^ 'Ai-r-j I-.- . ••W--:'-*-S • ■!-^“ " idlmur^ri^r Etn^nfttg if^ralli ' SATUBDAy, OCTOBER 10, 1958 thuxiaata who have purchaaed for­ ut Tow ii eign ioM like RoUlflex, RoUlco^da, i t i, f . Q je Spmaflliis ; Rwlenaa, - ’ Volghtlandara — cam- ^ffljSSiWRW ie Mm Heard Ahn^ Main Street erax that cant M adapted for 820 Dwyer-Yannonc Nuptials PoltM will mMt at Um fIJAm BtJLBS.-aEMIL ' 4_ jL B tfl* 7 PoltM will mat aixe. (^Excellence •loviBS, PAgn - toraor- (Six-twenty ia the American Ibr target And on Some of Manchetter*$ Side Streets, Too veraion Of 120 and the only differ­ M anehester^A City o f Vittane Charm ''p tte U e * . ence Ilea in the apool iuielf. The A rth M r D r if film ia the aame aiaa.) Yearbook Gains Recog* Mambtra of the PoUah-Amcrican So What! l^roundlag araaa Back roada in Tol­ "I feel aorry for them,” waa the tion Again as One (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n v i ' Onb planning to participate in the The tradition of the newapaper land County offer an abundance of curt reply. We failed to mentiun VOL. LXXin, NO. It ea fo a e M) MANCHESTER, (X)NNn MONDAY. OCTOBER 12, IfSS VBIaMd paraide in Hartford tomor­ bualneaa demanda that emi^oyea opportunltiea for obaerving what­ at thla point that our preaa cam­ O f Best in Gountr/ row afternoon at 2 o'clock .are re­ from the publiaher to the piinter'a ever fall leaf diaplay may aurvive era haa a roll film adapter and MonelMslwr W d l| ii| M r I minded that the apedal dtartered devil work in ahirtaleevea. the aummer dry apell. that we too would be out of luck "Somanhis," Manchester High and Poiiir C«iiip«By buaea wlU leave at 12 noon tomor- Thla idea, we atoutly maintain, And how about the highland re­ if Kodak left the field. School’s yearbook, once again has 240 Broad Rt.—Tel Ml-S-SStl ta w from the ctubhouae and alao ia an 'anachroniam, a hangover gion of the Nutmeg State... up Our experience in that drugatore been Judged among the. finest In OPEN EVERY EVENING At Depot Square. from the luaty, romantic daya in around Norfolk. Falla VilUga, left a latent image of doubt that Highway Phantom Court the .annual Scholastic ’ Press Asso­ UNTIL S the buaineaa the paaaing of which Sallabury, Canaan and in the auch a practice would be tolerated. ciation competition at Columbia Pvt. Robert U Brunette, aon of you regard varioualy according to Taconlc Park aectiona. Man alive, In checkirig the report with aev- University. your prejudicee. ‘ it'a breathtaking and well worth eral photographera we dixcovered T o R eview air 1 Mra. lU ry Brunette of lOT Rue- The iMt edition placed third in aell S t, recently waa awarded the Feraonally, we belong to the the acenic drive. that the chancea of auch an even­ the aenlor school aection having Suspect Captured; diatlnctlon of aervlng aa enllated coata-on achool. We believe that All through that area you'll en­ tuality are pretty remote. Moat regixtratlona of from i ,800 to 2,soe. aide to OoL WlUam B. Show- to wear a coat ia more gentleman counter tbe famoua Litchfield concluded that the druggiat had a . Last year, the book ranked sec­ FCG Ruling maker, aaaiatant commanding of­ ly and more profeeaional. Beaidca j Hllla which are really a lower off- peraonal reason for the story; ond in the 900 to 1,500 class. Enroll­ QUINN'S ficer of the Engineer Replace­ when we have a coat on our ; ahoot of the Green Mountain range One felt that the man who told ment figures having gone over the ment IValnlng Center, Fort Bel- French cuffa don't get caught onithat.runa into Vermont. ua the tale wanted to eliminate all 1,800 mark at the school auto­ Held for Murders but Kodak products from hix sales Washington, Oct. 12 (ffj— vbir, Va. He waa aelected aa the the edge of the desk. The Houaatonic River Valley in matically advanced the yearbook PHARMACY The Supreme Court today reault o f being choaen "trainee of Under, preaaure from our col- ita upper reachea haa a-peculiar inventory. So by discouraging into the next division. the week” topplnl: hia claaa of leaguea in the newaroom to aupport charm that will appeal to Sunday users of 120 film he waa actually For several years now. "Soman- Albuqurqus, Oct. 12 (ffV ^ohn Wesley WshU, 24, was sr- agreed to review government baaic traineea. A graduate of Man our pro-coat argument with atatla- drlvera and the vibwa from a boosting hie own potential with hix’’ has been ranked high in the efforts to ban radkr and tele­ Tito Seeks Trieste Parley restsd late Inst night on a Pennsylvania warrant charging atandpoint of foliage are alao well poaaible aalea involving 820-aixe competition that includes more cheater High School, prior to en­ tica or admit eccentricity, we con­ OPEN SUNRAYS him with the “Phantom of the Turnpike” murders after a vision giveaway shows. The tering the aervice laat June, he ducted a Burvey. worthwhile. cameraa and-film auppliea than 1,000 publications. This was Federal Communications waa a draftaman in Hartford. Since we wanted to be fair, we But for thoae of ua who don’t Another became xo angry when the ITth annual competition. 20-mile chase by New Mexico State Police. Wable, deacribed took our aampllng from the ad- care for long tripa it wouldn't hurt he heard our story he threatened Entries Are Judged on the basis • A . R i s 1 P.N. ns "highly dangerous" told a ra-T Commission appealed to the If vertlaing department where we to look Into the acenic poaaibilitiea to send an Immediate letter to the of content, typograj^hy, makeup porter a few houra after hia cap-! high tribunal after a special Yugoslavs on Mfirclt Officera of Mandreeter Aa- of more immediate areaa. Try a Rochester headquartcra of the and style. , lure as ha lay In a small, dark : aembly, J io , 15, Order' of Rainbow know the men wear coata, 8-judge federal court in New Thia ia what we found. Of five abort drive out along U. S. Route Kodak people and demand.to know Mias Iona Fallows la the faculty 6 P.N.talP.|L call In the BamallUo County J a il:, Y u g o s la v s for Oirla will have a rehearaal to­ York aaid tha ban should ap­ I’VtMvMMqMim men in the department, two wear 44-A in the direction of Providence. if it were true. He alao hinted that advisor for the yearbook. nwOMa •CaM aad TIm r Lindbergh Law morrow afternoon at two o'clock Or go aouthward along State a word to the Ansco people might "I’m not guilty. I don't know! ply only where eontestanta in the Maaonie Temple in prepara­ their coata 98 per cent of their working houra, one weara hia coat Routea 83 and 2. It won’t be long possibly stir aome doubled produc-. anything a}>Mt tha murdara.<' I'm ' were (A) required to furnish A sking UN tion for the initiatory work they before you realixe that Connecti­ tion in the 120 field if it waa to be Juat cold and tired.” i or anything of value, are preaenting Monday night for 85 per cent of the working time, one weara hia coat about half the cut haa all the quaint charm, fall abandoned by others. Wahl# latert toM Uadarahsrtff I or (B) have in their poaaea- Bvenpeen Lodge of Maaona, South acenery and wonderful viewa that He pictured a lucrative market Walter Gets he thought M haew Wlndaor. A bua will leave from the time, and the other doean't wear a aion a sponsor's product. Governs Case you were led to believe exiated for thoae who would cater to for­ THE ARMY and NAVY CLUD the "Phantom Killer.” A ssista n ce Temple Monday at 7:80 p.m. coat. AmEMckMlOut From the foregoing we conclude only in rural Maaaachuaetta. eign camera owners who have to "Pm not aaylag, but I think 1 Stay home aome weekend. You'll uae the odd size. know him. I’D get him. I've-got! Tha apscial court knocked out a that the newaroom haa aomethlng eommlaaiott bon on progranr Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct. St. Louis, Oct. 12 </P)—Dope Addict Carl Austin Hall and The Study Group of the South to learn from the advertiaing de­ enjoy it. In a way we’re glad to have friende that'll got him. But Pm brought up the subject instead of achomoo which diroetly or indirsct- 12 (>P)—^Yugoslavia today de­ his skoholk woman friend confessed today they plotted 6- Methodlat WSCS haa arranged partment. not ss)ring who ha is untU I -gat' ly roquirsi audloncsa to listen to with Morria Beimett to ahow piC' Fair aad Who Kmma Keeping it in the darkroom. It back to Pennoylvaaia.” i manded a conference with the year-old B<^by Greenlease’s slaying even before he was kid­ Radio atationa undoubtedly be­ taught us that camera bugs are MRS. RAYMOND J. DWYER ahowa aa a condition of being turea iUuatrating the work of the Oonneettout Weekend The lanky, madlum-aiaad Wabla,! aligibis to win priaas. United Statea, Britain and naped. 'The government immediately stepped back into th« Rav. Charlea and Mra. Maud Rey- Now that all the foliage experta lieve they are doing a public aerv- both numerous and aggressive shivering in tha cold night air, when something prornises to dis­ Miss Marcella R.
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