June 8 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 might be willing to try to blackmail free All in all, we had the kind of conversa- nations. That’s the true threat of the 21st tion you’d expect strong allies to have. It century. It’s a subject that I told you I was candid; it was over a really good meal. discussed with President Putin. And I’m looking forward to bringing you I have made clear what you just made back, Mr. President, to the White House. clear, Mr. President: The system we have I can’t wait to see you there in mid-July. proposed is not directed at Russia. Indeed, Again, thank you all for your wonderful we would welcome Russian cooperation on hospitality. God bless the people of Poland. missile defense. We think it makes sense to have a—and I proposed and he accepted NOTE: The President spoke at approximately a working group from our State Depart- 8:22 p.m. at Gdansk Lech Walesa Inter- ment, Defense Department, and military to national Airport. In his remarks, he referred discuss different opportunities and different to Maria Kaczynska, wife of President options, all aimed at providing protection Kaczynski; and President Vladimir V. Putin for people from rogue regimes who might of Russia. President Kaczynski referred to be in a position to either blackmail and/ President Nicolas Sarkozy of France. Presi- or attack those of us who live in free soci- dent Kaczynski spoke in Polish, and his re- eties. marks were translated by an interpreter. Statement on the Nomination of Admiral Michael G. Mullen To Be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and General James E. Cartwright To Be Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff June 8, 2007 General Peter Pace has served our Na- of character who leads by example. I thank tion with great distinction for 40 years. He his wife Lynne, who knows from long expe- is an outstanding marine, and he made his- rience that military service is a family com- tory as the first marine to serve as Chair- mitment. I also thank his son Peter and man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. his daughter Tiffany. America has been As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Pete’s blessed by Pete’s lifetime of service. And job has been to help ensure that America’s I wish all the best for the Pace family as military forces are prepared to meet the this good man begins a new chapter in threats of this new century. This is a dif- his life. ficult task in a time of peace. Pete Pace I am pleased to accept the recommenda- has done it in a time of war, and he has tion of Secretary Gates that I nominate Ad- done it superbly. As part of our senior mili- miral Michael Mullen to succeed General tary leadership, Pete has helped oversee the Pace. Admiral Mullen has performed ably liberation of more than 50 million people. as Chief of Naval Operations. He holds de- I have relied on his unvarnished military grees from the U.S. Naval Academy, the judgment, and I value his candor, his integ- Harvard Business School, and the Naval rity, and his friendship. Postgraduate School. He has served ably Pete’s life is the story of the American in both the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets, as Dream. He grew up in an immigrant fam- well as in both Allied and Joint Commands. ily, graduated from the U.S. Naval Acad- And when he is confirmed by the United emy, and went on to hold the highest posi- States Senate, he will make a superb Chair- tion in our Armed Forces. He is a man man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 710 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00710 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.022 214691 Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 / June 9 Admiral Edmund Giambastiani has been distinguished service. He has earned the a strong and effective Vice Chairman. He thanks of a grateful nation. is an officer of vision and determination, I am also pleased to announce that I and he has served at a time of unprece- am accepting Secretary Gates’s rec- dented danger for America. His time in ommendation to nominate General James the Joint Chiefs capped an exemplary mili- E. Cartwright as the new Vice Chairman tary career. As commander of the U.S. of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Cart- Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, he wright is a Marine Corps pilot who serves helped transform our Nation’s military so as commander, United States Strategic it could better face the new threats of a Command, where he has done an out- new century. And he did the same for standing job managing America’s global NATO while serving as its first Supreme strategic forces. In that role, he is respon- Allied Commander, Transformation. The sible for the global command and control admiral is a highly decorated officer, but of U.S. Strategic Forces. He is an excep- he is most proud of his unit awards and tional officer, and when he is confirmed commendations because they represent by the Senate, he will be an outstanding team accomplishments. I thank his wife Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Cindy, his daughter Cathy, and his son Pete, for the support they have provided. NOTE: The statement referred to Secretary I salute Admiral G for his long career of of Defense Robert M. Gates. The President’s Radio Address June 9, 2007 Good morning. This week, I am traveling agree on certain elements, and still come in Europe, where I am meeting with world together on a solution. We can accomplish leaders to discuss ways to address chal- that through the bipartisan Senate bill. It lenges like climate change, to work together is based on months of negotiation. The re- to combat diseases like malaria and HIV/ sult is legislation that puts border security AIDS, and help advance freedom through- first, establishes a temporary-worker pro- out the world. gram to meet the legitimate needs of our Back at home, America is engaged in growing economy, sets up a mandatory sys- an important discussion about immigration. tem for verifying employment eligibility, Most Americans agree that the 1986 immi- and resolves the status of the estimated 12 gration law failed. It failed because it did million people who are here illegally. If not secure our border; it did not include this bill becomes law, America will finally tough worksite enforcement; it did not help have in place a system that addresses all people assimilate; and it encouraged more these problems and can be adjusted to ad- people to come here illegally. Today, illegal dress future problems that may arise. immigration is supported by criminal enter- I understand the skepticism some Mem- prises dedicated to document forgery, bers of Congress have regarding certain as- human trafficking, and labor exploitation. pects of this legislation. Like any legislation, This is unacceptable, and we need to fix this bill is not perfect. And like many Sen- it in a way that honors our finest traditions. ators, I believe the bill will need to be People have strong feelings on this issue. further improved along the way before it I believe we can express our feelings, dis- becomes law. In the heat of the debate, 711 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00711 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.022 214691.
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