TNPSC VAO – GENERAL STUDIES - 2011 1. ‘];yk; lhf; kpy;ypadh;’ vd;w 4. kfhj;kh fhe;jp Njrpa Cuf Ntiytha;g;Gj; jpiug;glj;jpw;fhf ,uz;L M];fhh; jpl;lk; eilKiwg;gLj;jg;gl;l Mz;L tpUJfisg; ngw;wth; A) 2007 B) 2009 A) Fy;rhh; B) ghD mijah C) 2010 D) 2008 C) rj;a[pj;Nu D) V. Mh;. u`;khd; Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Who bagged two Oscar awards for the film Employment Scheme was introduced in the ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ ? year A) Gulzar B) Bhanu Athaiya A) 2007 B) 2009 C) 2010 D) 2008 C) Satyajit Ray D) A. R. Rehman 5. ,e;jpahtpd; Kjy; KO fy;tpawpT ngw;w 2. 2009 k; Mz;bd; r%fg; gzpf;fhf gj;k khtl;lk; G+\d; tpUJ ngw;wth; A) ney;Y}h;, Me;jpu gpuNjrk; A) V. P. jdQ;nrad; B) vh;zhFsk;, Nfush B) rNuh[pdp tujg;gd; C) Nfhyhh;, fh;ehlfh C) D. n[afhe;jd; D) fhQ;rPGuk;, jkpo;ehL D) G. rptuhk fpU\;z%h;j;jp The first totally literate district in India is Who received the Padma Bhushan award for A) Nellore in Andhra Pradesh social work in 2009? B) Ernakulam in Kerala A) V. P. Dhananjayan C) Kolar in Karnataka B) Sarojini Varadappan D) Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu C) D. Jayakanthan 6. mnkhpf;f tpz;fyk; nfhyk;gpahtpy; gazk; D) G. Sivarama Krishnamurthy nra;j Kjy; ,e;jpag; ngz; A) ,e;jpuh E}aP B) rhdpah kph;\h 3. 2002-2007 y; ,e;jpahtpd; [dhjpgjpahf C) D) ,Ue;jth; fy;gdh rht;yh gpujPgh ghl;By; The first Indian woman who travelled in A) A.P.J. mg;Jy; fyhk; American space shuttle. Columbia was B) K.R. ehuhazd; A) Indira Nooyi C) R. ntq;fl;uhkd; B) Sania Mirza D) B. D. [hl;b C) Kalpana Chawia Who was the President of India during the D) Pratibha Patel year 2002 - 2007? A) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 7. jkpo;ehl;bd; Kjy; ngz; fhty;Jiwj; B) K. R. Narayanan jiyth; C) R. Venkataraman A) jpyftjp D) B. D. Jatti B) yj;jpfh ruz; C) mUzh D) fpuz;Ngb www.vetriias.com Mobile No. 9500005522, 9600124042 TNPSC VAO – GENERAL STUDIES - 2011 The first woman DGP in Tamil Nadu is Branches of which tree appear on the UN A) Thilagavathy flag? B) Lathika Saran A) Eucalyptus C) Aruna B) Oiive D) Kiran Bedi C) Maple D) Barley 8. thzpgj;jpy; cyfpy; Ie;jhtJ ,lj;ijg; ngw;Ws;s ,e;jpag; ngz; 11. 2010 y; jkpo;ehl;by; nkhj;jk; ………………….. A) kPuh Fkhh; khtl;lq;fs; cs;sd. B) ghj;jpkh’ gPgp A) 30 B) 35 C) gpujPgh ghl;By; C) 32 D) 36 D) ,e;jpuh E}ap The total number of districts of Tamil Nadu World’s fifth most powerful Indian woman in in 2010 is business is A) 30 B) 35 A) Meira Kumar B) Fathima Bibi C) 32 D) 36 C) Pratibha Patel D) Indira Nooyi 12. 96-tJ ,e;jpa mwptpay; khehL eilngw;w 9. 20 tJ fhkd;nty;j; ehLfspd; ,lk; rghehafh;fs; khehL eilngw;w ,lk; A) ngq;f@h; B) i`juhghj; A) GJ nly;yp C) GJnly;yp D) \py;yhq; B) Kk;ig 96th Indian Science Congress was held in C) nrd;id A) Bangalore B) Hyderabad D) jpUtde;jGuk; C) New Delhi D) Shillong 20th Commonwealth Speakers Conference was held at 13. re;jpuhad; -I vd;w nraw;ifNfhs; re;jpudpy; A) New Delhi ntw;wpfukhf Vtg;gl;l Mz;L B) Mumbai A) 2008 B) 2007 C) Chennai C) 2009 D) 2010 D) Thiruvananthapuram Chandrayaan -I was successfully launched in the year 10. I. eh. tpd; nfhbapy; vk;kuj;jpd; A) 2008 B) 2007 fpisfs; ,lk; ngw;Ws;sd? C) 2009 D) 2010 A) A+f;fypg;l]; 14. va;l;]; Nehia cWjpg;gLj;Jk; Nrhjid B) Mypt; A) X-fjph; C) Nkg;gps; B) jpR Ma;T D) ghh;yp C) nt];lh;d;gpshl; Nrhjid D) vyprh www.vetriias.com Mobile No. 9500005522, 9600124042 TNPSC VAO – GENERAL STUDIES - 2011 The confirmatory test for AIDS is Match List I with List II correctly and select A) X-ray your answer using the codes given below : B) Biopsy List I List II C) Western blot a) Viswanathan Anand 1. Astrophysics D) ELISA b) Sania Mirza 2. Chess c) S. Chandrasekhar 3. Tennis 15. kpfj;Jy;ypakhf tiuglq;fis d) Garba dance 4. Punjab nghpjhf;fTk; rpwpajhf;fTk; cjTk; rhjdk; A) NrhNdhfpuhg; FwpaPLfs; : B) Ngd;Nlhfpuhg; a b c d C) ];ngf;l;Nuhfpuhg; A) 2 3 1 4 D) njh;Nkhfpuhg; B) 1 2 3 4 An instrument used for enlargement and C) 4 1 2 3 reduction of maps with accuracy is D) 3 1 2 4 A) Sonograph B) Pantograph 17. [_d; 28, 2010 Mk; Mz;L ,e;jpah C) Spectrograph ………………….. ehl;Lld; rptpy; mZrf;jp D) Thermograph xg;ge;jk; nra;J nfhz;lJ. A) fdlh B) mnkhpf;fh 16. gl;bay; I I gl;bay; II cld; nghUj;jp, fPNo C) <uhd; D) FNuh]pah nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s FwpaPLfisf; nfhz;L On June 28, 2010 India signed a civil nuclear rhpahd tpiliaj; Njh;e;njL : agreement with gl;bay; I gl;bay; II A) Canada B) America a) tp];tehjd; Mde;j; 1. m];l;Nuh C) Iran D) Croatia ngsjpfk; 18. [_d; 22, 2010 y; ,e;jpa tpkhdg;gil b) rhdpah kph;]h 2. nr]; nfsut gjtpf;fhf ghpe;Jiuj;j fphpf;nfl; c) v];. re;jpuNrfh; 3. nld;dp]; tPuh; d) fhh;gh eldk; 4. gQ;rhg; A) rr;rpd; nlz;Ly;fh; B) M.S . Njhdp FwpaPLfs; : C) =fhe;j; D) fgpy;Njt; a b c d IAF proposed honorary post for the cricketer A) 2 3 1 4 on June 22, 2010 which was conferred on B) 1 2 3 4 A) Sachin Tendulkar C) 4 1 2 3 B) M.S. Dhoni D) 3 1 2 4 C) Srikant D) Kapil Dev www.vetriias.com Mobile No. 9500005522, 9600124042 TNPSC VAO – GENERAL STUDIES - 2011 19. 11 -tJ Ie;jhz;L jpl;l fhyk; 23. kdpjdpy; ,uj;jr; rptg;gZf;fs; A) 2006 - 2011 B) 2007 - 2012 cUthFk; ,lk; C) 2008 - 2013 D) 2005 - 2010 A) jir B) kz;zPuy; The 11th Five- Year Plan period is C) vYk;G k[;i[ D) Njhy; A) 2006 - 2011 B) 2007 - 2012 Formation of red blood cells in a normal C) 2008 - 2013 D) 2005 - 2010 human adult occurs in A) muscle B) spleen 20. ,e;jpa kf;fs; njhif fzf;nfLg;G jpdk; C) bone marrow D) skin vJ? A) gpg;uthp, 9 B) [dthp, 9 24. nts;spapd; cUFepiy C) khh;r;, 9 D) Vg;uy;, 9 A) 3270 C B) 800 C Which day is called as the Indian Census C) 9610 C D) 10830 C Day? The melting point of silver is A) 9th February A) 3270 C B) 800 C B) 9th January C) 9610 C D) 10830 C C) 9th March D) 9th April 25. 18 fhul;by; cs;s jq;fj;jpd; vil rjtPjk; A) 91.6 B) 75 C) 100 D) 94 21. ,d;Rypd; vd;gJ 18 ct contains ………………….. % weight of A) kdpj tsh;r;rp nghUs; gold. B) rpfpr;irf;fhd nghUs; A) 91 .6 B) 75 C) 100 D) 94 C) jLg;G+rp D) fhpk mkpyk; 26. 512 d; fd %yk; Insulin is a/an A) 18 B) 8 C) 6 D) 16 A) human growth hormone The cube root of 512 is B) therapeutic product A) 18 B) 8 C) 6 D) 16 C) vaccine D) organic acid 27. ,e;jpahtpd; Kjy; FbauR jiyth; A) lhf;lh;. ,uhN[e;jpu gpurhj; 22. kdpjd; mwpe;j Kjy; cNyhfk; B) lhf;lh;. ,uhjhfpU\;zd; A) jq;fk; B) jhkpuk; C) tp. tp. fphp C) ,Uk;G D) nts;sp D) fpahdp n[apy; rpq; The first known metal to man is The First President of India was A) Gold B) Copper A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad C) Iron D) Silver B) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan C) V.V. Giri D) Giani Zail Singh www.vetriias.com Mobile No. 9500005522, 9600124042 TNPSC VAO – GENERAL STUDIES - 2011 28. xj;Jioahik ,af;fj;jpd; Kf;fpa Nehf;fk; A) Gaya A) ngUk; Nghuhl;lq;fs; B) Mathura B) filailg;G C) Ajanta C) thp nrYj;j kWj;jy; D) Sarnath D) Rauh[;ak; ngWtJ The main aim of non-co-operation 32. 7 nr.kP MuKk; 24 nr.kP cauKk; nfhz;l movement was $k;gpd; fd msT 3 3 A) large scale demonstrations A) 168 nr.kP B) 1176 nr.kP B) Hartal C) 392 nr.kP 3 D) 784 nr.kP 3 C) non-payment of taxes The volume of a cone with radius 7 cm and D) to attain Swaraj height 24 cm is 3 3 29. ghf;irl; ……………………. d; fr;rhg; A) 168 nr.kP B) 1176 nr.kP nghUshFk;. C) 392 nr.kP 3 D) 784 nr.kP 3 A) mYkpdpak; B) ,Uk;G C) jhkpuk; D) ikf;fh 33. Kd; Ntjfhyj;ijg; gw;wp mwpa cjTtJ Bauxite is an ore of A) ,jpfhrq;fs; B) cgepljq;fs; A) Aluminium B) Iron C) hpf;Ntjk; D) Muz;aq;fs; C) Copper D) Mica The early Vedic period is known from 30. gd;dhl;L th;j;jf mikg;gpd; jiyikafk; A) the Epics B) the Upanishads vq;Fs;sJ? C) the Rig Veda D) the Aranyakas A) epA+ahh;f; B) n[dPth C) yz;ld; D) thh;]h 34.
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