DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER VOL. VI. NO, 28 DENVER, COLORADO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1911 11.60 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. PRICE FIVE CENTg. Archbishop Ryan Dead Summei^ongress Univer^ News New Provincial Peculiar Religious Conditions M Educational Meetings to Be Registered Students Now *‘God Bless Yon” His Last Words*-One of the Church’s '^*7' Archbishop Glennon Urges Necessity of Sociai Work in Most Distingaished Prelates—Noted for Work Held in Chicago and Number Three Hundred C. P., Noted Convert, Down-Town Parishes of St Lonis—Rectors Meet AmongXIndians, Negroes, and Boys Portland, Oye. and Sixty Is Promoted to Stop Proselytism of Catholic Children A meeting of the Diocesan School Philadelphia.—Serene and prepared to absolution. The sermon was preached TEMPERANCE LECTURES 'I he Rev. Father Fidelis K Stone of thv Last week Archbishop Glennon of St. schools of the Cathedral shoiira ae en­ Board, and of the repre.scntatives of all meet his God, whom lie had served so Y., Rishop Walsh of Portland, Mer, Bish­ Passionist order, and heretofore at­ Louis called the attention of 10 rectors larged) tlwse of the Anniincitttion i.pened the Catholic colleges in the Archdiocese well, the Most Rev. Patrick John Ryan, op Hartley of Columbus, 0., and Bishop tached to the monastery of St. Paul of of down-town parishes to the necessity and those of St. Alary’s, .Assuiaplaon, D. D., LL. D., archhihsop of Philadelplija Davis of Davenport, la., are other high of Chicago, was held recently at the Fathers Doyle and O’Calla­ the Cross, Pittsburg, has been appointed of providing schools and mission houses Sts. Peter and Paul’s and Holy Aigels, Archbishop’s residence in Chicago. The / and metropolitan of Pennsylvania, and church dignitaries w ho were also present. the provincial of the order in South for the poor of their parishes. In his reopened, and reorganized so as lo meet purpose of the meeting was to discuss one of'the great archbishops on the The divine offices for the dead began ghan Speak on Work America, with hcadiiuartcrs in the city letter, .«ays The Watchman, His Grace the pressing want of mission sc*ioois. plans for the annual convention of the American continent, passed peacefully at 930:. Following, the pontifical mass of Buenos Ayres, Brazil. He sailed for states that the different Protestant bod­ They must be sujiported by oontribu- Catholic Educational association, which of Father Mathew into eternity at 4:08 o’clock Satin-day was celebrated with Bishop Pendergast his far-off mission on Saturday, January ies have cstahlislied missions among the tions of men, women and iiioney from will take place the latter part of June. afternoon, February 11,'at .the arch-epis­ ofliciating. The music of the mass was 28. The newly elected provincial, poor of the riparian districts, and were the A\ cst End. The riparian parishes The convention will be held at De Paul copal residence, in Logan square. sung by a great choir of priests and Washington, D. C., Feb. 14. Janies Kent Stone, is a convert to the reaping considerable jsuccess among the can do nothing in the mutter. university, Chicago. Most Rev. James-f- Church. He was horn in Boston, Mass., poor Catholics of these sections. In an­ For weeks the distinguished prelate, seminarians. Cardinal Gibbons presided Jlr. John Joseph Phillips of New York A\ e are not just to these foreign Edward Quigley, D. D., presided, and in 1840, and »gradimtcd from Harvard swer to the Archbishop’s invitation these who would have been 80 years old had over the ceremony, and gaVe the body City has been appointed to the Hibernian Catholics. The Hungarians may knovr called upon Rev. Francis W. Howard of uiiiversit}' in 1861. He studied two years priests- have come together, and it is ------------------------------------------------ scholarsliip recently founded by tlie Aii- a little of religious conditions in this Columbus, 0., national secretary, to out in German and Italian universities, tlieii hoped that something will be done, and cieiit Order of Hibernians in New York country from tlieir-slight ac'|iiaintance line the work of the local committees, returned home and entered the voluntary Hint quickij-, to stop the wholesale pros- county. The Hibernian seholar.ships con­ with Protestants at home, hat their who wt)uld have in charge the practical military service, but, after six inoiiihs, clytism of Catholic children. In this con­ tinue to increase in number. Tlie other knowledge of the prosclytizers and their work of the convention, reception of dele­ retired on account of wounds. He then nection it might be well to say that the X. O. H. students at tlic university are: work is very slight. As for the Italians gates and press notices. Three commit­ liecanie professor in Kenyon college, {)., Protestants are not invading Catholie (,'harlcs Patrick McDonnell of .Florence, and S.viians, they do not know what tees were then formed. and latiT jiresideiit of the institution, territory or seeking to draw people away Mass.; Cliristian James MeWilliams of Protestantism means, lliey consider all having in the meantime been ordained from the Catholic Church; and they Brooklyn, X'. Y., ami Janies Enriglit churches Catholic; and all priests Catho­ The midwinter meeting of tlic Catholic a minister in the Protestant Episcopal would gladly turn over Uie missionary Woods of New London, Conn. In the lic priests of some order or rank in tho Educational association of Oregon was church. He was jirc.sideiit of Hobart work to the Catholic clergy and religious, near future, A. 0. H. scholars are ex­ Church. Tliey are so accustomed to va- held recently at the Archbishop’s resi­ college, 1868-9. In the latter year he rc- if they were ready to relieve them. A pected from Illinois, Indiana, and Mon­ rietj- of garb and ritual in their religious dence ill Portland, Ore. The association, iiouiiccd Protestantism and was received prominent minister in this city last Sun­ tana. tjiiite recently the Hibernians of life at lioiiie that tiiey are not always \ • which includes in its membership all the into the Catholic Church. In 1870 he day welcomed this renewed Catholic ac- tlie Di.strict of Columbia founded a schol- aware that the Protestant church fhey Catholic scliools of Western Oregon, published “The Invitation Heeded,” giv­ tivitj-, and hoped for its every success. iir.shi]) at the University. One of the attend and the Protestant minister they made arrangements for tlic annual teacli- ing reasons for his eliaiige. He entered The fact is, the Protestants have not suc­ conditions of these scholursliips is regu­ listen to belong to an organization ini­ ers’ institute, whicli will take place in the Congregation of St. Paul and was or­ ceeded in the measure of their hopes, lar instructioij in the language, litera­ mical to their ancestral faith and hostile Portland next July 17 to 22, inclusive. dained priest, hut in the year 1875 he and tlieir down-town missions have been ture, history and antiquities of Ireland. to their dearest traditions. It is so in The work of the coming annual insti­ liecanie a member of tlie austere order of failures, save in advertising the neces­ Eventually the A. O. H. scholars at the great measure with the Greeks. These tute will cover the ground usually cov­ tbe Passioiiists. He has done niission- sity of such work by Catholics. university will form the uueleus of the people do not know that their ancient ered at similar gatherings; but sjiecial ary work in South .Aiueriea i>revioiis to Tlie Hungarian, Polish, Syrian aud student body pursuing the eour.ses of the faith has an enemy in the world. Ih this emphasis will he placed on several sub­ this assignment. Father Fdclis has held Italian people can never he made Prot;=-- (iaelic chair founded in 1894 by the An­ way, they permit their children to be jects; namely, religious instruction, liigh offices ill the order in this couiitrv. tants. It were far easier to make con­ cient Order of Hiberniuiis at the Umaliii drawn into the proselytizing Sunday church music, American history and verts from the Gith'olics of the West convention. The present occiiimiit of the schools. arithmetic. End. It is a very difficult matter to hair is Dr. John Josepli Dunn, one of OTTAWA’S NEW ARCHBISHOP TO BE A\ c w ish w-e had volunteer religious Well-known educators will he in at- bring up tlie children of these people in the most i iniiieiil of tlie younger genera- SOLEMNLY INSTALLED ON w ho w ould do for our poor children in an tcndcnce, both from the Coast and East­ tioii of Celtologists. FEBRUARY 22ND. the faith. The late Mgr. Gollcr was ab­ educational way -ivliat the Little Sisters ern states. Ampiig the ])romineut East­ solutely di.-scouraged with his Hungarian Rev. William Turner, S. T. 1)., profes­ of the Poor are doing for our growmq» erners will he Very Rev. Humphrey parishioners, and before his death ease-1 sor of the History of Philosojihy, and edi­ Great jireparatioiis are being made for people in a material w-ay, that is: open Moynihan, D. 1)., president of St. Tliom- trying. Priests in other parishes say the tor of tlie Catliolic University Itiilletin, Hie solemn installation of His Grace schools in poor districts and not only as college, St. Paul. Minn., and Mr. same of their Italian people. The priest” is giving a brilliant series of public lec­ .Arclibisliop (iautliier. which is to take teach but collect from the people of the Charles McCarthy, I’li. I)., Avho liolds the of St. Roiromro’s C'lmtch have done won­ tures at tlie Brooklyn Institute on the place on the 22ml iii-^t.
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