DECISIONS ISSUED 19/01063/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 19/01063/FULL Manor House Street/Kingston Street Corner Of Kingston Upon Hull HU1 2DB Erection of building comprising of two, three and four storey sections to create 22 apartments with car parking following demolition of existing building. (Revised plans) (Re-submission of application 18/01331/FULL) Application Refused 19/01161/FULL Avenue 19/01161/FULL Marlborough Club 94 - 96 Newstead Street Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3NB Change of use of former Marlborough Club to 4 x 1 bedroom self contained flats. Provision of bin store and cycle parking Application Permitted 19/01443/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 19/01443/FULL 161 Boulevard Kingston Upon Hull HU3 3EJ Replacement of timber windows and entrance door to front elevation with UPVC windows and composite door Application Permitted 19/01444/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 19/01444/FULL 159 Boulevard Kingston Upon Hull HU3 3EJ Replacement of timber windows and entrance door to front elevation with UPVC windows and composite door Application Permitted 1 19/01513/FULL Central 19/01513/FULL Wilson Building Hull Royal Infirmary Kingston Upon Hull HU3 2JP Erection of part single-storey part three story new building including improvements to parking layouts and landscaping Application Permitted 20/00011/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 20/00011/FULL 33 Conway Close Kingston Upon Hull HU3 3NR Erection of end of terrace dwelling house (Class C3 Use) Application Permitted 20/00067/FULL Bricknell 20/00067/FULL Bricknell Avenue Playing Fields Cropton Road Kingston Upon Hull HU5 4LN Erection of single storey building to provide fitness centre. Application Permitted 20/00084/NMA St Andrews And Dockland 20/00084/NMA Former Police Station Queens Dock Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU1 3DJ Non material amendment for 16/01763/FULL - Change of Use and Extension of Building to form 89 Apartments (68 in existing building and 21 in new two storey roof extension), involving:- (i)Two storey extension to roof and elevational changes; (ii)Use of south-east ground floor corner for either Shops (A1) or Cafe (A3) or 6 apartments; (iii) Pedestrianisation of Queen's Dock Avenue (part). NMA Approved 20/00128/FULL Holderness 20/00128/FULL 2 Lazenbys Helsinki Road Kingston Upon Hull HU7 0YW Erection of buildings to extend processing facilities, construction of parking / servicing areas, formation of remodelled vehicular access, and other ancillary works Application Permitted 20/00177/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 20/00177/FULL 17 John Street Kingston Upon Hull HU2 8DH Erection of single storey extension to rear to form enlarged kitchen. Application Permitted 20/00231/ADV St Andrews And Dockland 20/00231/ADV 77 Ferensway Kingston Upon Hull HU2 8LD Application for Consent to Display an Advertisement - Externally illuminated fascia sign Advert Approval 20/00258/LAW Avenue 20/00258/LAW 34 Salisbury Street Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3HA Application for a certificate of lawful use for a proposed use as a C2 - Residential Institution Lawful Use Refused 20/00290/FULL Avenue 20/00290/FULL Units 2 And 3 Princes Court Princes Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3QA 1. Change of Use of Ground Floor from shop (A1) to Health Facility (D1) 2. External alterations to front and rear elevations including installation of new windows and doors. Application Permitted 3 20/00291/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 20/00291/FULL Hull And East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust NHS Sterile Services Unit 3 - 5 Harrow Street Kingston Upon Hull HU3 4LB Mechanical and Electrical works including new Combined Heat and Power Unit with associated external works Application Permitted 20/00294/FULL Avenue 20/00294/FULL 6 Perth Street Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3PE Erection of single storey rear extension (max 7.5m long x max 2.5m wide x max 2.5m high). Application Refused 20/00295/RES Longhill And Bilton Grange 20/00295/RES Land At Earsham Close Kingston Upon Hull Erection of 4 single storey dwellings (2 pairs of semis) with rooms in the roof scape Submission of reserved matters for Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout, and Scale (following outline approval 19/00822/OUT) Application Permitted 20/00344/PCOU St Andrews And Dockland 20/00344/PCOU George House 67 - 73 George Street Kingston Upon Hull HU1 3AU Change of use from offices (upper floors 1-6) to 47 flats (C3 use) (Use Class O of The Town And County Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 As amended) (Application to determine whether prior approval for development consisting of a specified change of use is required) 4 Prior Approval Granted 20/00357/FULL Drypool 20/00357/FULL Bonus Electrical Ltd Tower Street Kingston Upon Hull HU9 1TQ Erection of single storey side extension Application Permitted 20/00380/FULL Ings 20/00380/FULL 31A Ellesmere Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU8 9BS Erection of a single storey side and rear extension (13.2m long x 4.45m wide x 2.25m high) (Following demolition of existing detached garage) Application Permitted 20/00386/CONDET Southcoates 20/00386/CONDET Eleanor Scotts Cottages Southcoates Lane Kingston Upon Hull HU9 3TU Discharge of conditions relating to approval no. 19/00870/FULL.1) Erection of 13 two bedroom bungalows in four blocks 2) Formation of new junction and service road leading to St John's Grove 3) Associated parking and landscaping Following demolition of existing vacant bungalows including felling of trees Conditions Partly Discharged 20/00388/CONDET Marfleet 20/00388/CONDET East Hull Pumping Station Hedon Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 5PL Discharge of conditions for 19/01396/FULL - 1) Construction of new pumping station and associated works at the southern end of Holderness Drain. 2) Diversion of Public Right of Way - conditions 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 5 Conditions Discharged 20/00389/FULL Marfleet 20/00389/FULL Unit 11 Burma Drive Unit Factory Estate Burma Drive Kingston Upon Hull HU9 5SD Erection of a two storey modular framed building, to provide a traditional styled flat roofed industrial office/workshop building with associated parking, servicing space and enclosure. Application Permitted 20/00395/TEL Drypool 20/00395/TEL Citadel Way Roger Millward Way Kingston Upon Hull HU9 1AB Application for the prior approval of a 20m high telecommunications mast and ancillary equipment Telecom Approval 20/00407/FULL Longhill And Bilton Grange 20/00407/FULL Longhill House 8 Coldstream Close Kingston Upon Hull HU8 9LS Erection of a two-storey extension with internal alterations and associated external landscaping. To provide additional resident accommodation with facilities. Application Permitted 20/00412/FULL Central 20/00412/FULL Hull United Charities Northumberland Court Northumberland Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU2 0LR Refurbish existing dilapidated store areas to form new functional store rooms. Application Permitted 6 20/00413/LBC Central 20/00413/LBC Hull United Charities Northumberland Court Northumberland Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU2 0LR Application for listed building consent to refurbish dilapidated store areas to form new functional store rooms. Listed Building Consent Approved 20/00414/CONDET Marfleet 20/00414/CONDET Land At North End Of Elba Street Kingston Upon Hull discharge of conditions for 19/00836/FULL - Erection of workshop and ancillary offices and laying out of storage area and associated parking. - conditions 5, 6, 7 Regarding condition 7: The FFL of the Offices and Workshop are to be sited at a min 300mm above adjacent ground level and as stated on our planning submission drawings 003 & 004. The proposed 1 in 100 year flood event modelling has stated that flood levels during this event will be at 205mm above ground level which is below the FFL of the buildings. In addition the components used in the construction of the modular building are inherently flood protected i.e. the structural chassis and external wall panels are galvanised steel products, all services are via dado trunking at a level of 900mm and if any perishable material is effected by flood damage and requires replacement it can easily be replaced using stock replacements by the on site refurbishment technicians. Due to the modular nature of the building it is even possible to replace individual effected modules as and when necessary using stock modules from the applicant's manufacturing facility . Conditions Discharged 20/00420/TEL West Carr 20/00420/TEL Land At Holwell Road (Adjacent To Goodhart Road). Kingston Upon Hull Application for the prior approval for the siting and appearance of a 20m high telecommunications mast and ancillary equipment. Telecom Approval 20/00422/FULL Central 7 20/00422/FULL Hull Royal Infirmary Anlaby Road Kingston Upon Hull HU3 2JZ Mechanical and Electrical Works including new Combined Heat and Power Unit and flue with associated works. Application Permitted 20/00425/FULL Derringham 20/00425/FULL 357 Willerby Road Kingston Upon Hull HU5 5HY Erection of single and two storey rear extension (max 5.6m long x max 5.07m wide x max 6.7m high; height to eaves 5.2m) Application Permitted 20/00429/FULL Orchard Park 20/00429/FULL 4 Sutherland Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU6 7UG Alterations to the roof of an existing single storey rear extension, changing from a flat roof to a pitched roof and a rear dormer extension. Application Permitted 20/00433/TC St Andrews And Dockland 20/00433/TC Land To The East Of Commercial Road, South Of The Access Road To Holiday Inn, And North-West Of Railway Dock Kingston Upon Hull Application to fell 2 pine trees and 3 alder trees Tree works approved 20/00437/PD Drypool 20/00437/PD 200 South Bridge Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 1SU Single storey side extension (4.335m long x 2.2m wide x 3.8m high) 8 Permitted Development allowed 20/00439/FULL Sutton 20/00439/FULL 9 Truro Close Kingston Upon Hull HU7 4XQ Erection of two storey side extension (6.4m long x 2.8m wide x 6.25m high).
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