PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1981 International Deepwater Rice Workshop \ li .~js~s '/I PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1981 International Deeppwater Rice Workshop Jointly sponsored by: THE INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, PHILIPPINES, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE M INISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATIVES, THAILAND 1982 INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) receives support from a number of donors, including the Asian Development Bank, the European Economic Community, the Ford Foundation, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the OPEC Special Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations Development Programme, and the international aid agencies of the following governments: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States. The responsibility for this publication rests with the International Rice Research Insitute. Contents Foreword vii Welcome of the Department of Agriculture 1 Phaderm Titatarn Welcome of IRRI 3 M. R. Vega Workshop opening 7 Narong Wongwan A second wind for the green revoiution 9 D. L. Umali VARIETAL DEVELOPMENT Development of deepwater rice varieties and breeding materials for 19 South and Southeast Asian countries B. R. Jackson, D. HilleRisLambers, and C. Prechachat Some ideas on breeding procedures and requirements for 29 deepwater rice improvement D. HilleRisLambers and D. V. Seshu Multilocation screening for rice varietal traits relevant to deepwater 45 culture D. V. Seshu VARIETAL IMPROVEMENT The deepwater rice varietal improvement program in Bangladesh 63 D. G. Kanter, Md. Nasiruddin, and M. A. Wahab Status of deepwater rice development in India 75 S. Saran, S. Biswas, S. Mallick, and V. N. Sahai Status of deepwater rice varietal improvement in Burma 87 P. B. Escuro, U Chn Kyaw, and U Aung Kha VARIETAL IMPROVEMENT AND GENETICS STUDIES Deepwater rice in northern Vietnam 99 Dao The Thuan, Nguyen Duy Tinh, and Nguyen Huu Thanh Grain yield and yield components of deepwater rice in West Africa 103 A. I. Toure, M. A. Choudhury, M. Goita, S. Koli, and G. A. Paku Genetics of plant and internode elongation ability in rice 113 M. Nasiruddin, A. Wahab, and Badrul A. Dewan Inheritance of submegence tolerance in deepwater rice 121 H. K. Mohanty, B. Suprihatno, G. S. Khush, W. R. Coffman, and B. S. Vergara Tillering behavior and internode elongation in deepwater 135 rice in Bangladesh and Thailand Yasuo Ohta VARIETAL EVALUATION Deepwater rice yield in Bihar, India 149 R. Thakur Adaptability testing of traditional deepwater rices in Bangladesh 157 P. Francis and C. T. Brackney Yield performance of deepwater rice in aThailand network 169 P. Charoendhum, A. Wiengweera, D. Tuna, S. Phumiphon, W. Khumlekhasing, C. Boonwite, K. Kupkanchanakul, and L. Chankasem Farmer field yield trials for dcepwater rice in Thailand 173 C. Prechachat, N. Supapoj, W. Limkanchanapon, and B. R. Jackson Stand density ir deepwater rice and its relation to yielding 179 ability in farmers' fields in Bangladesh H. D. Catling, Z. Islam, and B. Alam BIOLOGICAL NITROGEN FIXATION AND SCREENING RICES FOR DROUGHT TOLERANCE Potential of biological nitrogen fixation in deepwater rice 191 I. Watanabe, W. Ventura, W. Cholitkul, P. A. Roger, and S. A. Kulasooriya Contribution of algae to the nutrition of deepwater rice 201 M. R. Martinez and H. D. Catling Screening of deepwater rices for drought tolerance in Thailand 215 N. Supapoj, C. Boonwite, J. C. O'Toole, S. K. De Datta, and B. R. Jackson Evaluation of rices for drought tolerance for deepwater areas 223 S. K. De Datta, J. A. Malabuyoc, and E. L. Aragon Identification of deepwater rice for drought tolerance 235 in Bangladesh A. R. Gomosta and D. G. Kanter SCREENING FOR SUBMERGENCE TOLERANCE AND ELONGATION CAPACITY Screening methods for submergence tolerance in rice 243 in Bangladesh A. R. Gomosta, M. M. Hossain, and M. Z. Haque Submergence toleranci of deepwater rice in Indonesia 249 S. Sulaiman and H. Anwarhan Elongation of rice in deep water 261 S. K. Datta Deepwater rice trials in farmer fields in the Mekong Delta 271 in Vietnam Vo-Tong Xuan, Le Thanh Duong, and Vo Thi Guong Plant elongation screening in controlled flooding of deepwater 279 rices in Bangladesh M. A. Wahab, B. A. Dewan, M. Nasiruddin, and D. G. Kanter Status ot screening tests for deepwater rice submergence 283 tolerance in Thailand C. Setabutara and S. Karin Anatomical and morphological studies of rice varieties 287 tolerant of and susceptible to complete submergence at seedling stage S. Karin, B. S. Vergara, and A. M. Mazaredo Yield compensating ability by aquatic tillers in deepwater rice 293 A. R. Gomosta, M. H. Sarkar, and M. Z. Haque Yields and some quantitative characters of deepwater rice in 299 Bangladesh as aifccted by seeding methods and flood depths M. Nasiruddin, A. Salam, A. Wahab, and A. Bakr Rice with ratooning ability for deepwater areas 305 S. K. Bardhan Koy, B. S. Vergara, and G. Patena Bree~ing of photoperiod-sensitive wetland rices by male-sterile- 309 faLilitilted composite under rapid generation advance system R. C. Chaudhary, B. S. Vergara, and F. S. S. Lopez Varietal difference in nitrogen uptake and utilization in 315 deepwater r. e cultivars M. R. Khan and B. S. Vergara Uptake through aqLatic 5 roots and distribution of ' N-tagged 321 ammonium in d,-epwater rice M. R. Khan, W. Ventura, and B. S. Vergara Physiological differences in rice varieties tolerant of and 327 susceptible to complete submergence A. M. Mazaredo and B. S. Vergara Estimating elongation efficiency in deepwater rice 343 U. S. Singh Summary results of an international collaboration on screening 347 methods for flood tolerance D. HilleRisLambers and B. S. Vergara Deepwater rice in India: problems and prospects 355 U. S. Singh PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY 365 Fertilizer management for deepwater rice soils A. Jugsujinda, S. Satawathananont, W. Hirunyupakorn, P. Charoendham, and N. Kroppetch 373 Effect of agronomic practices on tillering and yield of deepwater rice T. Kupkanchanakul, B. S. Vergara, and K. Kupkanchanakul 387 Stand establishment for deepwater rice in Thailand P. Sittiyos, K. Kupkanchanakul, S. Phumiphol, and N. Supapoj 393 Recent findings on cropping systems in deepwater rice areas M. Zahidui Hoque, N. U. Ahmed, Nur-E-Elahi, and M. R. Siddiqui 411 Cropping systems in deepwater rice in Thailand D. Chandrapanya, V. Votong, C. Sukapong, and E. Shuwisitkul 415 Crop establishment practices for deepwater rice in Bangladesh P. Francis and G. Griffin PLANT PROTECTION Weeds, weed problems, and weed control in deepwater rice areas 427 S. K. De Datta and M. Zahidul Hoquc Screening Bangladesh deepwater rices for yellow rice borer 443 resistance H. D. Catling and Z. Islam 451 The problem of yellow rice borer in Asian deepwater rice H. D. Catling and Z. Islam Screening for resistance to ufra disease (Ditylenchus angustus) 459 in deepwater rice L. Rahman and I. McGeachic Delayed planting of deepwater rice: a new approach for ufra 467 control I. McGeachie and L. Rahman Preliminary insecticide tests and observations for preflood 475 control of yellow rice borer in deepwater rice B. Taylor, Md. Badiul Alam, and Q. Md. A. Razzaque Monitoring tour to Bihar, West Bengal, Bangladesh, and 489 Thailand Workshop recommendations 497 For varietal improvement of deepwater rice 497 For plant protection in deepwater rice 498 For basic studies in deepwater rice improvement 499 For cultural practices for deepwater rice improvement 500 Workshop closing 503 Tanongchit Wongsiri Foreword These proceedings of the 1981 International Deepwater Rice Workshop, held at Bangkhen, Thailand, are concrete evidence ofsignificant progress in dcepwater rice research since the first group ofdeepwatcr rice researchers got together in Bangladesh in 1974. There isstrong indication from tile papers, the discussion, and the recommendations herein that acceler­ ated research progress can be expected in the future. There is,therefore, greater confidence in our being able to help improve the lot of deepwater rice farmers. The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) was honored to cosponsor the work­ shop with the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand. This workshop was made possible by the diligent work of scores of people. We are most grateful to the participating scientists. We gratefully recognize the tremendous input of our Thai colleagues, particularly Chai Prechachat and Nopporn Supapoj, Siriporn Karin, Amara Wiengwccra, and Samlec Boonyaviwatana. We recognize the generosity of Dr. Aphirat Arunin for making the National Research Council auditorium available for the workshop. Our IRRI colleagues in Thailand, Drs. H. D. Catling and D. W. Puckridge, worked hard with their 'lhai colleagues to make the workshop a success. We thank the committee members who had the primary responsibility to develop the program: B. R. Jackson, 1). V. Seshu, D. HilleRisLambers, B. S. Vergara, W. G. Rock­ wood, and S. K. Dc Datta, who served as chairman and technical editor. IRRI Editor W. G. Rockwood and editorial assistant E. P. Cervantes spent long hours to see that all papers received were edited piior to the confe'ence and many in the Office of Information Services spent long hours processing the papers for publication. M. R. Vega Acting Director General International Rice Research Institute Welcome
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