How is iphone developed ? Development of what was to become the iPhone began in 2004, when Apple started to gather a team of 1000 employees to work on the highly confidential Pro!ect Purple , #2$% incl"ding &onathan 've, the designer behind the i(ac and iPod)#2*%Apple +,- .teve &obs steered the original foc"s away from a tablet, like the iPad, and towards a phone) #2/% Apple created the device d"ring a secretive collaboration with A010 (obility2+ing"lar 3ireless at the time2at an estimated development cost of 4.5160 million over thirty months)#27% Apple re!ected the design by committee approach that had yielded the (otorola 8-98 E1, a largely "ns"ccessf"l#:0%collaboration with (otorola) 'nstead, +ing"lar gave Apple the liberty to develop the iPhone;s hardware and software in<ho"se#:1%#:2% and even paid Apple a fraction of its monthly service reven"e ="ntil the iPhone :>),#::% in e@change for fo"r years of e@cl"sive 4S sales, "ntil 2011) &obs "nveiled the iPhone to the p"blic on &an"ary 7, 200*, at the (acworld 200* convention at the (oscone +enter in San Arancisco)#:4% 0he two initial models, a 4 >B model priced at 4.5477 and an / >B model at 4.5677 (both reC"iring a 2-year contract), went on sale in the 4nited States on &"ne 27, 200*, at $D00 pm local time, while h"ndreds of c"stomers lined "p o"tside the stores nationwide)#:6% 0he passionate reaction to the la"nch of the iPhone res"lted in sections of the media d"bbing it the ;&es"s phone;)#:$%#:*% Aollowing this s"ccessf"l release in the 4S, the first generation iPhone was made available in the 4K, Arance, and >ermany in Eovember 200*, and 'reland and A"stria in the spring of 200/) 3orldwide iPhone availabilityD iPhone available since its original release iPhone available since the release of iPhone :> +oming soon -n &"ly 11, 200/, Apple released the iPhone :> in twenty<two co"ntries, incl"ding the original si@)#:/% Apple released the iPhone :> in "pwards of eighty co"ntries and territories) #:7% Apple anno"nced the iPhone :>S on &"ne /, 2007, along with plans to release it later in &"ne, &"ly, and A"g"st, starting with the 4S, +anada and ma!or ,"ropean co"ntries on &"ne 17) (any wo"ld<be "sers ob!ected to the iPhone;s cost,#40% and 40F of "sers have ho"sehold incomes over 4.5100,000)#41% 0he back of the original first generation iPhone was made of al"min"m with a black plastic accent) 0he iPhone :> and :>S feat"re a f"ll plastic back to increase the strength of the >.( signal)#42% 0he iPhone :> was available in an / >B black model, or a black or white option for the 1$ >B model) 0he iPhone :>S was available in both colors, regardless of storage capacity) 0he iPhone 4 has an al"minosilicate glass front and back with a stainless steel edge that serves as the antennas) 't was at first available in blackG the white version was anno"nced, b"t not released "ntil April 2011, 10 months later) 0he iPhone has gained positive reviews from s"ch critics as David Pog"e #4:% and 3alt (ossberg)#44%#46% 0he iPhone attracts "sers of all ages,#41% and besides cons"mer "se, the iPhone has also been adopted for b"siness p"rposes)#4$% 4sers of the iPhone 4 reported droppedHdisconnected telephone calls when holding their phones in a certain way) 0his became known as antennagate)#4*% -n &an"ary 11, 2011, IeriJon anno"nced d"ring a media event that it had reached an agreement with Apple and wo"ld begin selling a +D(A iPhone 4) IeriJon said it wo"ld be available for pre-order on Aebr"ary :, with a release set for Aebruary 10)#4/%#47% 'n Aebr"ary 2011, the IeriJon iPhone acco"nted for 4)6F of all iPhone ad impressions in the 4S on (illennial (edia;s mobile ad network)#60% Arom 200* to 2011, Apple spent 5$4* million on advertising for the iPhone in the 4.)#2$% -n 0"esday, September 2*, Apple sent invitations for a press event to be held -ctober 4, 2011, at 10D00 am at the+"pertino KeadC"arters to anno"nce details of the ne@t generation iPhone, which t"rned o"t to be iPhone 4.) -ver 1 million 4S models were sold in the first 24 ho"rs after its release in -ctober 2011)#61% D"e to large vol"mes of the iPhone being man"fact"red and its high selling price, Apple became the largest mobile handset vendor in the world by reven"e, in 2011, s"rpassing long-time leader Eokia) #62% American carrier + Spire 3ireless anno"nced that it wo"ld be carrying the iPhone 4. on -ctober 17, 2011)#6:% 'n &an"ary 2012, Apple reported its best C"arterly earnings ever, with 6:F of its reven"e coming from the sale of :* million iPhones, at an average selling price of nearly 5$$0) 0he average selling price has remained fairly constant for most of the phone;s lifespan, hovering between 5$22 and 5$$0)#64% 0he prod"ction price of the iPhone 4. was estimated by 'KS i."ppli, in -ctober 2011, to be 51//, 520* and 5246, for the 1$ >B, :2 >B and $4 >B models, respectively)#66%Labor costs are estimated at between 512)60 and 5:0 per "nit, with workers on the iPhone assembly line making 51)*/ an ho"r)#6$% 'n Aebruary 2012, +omScore reported that 12)4F of 4S mobile s"bscribers "sed an iPhone)#6*% Appro@imately $)4 million iPhones are active in the 4S alone)#41% -n September 12, 2012, Apple anno"nced the iPhone 6) 't has a 4<inch display, "p from its predecessors; :)6<inch screen) 0he device comes with the same :2$ pi@els per inch fo"nd in the iPhone 4 and 4.) 0he iPhone 6 has the So+ A6 processor, the chip is 22F smaller than the iPhone 4.; A5 and is twice as fast, do"bling the graphics performance of its predecessor) 0he device is 1/F thinner than the iPhone 4., meas"ring *)$ millimetres (0): in), and is 20F lighter at 112 grams (4 oJ?) -n &"ly $, 201:, it was reported that Apple was in talks with 9orean mobile carrier SK 0elecom to release the ne@t generation iPhone with L0E Advanced technology)#6/% -n &"ly 22, 201:, the company;s s"ppliers said that Apple is testing o"t larger screens for the iPhone and iPad) Apple has asked for prototype smartphone screens larger than 4 inches and has also asked for screen designs for a new tablet device meas"ring slightly less than 1: inches diagonally, they said) #67% -n September 10, 201:, Apple "nveiled two new iPhone models d"ring a highly anticipated press event in +"pertino) 0he iPhone 6+, a mid<range<priced version of the handset that is designed to increase accessibility d"e to its price is available in five colors (green, bl"e, yellow, pink, and white) and is made of plastic) 0he iPhone 6. comes in three colors (black, white, and gold? and the home b"tton is replaced with a fingerprint scanner =0o"ch 'D?) Both phones shipped on September 20, 201:)#$0% -n September 7, 2014, Apple revealed the iPhone $ and the iPhone $ Pl"s at an event in +"pertino) Both devices had a larger screen than their predecessor, at 4)* and 6)6 inches respectively)#$1% 'n &an"ary 2016, Apple stands on second slot i)e only :1F in 4S market )#$2% +ompeting devices with Android operating system have a market share appro@imately $2F of the 4S, /2)*F of the +hinese market, and *:):F of the ,"ropean market =co"ntries s"ch as the 4K, Arance, >ermany Spain and 'taly?).
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