by three o’clock this afterhoon voted decisively last night at the pads. The object of this queer the pilots believed it safe to take Town Hall. The election in Man­ noon. annual town meeting in High regalia is to give the ends and The hydroplane carried three of off. ' Has Been Executed, v backfield men more speed by chester is usually decided at the school hall. The proposal to raise the best-known pilots employed by The flight was startsd ti the face taking off the weight of the primaries,, for republican nomina­ a town planning commlBslon as the Junkers works— Fritz Loose, of warnings. Weather experts de­ old-style uniforms. tion is considered equivalent to Karl Loewe and Rolf Starke. Thera clared that meteorolog.'cal condi- provided in the general statutes Both Harvard and Dart­ From behind the veil of obscur­ election. Town officials expected a was also a mechanic aboard— Ru­ tiens ever the North Atlantic are was defeated 244 to 155. Charter mouth are using the huddle dolph Pllttner. both dangerous and variable at this ity which hung today over events revision as proposed by the Board system, known in collegiate light vote and little or no effort They planned to make the flight time of.the year, owing to the pre- in Mexico, reports were received circles as the “ sewing circle of Selectmen and which will, no wab made to get voters to the polls. from Germany, to America in three valSnciY of autumnal storms. that fiightlng had broken out be­ system.” Princeton used it last That 955 took the trouble to go to hops, the first from Nordemey to The pilots declared that they doubt, contain town planning and year. tween Malcontent^ and Federal George Yaro, Barnsboro, N. J., the polls was surprising. Iiisbon; the second from Lisbon to were determined that . Germany zoning provisions was voted almost should have thr honor of a* trans- troops, but that the government bus driver (center, above) has There was no soliciting and the the Azores, and the third from the uanimously. The meeting re­ A’iores to Newfoundland. Atlantic flight before the'end of the forces hold the upper hand every­ been charged with murdering Rose 75 foot markers were mere formal­ year if it were humanly possible. where. ' versed its usual procedure with re­ HYDE IS CHAIRMAN ities. Voting continued to be slack It had been reported yesterday gard to Selectmen’s appropriation Sarlo (below) pretty 18-year-old that the Junkers .'lydroplane would They said that if the hazards were Advices from border cities said during the day but in the evening too great they could turn back from proposals and instead of cutting Sunday school teacher of Wood­ the mill workers swelled the total carry a woman passenger, but so that three companies of rebels had some It^ms down two were in­ far as could be learned ther*> were the Azores. OF THE SELEQMEN bury. It is alleged that Yaro somewhat. At 8 o’clock there was been scattered by Federal troops creased— the police appropriation not an unpolled voter left in the by J2,000 and the library item by confessed he shot and strangled and airplanes. These advices ad­ the girl and hid her body under a Municipal building when Moderator $500. Christopher McHale declared the ded that General Francisco Ser­ Big Meeting bridge on a lonely highway. Sher­ polls closed. L E V Itn A IR F lA N E ' POISONS HER SON rano and General Arnulto Gomez, Over 400 attended last night's iff John S. Stratten (left) and meeting, 399 being the total vote Thomas J. Rogers Named Intereat centered in the 'town Mexican presidential candidates, cast on the town planning project. State Trooper Smith, with Yaro, meeting, which was to start In High who are accused of.lMnchlng the It was a thoroughly intelligent Secretary as Board Or- contend that Miss Sarlo was mis­ school hall at 8 o’clock, the hour CRASHES IN ROME AND THEN HERSELF mutiny and revolt against the gathering no one taking the floor \ __ treated before she was slain. at which the polls were closed. presidential candidacy of General- unless he had something worth- The Results Alvaro Obregon, h&ve disappeared. Avhile to offer by way of argument ganizes This Afternoon. An unconfirmed report was re­ or suggestion. There was not a Following are the election re­ Child Was an hbecile and ceived at the Mexican border that “ boo” or a “ sis” during the length sults, candidates designated by as­ Has Spasisli Prince as Pas­ General Serrano bad either been of the meeting, and yet two or terisks being elected: John H. Hyde, entering upon his captujred or executed. three controversies led to rather Winning Beauty Prize senger— -Machine Dam­ Mother Coolff Not Stand President Chiles and General heated debate, especially that on sixth year as a member of Manches­ SELECTMEN. Obregon are both in Mexico City. town planning. ter’s Board of Selectmen, was elect­ Dispatches from Mexlea City The town planning issue came ed chairman of the 1927-28 board •John H. Hyde, r., 811. aged Bnt None Hnrl Jeers of Nmghbors. quoted the .GaUes movement ks early in the call and took up more •Albert T. Jackson, r., 794. at it's organization meeting in the Doesn *t Mean Stardom saying. It *ls-fit’full control of the time for actual discussion than all •Geowe E. Keith, r., 812. situation Everywhere. They ad- the rest of the 23 items in the call Municipal building this afternoon. •W. W. Robertson, r., 816. New York, Oct. 4.— ^The jeering mltte3» however, that the revolu­ together. Horace B. Cheney made Thomas J. Rogers, entering his fifth •Thomas J. Rogers, r., 8,13. Rome, Oct. 4.— Charles A. Le­ tionary -trouble* spread from the tongues that goaded tee mother* of the motion that the town planning year as a Selectman, was named Editor’s Note: This is the fourth^as beauty, and quickly went to the •Robert J. Smith, r., 812\ vine’s trans-Atlantic airplane “ Col­ capital to Torreon, state of Coah- commission as provided by statute of a series of articles on beauty top. Less conspicuous successes-are •Wells A. Strickland, r„ 804. an imbecile son to desperation, un­ secretary. Mr. Rogers was not pres­ umbia” was forced down near the ulla, and Vera Cruz. Rebel de­ be adopted when Chairman Robert contests. Such pageants, wete con­ Maryon Aye, Hope Dare, .Lorna Henry J. Brooks, d., 98. til she. renounced a tragic eiclstence tachments wero defeated a t. both ent at the meeting since he: is on a ciampino Airdrome this afternoon V. Treat of the Board of Select­ demned by the National Council of Palmer, Sally Rand and Kathleen Thomas J. Dannaher, d., 103. by ..ending both their lives with places by loyal droops. men said that the board had no honeymoon trip to Europe. Catholic Women in Washington, D. Colilns. Andrew J, Healey, d:, 117. while making a flight from this city poison, are silenced by shame to­ The rebellion, which began motion to offer. Mr. Cheney ar­ The following committees ap­ C., last week as detrimental to the Only One in Movies William P. Qulsh, d., 100. to Bucharest with a Spanish prince with a mutiny of 500 soldlert in gued that it was necessary for all pointments were made: morals and ambitions of the girl Pay Lanphier, known as “ The Walter F. Sheridan, d., 105. as passenger and was damaged. The day. the Mexico City barracks, took the well governed cities to have a plan Highways— Wells A.
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