Supplemental Table 5 Guzman ML, Yang N, et al. Supplemental table 5. Differentially expressed genes upon AR-42 treatment. Ill_ID=Illumina ID; Symbol=Gene symbol; Name=Gene name; Entrez=Entrez gene ID; logFC=log2(fold change of AR-42/control); t=t-statistic; P.Value=p-value; adj.P.Val=Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-value Ill_ID Symbol Name Entrez logFC t P.Value adj.P.Val protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type ILMN_1715214 PTPN7 7 5778 -1.66009169 -27.3676154 1.48E-08 0.000521339 ILMN_1767894 POLB polymerase (DNA directed), beta 5423 1.465886551 24.37323148 3.39E-08 0.000521339 ILMN_3307926 ADRBK1 adrenergic, beta, receptor kinase 1 156 -1.46846113 -24.3235996 3.44E-08 0.000521339 ILMN_1723235 DUS3L dihydrouridine synthase 3-like (S. cerevisiae) 56931 -1.45764877 -23.4810594 4.43E-08 0.000521339 ILMN_1768284 P2RY8 purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 8 286530 -1.59196213 -22.8242221 5.42E-08 0.000521339 ILMN_1689908 ANKRD13A ankyrin repeat domain 13A 88455 1.449373786 21.74065442 7.66E-08 0.000545249 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain ILMN_1705442 CMTM3 containing 3 123920 -1.24886296 -20.9059893 1.01E-07 0.000545249 ILMN_1732705 HCFC1 host cell factor C1 (VP16-accessory protein) 3054 -1.71349443 -20.8916003 1.02E-07 0.000545249 v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene ILMN_2110908 MYC homolog (avian) 4609 -2.87400127 -20.8834399 1.02E-07 0.000545249 ILMN_2047511 ADAP1 ArfGAP with dual PH domains 1 11033 -1.45302154 -20.4325044 1.19E-07 0.000573092 ILMN_1714599 CAMLG calcium modulating ligand 819 1.120744698 18.87137049 2.09E-07 0.000839686 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily b, ILMN_1758823 SMARCB1 member 1 6598 -1.51037196 -18.3044911 2.60E-07 0.000839686 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type ILMN_1681591 PTPN1 1 5770 1.318809787 18.22541285 2.68E-07 0.000839686 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene ILMN_1714965 NFKB1 enhancer in B-cells 1 4790 -1.22294798 -18.1744572 2.73E-07 0.000839686 v-myb myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog ILMN_1711894 MYB (avian) 4602 -2.4026203 -18.0651779 2.85E-07 0.000839686 ILMN_1802615 CDK6 cyclin-dependent kinase 6 1021 -1.57574434 -18.0165475 2.91E-07 0.000839686 ILMN_3176090 RCC2 regulator of chromosome condensation 2 55920 -1.31535303 -17.9649079 2.97E-07 0.000839686 microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 ILMN_1703244 MAP1LC3B beta 81631 1.160609765 17.72693155 3.26E-07 0.000871471 ILMN_1740165 C14orf102 chromosome 14 open reading frame 102 55051 -1.13331875 -17.316647 3.85E-07 0.00097419 ILMN_1800626 SESN1 sestrin 1 27244 1.042902701 17.15459335 4.11E-07 0.000989021 ILMN_1694240 MAP2K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 5604 1.007807968 16.82657295 4.71E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1708382 ELP6 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 6 54859 -1.0775538 -16.7093463 4.95E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1716382 C12orf75 chromosome 12 open reading frame 75 387882 1.023129296 16.70026953 4.97E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_2410771 KEAP1 kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 9817 -1.21498947 -16.5916529 5.20E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1758146 SIRPA signal-regulatory protein alpha 140885 -1.48344313 -16.5608495 5.27E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1732615 ASMTL acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like 8623 2.07290144 16.40251556 5.64E-07 0.00098938 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member ILMN_1807206 DHRS1 1 115817 1.043054463 16.31101744 5.87E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_2326953 LAT2 linker for activation of T cells family, member 2 7462 -1.54198303 -16.2172593 6.11E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1739541 NMI N-myc (and STAT) interactor 9111 -0.98600856 -16.128507 6.35E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_2410772 KEAP1 kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 9817 -1.19546798 -16.0897668 6.46E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1679725 PCYOX1 prenylcysteine oxidase 1 51449 1.174953755 16.06522686 6.53E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1768176 CXorf26 chromosome X open reading frame 26 51260 -1.57049 -15.9369324 6.91E-07 0.00098938 alveolar soft part sarcoma chromosome region, ILMN_1660749 ASPSCR1 candidate 1 79058 -1.05076833 -15.9246338 6.95E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1719158 CTBP1 C-terminal binding protein 1 1487 -1.03252734 -15.9098508 6.99E-07 0.00098938 ILMN_1781752 CLEC16A C-type lectin domain family 16, member A 23274 1.207673237 15.75027444 7.51E-07 0.001003085 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate ILMN_1781819 PAPSS1 synthase 1 9061 1.005310442 15.7505729 7.51E-07 0.001003085 v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene ILMN_1680618 MYC homolog (avian) 4609 -2.82249323 -15.6603534 7.81E-07 0.001016072 regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain ILMN_3238889 RPRD2 containing 2 23248 -1.08450922 -15.4787305 8.48E-07 0.001020624 tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 3 homolog (S. ILMN_1726842 TYW3 cerevisiae) 127253 -1.17861769 -15.423663 8.70E-07 0.001020624 ILMN_1713505 NPC1 Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 4864 0.957383414 15.40246355 8.78E-07 0.001020624 ILMN_1814971 TCF25 transcription factor 25 (basic helix-loop-helix) 22980 -0.88407851 -15.3779429 8.88E-07 0.001020624 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene ILMN_1719695 NFKBIZ enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, zeta 64332 1.085713263 15.36890767 8.92E-07 0.001020624 ILMN_2194627 GMCL1 germ cell-less, spermatogenesis associated 1 64395 1.050689241 15.31089993 9.16E-07 0.001020624 ILMN_2371590 DDX17 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 17 10521 -0.93036719 -15.2691772 9.33E-07 0.001020624 myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1 (BCL2- ILMN_1803988 MCL1 related) 4170 1.021882466 15.16163945 9.81E-07 0.001048709 ILMN_1810514 SLC25A44 solute carrier family 25, member 44 9673 0.966337133 15.11096228 1.00E-06 0.001050303 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O- ILMN_1671621 PCMT1 methyltransferase 5110 0.923329614 14.87914247 1.12E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_2216582 LYL1 lymphoblastic leukemia derived sequence 1 4066 -1.42359385 -14.8836831 1.12E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1720124 RCC2 regulator of chromosome condensation 2 55920 -1.6077466 -14.7837002 1.17E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1777061 ZSWIM6 zinc finger, SWIM-type containing 6 57688 1.346754352 14.7610308 1.18E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_2409395 CCNC cyclin C 892 0.949856512 14.77436211 1.18E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1782488 RNASEH2B ribonuclease H2, subunit B 79621 -0.94532619 -14.7722852 1.18E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1761479 ZC3HC1 zinc finger, C3HC-type containing 1 51530 -1.00694963 -14.7387021 1.20E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_2061950 RABGAP1 RAB GTPase activating protein 1 23637 1.09375418 14.71855844 1.21E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1692219 RAB11FIP1 RAB11 family interacting protein 1 (class I) 80223 1.520917954 14.7038066 1.22E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1690342 LTA4H leukotriene A4 hydrolase 4048 1.161585428 14.65010495 1.25E-06 0.001058353 Supplemental Table 5 Guzman ML, Yang N, et al. Ill_ID Symbol Name Entrez logFC t P.Value adj.P.Val cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane ILMN_1665831 CLPTM1 protein 1 1209 0.846405466 14.60174615 1.28E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1769158 ISOC2 isochorismatase domain containing 2 79763 -0.8449408 -14.5713296 1.30E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1768930 U2AF2 U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2 11338 -1.51787127 -14.4836698 1.35E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1689786 ASMTL acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like 8623 1.872202421 14.47508533 1.36E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1764764 MUM1 melanoma associated antigen (mutated) 1 84939 0.85105436 14.41895378 1.39E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1746148 LRRC33 leucine rich repeat containing 33 375387 -1.41869434 -14.4081841 1.40E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1694466 ZBED1 zinc finger, BED-type containing 1 9189 -1.54584845 -14.3925 1.41E-06 0.001058353 spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) proviral ILMN_1696463 SPI1 integration oncogene spi1 6688 -1.69993085 -14.3698447 1.43E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1672660 MBP myelin basic protein 4155 -1.07107241 -14.3505248 1.44E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1699676 SPTSSA serine palmitoyltransferase, small subunit A 171546 0.943572004 14.33655338 1.45E-06 0.001058353 ILMN_1800451 MED16 mediator complex subunit 16 10025 -0.98113572 -14.1973493 1.55E-06 0.001116193 ILMN_1772455 HDAC3 histone deacetylase 3 8841 1.486921147 14.10954124 1.62E-06 0.001133448 ILMN_1759766 CTXN1 cortexin 1 404217 1.232698315 14.10675445 1.63E-06 0.001133448 ILMN_1783709 RRAGA Ras-related GTP binding A 10670 1.089044837 14.06299969 1.66E-06 0.001138358 ILMN_1798659 CCDC28A coiled-coil domain containing 28A 25901 1.43716235 14.04051061 1.68E-06 0.001138358 ILMN_1671554 LPIN1 lipin 1 23175 1.012740675 13.96775867 1.74E-06 0.001164039 ILMN_1737857 GTF2B general transcription factor IIB 2959 0.945656691 13.89854455 1.80E-06 0.001188626 ILMN_3241870 FRMD8 FERM domain containing 8 83786 1.048641258 13.66922389 2.03E-06 0.001287163 ILMN_1670532 GMCL1 germ cell-less, spermatogenesis associated 1 64395 1.01993329 13.66722285 2.03E-06 0.001287163 phosphodiesterase 6D, cGMP-specific, rod, ILMN_1790680 PDE6D delta 5147 0.862949387 13.66178495 2.03E-06 0.001287163 ILMN_1740185 TPMT thiopurine S-methyltransferase 7172 1.712225045 13.60826683 2.09E-06 0.001292886 ILMN_1654370 TESK2 testis-specific kinase 2 10420 0.897583929 13.60234328 2.10E-06 0.001292886 spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) proviral ILMN_2392043 SPI1 integration oncogene spi1 6688 -1.63283919 -13.4699746 2.24E-06 0.001366575 ILMN_1688034 COIL coilin 8161 -0.88042105 -13.421611 2.30E-06 0.001375732 ILMN_1719097 C18orf8 chromosome 18 open reading frame 8 29919 1.020952325 13.40887072 2.32E-06 0.001375732 ILMN_2377240 AKTIP AKT interacting protein 64400 0.847285573 13.22086276 2.56E-06 0.001499362 ILMN_1757730 TTC27 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 27 55622 -1.39227118 -13.1528113 2.65E-06 0.001509594 ILMN_1681008 CGRRF1 cell growth regulator with ring finger domain 1 10668 0.915515039 13.14069673
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