*- t /'/ , I / • Aterage Daily Net. Press Ruit FRIDAY, NOVEMBER M, 1*M For the Week Eadiag *■. The Wsather PAGB TWENTY-EIGHT lEtr^ttittg If^ralb Nov. 22, 19S8 FoiSeaat o f D. 8. Weathar Baraaa 12,835 flair, hreeay, ealder tonlfht aad Member of the Audll ^ - SuiMlay. Dow toolKht 12-18. Bureau of Ctrcnlatton. flonday near 28. Manchester—-A City o f Village Charm t VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 51 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1958 <CfaMtin«4 Adrartirtaf on Pago 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS B^e for Army Reds Hint Triumph overj New plan Navy Griddersj Atlas Goes Over Full On Berlin Augusta, (7a., Nov. 29 (A*)— As commander-in-chief of all By REINHOLD G. ENSZ the armed forces. President Berlin, Nov. 29 (/P)—-A So­ Eisenhower wislied ■ U o t h viet spokesman said today the Army and Navy good lirck in Range of 6,325 Miles Kremlin’s plan to make West their foothali game today. Berlin a free, demilitarized But as an Army man— Well, as an Army man who play­ < city might be “expanded and ed football at West Point years changed’’ during negotiations ago. the President mudo it plain with the Western powers. trfls impartiality is for ,ihe birds. Nixon Adds Feat Places The s t a t e m e n t came amid TJie vacationing: Fhsenhower Western suggestions that the sent off two telegram.s this morn­ Soviet drive to get the Allies out ing - • one to Navy Coach Eddie To Britain, of West Berlin should be used as Erdelatz, the other to A.i my U.S. on Par /{<■ . S u r r In \ inil the basis tor broad discussions of Coach Earl (Redi felaik The first / i German reunification — the prob­ two sentences were identiinl; f % lem lying at the heart of the cur­ *'In an Army-Navy football U.S. Accord With Soviet rent crisis. game anything can happen Season HALE'S BOOK DEPT.! Flexible AIRtlkle records mean, nothing the same I B.v GAKVE.\ HI IMJINS t SI’ Oiir thil; Si. Eniriiiii v A spokesman for the Soviet Em­ applies to the so-called t>dd.'« “ Ixintlon, Nov. 20 </P)— Wa.shington. Nov. 29 (/P)— bassy in East Berllr indicated the In his wile to F.rtielatz, the A mighty .Atia.i missile HKAl Til-ri, HOOKS HV KANDO.M HOI SK $1 oii Russians may take a flexible at­ President added in llie be.^t man­ I Presidi'iit .Uiclianl Nixon ap- streaked 6..T25 miles from SIliril.KV ■rii.MI’U'. I'Alin'I.ANH ...................".i titude during the six months of ner of a neutralist: jlieamt toda.v to have jriven Florida to a target in the negotiations they have proclaimed "Please extend jiiy best wmlies to 'a reinviKoratinif ,.;ho(-in-Uie- IIKIDI ...................................................................... Sou til Atlantic last night, before trying singlehanded to end all the members of yuui sQuad jarm to Hritish-.Ainerican re- RI'IAI) Al.ori) .M RSKRV ■|'Al,i;s.....................?l "(i I know they will play in the tradi­ showing the world the United the 4-power occupation of Berlin. lation.s liy his 4-(la,v \ i.sit liere. ONCK r i ’ON A TI.MI'............................................. $1 "H He said he did not regard initial tional Navy style. Good luck to State.s ha.'i a fully operational all of your team " I W ith the Vice President and lu* riu.«^ M «nv Mofi' Of t pf irm ' Western reaction to Soviet Pre­ intercontinental Ijalli.atlc mis­ mier Khrushchev's plan as a re­ In the telegram to Bhnk ELsen- I party en route Iiome. the Ton- bower addressed him a.«» "near l.servatlve Daily Telegiaph today sile. jection. ' .Kummed up the visit thi.s way: Thf feat put the U.S. on a par Lord Mayor Willy Brapdt of Red" and a<ide<1 after Uie first two .sentences "T ile Vico Piesident ot tlie with Ru.saia whu h ha.s clsimed West Berlin advised the Allies to ; I ’nited .State.s tia.s proved himself pos*e.saioii Of an ICB.M. deal with the problem df uinltlrtg "OfftciaHy ami a.s Pi (‘.•anient. I wish bi>lh •sQuHi1.‘< Uie best of luck. I a frank ami engaging ( harai liu-, The "Be.a.st as the Atlas is Communist East Ge.rfnany with nicknamed sped the distance in But as a West Pointer of the i Ho has had niu< h l*> 1<*11 us ahimt SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 29th free West Germ_any rather than hi.M ovsn ('ountry. He has had pven only about .30 minutes after roar­ Billy Juster, 8, makes his successful application for a $n loan class of 191b. I ll be keeping my i Just reactin„ to (he Moscow plan. at the Bank of America, Los Angeles, yesterday. Assistant ; moia* and that of a i imsi.slvnUv ing away from the Tape Canaveral British diplomats in London al­ fingers rros.sed My be.st wi.shes to cashier Mike Musante approved the loan after some dickering every man «)n your .sQuad " appipriativp nature to say about laiinchuig pad so suggested,, yet another round about collateral. (AP Photofaxl. Hrilftin Annoiincemeht that the misalts WITH ALL CASH SALES! of reunification talks, possibly by Eisenhower arranged to watch “Mr. Nixon ha.s. in pa.M.sinjj by. was '"*iucessfiilly teal fired for DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS foreign nrilnisters of the West and the game, being played m I’hil- done a good deaJ to ('ement the tile first lime over the intercon. Russia or even by heads of gov­ adelphia. on televi-sion in the com­ Anglo-American alliance. In fact, tinental range" was made thil ernment. For Airerafl Carrier fort of his vacation residence at Mr. Ntxon lias done us good. He morning by the Defense Depart­ An M piiI (iifi! "Lady Rnxion** The subject probably was dls- the Augusta National Gulf Club. lias treated u.s as friends and part­ ment after a clierk on data from ctussed in Bonn, the West German In order to do so and get in his ners. entitled to under.stand the observers and recording devices GIFT Capital, where the three Western daily round o f golf, too, he toured difficulties experienced by the spotted along the missile’s path. BILLFOLDS ambassadors were called to the the course during the morning United Slates as well as to realize Ijtler, an Air Force spokesman A Jeweled Foreign Office, David K. E. Bruce In his student days Kisenlmwer i that (»ur (ovn difficulties are not Bat, Balt Security was a promising halfback until he said the missile hit a designated Choo*e from * wld» *»sort- of the United Stales, Sir Chris­ dis(’ounle(i by his countrymen " target area after its long roaring TO ILETR IES topher Steel of Britain and Fran­ Injured his knee In 1912. his .se( ond "Apart fiiun one minor catas­ m»rt of *tylo« Alio Frfnrh year at the military academy. flight across the .South Atlantic. cois Seydoux of France conferred trophe," said another newspaper, He added that "all lest objective.* i.n T i.i '; !,Al•^ 'm ii.K ’i' Piirsos *nd Kry in nil with Deputy Foreign Minister That injury which still bothers "Mr. Nixon did not pu^ a fx>ot rolom him occasionally omled his grid­ were achieved essentially 100 per Cardigan Hllger Van Scherpenberg. Details For $5 Bank Loan wrong during his visit here," cent." The sire of the target area iron career. l.n TLI’. I.AI)\ t.ere not revealed. The one mishap, the paper noted, was not duK losed BlI.I.FOI.nS Bonn's opposition Sociaftst Parly The President planned to take it occurred just before the special .M A.M CrKK .Si . r ................. Lo.s Angeles, Nov. 29 UPi — . "I think we can lend you the 3’he missile's sllveilipiied no.se Pearl and aoTpiitt rlraipn said the Berlin erisis had opened "May I help you?" asked the generally easy today, with one ma­ Thanksgiving dinner at the U S. cone which in event uf war would KV'K.M.M. I.\ I’ AKIS f? .$0 to fl.ftO Kiirh $5,” said Musante. jor husines.s conference just behind emba.sjiy residence when the Vi(*e Luxm n Thia of Efelon the whole German problem. A banker. Billy signed a note agreeing be a nuclear warhead dropped (iiKT n':ui'r.vi';.N ................. .(f I .O'I Jlarpri r- ra! lon.s Nr\s’ pill him and another coming up tomor­ President was forced to borrow an into the Soiilh Allantic near As­ "1 want to borrow $5,” the to repay the loan at 40 cents a row. ill-filting dinner jacket to meet l■'ml':.\l»sllll■ (. a h d k n leaiitanl. m a E»rautifiil K E Y C A S E S (OonUnned nn Page Three) boy replied. ' month. Also 8 per cent in­ cension Island. Oilier Blyleil In prrfccUfui. He met ail morning yesterday Queen Elizabeth. He had forgotten The huge rocket sped into 111* MATH S A I.’I’S ...................... $1 (in f1 2.$ to $2.50 Eiirh "What are you going to do terest, the bank's rale for with top Pentagon and Budget Bu­ to bring along his own. Il w.T^hra like » (liOHih and with it?" ahiall loans an additional 40 Florida sky like a flaming meteor ('0'l'\' liA'I'll I’OW DI'IR ___ .Sl.T-'t fliica in H fla.*»h Onto yf>a reau officials on planning ilefense Among results of the Nixon last night and remained visible "Buy a-model aircraft ear­ Qents.
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