VOL XXV, No.29 JULY, 1977 BAINES GRAMMAR SCHOOL POULTON-LE-FYLDE CHAIRMAN OF GOVERNORS J. R. HULL, Esq., C.B.E. Vice-Chairman: E. A. HORNER, Esq., A.I.B. Clerk to the Governors: ROBERT B. PARK, Esq., T.D. FOUNDATION GOVERNORS Mrs. G. M. A. ABBOTT The Rev. P. GOODSON Miss M. B. THOMAS Councillor J. MOON J. A. M. BELL, Ph.D., B.Arch., M.C.D., ROBERT B. PARK, Esq., T.D. A.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I. E. D. TAGG, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.M.A. 8. W. BUGLASS, Esq., J.P. D. C. TOFTS, Esq. REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNORS County Councillor C. R. ASHWORTH J. E. GORST, Esq., A.I.B. W. CLEGG, Esq., M.P. County Councillor F. LOFTHOUSE Councillor T. E. CROFT J. RATCLIFFE, Esq. STAFF OF THE SCHOOL Headmaster: N. M. ANDREWS, M.A. (Cantab.) 1st Deputy Headmaster: J. N. PRYCE, B.A. (Mane.), J.P. 2nd Deputy Headmaster: S. P. UNWIN, M.A. (Cantab.) J. Charnley, City and Guilds Cert. R. J. Wilson, M.A.(Cantab.), (Wood and Metal) M.lnst.P. G. K. Mitchell, B.Sc.(Mane.) B. Stevenson, B.A.(Oxon.) J. L. Thompson, B.A.(Leeds) J. M. Edwards, B.A.(Leicester) J. Green, M.Sc.(Mane.), C.Chem., P. A. Edwards, B.Sc.(Leicester) F.R.I.C. M.I.Biol. P. S. Ward, B.Sc.(Sheffield), S. Hoddy, B.Ed.(Manchester), M.Sc.(Salford), M.I.Biol. M.A.(Lancaster) E. J. Slater, B.Sc.(Birmingham) G. Beresford, B.A.(Cantab.) J. Leadbetter (Leeds) J. B. Emmett, B.A.(Lancaster) A. Field, D.P.E.(Carnegie) F. J. Hessey (Chorley) R. Fielding, M.A.(Cantab.) 0. Dewhurst, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. J. T. Bradley, B.Sc.(Liverpool) J. Gregory, B.Sc.(Reading) F. Marsden, B.Sc.(Mane.) M. H. Kempson, B.A.(Cantab.) T. Lawrenson, B.A.(Sheffield) P. M. Ryan, B.Sc.(Reading) I. W. Ridley, B.A.(Dunelm) D. P. Ramsden, B.A.(Dunelm) A. V. Moss, B.Sc.(Wales) A. J. Stuart, B.Ed.(Lancaster) I. C. Tortoishell, B.A.(Open), D. J. Bootyman, B.Sc.(Hull), M.Ed.(Birmingham) M.Sc.(Warwick) G. Purves (Lancaster) J. G. Thwaites, B.A. S. P. Simpson, B.A.(Oxon) (Liverpool) D.S.E.(Leeds) J- fortune in the future. Mr. Emmett also leaves in July. He is taking up a post at Lark- BAINES GRAMMAR SCHOOL holme, and we congratulate him on his appointment and wish him too the very best of luck in his work there. No one at Baines will need to be reminded of his various contributions to the life of the school in the last four years. He has brought to all his activities a refreshing vigour and enthusiasm, and boys and colleagues have enjoyed THE POULTONIAN his sharp sense of humour. There will be a warm welcome for Miss Nuttall in September, when she replaces Mr. Emmett in the English Department. VOL XXV, No. 29 JULY, 1977 A number of innovations will alter in some ways the character of the school in September. We do not expect uncontrolled enthusiasm for the various benefits associated with the introduction of an eight period day, but there will be other changes which may meet with rather more approval. There will be new books, new courses, OBITUARY new ideas. We are all looking forward to welcoming girls into the school, albeit only, Mr. William Haythornthwaite, who had been for some years a for the moment, at Vlth Form level. Siren voices in the winds of change sing Foundation Governor of Baines Grammar School, and who died last to us of new, much needed building programmes and attractive capital projects. December, had not only spent a lifetime in the service of education, but also, during the last twenty or thirty years of his life, had devoted According to the French: "Plus ga change, plus c'est la meme chose." All friends himself to all kinds of public and civic work. He was a member of the of Baines will certainly hope that no matter how it changes, the school, in all its most staff of Blackpool Grammar School for thirty-nine years, and, having been essential qualities, will retain the capacity to remain substantially the same. Senior Physics Master and Deputy Head (he was,for a short time. Acting Head), he retired in 1958. He served for twenty-one years as a member of the Poulton Urban District Council, of which he was three times As a result of the Headmaster's initiative, and the generosity of a great many of chairman, was for over twelve years chairman of the Fylde Divisional you who supported him and T. J. Spencer in their sponsored project, the Organ Fund Education Committee, was a manager of the Poulton Church of England has benefited to the tune of £500. Mr. Andrews has asked us to say how very grateful School and a governor of St. Aidan's School, Preesall, and was actively he is to all those who helped him in this very successful venture. concerned with a number of other committees. The impact of his keen, lively mind, his good humour and the almost boyish exuberance and The Staff-Prefect Football game took place on a bitterly cold afternoon, but produced zest which he displayed in all his activities, will be greatly missed. plenty of hot action, a deserved win on this occasion for the Prefects, and a welcome contribution to the R.S.P.C.C. The Unofficial Programme, with its perceptive (not to say libellous) thumb nail sketches of the participants, sold well. EDITORIAL This term's magazine is marked by the comparatively modest amount of school material submitted and, by coincidence, by the largest amount of material for Much else has happened in the last terms to demonstrate the continuing liveliness the Old Boys' section that we can remember for many years. We hope to revert at of the school, which has had successes in many very different fields. Mention is made Christmas to the more usual proportions, and again urge you all to play your parts elsewhere of the very well received School Play, and of the Baines team's success in in reflecting entertainingly and comprehensively the abundant life of the School. the Rotary Public Speaking Competition. Considerations of space preclude comment on many of the school's achievements, but they remain considerable. BY THE WAY Finally, we wish all boys who have taken G.C.E. examinations the best of results, all We are pleased to acknowledge gratefully on behalf of the School, Mr. J. Charnley's leavers good luck in their future careers and the rest of you a very good holiday. gift to the School Library of fifty books of English Literature. HGUSE REPGRTS The School has enjoyed having a number of Student teachers in the last few months, Mrs. Edwards (Geography) and Mrs. Edwards (Mathematics) complementing for one FGUNDER'S HGUSE term our very own Mrs. Edwards (Biology). There has been a minimum of confusion, With the Cricket Cup still to be decided, it is pleasing to record that we have already though one boy, urged to define the lady required, failed to help much when he won the Cock House championship winning no fewer than five of the six Inter-House stipulated "the married one 'I Mr. Gartside has been of inestimable help to the Physical competitions so far decided. Education Department and Miss Baron to the French. This record speaks for itself and is a measure of the House spirit apparent throughout We wish all of them the best of luck in their future careers. the year. Every member of every team has given of his best at all times, and the untiring efforts of Dewhurst as House Captain in training and encouraging the younger At the end of the present term Mrs. Gregory leaves Baines, when she relinquishes boys has been largely responsible for our success - well done! the pleasures of life in the north of England to accompany her husband to the lush south. She has always seemed to enjoy her time at Baines, and has always taken Whilst we have had our share of 'star' performances, whom we congratulate, part with great good humour in school activities. We all wish her the best of good team work has won the day. Our best wishes go to those seniors who are busy with external examinations and to those who are leaving. We shall always be pleased to welcome them back. Contributions to the DECEMBER 'PGULTGNIAN' should be sent to the Editor not later than 4th November, 1977 Finally my thanks to all Housemasters for their efforts and support thoughout the year. HIBBERT HOUSE Hibbert have had moderate success with the sporting events since the last House Report; Football equal 2nd, Basketball 2nd, Cross Country 4th, P.E. competition 2nd and Athletics 3rd. In the Basketball the Seniors won all three of their matches, the Middle School two out of three, but sadly the Junior School lost all three. BKOWII t MjHIMIEU ITD. Chisholm was a worthy 2nd in the Seniors in the Cross Country, which was actually a very close finish. Vicarage Lane, BLACKPOOL 66311 Thorp was the Senior Champion, and Pickering the Middle School Champion in the athletics. The enthusiasm shown by members of the House in all these competitions is to be greatly commended. SERVICING BODYWORK Unfortunately we are losing Mr. Emmett, leaving at the end of term to take up a post at Larkholme School.
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