Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 2-1-1951 Volume 69, Number 02 (February 1951) John Briggs Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Briggs, John. "Volume 69, Number 02 (February 1951)." , (1951). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/143 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FOR TEACHERS, PROFESSIONALS OR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES ••• Sounds LikeMelchior this service offered b! The T!'eodore Presser Co. is another step forward in helping our \ and MELCHIOR customers make the rtght choice, These selections are from a distinguished group of com- :osers i:a~thors and have been carefully chosen by our Music Editors. When ordering e sure 0 write catalog number to facilitate prompt-s-correct delivery. .. FEBRUARY 1951 ••• when you play their records on the PIANO SOLOS 312-40033 How lovely Is Thy Dwelling NEW ZENITH COBRA-MAliC Grade 1 Place Brahms Op. 45 with PITCH and TEMPO CONTROL! 130-41050 In the Autumn .... John Verrall $ .30 Organ accompaniment by R. 130-41069 Now It's Time to Run and .Play Donald Curry ....... SATB--A Solo . $ .22 Margaret Wig ham .30 Grade 2 332-40066 lord, Thy Word Abideth 130-41067 Corporal lollipop .. Elliot Griffis .30 Rolf E. Marryott .12 Unless a phonograph record is played exactly at the speed it Grade 2'1> Secular SSA A cappella was recorded. it will be "off" not only in pitch and tempo but 130-41068 Merrily Over the Waves We Go 332-40014 Song for Mary also in timbre, the individual quality and "tone color" that Margaret Wig ham .30 Wesley M. Harris .12 gives great voices and masterfully played instruments their Grade 3'1> TTBB full, breathtaking beauty! 130-41065 Waterfall Olive Dungan .40 3)2-40048 Thou'rt like a lovely Flower It's a little known fact, but all record players (including Grade 5 Edward Strubel .10 Zenith's prior to the Cobra-Marie) vary in turntable speed at SSATB 130-41036 Manhattan Barcarolle time of manufacture and get worse as they grow older. A differ- 332-40060 The Bargain Clifford Shaw .30 ence of only 1 R. P. M. (Revolution Per Minute) will make an Grade 6 Gladys Blakely Bush .16 LP (Long Playing 33 V,) record sound sharp or flat by more 110-40148 than a quarter tone! And tWO brand new phonographs may Impressions ... Efrem Zimbalist 1.50 VOCAL differ by almost a full half-rene in pitch! Cobra-Malic Record Player and Black Magic TV make Zenith the Warld's Greatest TV. Medium Voice, A minor, d# to F or a Rtu:~ia_Phonagraph Combination! Illustraced-the New Zenith@ "Hawthorne." wich 165 TWO PIANO, FOUR HANDS Only the NEW ZENITH COBRA-1·1ATIC-of all automatic 121-40018 Come, My love (Arncrni) sq. in. 2-in-l (circular and rectangular) Reflection-Proof Screen; Cobra-Matic $54995* Grade 5 record players-enables you to play records at the exact speed Record Player; Fl\f-AM Radio. Period cabinec, luxurious Mahogany veneers. Walter Golde .50 130-41066 Third Street Rhumba ' to give perfect pitcb, tempo and timbre. It plays nor only the Clifford Shaw .75 BOOKS three standard speeds (3310,45 and 78 R. P.M.) and the coming new speed of 16 R.P.M., but also ALL intermediate speeds- BAND 430-41008 Fifteen Descriptive Miniatures for IJOIJT 8~me )Gul'lIec(}l'cIs !/n1t!)GU ~ thousands of them-between 10 and 85! Now, even your cher- Twa Pieces for Band Phrasing and Style, Op. 105 ished old time Gold Seals, Columbias, Victors, Bruns wicks, that f/oye les/eel )1;UI' fJn(}/}(}jl't9jJh Slow March from -"Scipio" William Scher .75 437-41002 were recorded at different speeds, can be played with perfect Hondel-Leidzen The Sacred Oratorio Song of the Volga Boatman The American Academy of pitch, tempo and timbre that give them new ronal quality! Make This Simple Test in Your Own Home! Tecchers of Singing .. 1.00 To demonsrrare to yonrsel] how Glazounov-Strasser @1951 115-40017 Standard (Fulll Band much 'yOUT oum phonograph - re- Symphonic Band . 1.75 "The 115-40018 2.50 gardless of make-is "off" pitch and Condensed Score . Music Lover's speed, just see your Zenith dealer, .50 Prices subject to change without notice Other Parts . .. Dream" He will loan you without charge a ............ .30 stroboscope (a simple speed-meas- uring device) which yOll set on your CHORAL I phonograph turntable. It will tell Sacred SATBand Organ :~[:7•...'.'", you if your speed (and therefore andTELEVIStON '., your pitch) is roo high or toO low 332-40070 Benedictus Es Domine (Blessed Another great "ZENITH fIRST"- and by how much. Art Thou) *Indudes Federal Excise Tall. P'*e subiect t~ obtainable ONLY IN ZENITH change wilhaul norice. H. Alexander Matthews .16 Zenith Radio Corporation. Chicago 39, Illinois' Over 30 Yeors of "Know-How" in Radionics@Exclusively· Also Makers of fine Heoring Aids 1 ETUDE-FEBRUARY-------------_..........-]9.11 4 HESS uses the Steinway exclusively, as does virtually every famous artist of Founded 188] by THEODORE PO FIRST NAME IN • 'I I I "S~ today: Graffman, Levant, Milstein, AUTHORS IN THIS ISSUE • • Novaes, Toscanini, Tureck, Vronsky & Babin, laszlo, and many more. music 1JIaga%t1t~ ANDOR FOLDES ("[t's All Done with Muscles," p. 15), was MICHAEL ETUDEtI.e born in Hungary, of a musical-professional family. He began the PUBllSHED MONTHLY BY THEODORE PRESSER CO., PHILADELPHIAP study of piano at four, and gave his first public reciral at seven. ,A. He continued his studies in Hungary with Dohnanyi and Bartok, AARON Editorial and Advertising Offices, Bryn Mawr, Pa. came to the United States in 1939 and played his first recital here in that year. Since then he has toured widely as a solo recitalist, and has appeared .with the leading orchestras of this country. He JOHN BRIGGS, Editor - PIANO COURSE has also given four European tours since 1945. His book, "Keys Dorothy F. Garretson, Managing Editor Charles J. Reed Art D' to the Keyboard," has appeared in six countries. Mr. Foldes is The course thai combines studenl and teocher appeal. Devised to J. Cleee McKray, .Music Editor ' lrfCIQr shall I buy?" sustain slu~e~Is' interest and enthusiasm. Smooth step-by-step advance- now a U. S. citizen. ment, combining the elements of piano technic with melody. Harold Berkley Maurice Dumesntl Etiubeth A. Gest Guy Maier K:ITIW. Gehrkens Alexander McCurdy Wilfrid Pelletier William D. Herelli Development of rhythmic pot- ELISABETH SCHUMANN Michael Aaron PIANO PRIMER - James Francis Cooke. Editor Emeritlls (Strauss: "Morgen"-A Master terns through hondclopping _ Easy-ta-understond diagrams _ Attractive Lesson, p. 26), is authoritative as an interpreter of Strauss' songs, rhymes and melodies plus lorge Noles. Illustrations... .60 having toured Europe and America in recital with the composer GRADE ONE - In the very firsl lesson the student actually begins to at the piano. Mme. Schumann, a native of Merseburg, Germany, ploy. Simple, Direct, Modern Approach 10 a solid foundation in piano playing _ __._ 1.00 made her operatic debut in Hamburg, sang one season at the GRADE TWO - Easy Arrangements of Classics - Original Melodic Vol. 69 No.2 CONTENTS FEBRUARY 1951 Metropolitan and was for twenty years a shining light of the Material - Pedal Studies Music Canslruction _ Minor and Chromatic Vienna State Opera. An outspoken opponent of Nazism, she left Sca Ies _._ " , , ,. .__, . .__.., , _.._ _.. .. ___ __. _..... 1.00 FE.'lTVIIES Austria when the Nazis came in. Mme. Schumann now divides GRADE THREE - Original Descripfive Pieces which "sound difficult" but PAGE her time between her apartment in New York City and her son's in keeping with third grade - Original Etudes _ Sight Reading, etc 1.00 THOUGHTS AT 70 ..••.............................. Erne.t Blotla 9 home in England. GRA.D~ . FOUR - Forms of Compositions - Speciol Study of Sonota For~ MUSIC TEACHING AS A PROFES ION ....•......... Si,mund Spaeth II - . DlmJn,sh~d Seventh and Dominanl Seventh Chords and Arpeggios JEANIE WAS A LUCKY GIRL ..............•.......... rUarion lIart 12 Recilol Material _ , , , .', , _, _ _.. 1.00 THE ORIGIN OF THE FUGUE ............•............. Kurt Stone 14 REINALD WERRENRATH ("Singing Can Be Simple," p. 16), Michae.1 Aaron ADULT PIANO COURSE - The odult opproach IT'S ALL DONE WITH MUSCLES! , ,,4,.lIor F&lde. 15 is one of America's outstanding recitalists. Both his parents were to th~ p.lano ", rapidly and confidently, through basic principles to melodic SINGING CAN BE SIMPLE Rell1l1ld JPerrel1,ath 16 singers; his father, Charles Werrenrath, was a famous oratorio material In loqiccl, step-wise manner 1.00 THAT INEVITABLE SYMPHONY DEFICIT ,J. L. MClrris 17 tenor and a close friend of Counod. Reinald Werrenrath was REBUILDING A FAMOUS VIOLIN ....... , , on W MICHAEL AARON PIANO TECHNIC born in Brooklyn, and studied with his father, Carl Dufit, Frank King Clark, Dr. Arthur Mees and Percy Rector Stephens. He sang DEt· J'lUT~IE1\'TS one season at the Metropolitan, but for the most pa~t made his MUSICAL lUISCELLANY Nicola,Sloninukr 4 career in solo recitals. He is now teaching in New York City.
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