— r ■ THIRTEENTH YEAR, NO. 204. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, MONDAY, AUGUST 2|8, 1899, -EIGHT PAGES. TWO CENTS GREAT DAY IN THE CAMP. SCAFFOLDING GIVES WAY JOTTINGS OF AN IDLER. BRIEF LOCAL SDMMARY. DEVOTEi OF TBE DANCE. W a n t e d * i r - * — ANNUAL LOVE FEAST WAS A GEORGE B, BENNETT IS SE­ SEEN IN A 8AUNTRR.ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN AND UNAEj?#^G GAIETY MARKS $ 9 , 0 0 0 LIVELY A SERVICE. VERELY INJURED; THE TOWN. AROUND THE C IlL IAL EVENTS. Real Estate $ 5 , 0 0 0 S i n g i n g , . Shouting and the Giving’ Fifteen Busy Mechanic?, While at Unique Bathing Pair—Sunrise Par­ Items of Interest .Too Small for a 8 at**rd$y, the W eek’s Festal Day, of Testimonials for a n H o n r WorJk^ at Lakewood, Suddenly ties Popular1—Dangerous Peat to Headline — Happenings Personal Ushered Out With Mirth and $ 3 , 0 0 0 ' Bishop Warren Preachea a Mas­ Hurled ^Twenty Feet 10 the Ground Swim Out to Yacht—1* Uncle B.ll ’’ and Otherwise That Will^Help to Gladuoihe Strains—August’s Lasr Insurance - terly Discourse—Dr. Schell's Even­ Below—Limbi Broken and Man­ Bru maker’s Latest Adventure* Make the History of Asbnry Park, Dais Ones of Pleasure Unceasing On first mortgage, with Bond ing Sermon a Splendid Address. gled—Bodies Braised by Debris. Dived Into Deal Lake for ajSanshade Neptune Township ana Vicinity. and Pleasure Bewildering. Seldom are such scenes witnessed in Lakewood was the'scene of a serious ac­ Of all the hotels at which It Is a reporter’s Several license cases will b.e heard before A perfect night, magnificent floor, splen­ Mortgages Search and Insurance Policy. Ocean Grove as those which transpired yes­ cident on Saturday, caused by the break­ delight (and sometimes abomination) to Police Justice Borden this mo’rning; did music and merry people made the hop terday at the campmeetlng services. All ing of a scaffold upon which about 15 visit, to none is the routine call made with There will be no council mooting tonight, at the Brunswick Saturday night one of the These are gilt-edge securities, the board harvlng adjourned for tw o weeks. told" 10 separate gatherings assembled be­ mechanics were working. About half the more pleasure than at Norwood Hall. most delightful events of the season. Over The hands at Steiner’s shirt factory will and will bear investigation. tween 5.45 a. m. and io p. m., allowing number were seriously injured and the bal­ There the pretty girls abound and a gay, enjoy the Saturday half holiday the entire 80 couple^ danced. Some of tho ladies were: barely time to eat meals for those who de­ ance cut and bruised, as well as being con­ happy throng they are, crowding every year. Miss Doley, buff figured silk; Miss Care, sired to participate in all the services. siderably shaken up. According to the re­ hour with mirth and merriment. One of Torre Bros., tho unequalled mandollnists pink and white taffeta silk.; Miss Williams, It was the second and biggest of the two port which reached this cltyJast night, .two their diversions one evening recently was and guitorists of the world, will give a con­ figured china silk; Mrs. Roth, white orgau- cert at the Coleman House casino tonight. dio and lace; Miss Stengel, J>lack silk aud campmeeting Sundays, made of more, im­ of the victims may die. fishing In a globe of gold fish with bent pin jet; Mrs. Bedel, black jetted not and point­ _The men were working on the new riding and line. None of the llttloinhabltauts fell a felerr Cohen wrtl lecture today at 4 p. in. ed lace: Miss Graham, white sWlss over portance because it -was the annual love on “The Jew bf Yesterday, Today aud To­ feast occasion—a time dear to the hearts of school and baths that are being erected by victlm to the fair anglers, though so much blue; Mias D*vis, pink ofgandle and black Apply to ** morrow,”'at tho old rink, Lake aud Heck lace; Miss Mendo, white mull and lace; Miss all MethodIst-s as well as members of other George Gould on his_ spacious Lakewood cannot be said of others for whom the avenues. L. Mender w hite crene; Mrs. SaviHS, buff MILAN ROSS AGENCY /■ denominations who happen to be on the grounds. Among the number was George young ladies*angled with bright glance anti Big preparations aro being made for the silk and black lace; Miss Capon, white mull gfounds. B. Bennett, a mason of West Park. Ben­charming smile. Still, ivhen caught, and firemen’s carnival at Freehold-on Labor over pink; Miss Cadmus, white crepe lisse; D. C. COVERT easily it must be said, tJiey did not seem to day. Wesley company oi> this city will par­ Miss Brown, pink aud white striped silk; 208 Main Street. The weather was just right for a large nett was at one time a member of the ticipate. Mrs. Buttervvortti, blat*k embroidered < hif- turnout of people—although they would township police force. find their captivity sp very Irksome. If it D. G. Hildebrand, a business man of thpfon; Miss Drew, white striped silk; Miss 208 Bond Street have been there no matter what the The scaffold was erected at a height of were possible to choope the most charming metropolis, aud his charming wife, are Hammond,- embroidered chiffon; Mrs. weather—the clouds that overspread the $5 feet. It was about 10 o’clock when sud­ of the fair damsels the following might be guests of Mi*.' arid Mrs. Herman Moritz, 133 Rockwell, cream striped silk; Mrs. Kenset, Cookman avenue. black net; Mrs. Whitaker, pink watered sky preventing the sun from beating his hot denly there was a crash and the entire said to enjoy the honor: Miss Sophie L. silk and buck lace;. Miss Taylor, green flg: Hlncken of Hoboken, Miss Ada S. Kinney Andy Eckel was down from New York rays relentlessly down on the heads of the structure gave way, precipitating the men yesterday to dispense suits to the Sunday ured organdie; Mrs. Bronnen, w hite and worshippers as they traveled from one to the ground ‘ beneath a mass of brick, and Miss Lola Kinney of West Orange, Miss crowd of bathers. He will return today, black dot tel swls-t; Mrs. Farrier, black silk Mae E. Shepard, Miss Bagley and Miss but will bn down again next Sunday. and lace; Miss McGuiley, white swlss; Miss building to another or hurried home to re­ stone, lumber and other debris. Those Callaghan, black net; Miss Felsberg, lace Monmouth Trust KEITH’S EXPRESS fresh their bodies with food. who were able to get up assisted in rellev-, Frances Copeland of New York, Miss Oflicer Lfppfncott arrested a drunken over red silk; Miss Day, w hite organdie; - A N D ---- ing their more unfortunate fellow, work­ Danlela S. Behrman of Hoboken, the MIs°es man last night and locked him up In Park Miss Park, black n^tj 'Miss Hoy, blue and ABBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVB The enthusiasm was marked. It began to hall. He was too' full to give his name and Martin of Trenton and Mrs. George W. white foulard; Miss Perry, white organdie; bubble forth in the first hymns early in the men. will bo given a hearing this morning. Miss Begel, white dotted swis^; Miss Sad­ Bennett struck the jagged edge of a Hagerman. Hotel Brunswick, morning and It waxed stronger as the day * « *• - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingelbreoht of 1038 ler, pink organdie and butterflies; Miss Safe Deposit Company Railroad Depot and advanced. The audiences In the auditorium board with his chin and a huge splinter six West Summerfleld avenue are the happy Simonson, violet dotted Swiss; Mips West­ Unequalled In-the pages of history or {1214 Bangs Avenue. at the morning and evening services proved or eight inches long forced its way through parents of a sweet little lady that made her lake, white dotted swiss; Miss Simonson, Monmouth Building:, Asbury ParK, N. J,. Principal Office........8 0 6 MAIN STREET romance was the bravery exhibited by welcome apfroirauce 011 Saturday morning. white organdie and lace; Miss Helen Day, that It doesn’t always require the presence the ekln until its point was only a couple Arthur D. Kennedy, a popular music While descending the stairway at the pink j>rgandte. Goods Btored at reasonable rates, of the governor of New York nor the presi­ of inches from the eye. The wound was Telephone connection. teacher of Camden, a guest at the Mulford, Fifth avenue pavWon lastevenlngan elder­ dent of the United States to till the build­ extremely painful. A fellow mason from ly woman had a severe fall. She pitched CAPITAL, $100,000. P. O. Boy 067, - - - - Asbu r y p a r k . Ocean Grove. He and John D. Clark of The waltz, two-stop and the square ing to its utmost capacity and even turn Freehold, whose name could not be ascer­ headlong down the first flight to the land­ dances, imperishable devices for human Philadelphia had the pleasure of boating on ing. George Blackman, 510 Asbury avenue, . SURPLUS, $25,000 away those who can not gain admission at tained, had his ankle- broken and was re­ Deal lake a few days since with two pretty assisted her to rise and she walked away amusement,once more proved their potency all. Every seat was taken at both services moved to the Long Branch hospital.
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