THF, STATUS OF FRESHWATERFISH FAUNA IN BANGLADESH GawsiaWahidunnessa Chowdhury Departmentof Fisheriesand Marine Science NoakhaUScience and Technology Universiry Sonapur,Noaknali, Bangladesh enail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Fishbiodivcrsity in thefieshwaters ofBarslad€sh hss been reliewed ifl thispap€r. The total numbcl offLcshwatcrfislr spccies r€corded as 251 Exc€ssiv€use ol'aquaticresources h the main thrcat to tlrc fish and fisleries resourcesof Bdngladcsh.Rcconmendarions are nade for rcgistrarion,proper documontationand scientific research on lohthyodjvcnityin freshwarerhabitars ]n Bangladesh. K€y words:Fishes, habils, habnats. INTRODUCTION liesbwatcl, 442 marine fish species. The Bangladeshis the countryof rivers, diverse knowledge o[ the freshwaterfish fauna of aquaticwcalih and climate suitable for highyields Brndlades\ began wirh rhe sork of Fmn.rs published and consjdcrablcincrcase in fish production.The Hamilton in 1822.Tlrc Dcxt scienrific majorrjver syslens (the Canges, Brahmaputra and uccountof the fish launa o[ thc Indian sub- Meghna)llow into the seathrough Bangladesh. A continentincir.ding Bangladeshwas done by iairly lJrge number of big rivers wirh lhcrr FrancisDay during 1875-78.Oiher authorswho tributari€sand branches criss-cross€d the counlry. confiibuted significantly to thc siudies of AII thcscrivers hav€ extehsive iloodpiains alo g ffeshwai€rfish faunaof Bangladcshand India are LheircoJr5r ir Bangladeshn land fiiheries Shaw and Shebb€are(1937), Ahncd (1953), (1964), productioris an integratedsystem in the rivers, Bhuiyan Shafiand Quddus (2001), Talwar floodplainsand oihernatwal depressions(locally ard Jhingmn(1991) and Jayaram (i999). Rahman knownas beels and haors), all connectedby canats (2005) recordedas many as 265 speciesof (khals). Due to cxtensiv€water and land re- fieshwatcrfishes in Bangladoshbelonging to 154 nodelling efforts in the natneof flood conirol, generaand 55 families. drainageand inigation projects, wetlandsof OBSERVATIONS Bangladeshhave drasiically ciranged the country's i hc Ddperirclude. 251 fteshwalerspec e. In waterbodiesand landscape.It has alteredand 61 families lmdff t7 orders. The systematic nodifiedthe natural habitats and ecosystems of thc arangemeni of lreshwater fish tauna aqxaticfauna and flora of the counlry. of Bangladeshhas been preFred hereon lre basisof There are about 29,000 speciesof fishes thedirection followed by Nelson(1994) with slight worldwide. In Bangladesh,there are 251 modificalionin certaintaxa. As for examplethe trcoPRINT VOL 14, 2007 19 Snake-headfamily. Channida€,has beenplaced Family:Megalopidae under order Channiformeswhich was caLlier Genus:Megalo?s Lacepede, 1803 3. Megalopscyprinoides (Broxssonct 1782) placedxnder a slb ordc.ofPefcifornes by Nclson f,nglish namcs: lndo-Paci{]c Taryon, Oxeye (l994). Thesystemofprcscntrtionof classificalion Tarpon nr this paperis the arrangcmentof ofdersand Locrl nn'nc:NanchiL Koral fatnilicsphylogenetically foliowing princjpally t-hc Habirs rnd h.hirsr\: r ocs(1rpcd8tr .f.1ie.. work of Jo an (1923),Creenwood et at. (t966), entersestuaries, lagoons and freshvaters. Feeds Nelson(1994) and FAO Irislbasedata. The genera on snall crustaceansand fisl1es. Order: Anguilliformes and specjes under each family are affarged Fa'nily:Anguillidac alphabetically.All the orders,lamilies, genxs and Genusr,4rgril/dSchrank, I 798 spccieshave been arrangcd by a serialnumber rn 4. Angli a be,galensii(Gfty 183t) thispater. Englishnrrnes: Giant Mo[led Eci, ]ndianLongfin Bcl The $cshwater fishesoI Bangladeshexhibir Local names:Bamosh, Uanehara, Baow Brim enornrousdiversity tu tlcir moDhology,in rheir Habits rnd htbit:tts: Denrcrsal,crtadromo(s, hdbiLdr:nnd theri brologv.AboLr t6 ste! cr. activeat nighl, FcodsoD a wide rangcof preyj belonging!o 4 families,recordcd as exoticjwere cspeciallycmbs, lrogs and fish. inuoduccdin the counrry during fic lAst five Family:Morirguidac Genus:Morn?gra Cmy, 183| decadcs. fhese includc, Arnong othc$, the 5. Motinexara ita horud (Haflilton I 822) ComnionCarp, Silvcf C-ary,Crass Cary. Nilolica Unglish ameiPLrrylc Spaghetticcl andPiranhA. These specics hrle havebccn largely Localnrmer Rata lioNa intrcducedin thc closed\ratcr llsh culturesystcms Hrbitsrnd hrbit'otsrBottoin-dwellilg cu ri!ofe. of thc country. These cxotic fishes, As have subsistiognralnly on a fishdiet. succcssflrlly cst6blished thensclves in thc l'amily:MurAcnidae Gcnrs: Cy n no t h o ru x Bloclt, 17 9 5 frcshwaterhabilal.s, hnve been includcd in thislisi. 6. q)mnathorc;ctile (li'l.t11tltot11822) Englhhnrmer Moray Del FRDSHWATER FISHESOF B,lNGLADESII Locll nrmci Bamosll Phylum:Chordata H:rbitsand hrbitrts: Esiuaricsand dver rnoulhs. Clrss:Osteichthycs D€m€rsal;anadronrous. Carnivorous, feeds nra,,ry Ordcr: Ost€oglossifonnes F:rmily:Notopteridae Fanily: Mumenesocidac Genus:Crtala Fowler,1934 Gcnus:Consl"ro.r Cill, 1890 '1. (,C\yier 1. ChndldchitaLa (H^mihort 1822) CanEranxtalaban 1829) lnglish nan$: Humped Fc,rtherback,Clown Cnglishname: Yellow Pike Conger KniteFish Local n:rmc:Kamila Localnan$: Chital,Cherol. Chitna Habits and habitats:Noctrmal, lecds on benthic Il.tbits and hrbitats: Dcmersal, camivor€, tishesard crustaceans.Ascends tidal rivcrs.Liyes piscivoreaDd predator. in coastalwa!e$ and esbaries ovcr the sofl boftorn Genus:Ndloplerus Lacepedc, 1800 downto about100 m. 2.Notopterus natopterut (Pall^s t769) L Consrcsortalabonoides (Bleekcr 1853) Englishname: crey Feathc$ack Englishnrmc: lndianPike Conger Localnanes: Foli, Pholui, Haila, Kanla Loctl name:Kamila H,rbitsand habitats:A predaroryand camivorous Habits and habitats:Nocturnal, feeds mainly on fish. bentlicfishes and crustaceans- A fish ofthe Bavor Order: Elopifomes Bengal,ascends iidal rivers. 20 ECOPRINI vOL 14, 2007 Gen$. MurueiesoxMcclclland, 1843 Locfll name:Choukka 9. Muraene.sorbaqio (Hamihon 1822) Habits and habitats: Euryhaline,anadronous, English narnes: Common Pike Conger,False peldgic.pl"nlroo feeder. f.cds on.mJll plJitronic CongerEel organisms,especially diatdms. Localnames: KamiLa, Kamilay Genus:?sfirdlo.'a Fowler, 1934 Habits and habitats:Demersal, oceanodromous. 16. Tenualasailisha (H^mlltotl, 1822) Solitarycarniaore. F€eds on bcnlhic lishesand Englishnamcs: River Shad, Hilsa Shad crustac€ans.rV. l]oaro is noclumalin habit Local names:Iiish, llsha Family:Ophichthidae Eabits and habitats: Marine, pelagic and Genus:?aorlorol,is Kaup,1856 schooling h coastal waten, anadromousand 10.Pisodotlophh boro (Hamilion, 1822) ascendsrivers lar abovetidal inlluence. trnglishnamcs: Ricc PaddyE€I, Boro Snake-eel, 17. Tenuabsatoli (va1et'ciennes,I 847) Bcnsal'sSnaks Eel Englishn!mes:Toli Shad,Shad Local namcsrKha r, Hijra , Local name:Chandona Ilish H.bits and habitats: Carnivorous,subsisling Hrbits and habitafs: Euryhalin€,anadromous, mrinly on a lish diet. Fooditams consisl of small pelagic,schooling in coastalwaters. Feeds on bo,ryfish. crustaceans and cephalopods. plankton,mainly by iilter-feeding,but apparently 11. Pisodonophis cahcrivarr.r (Richaidson, 1844) Alsoby grubbingon lhe muddyboltonrsl diatoms, Englishname: Longfin Snake Eel protozoans,crustaceans, molluscs and tunicates arc Locnl name:Baim recordedfood ite s. Ilubits and hrbitatsr Reef'associated;FamilyrEngra iida€ anadromous,snakelike body cDablingthem to Ccnus:Coilia Cray, 1830 ncgoliateseemingly inacccssible areas to hunt ibl 18.Cailia dussuftie Yalenciennes,I848 foodor !o escapeliofl enemies. Englishnamer Gold SpotiedGrenadicr Anchovy Order: Clupeiformes Local name:Olua Fflmily:Clupeidae Hrbits rnd habitah: FoundiD csluariesand the GenusrCortu,r Handlion, 1822 Bay of Bcngal. Enters tidAl rivcrs. Feedson 12. Corica sobarka tl,l.milrot1,1822 copepods,prawns and fish lArvac, crustacean Englishnnme: Gaflges River-sprat larvaeand polychsete la ae, Local nnmcsiKachki, Subama-kharika 19. Coilia rumcarati (Harilton, 1822) Hnbits rnd habitah: Moves ir groupsat the English names: RamcaratCrenadier Anchovy, surfaceof rivers and lakcs.Feeds primarily on TapclarlAncho!}. RaFtailcdAnclory zooplanklonand also somc invcrlebrales. Local names:Megha Olus, Olua Genus:Oorlalora Rcgan, l9l7 Habih and habitats:A schoolingspecies found in 13.Ganialosa manmina (Hamilton, I822) coastalwate$, estuades and tidal rivers.Fceds on Englishnamer Ganges River Gizzad Sbad copepods,pra$,rN and fish larvac, cruslacean Local namcsichapila, Goni Chapila larvaeand polychaclc larvae. Habits and habitats: Pelagic;amphidromous; Cenus:Grdrsia Fowler, l9l1 planldonfeeders. 20. Gudusia chapru (Hat1]'llton,1 822) Ccnus:1/irla Richardson,I 846 Englishnamc: Indian River Shad 14. I lisha megalo?tera(Swainsol,, 1839) Locrl names: Chrpila. Sui)a. Su\ia. Gu i. Etrglishname: Bigeye Ilisha Chaipla,Khaira Locrl name:Choukka Habits tnd habitats: Omnivorousand surface Habitsand habitafs:F€eds on fishes,crustaceans, feed€r. Feeds mainly on phltoplanktoD, amphipods,occasionally polycbaetcs, tunicaies and zooplankion,debris, plant and animal malters. smallamounts ofalgae and diatorns. Livesin shoals. Genus:Pel1oud Valenciennes, 1847 cenus: SeriD,"rdSwainson, 1839 15.PeUona ditchela Valendennes, 1847 2l . Setipinnaphasa (Ham;lton, 1822) Englishnanes: Indian Pellona, Big-eyed Hening Englishnane: GangeticHairlin Ancho!A ECOPRINT VOL14, 2OO? zl Local nam€s:Phasa, Phasa Kara, Phallsa,Tet- Habits and habitatsrC. irar,rs is an extremely vomcious predator wilh an ability to nove Habits and habitats:An onxivore.Feeds mainly ov€rland for short distances.Consumes primaily on unicellularand multicellularalgae, protozoans fishes, hogs, snakes, insects, earthworms and tadpol€s.The
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