" W • • u mV.,jJ^_mS.W. i P W^%W^r- ' '*.^** -' '** TtemmtPWf? I,s*SSB?3*W? ^ ^e^^smA ''^•Stafcjfl ar^d EAST CENT ALBERTA NEWS VOLUME XXXXIII—No. 31 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1956 NINETEEN CRAIGMYLE - HANNA CALF CLUB MEMBERS COMPETE FOR 1956 HONORS — PICTURED IN ORDER OF STANDING - LEFT TO RIGHT GRADUATING CLASS - HANNA HIGH - 1956 HIGHLY RESPECTED I mm QF Toronto Man At RAINFALL SINCE FIRST OF APRIL, CHINOOK DISTRICT DIES FROM Delia To Assist NOW TOTALS NEARLY THREE INCHES; INJURIES SUSTAINED IN ACCIDENT Anglican Mission EARLY JUNE SEES CROPS HEALTHY Andrew BJornsrud Dies In Cereal Duties at Delia, Byemoor Crop Picture Said to Be Generally Good b>„ 1ILJ* -JUL. Hospital; Falls from Tractor Into Path And Craigmyle For m Summer Months Only In First Week of This Month; Pasture Of Tiller; Discovered by Neighbor A young Toronto man, Stephen Conditions Greatly Improved; Riin Needed A farm accident resulted in the death ih Cereal Hospital Oliver, arrived in the Delia dist­ Despite opinion to the contrary, precipitation over the -jf a pioneer resident of the Chinook district, Andrew BJorns­ rict this week, to assist during the Hanna district has, since the first of April been reasonably rud, who passed awav in Cereal Hospital Saturday morning, summer with the work of the All good. During May and April ideal seeding weather was exper­ /••ns 2 at the age of 68 years. The kite Mr. Bjomsrud was en- Saints Anglican Mission. Mr. Ol­ ienced, and unlike some previous seasons, grains were not held <-"*!qed in tilling operations on his farm south of Chinook, Fri­ iver, in taking over part of the up by an over abundance of spring moisture, but proceeded at dav morning, June 1. when the mishap occurred. duties of Rev. M. Starr of Hanna, 3 fast rate. —Hanna Herald Photo It is believed he fell from his ley, also three brothers and three will, with his wife, reside in Delia ••> •ractor. and the tiller passed over sisters. for the summer months. HANNA GRADUATES. Grade XII graduates who were honored last Friday evening at him. The exact time of the accid­ Entering the month of June the Funeral services which were Prior to his graduation from D overall crop picture can be said anna High's graduation exercises. Shown abo*/e front row (left to right) are: Shirley Schafer, ent is not known. A neighbor first largely attended too:; place in Chi­ to be in a healthy condition, noticed the tractor still moving in Wycliffe College, Toronto, Mr. Ol­ la Hall, Vanita Kenny, Kathleen Litke, Kathleen Phillips, Avril Peterson, Emma Mattheis, nook United Church on Tuesday iver was employed bv the Imper­ LIONS SPECIAL BINGO though rainfall will be »n irregular manner across the of this week, with Rev. Jos. }lyn Cook, Mabel Edler; back row: John Edler, Rex Beach, Jack Galarneau, Melvin Pellet field, and upon investigating ial Oil Co., and also served in the THIS SATURDAY NIGHT during the months of June Schultz officiating. Interment fol­ Toyal Canadian Navy. Hi* wife July, the most critical period irnest Portfors, Robert Housch, Larry Schultheis, Alec Price and Mark Lenfesty. found Mr. BJornsrud some dist­ lowed in Mountview Memorial Saturday night bingo games ance from the machine. He was re­ holds the degree of Bachelor of sponsored by Hi* Liens Club the grain-growing industry. moved to the Cereal Hospital, Gardens, Calgary with Water] science in the Royal Victorian Or- hava been enjoying reason­ Since the first week in A] Drama Class 'Hot Ice' where he passed away Saturday house and Son funeral directors, der ot Nurses. Mr. Oliver's serv- total of 2.81 inches of moi Cereal, in charge of arrangements. in the Anglican Mission will ably good patronage. Howev­ mm\m CEREMONIES AT HIGH Well Received morning. ice8 er, this coining Saturday night has been recorded at the Hanna A highly respected resident of include Delia, Craigmyle and Bye- tha game* bl the Memorial office of the PFRA. Since June 1, • GOOD SHOW! moor. precipitation records show \*b ins. On Mav 30. the second and final the district, deceased came to Hall should attract record- n breaking crowds., This Satur­ Curing May .86 indies qf rein fell, I00L SHOW BIG IMPROVEMENT 'ay "Hot ire" oresented by the Canada in 1909 from the United The Hanna Round Up Wednes-j This is the first trip west for while In April snow and rain com­ Hanna High School dramatics States and took up farming at day drew the largest crowd ever the young couple, and while it is day a total of *400 worth d* prises will ba drawn for. Rin­ bined to make up Oae balance at class* played to a large and ap­ Chinook in 1910. He was a mem­ A complete report of rodeo win­ quite, a change from the east, saidj the total 2.81. **»*1 !R ANY HELD IN FORMER YEARS preciative audience. The play was ber of the Lutheran Church. Be ners will .appear in* next week's Mr. Oliver, he and his wife ace] ging In veljfja from y te *fl*_i under, the direction of J. H. Mey­ •sides his wife Agnes he is surviv- HeraUfcs tmwousi claim -ken anjfinriinfi Ibriir itmrnin-aatM lintiinj Bill fl iirnrii •jiiiwHiiy Jiuyeil f foyrarfrMorlrs HNjI-i— ers. ed by two sons. Henry and Stan- aU «nuM^"s«d a»"W£?* > ""** •*—' • mo^-*ree*fl>It' Atiaxu:r*tisrjn #ss? distriet are crops suffering from * ** —— -,CeW- .^******1* ^^**************-a*-f?» '***r •"»*>••. /» , u ' ,_^_^^_a___ i — •ffi be made between 9 p.m- lack of moisture. Sufficient mois­ Spot in Hanna High'c Year; Excellent S COWBOYS OF THE EARLY RANGE aad midnight. Bingo tana ara ture reserves were on hand to get Address to Students by Guest Speaker reminded at special games the crop away to a strong and Saturday night, proceeds from healthy start. A marked improvement was visible to a full audience wit- •which go te th* Lions fund Range conditions have greatly ssing the 1956 graduating exercises in the Hanna High tar charitable purposes. improved with recent rains, and hay supplies for next winter's hool, over anything held formerly here. In bringing greet- • feed are expected to be normal. gs from the Department of Education, W. G. Hay, spoke the oughts of those in attendance when he commented, "The ung ladies are lovely, and the gentlemen look intelligent." 171 Choice Calves High School Films Hall decorations, caps and Opening the main address of i Open to Public owns, stage lighting and setting* the evening, Rev. I. Hohm made ith a processional and recession- In Drum. Sale Slides depicting the activities of use of an illustration which ended i the Hanna High School during the . I march of Grades IX and XII. with the sentence. "I've lost my left little to be improved upon : current terms wiU be shown at the excuse for being born." The spea­ Saturday, June 2 i school auditorium June 15 at 8 nd a smoothlv flowing program p.m. The proceeds will be used to reat*jd tho impression that the af- ker then asked, "What is your ex­ Craigmyle Lad Wins cuse for !>eing born. Why are you pay off the remaining expenses in airs of eduction in Hannn Hi^h Reserve Championship connection with the school's bas­ are in capable hands. living?" This is the problem that With Shorthorn Entry ketball activities. The valedictory address presen­ has faced man from the beginning A total of 300 slides will be ted by Carol Ward of Grade IX of time. Two sol tio.'.s were sug- One of the most successful shown, among them being the ice was particularlv well executed, as ;ested to this problem. Man is liv­ shows and sale of calves since 4-H carnival, initiation, Sadie Hawk­ was also that of Ka<hk*en Phillips ing for the benefit of himself: Clubs were organized in this part ins Dance, musical festival, bask­ valedictorian of the Grade XII man is living for the benefit of of Alberta, took place in theetbal l teams, track meet in Stett­ Drumheller arena last Saturday. class: and with regard to orator­ his fellowman. ler, career event, bonspiel, gener­ ical prowess, Kathleen Litke's Following the judging of animals The Herald is indebted to R. D. Lenfesty for the above McDermot, Tom Bear, Day Lenfesty, West Greenwood, Miles al assembly, speakers, and many Salute to The Parents" emild not If we tx-lieve the first solution entered b ythe various clubs, the more topics. Admission will be be said lacking in quality, compos to be correct, then it naturally fol­ photo whicn was taken July 20, 1917 at the ranch of the late Clark, Fred Vowel, Elmer Greenwood, Ritchie and Albert Du­ calves were sold by public auc­ 50c for adults and 25c for stud­ ition, delivery, and clearness. lows tha' all of life's problems Jack Miller, promoter of the first stampede held in the Hand bois. According to the Herald records P. Hartt (not in photo) tion. ents: A hearty invitation is exten­ Presentation of members of thc will be approached with the atti­ Hills during Wolrd War I in aid of the Lonebutte Red Cross took first money in the steer riding event, Day Lenfesty plac­ Grand Champion of the show, ded to the general public. Grade IX and XH classes was per tude of personal gain or personal Society. A group of contestants pictured above top row, from ed first in the bucking contest. Tom Bear was awarded top was the calf entered and shown formed bv teachers Miss D.
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