World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland 10 – 15 April 2021 RESULTS SUMMARY WWhBCC 2020 World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute THU 15 APR 2021 Medallists Position - MedalCountry Name Function GOLDUSA - United States THUMS Matthew (M) 4 S EMT Stephen (M) 3 V SAMSA David (M) 2 WILSON Pamela (F) 1 URANCHIMEG Batoyun (F) A SCHIEBER Russell C SILVERSUI - Switzerland DECORVET Eric (M) 4 S BURGENER Hans (M) 3 V JAQUEROD Francoise (F) 2 KNEUBUEHL Laurent (M) 1 DELACRETAZ Patrick (M) A PFISTER Stephan C BRONZEITA - Italy MARCHESE Egidio (M) 4 V BERTO Orietta (F) 3 BICH Fabrizio (M) 2 MENARDI Angela (F) 1 S RONZANI Matteo (M) A MAINO Roberto C Note: Position and function for each team member: 4 = Fourth, 3 = Third, 2 = Second, 1 = Lead, A = Alternate, S = Skip, V = Vice-Skip, C = Coach Legend: F Female M Male CURXTEAM4---WHEEL-----------------_92B v1.0 Report Created THU 15 APR 2021 17:27 http://www.worldcurling.org/events/wwhbcc2020/ and http://wwhbcc.curlit.com Page 1/1 WWhBCC 2020 World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Final Standings Rank Team Players Position - Function Gender 1USA - United States THUMS Matthew4 S M >A EMT Stephen3 V M SAMSA David2 M WILSON Pamela1 F URANCHIMEG BatoyunA F SCHIEBER RussellC M 2SUI - Switzerland DECORVET Eric4 S M >A BURGENER Hans3 V M JAQUEROD Francoise2 F KNEUBUEHL Laurent1 M DELACRETAZ PatrickA M PFISTER StephanC M 3ITA - Italy MARCHESE Egidio4 V M >A BERTO Orietta3 F BICH Fabrizio2 M MENARDI Angela1 S F RONZANI MatteoA M MAINO RobertoC M 4GER - Germany PUTZICH Christiane4 S F MOELLER Burkhard3 V M MEISSNER Wolf2 M SPIELMANN Melanie1 F GEMMER ChristophA M ERLEWEIN HelmarC M 5EST - Estonia KOITMAE Andrei4 S M VILLAU Ain3 V M MATAS Mait2 M FALKENBERG Signe1 F RIIDEBACH KatlinA F BOWDEN ChrisC M 6FIN - Finland PALSYNAHO Pekka4 M RAJALA Juha3 S M KLASILA Teemu2 V M SAROSALO Riitta1 F LAMPINEN RitvaA F KOKKO VesaC M 7CZE - Czech Republic SELNEKOVICOVA Dana4 S F TLUK Martin3 V M BARTUNEK Milan2 M BRINCILOVA Jana1 F COUFAL RadekA M FREDERIKSEN SuneC M 8TUR - Turkey BINGOL Zuleyha4 F COSKUN Kenan3 V M AKALIN Turan2 M SIMSEK Savas1 S M PAMAZ SerdalA M ULUGAY GokceC M CURXTEAM4---WHEEL-----------------_76B v2.0 Report Created THU 15 APR 2021 17:29 http://www.worldcurling.org/events/wwhbcc2020/ and http://wwhbcc.curlit.com Page 1/2 WWhBCC 2020 World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Final Standings Rank Team Players Position - Function Gender 9JPN - Japan SUZUKI Hidenori4 S M MURAMATSU Yuri3 V F MATSUHASHI Haruo2 M SAITOH Ayako1 F TAKAHASHI HiromiA F NAMIOKA MasayukiC M 10HUN - Hungary BARKOCZI Peter4 V M BEKE Viktor3 S M SASADI Aniko2 F SARAI Rita1 F - A KEREKES OliverC M Note: Position and function for each team member: 4 = Fourth, 3 = Third, 2 = Second, 1 = Lead, A = Alternate, S = Skip, V = Vice-Skip, C = Coach Legend: >A To A-Division F Female M Male USA, SUI and ITA qualified for the World Wheelchair Curling Championship 2021 in Beijing, China CURXTEAM4---WHEEL-----------------_76B v2.0 Report Created THU 15 APR 2021 17:29 http://www.worldcurling.org/events/wwhbcc2020/ and http://wwhbcc.curlit.com Page 2/2 WWhBCC 2020 World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute After Finals Competition Summary Session Date Time Sheet A Sheet B Sheet C Sheet D Session 1 SAT 10 APR 14:30 HUN512- CZE SUI7- 5 GER Session 2 SAT 10 APR 18:30 JPN210- USA FIN3- 9 EST TUR 5- 8 ITA Session 3 SUN 11 APR 9:30 TUR95- HUN JPN5- 6 SUI EST 3- 5 USA EE Session 4SUN 11 APR 14:00 FIN10- 3 TUR GER 2- 7 USA EST 8- 1 CZE SUI 5- 4 ITA Session 5 SUN 11 APR 18:30 CZE38- GER FIN310- ITA JPN 84- HUN Session 6MON 12 APR 9:30 FIN 9- 4 JPN GER 6- 3 EST USA 7- 6 CZE Session 7 MON 12 APR 14:00 ITA10- 0 JPN TUR3- 6 USA SUI6- 5 HUN Session 8 MON 12 APR 18:30 SUI96- EST HUN3- 12 FIN ITA5- 3 CZE GER 5- 4 TUR Session 9 TUE 13 APR 9:30 ITA8- 6 HUN SUI8- 3 TUR CZE 1- 13 FIN Session 10 TUE 13 APR 14:00 GER65- FIN JPN9- 5 CZE HUN3- 7 USA ITA 2- 4 EST Session 11 TUE 13 APR 18:30 USA45- SUI EST5- 2 TUR JPN5- 8 GER EE Session 12WED 14 APR 9:30 USA 6- 8 ITA CZE 1- 9 SUI HUN 5- 6 GER Session 13 WED 14 APR 14:00 GER67- ITA CZE9- 4 TUR USA5- 2 FIN EST 6- 2 JPN Session 14 WED 14 APR 18:30 EST11- 2 HUN TUR10- 3 JPN FIN 5- 8 SUI Semi-finals THU 15 APR 10:00 GER2- 8 SUI USA 6- 5 ITA EE Finals THU 15 APR 15:00 USA43- SUI GER48- ITA Standings after Round Robin Rank Team Games Wins Losses 19SUI - Switzerland 90Q 2972ITA - Italy Q w1 39USA - United States 72Q w0 49GER - Germany 63Q w1 59EST - Estonia 63w0 69FIN - Finland 45 7 CZE - Czech Republic 927 w1 DSC 133.30cm 8 TUR - Turkey 927 w1 DSC 134.38cm 9 JPN - Japan 927 w1 DSC 134.43cm 10 HUN - Hungary 9 0 9 Play-offs Bracket Semi-finals Finals Final Standings 1 SUI 8 SUI 3 1 USA - United States >A Sheet B 2 SUI - Switzerland >A 4 3 ITA - Italy >A GER 2 USA 1st Sheet A 4 GER - Germany SUI 2nd 2 ITA 5 5 EST - Estonia 6 FIN - Finland Sheet D USA 4 7 CZE - Czech Republic 3 USA 6 8 TUR - Turkey GER 4 9 JPN - Japan ITA 3rd 10 HUN - Hungary Sheet C GER 4th 8ITA Legend: >A To A-Division DSC Draw Shot Challenge EE Extra End Q Qualified for the semi-finals wn Number of wins (n) against tied teams CURXTEAM4---WHEEL-----------------_76A v16.0 Report Created THU 15 APR 2021 17:30 http://www.worldcurling.org/events/wwhbcc2020/ and http://wwhbcc.curlit.com Page 1/1 WWhBCC 2020 World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute THU 15 APR 2021 Finals Start Time 15:00 Session Results and Standings SheetGameTeam LSFE12345678Extra Ends Total 11 USA - United States 00000211 4 11 SUI - Switzerland* 00111000 3 11 GER - Germany 1000300X 4 11 ITA - Italy * 0111041X 8 Play-offs Bracket Semi-finals Finals Final Standings 1 SUI 8 1 USA - United States >A SUI 3 2 SUI - Switzerland >A Sheet B 3 ITA - Italy >A 4 GER 2 4 GER - Germany USA 1st Sheet A 5 EST - Estonia 2nd SUI 6 FIN - Finland 2 ITA 5 7 CZE - Czech Republic Sheet D 8 TUR - Turkey USA 4 9 JPN - Japan 3 USA 6 10 HUN - Hungary GER 4 ITA 3rd Sheet C GER 4th ITA 8 Legend: >A To A-Division LSFE(*) Last Stone First End X Unplayed/unfinished end due to concession USA, SUI and ITA qualified for the World Wheelchair Curling Championship 2021 in Beijing, China CURXTEAM4---WHEEL-----FNL-000100--_74B v1.0 Report Created THU 15 APR 2021 17:28 http://www.worldcurling.org/events/wwhbcc2020/ and http://wwhbcc.curlit.com Page 1/1 WWhBCC 2020 World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute After Finals Scoring Analysis Stolen Last Stone Force Points Scored Plus / Team Games LSFE Ends Eff. Eff. 01234>4Total Minus SUI 11 For7 1924% 65% 4 25 12 7 1 0 74 +30 Against4 11 1 26 6 2 0 0 44 ITA 11 For6 2632% 42% 4 26 14 3 3 0 75 +27 Against5 11 3 18 8 2 2 0 48 USA 11 For3 1933% 79% 2 29 6 6 2 0 67 +25 Against8 9 5 25 7 1 0 0 42 EST 9 For5 1436% 78% 4 20 8 5 1 0 55 +23 Against4 5 2 17 3 3 0 0 32 FIN 9 For3 1234% 61% 1 10 10 8 2 0 62 +13 Against6 11 3 17 5 6 1 0 49 GER 11For5 1326% 54% 5248600 58 -4 Against6 14 4 23 8 5 2 0 62 TUR 9For4 1217% 44% 3178210 43 -16 Against5 13 1 14 9 6 1 1 59 CZE 9For4 1112% 47% 1133402 41-27 Against5 23 2 20 8 8 2 0 68 JPN 9 For6 721% 56% 1 13 7 1 2 0 38 -30 Against3 23 4 18 14 6 1 0 68 HUN 9 For6 515% 50% 0 19 3 3 1 0 38 -41 Against3 18 0 18 11 6 4 1 79 Total 49 138 25 196 79 45 13 2 551 Note: Stolen ends are the ends won without the last stone advantage. Last Stone Efficiency: Scoring two or more points with last stone advantage. Force Efficiency: Forcing the opponent team to score only one point when they have the last stone advantage. Legend: >4 More than four points scored Eff. Efficiency LSFE Last Stone First End CURXTEAM4---WHEEL-----------------_84D v16.0 Report Created THU 15 APR 2021 17:35 http://www.worldcurling.org/events/wwhbcc2020/ and http://wwhbcc.curlit.com Page 1/1 WWhBCC 2020 World Wheelchair-B Curling Championship 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute After Finals Summary of Big Ends Points By Against Session End Game Result Scored 5 CZE - Czech Republic TUR - Turkey13 19: 4 5 CZE - Czech Republic HUN - Hungary1 512: 5 4 ITA - Italy GER - GermanyF 68: 4 4 ITA - Italy FIN - Finland5 510: 3 4 ITA - Italy TUR - Turkey2 28: 5 4 FIN - Finland CZE - Czech Republic9 613: 1 4 FIN - Finland HUN - Hungary8 212: 3 4 JPN - Japan CZE - Czech Republic10 29: 5 4 JPN - Japan HUN - Hungary5 48: 4 4 USA - United States ITA - Italy12 26: 8 4 USA - United States HUN - Hungary10 37: 3 4 EST - Estonia HUN - Hungary14 211: 2 4 HUN - Hungary ITA - Italy9 16: 8 4 SUI - Switzerland GER - GermanySF 78: 2 4 TUR - Turkey JPN - Japan14 310: 3 Note: Big ends are defined as ends with a score of four or more points.
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