Wednesday - March 2 - 2016 Capital Weekly Page 1 No. 048 Wednesday - March 2 - 2016 Online Publication BELIZE AND GUATEMALA Sarstoon Expedition Sparks Mixed Reaction Wil Maheia - Leader of Hon. Wilfred ‘Sedi’ Elrington Assad Shoman Eamon Courtenay Belize Territorial Volunteers Current Foreign Minister Former Foreign Minister Former Foreign Minister n Saturday, Febru- that the Guatemalan Military ary 27, 2016, a small appeared to have violated Be- Prime Minister & Opposition Leader delegation led by Be- lize’s sovereignty by entering sign of political maturity, Belize-Guatemala relations, the lize Territorial Volun- our territorial waters without Opposition Leader John Sarstoon situation, the Economy, Oteers (BTV) Leader Wil Maheia permission, and expressed its Briceno met with Prime De-risking/Correspondent Banking ventured on yet another expedi- intention to send a diplomatic A Minister Dean Barrow Wednesday and Crime. Both leaders agreed in tion to Sarstoon Island, this time note of protest to the Guatema- morning, March 2, 2016 in the P M’s principle to work in national unity to commemorate the anniversary lan Government and the OAS. Belize City Office. They discussed a to address these issues for the good of a previous expedition which Foreign Affairs Minister number of national issues, including of the People and Nation of Belize. had resulted in a number of Wilfred Elrington explained, Belizeans being detained over- “Certainly the military forces night by Guatemalan authorities. have no business entering into A heavy presence by the the space of sovereign indepen- Guatemalan Military prevented dent nations. That is normally re- the Belizean contingent from garded as an act of aggression. It’s making its way to the Island tantamount to initiation of hos- which is firmly within Belize’s tile action, and that is contrary territory. The Ministry of Foreign to international law...But when Affairs while doing its best in ad- you have that kind of thing, it is vance to discourage the expedi- resolved by forceful diplomatic tion, nevertheless acknowledged Continued on Page 14 Prime Minister Dean Barrow Opposition Leader John Briceno e has received many Speaking of his promo- Chester Williams Promoted accolades of late for tion, Williams, remarked, “I the leadership dem- am very pleased to have been New Assistant Commissioner of Police onstrated as a senior promoted to the rank of Assis- Hmember of the Belize Police tant Commissioner of Police. I Force. And now, Chester Wil- remain the Officer Command- liams has received a well-earned, ing South-Side Belize City, and much-deserved promotion from pledge to continue to do my best Senior Superintendent to As- in preserving law and order on sistant Commissioner of Police. this side of the city, with a view After years of police work, to make the citizenry feel safe in rising up through the ranks, he their respective neighborhoods. returned home in the middle I thank the Minister of National of 2015 with a law degree and Security, Honourable John Saldi- was placed in charge of Eastern var, and the Commissioner of Division South. With a heavy Police, Mr. Allen Whylie, for emphasis on community polic- entrusting me with the respon- ing, he quickly made his mark sibility I currently have, and for as the crime situation in what my long-deserved promotion.” was the most murderous part of A native of Stann Creek, the country improved remark- Assistant Commissioner Chester ably within the last six months Williams is making the South Newly Promoted Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams of 2015 under his command. proud and the Nation safe. Page 2 Capital Weekly Wednesday - March 2 - 2016 EDITORIAL TRANSFORMATION Isidoro Beaton Stadium Who’s Right - Who’s Wrong he latest Sarstoon expedition by the Belize Territorial Volunteers, the provocative response by the Gua- temalan Military, and the mixed Treaction from Belizean diplomats past and present, highlight once again the need for National Unity on the Belize-Guatemala Territorial Dispute and efforts to resolve it. In our view, the words and actions of Belizeans on all sides of this issue are well- meaning and motivated by patriotism. Prime Isidoro Beaton Football Stadium Nearing Completion in Belmopan Minister Dean Barrow, while questioning the he Isidoro Beaton Dangriga Multi-Complex Au- wisdom of the series of expeditions by the Be- Football Stadium in ditorium took place in August, lize Territorial Volunteers, acknowledged in Belmopan is nearing 2015, awarded to Salvador Habet completion, and it is of BCG Ltd for $2,991,544.07; and a press conference on August 19, 2015, “Their Talready a beauty to behold. The the contract for the Punta Gorda decision arose from feelings of patriotism that spectacular image above was Multi-Complex Auditorium captured at night and shared was awarded in August, 2015 are not just commendable but inspirational.” through social media by Hon- to Daniel and Carlo Arguelles ourable John Saldivar, Area of International Environments Our acquaintance with Foreign Min- Representative for Belmopan. Limited at a cost of $3,190,063.47. ister Wilfred Elrington and our knowledge It shows the stadium with its In his 2016 New Year’s synthetic surface and profes- Message, Prime Minister Dean of his personal historical record on the sional lighting already installed. Barrow assured that Govern- Belize-Guatemala issue convinces us his The upgrading of the ment’s trademark infrastructure Isidoro Football Stadium is one drive will continue through a mission of mutual friendship and peace- of several projects which form mix of funding sources, and ful resolution is derived from a degree part of the Government’s na- with respect to the investment in tionwide investment in Sports sports infrastructure, he stated, of nationalism that is no less passionate. Infrastructure. The contract for “There is enough that we have set The caution from the Opposition and this project was awarded back aside from the PetroCaribe days in February of 2015 to a Santa of plenty to complete the coun- insightful recommendations from former Elena based firm, Pedro R. Lizar- trywide BIL sporting projects.” foreign ministers such as Assad Shoman, raga & Sons, headed by General E Contractor Mr. Pedro Lizarraga. whom history records as an architect of Other projects nation- Belize’s Independence movement back wide include the construction CAPITAL in Belize City of an innovative, in the seventies and eighties, we are com- well equipped state-of-the-art pelled to conclude are offered with the Arena and Cultural Complex WEEKLY at the location of the Old Civic most fervent desire to safeguard the sover- Center on Central American Boulevard, which will serve Published By: eignty and security of our beloved nation. not just the residents of Belize Lest we begin once again to point fin- City but the entire country; Roots & Rhythm construction of a new Multi- gers at each other, let us be reminded where Complex Auditorium and up- Limited the problem actually originated and resides, grading of Carl Ramos Football Stadium in Dangriga; and con- and who really is to blame. As Belizeans, we struction of a new Multi-Com- Editor: are all in the right on this issue. Those who plex Building in Punta Gorda. The contract for the new Belize Delroy Cuthkelvin are completely in the wrong are the Guate- City Center was awarded to the malans who continue to hold on to an un- local JVCA of Medina’s Con- struction Limited/International Email: founded, outdated and un-neighborly claim. Environments Ltd in October, e.capwklybmpbelize @ ICJ or not, for now we rest our case! 2015 at a cost of BZ$32,940,261.34; gmail.com signing of the contract for the Wednesday - March 2 - 2016 Capital Weekly Page 3 FIFA President Gianni Infantino Marks First Day In The Office Withdiscussed Star-Studded his salary follow- Mexico City congressMatch in May. ing his election on Friday. “Definitely, I think we “I have no idea yet,” he need to launch the bidding told reporters. “I know you process in the next couple of can’t believe it but it’s not (for months, probably before the next the) money that I was candi- Congress in May,” Infantino said. date to become FIFA presi- “Concerning Qa- dent. I have not discussed with tar and Russia, the decisions anyone about my pay or what were taken in 2010 by the ex- my pay will be. We will see.” ecutive committee, but since The salary of Infantino’s 2010 there has been specula- predecessor Sepp Blatter, sus- tion and allegations and noise.” pended from the game for six “It’s now necessary years, has never been made pub- to organise the best World lic. But reforms agreed by FIFA Cup in history in Russia in FIFA’s New Chief Gianni Infantino (left) Holds a Football with last week to overcome the corrup- 2018 and in 2022 in Qatar.” FIFA World Football Museum Director, Stefan Jost tion scandal included provision FIFA has been forced to in- ew FIFA president However, Infan- for salaries to be open to scrutiny. vestigate the decision to grant the Gianni Infantino tino had insisted that FIFA’s He said bidding for 2018 World Cup to Russia and the has kick-started his reform package would close the 2026 World Cup hosting, 2022 finals to Qatar and an inves- reign with a friendly the door on a chapter of pain which was supposed to have tigation is also under way by the Nfootball match. Past World Cup at world football’s governing started in 2015 with a deci- Swiss Attorney General’s office. stars and two current players, body and usher in an era of joy. sion due in Kuala Lumpur next - Reprinted From Mail Online Kelly Smith of Arsenal Ladies That was certainly the year, should begin before the http://www.dailymail.co.uk and Julia Simic of Wolfsburg, case on Monday as a host of were invited to join Infantino footballing names including and FIFA staff on his fifirst rst day in -�of Fabio Cannavaro, Robert Pires, fice for the informal kick around.
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