in such a vital spot that the vessel was sinking even as the flare of the ex¬ NEW BRITISH LINE NEAR CAMBRAI. plosion died out. Night was at hand. There was no time to make provision MAP SHOWING FARTHEST BRITISH ADVANCE AND GROUND WON BACK REPORTS ON LOSS against the cold and the sea as the BY GERMANS, AND WHERE IIVNS ARE RUSHING FORCES UNDER HIN- OHIOINTHEGRIP MAYPIANM1Y crew leaped to the life rafts. Many DENBURG TO RESIST ENGLISH ATTACKS. probably had died with Gunner Hood in the explosion or the steam bursts that undoubtedly followed it. The three additional names of enlisted ilMlQUtCM men of the Jones' crew Included in yes¬ I > INTENSECOLD IN DEFEATi HAVE ONFRENCHFRONT OFU.SMROYER »v.vvjs£LaH%Na!r V 1918ELECHONS terday's messages as survivors show HMULLES | the difficulty of the task of determin¬ ing quickly Just how many lives were to Admiral Sims Gives Additional lost. They were not on the muster roll Fuel With to Consider Move Storm Italian on Artillery Activity Confined of the ship last received at the Navy Shortage Reported Suffragists Bridgehead Department. Probably Admiral Sims is the Cambrai and Details.Lieut. Kalk Dies having difficulty in determining just Temperature 2 to 8 De¬ if Amendment Fails of Pas¬ Sile River, Take 200 Pris¬ Ypres who were aboard. Lieut. Kalk was an additional officer, perhaps assigned only Areas. of Exposure. for the trip. It will take checking up grees Below Zero. sage at This Session. oners, Says Berlin. at the base to make up this new addi¬ tion to the Navy's roll of honorable dead. <f>dkrK\Hg Th^re has been no marked Infantry 10THCCAM By the Associated Press. By th# Associated Press. | December 30.. activity on the front in France, and COLUMBUS, Ohio, BERLIN, December 10..Hungarian artillery action has been confined to SOON WILL TAKE UP With temperatures ranging from two to in the Piave delta below zero in all sections of the infantry yesterday the Cambrai and arena. Outpost ANNEjJ* eight Ypres the stormed the Italian bridgehead on the and raids have occurred on SALARY INCREASES state, Ohio today experienced cold¬ encounters east of and the Cambrai front and near Dens. A est December weather since 1S80, when Sile river, Caposile, took pris¬ the to 12 be¬ German effort to enter the French lines ? Continued from First Page.) cantaing., mercury dropped degrees oner more than 200 Italians, it was an¬ near Bezonvaux, Verdun region, has low zero. # nounced the German war and three officially by been by the French with con¬ bill Introduced by Representative Mar¬ Three deaths at Cleveland repulsed tin B. Madden of Illinois "to regulate' duo to office. siderable casualties to the enemy. \% at Springfield were reported, the payment of salaries of post office the excessive cold. The coal shortage The statement reads: th» Associated Prrs*. clerks in first and second class post Pjr was in most cities of the state, "Italian front: In the Piave delta PARIS, December 10..Violent artil¬ offices and letter carriers in the city 'ERMWUtRS acute delivery service." The bill introduced many people having been unable to get lery figrhting- occurred last night on the Halver Steenerson of honveds stormed the Italian bridgehead by Representative coal. at all, due to the car short¬ Verdun front east of the Mouse. Minnesota, which provides an equipment any on the Sile, east of Caposile, and took for the rural carriers, will ixvRmrouRT age. Great suffering was "The artillery lighting was violent allowance reported more than 200 prisoners." for a time In Alsace, and also on the next come up for consideration, and among the tenement districts of the right bank of the Meuse, in the region then any new legislation that has been cities. of Chambrettes." Fays official re¬ proposed. and today's and the other Railroad, traction, telegraph tele- Allied Forces Take Places port. ".\n enemy raid against our small Representative Hell phone -jervice was demoralized, trains posts south of Corbenv was repulsed." members of the subcommittee said to¬ running hours late. day that they hope to be able to make The Scioto traction line, be¬ in Trendies on Northern December 10.."A raid un- b valley LONDON, a report which will care in a general tween* Columbus and Chillioothe. sus- dertaken by the Germans last night way for the increases needed in the Italian Latins Rest southwest of Da Bassee was driven off Ipended operations altogether both yes¬ Front, Post Office Department. The members and today, many Camp reachm>T o*jr lines." was today's of this subcommittee are favorable to terday causing ITALIAN HEADQUARTERS I* ofta ial communication. "Another Sherman soldiers, home on furloughs, party granting increases. VlLUl to their leaves. NORTHERN ITALY, December 7..It . of the which attacked one of overstay enemy, Representative John A. Moon of Ten¬ and Cincinnati were the cold- will bo cheer in sr news to the allied our posts east of Kleim Zillebeke, was chairman of the House commlt- Dayton nessee. points in Ohio* each registering 8 world allied now repulsed with loss to the assailants." tee on post offices and post roads, said jest that reinforcements below zero. Toledo and Cleveland reg- MHS. LOUS today that as soon as the subcommit¬ istered 2 below and Columbus 7 below, BROW.MOW, are occupying trenches in the battered tee is ready to make its report to the and Ludendorff The cold was accompanied by a cutting | J*re«iden» Suffrage Federation of the positions held by the Italian troops, Hindenburg full committee prompt action will be wind. l>l*«rlet of Colombia. taken, so that it may be presented to now relieved for a needed respite. Are on Cambrai tho earliest mo- The state fuel administration was Front, Congress at possible making every effort to supply coal to Action by the National American The British position is around the Advices ment. points reported without fuel. .W oman Suffrage Association to put the heights of Montello, on the upper Strassburg Say Be strength of 2.000,000 Piave, where the batteries on the GENEVA, December 9..Both Field Madden Bill to Considered. of Fuel at Toledo. organized political Shortage women into the 1918 congressional heights are already in action and Marshal von Hindenburg and Gen. von The Madden bill, which will receive tire at the tomorrow, TOLEDO, Ohio, December 10..To¬ elections if the federal suffrage amend¬ rifle answers the steady sniping ludendorff are on the Cambrai front, consideration meeting ledo consumers have made such heavy from across the river. The French provides in a ireneral way for 2j per ment fails of passage at this session according to a dispatch from Strass- to The 5NNECOURT demands for coal since the zero weath- position ca.nnot as yet be indicated, cent increase postal employes. CUISLKIN er that the of Congress, is an important question but it is an burg. traffic the members of the subcommittee do not began Saturday supply will in equally important sec¬ Railway through increase will be al- be exhausted bv tonight, dealers pre- to be considered at the fort.vninth annual tor Rhine towns has been for feel that any such Due to congested lowed, but they are unanimous in be¬ scale of diet. the heavy demand, the convention of the association, which The formalities of transfer have been several days. It is reported from this that at least a continuance of miles natural gas supply also is inadequate. in progress for the past week and now lieving Thousands of homes were began today in this city with an execu- to the of the r» and 10 per cent graded increase practically ;ire definitely accomplished, when the source, owing- flow troops to .^ ROAD3 unheated yestewJay and today. Dealers tive council meeting. Italians saluted the British and and artillery being rushed through to will be recommended and possibly up A.T gAlVROAD' flag .......¦UNt RtGlNmTsiS CF - say there will not be any coal to fill the Tommies cheered the men in this front. No civilians are 10 and IT. per cent graded Increase. ¦ OR.1S/E. hOV SO Among the most optimistic as to the gray per¬ The Madden bill embraces three IBIRISKII-HLIGHT OF BWIXiSH ADVANCE.- the demands unless more arrives before rate of tho amendment is Mrs. Carrrie as they went for their well earned rest. mitted to travel along the Rhine, and PRS5ENT tomorrow No relief from the the German frontier remains propositions, as follows: MKSSSD BaTTlC l'NE. morning. Chapman <"att, national president, who This transfer if significant. First, it closed. 1. To the salaries zero temperature is in sight, the pre¬ is visible evidence of allied not Whereas the Italian victory excited Section reclassify for r-annot believe, she says, that the unity, of letter carriers in the city delivery From the New York American. dictions being continued cold. mother of democracy" will allow Itself alone in conferences, but on the fight¬ little enthusiasm in Germany, the clerks in first There is considerable coal in the rail¬ lines. It is success at Cambrai. the semi-official service and post office to l.o outstripped by Kurope ir the ing evidence also of unity and second class post offices by dividing Ar dotted line on the left side of the map »how» the front before Gen. llynjc"s road yards in cars, but the snow and movement toward the enfranchisement on the western front, whether in Ital¬ olfT Bureau states, is causing the cold have delayed its movement to greatest joy. them into six grades, as follows: First surprise drive. The broken line on the rigrht indicates the crest of the of women.
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