INDEX Abbey Mill, Bishop's Waltham, 126 Barford, 125 Abbey Mills, Romsey, 134 Barford Mill, 125 Abbey Mill, Winchester, 137 Bargate, Southampton, 64 Abbots Ann, 124 Bargate Street, Southampton, 76 Abbotstone, 124 Barnet, beacons at, 109, 111 Abbotstone Farm Mill, 124 Barney, Rev. John, 51 Abbotstone Mill, 120 Barney Collection, 56, 58, 59 Abbots Worthy Mill, 131 Barrow, neolithic long, at Portsdown, 27 Aberdeen St. School, Southampton, 82 Barton Clay, 15, 16 Aberg, A., 65 Barton's Mill, Basing, 125 Account of the Tumulus, or Barrow lately opened Barton Stacey, 125 on Portsdown Hill, 2g Basing, 125 Addyman, P. V. and Hill, D. H., Saxon South­ Basingstoke, 125 ampton — A Review of the Evidence, 61-93 Batchelor, Mr., 69 Adelaide Rd., Southampton, 141 Beacon, Hampshire, 105 jEthelweard, K., penny of, 86 Beaulieu, 126 .dithered, moneyer, 89 Beaulieu, Tide Mill, 139 Agger, 25 Bedhampton, 126 Albion Place, Southampton, 75 Bentley, 126 Alderholt Mill, Sandleheath, 134 Bere Mill, Whitchurch, 137 Alfred, K., penny of, 70, 85, 86, 91 Berhtiel, moneyer, 89 Aire River, 124, 126 Berhtwulf of Mercia, penny of, 69, 70, 85, 90, 91 Alresford, 124 Bevis' Grave, long barrow at, 30 Alton, 53, 55, 106, 109, in, 124 Bevois Development area, Southampton, 67 Amtvn, mint signature, 78 Bevois Street, 72 Andover, 125 Bickton, 126 Andover, Anton Mill, 139 Bickton Mill, Bickton, 126 Anglo-Saxon Urns from Fareham by Sonia Chadwick Binsted, 108 Hawkes, 51-59 Bishop's Sutton, 126 Animal Bones from the Iron Age Site, Portsdown, Bishopstoke, 126 39 Bishop's Waltham, 112, 126 Arises Wood, Landslip, 8, 14 Bishop's Waltham, Abbey Mill, 139 Anstey, 125 Bitterne, 21 Antonine Itinerary, Iter VII, 21 Bitterne, Roman Rd. to, 19 Anton Mill, Andover, 125 Blechyden, 144 Anton River, 125, 127 Blunt, C. E., 78, 79 Ara, Martin, 114 Boarhunt, 126 Arthur, J. R. B., Note in Excavations at the George Boldre, 126 Inn, Portsdown, 42 Bossington Mill, Houghton, 131 Arthur, William, 109 Botley, 126 Ashens Hat, Landslip, 8 Botley Mill, 139 Ashford Water, 128, 129, 134 Bowcombe, 53 Ashlett, 125 Bowl, deep green glass, Saxon, 71 Ashlett Creek, 125 Bowyer, clothier, 105 Athelstan, K., 78 Bracklesham Beds, 15, 16 Athelstan, K., penny of, 85, 86 Bradby, 68 Atherley, 67 Bradley, Captain, 67-68 Averie, William, 111 Bradley, Richard and Elizabeth Lewis, Excava­ Avon River, 138 tions at the George Inn, Portsdown, 27-50 Avon Water, 132, 136 Bramble Hill, Landslip, 8, 12 Bramley, 127 Bramshaw Wood, Landslip, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16 Babington Plot, 114 Bramshott, 127 Baegmund, K., moneyer, 89 Bransbury Mill, Barton Stacey, 125 K* 47 INDEX Breamore, 127 Charles the Bald, Denarius, 91 Breamore Mill, 139 Cheriton, 127 Bridge St., Southampton, 141 Chesapeake Mill, Wickham, 137 Bright, John, m Chesney, Christopher F., Note in Excavations at Britannia Rd., Southampton, 82 the George Inn, Portsdown, 39 Brockenhurst, 127 Chessell Down, 53 Brooch, bronze, Saxon, 72 Chessell, Old Lodge of, 22 Brook, F., 124 Cheverley, Thomas, 112 Broomy Bottom, landslip, 10 Chilland Mill, Martyr Worthy, 132 Broughton, 127 Chisel, iron, Saxon, 72 Buckelurn, 57 Christchurch, 127 Bucket, Saxon, 44, 53 City Mill, Winchester, 137 Bucket, small wooden, 30 Clapper Hill, 53 Buckle, bronze, Saxon, 7 a Clasp, bronze, Saxon, 69 Buckle Plate, iron, Saxon, 43 Clatford, 127 Buckles, iron, Saxon, 72 Clausen turn, 19, 21, 61 Bugle Street, Southampton, 98 Clausilia bidentatum, 48, 49 Bullington, 127 Clifford St., Southampton, 67, 71, 72 Burbridge, 110 Cnut, K., 76, 78 Burgess, L. A., 62 Cochlicopa lubrica, 49 Burghal Hidage, 62 Cochlicopa sp., 48 Burghley, Lord Treasurer, 112 Coelwulf, K., penny of, 86 Burgred, K., coin of, 68, 85, 86, 87, 89 Coenwulf, K., penny of, 69, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91 Burlesdon Rd., 24 Coffins, plank-built, Saxon, 74 Burlesdon, Wind mill, 138 Cole, George, 27 Burnt Mill, Romsey, 134 College Mill, Winchester, 138 Burnwald, moneyer, 90 Comb, double-sided, bone, Saxon, 70 Butler, W., 30 Combs, bone, Saxon, 72 Constantine I, coins of, 68, 87 Constantine II, coins of, 68, 87 Gadnam River, 133 Cook St., Southampton, 75 Cooking pot, Saxon, 42 Gaecilioides acicula, 48, 49 Cooper, Robert, farmer, 105 Cameron, Dr. R. A., 48 Cooper, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, 113 Canute Rd., Southampton, 141, 143 Corhampton, 127 Capaea nemoralis, 49 Corn Ricks, Iron Age, 31 Carey, Geoffrey, weaver, 106, no Corney, A., 20 Carey, Sir George, Captain of the Isle of Wight, Cort's Iron Foundry, 129 112 Crawford, O. G. S., 19, 22, 62, 68, 69 Carychium sp., 49 Criddlestyle, 127 Carychium tridentatum, 48 Crondall Beacons, 106, in Castle Malwood, landslip, 8, 14 Cross, cast bronze, Saxon, 75 Castle Mill, North Warnborough, 133 Cross St., Southampton, 81 Castle Mount, Southampton, 75 Crow's Nest Btm., landslip, 8 Cemetery, Bevois St. N., 74 Crucibles, Saxon, 70 Cemetery, Saxon, Southampton, 67 Cumberland St., Southampton, 71, 72 Cenred, moneyer, 85 Cunard Line, 145 Ceolnoth, K., penny of, 85, 87 Curdridge, 127 Cepaea sp. (juveniles), 48 Cureton, Mr., 85 Chalton, wind mill, 138 Cuthred, K., penny of, 88 Changing Railway Scene in Southampton by B. Moody, 141-145 Chapel Rd., Southampton, 72, 141 Chapel Tramway, 145 Damerham, 128 Charlemagne, Denarius, 89 Dan, moneyer, 91 148 INDEX Dane's Hole, landslip, 7, 8, n, 12, 14, 16 Edward the Martyr, 78 Deacon, Robert, 106 Efford Mill, Milford, 132 Deadman's Bottom, landslip, 10 Egbert, K., penny of, 70, 87, 90 Deanery, Southampton, 72 Egerton, Thomas, 114 Degbearhts, moneyer, 87 Elephant and Casde, Sholing, 24, 25 Denarius, Carolingian, 80 Eling, 128 Deneheah, moneyer, 91 Elkyns, Robert, 112 Deniers, Normandy, 77 Ellis, C. M., Gazetteer of the Water, Wind and Tide Dignall, Henry, 112 Mills of Hampshire, 119-140 Dignall, John, 112 Ellis, J., 119, 124 Dipley Mill, Mattingley, 132 Ems River, 128 Discus rotundatus, 48 Emsworth, 121, 128 Dogmersfield, 128 Emsworth, Town Mill, 139 Dolley, Michael, 77, 78, 79 Emsworth, Quay Mill, 139 Dolphin Hotel, High Street, Portsmouth, 95 Enborne River, 128, 131 Draper, J. C, 20 Ethelberht, K., penny of, 87, 89 Drayton Mill, East Meon, 128 Ethelmod, moneyer, 91 Drivett's Copse, 21 Ethelred I, K., penny of, 85 Drokensford, 104 Ethelred II, 62, 78 Droxford, 128 Ethelred II, K., penny of, 86 Dunning, G. C, A Medieval Pottery Roof-Finial Ethelwulf, K., penny of, 85, 86 found at Portsmouth, 95-101 Evans St., Southampton, 75 Dunsford, Frederick A., 143 Excavations at the George Inn, Portsdoum, by Durley, 128 Richard Bradley and Elizabeth Lewis, 27-50 Durngate Mill, Winchester, 137 Exton, beacons at, 108, 111 Dvda, moneyer, 88 Dvdpih, moneyer, 87 Faithful, William, 109 Fareham, Anglo-Saxon Urns from, 51 Eadgar, K., 78 Fareham, Price's School, 51 Eadhvn, moneyer, 87 Fareham, Turnpike, 51 Eadmund, K., 78 Fareham Urns, 55 Eadred, K., 78 Farfield, 19 Eadwig, K., 62, 78 Farnham, 106 East Boldre, 128 Farringdon, 106, 109, in Eastleigh, 143 Fibula, Roman, 69 East Meon, no, 128 Fielder, 108 East Mills, Griddlestyle, 127 Fleet, 129 Eastrop Mill, Basingstoke, 125 Flexford Mill, Sway, 136 East St., Southampton, 75, 81 Fordingbridge, 129 East Tisted, 114 Ford Mill, Lockerley, 132 East Wellow, 128 Forks, Saxon, 67 Ecchinswell, 139 ' Fourteenth-Century Illustrations in the Winchester Pipe Eccinswell, 128 Rolls by Marion Meek, 103-104 Ecgbeorht, K., penny of, 85 Fox Mill, Romsey, 134 Echinocorys Scutata, 41 Franchises Wood, landslip, 7, 8, 10 Edgar, K., penny of, 86 Freemantle Common, 22, 23 Edinburgh Hotel, Southampton, 68 Frisian, Sceatta, 91 Edmund, K., penny of, 86 Fritham, 129 Edred, K., penny of, 86 Fritham Plain, 14, 15 Edward I, counter of, 6g Frog Mill, Curdridge, 127 Edward III, portrait of, 103 Frogmore Mill, East Meon, 128 Edward the Confessor, 62, 78 Froyle, 105, 129 Edward the Elder, K., penny of, 86, 89 Fullerton, 129, 139 149 INDEX Fullimore's field, 19 Hayward, Michael, 109, m, 114 Funtley, 129 Headley, 119, 130 Headley Mill, 139 Headley Park Mill, Headley, 130 Heckfield, 130 Gater's Mill, West End, 136 Helicella itala, 48, 49 Gazetteer of the Water, Wind and Tide Mills of Helix aspersa, 48 Hampshire, by C. M. Ellis, 119-140 Henry III, counter of, 69 George Inn, Portsdown, 27, 28 Henry, Earl of Sussex, 112 Gibbs, John, Mill-wright, 125 Here, moneyer, 87 Glebe Rd., Southampton, 75 Hereberht, moneyer, 89 Golden Gross, landslip, 8, 12 Heydone, m Golden Grove, Southampton, 68, 71, 72, 82 Heydown, 111 Gordleton Mill, Sway, 136 Heywood Mill, Boldre, 126 Granville St., Southampton, 75 High Down, beacons at, 109 Grateley, wind mill, 138 High St., Southampton, 75, 76, 77 Greatbridge, 129 Hill, D. H. and Addyman, P. V., Saxon Southamp­ Greatham, 129 ton: A Review of the Evidence, 61-93 Greywell, 130 Hiscock's Hill, landslip, 8, 14 Griffin Griffin, Hon. John, 125 Hoards of Anglo-Saxon Coins, 85, 87, 90 Grinsell, L. V., 27 Hockley, 130 Grinvald, moneyer, 8g Hoglands, Southampton, 68 Grove Street, 68, 71, 72, 82 Holbury Mill, Lockerley, 132 Gunpowder Mill, Fritham, 129 Holdshot Mill, Heckfield, 130 Holly Hatch Inclosure, landslip, 8, 14 Holybourne, 105, 130 Ham, mint signature, 78 Homwic, 61 Hamble, 62, 139 Hook, 130 Hampshire Beacon Plot of 1586 by J. D. Jones, Hook, iron, Saxon, 72 105-118 Hooper, Bari, Note in Excavations at the George Inn, Hampshire, Cremation in, 53 Portsdown, 46 Hampton Field, 65 Hope Cottage, landslip, 8 Ham tun, 61, 62 Horsebridge, 130 Hamtunscir, 62 Houghton, 131 Hamwih, 61, 62 Howen Bushes, landslip, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16 Harold I, 78 Human Skeleton Remains, Note in Excavations at Harold II, 78 the George Inn, Portsdown, 46 Hart River, 128, 129 Hun ton, 131 Harthacnut, K., 78 Hum, 131, 139 Hartley Mauditt, 105, 106 Hurstbourne Priors, 131 Hartley Mill Farm, Hartley Wespall, 130 Hygromia hispida, 48, 49 Hartley Wespall, 130 Hartley Wood, 111 Harvey, Mrs.
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