March 29, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 6 8509 A TRIBUTE TO ROYCE O. IN RECOGNITION OF PRESIDENT fellow firefighters. Frank Buonocore served as CHAPMAN EMERITUS DANIEL RUPP the Fire Association Treasurer for 18 years and as a Relief Association Officer. He also HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH served as Lieutenant, Captain, and Chief of HON. DON YOUNG the Department. Arthur Bodrato served as Fi- OF OHIO OF ALASKA nancial Secretary for the Fire Association and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is the current President of the Northvale Fire Thursday, March 29, 2007 Department Exempt Fireman’s Association. He Thursday, March 29, 2007 Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise also served as a Lieutenant in the Fire Depart- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, today in recognition of President Emeritus ment. today I rise to honor Mr. Royce O. Chapman. Daniel Rupp, for his 28 years of service as an As if to demonstrate the example these men Mr. Chapman has been an integral part of my officer of the National Association of Letter have provided to their community, they have operations for more than a decade. He man- Carriers (NALC) Branch 40, where he devoted inspired a legacy of service. Arthur Bodrato’s aged my Fairbanks campaign office during the himself to the concerns and needs of the son, Briant is the current Chief of the 1992 election and since then Royce has run American worker. Northvale Fire Department, and I look forward my Fairbanks District Office. He has been a For 15 years, Mr. Rupp was the Administra- to returning to the floor some day to honor him truly tireless public servant, helping me, the tive Vice President of the NALC. His contin- for his service to Northvale as well. people of Fairbanks and the whole of Alaska. uous work and never-ending desire to support f Royce was born March 4, 1951 in Glen- the labor community earned him the respect of THE GLOBAL THREAT OF DRUG- wood Springs, Colorado. He spent his early his peers. Mr. Rupp served his position with RESISTANT TB years in the small farming community of dignity and honor. It was no surprise when he Johnstown, Colorado and graduated from became the Executive Vice President, and HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH Roosevelt High School in 1969. He attended then the President of the Cleveland Postal OF NEW JERSEY Western State College of Colorado in Gunni- Employees Credit Union (CPECU). IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES son, Colorado in 1969–1970. After leaving col- During the time Mr. Rupp was the President Thursday, March 29, 2007 lege, Royce started work for Great Western of the CPECU, he remained dedicated to ad- Sugar Company in Johnstown until entering dressing the concerns of the union while pre- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, the United States Air Force in April of 1971. serving the rights of the members. In addition last week the Subcommittee on Africa and Royce has two brothers: Rodney who lives to his tireless work with the CPECU he was a Global Health held a hearing on the important in Wisconsin, and David in Colorado; and a National Trustee delegate, and Branch 40 was and timely global health issue of drug-resistant sister Jana who lives in Oregon. Royce has well served by his leadership. tuberculosis. It is shocking that this disease been married to the former Carolyn Warman Committed not only to the union, Mr. Rupp which is curable continues to kill about 2 mil- since September 2, 1971. They have two adult devoted himself to his family with the same in- lion people each year. Perhaps the reason for daughters, Shannon and Stacie, and four tensity he had when representing the mem- this apparent contradiction is that the vast ma- grandchildren: Justin, age 10 and Shane, age bers of the NALC. He and Barb have been jority of those who die from TB—98 percent— live in the developing world, and are from the 7 who live in Seattle, Washington; and married for 45 years, and together they have poorest and most marginalized sectors of soci- Meghan, age 7 and Ryan, age 4 who live in raised four sons and a daughter. Now, they ety. TB is particularly pernicious in that it tar- Tok, Alaska, have the unending joy of doting upon their nine beautiful grandchildren. gets young adults who are just starting to form Royce’s public service started in the Air their families and who are the producers and Force. He spent the majority of his time in the Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join me in honoring President Emeritus Daniel sustainers of their societies. The emergence in Air Force as a Public Affairs Specialist and recent years of drug-resistant TB has raised Technician working in the community relations, Rupp for his enthusiasm and devotion to the American worker. His integrity, commitment to the specter of higher death rates, more chil- internal information, and public information dren who will lose their parents, and commu- sections. He was also the editor of several his brothers and sisters, and tireless work with the community have made an indelible mark nities that will fall deeper into poverty and de- base newspapers; along with this he wrote spair. many articles for publication in civilian news- on northeast Ohio, and we are grateful for his Combined with the fact that TB is the lead- papers and magazines. dedication. f ing cause of death of persons with HIV/AIDS, Royce served for 20 years with assignments this disease is having a particularly dev- in Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota; Davis- IN HONOR OF THE 120 YEARS OF astating impact on Africa. However, it is impor- Monthan AFB, Arizona; Zaragoza Air Base in COMBINED PUBLIC SERVICE OF tant to note that no region—indeed no country, Zaragoza, Spain; Vance Air Force Base, Okla- NORTHVALE FIREMEN ARTHUR including our own—is immune from the effects homa; and Williams Air Force Base, Arizona. BODRATO AND FRANK of tuberculosis. We should all be alarmed that His final assignment was Eielson Air Force BUONOCORE strains that are resistant to a single drug have Base, Alaska were he served from 1984 until been documented in every country surveyed retirement in 1991. HON. SCOTT GARRETT by the World Health Organization. Given the Royce is also a key figure in the community. OF NEW JERSEY ease with which TB can be spread, TB is truly He is a member of the Optimist Club of Fair- a disease without borders, and it is in our na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES banks, has served on the Fairbanks North tional as well as humanitarian interest to seek Star Borough School Board for 9 years (1997– Thursday, March 29, 2007 its eradication. 2006) and is currently sitting on the Fairbanks Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam Therefore, it was highly appropriate that the ‘‘Kids Voting’’ Board of Directors. Speaker, I rise in honor of the extraordinary subcommittee on global health commemorated Royce has been an integral part of my public service of two firemen who have each World TB Day 2007 with the rest of the world, ‘‘Alaska team’’ for many years and it saddens served the community of Northvale, New Jer- and raised our voices with that of others for an me to see him leave. He has used his skills sey for 60 years. Arthur Bodrato and Frank emergency response to this increasingly dan- in communication and management to help Buonocore joined the company in 1947, a gerous threat to global health. I agree with my me better serve the people of Alaska. His out- mere 41 years after the company was even colleagues here in Congress who are advo- going personality, confidential counsel and founded. Their lives stand as a testament to cating for significantly more resources to be comprehensive evaluation of situations, have how just a single life of volunteerism can directed towards TB prevention, detection and allowed him to do his job to the fullest and for make a profound difference in the lives of so treatment, and research for new drugs. In ad- the benefit of all Alaskans. many. dition, the hearing provided us with the oppor- Royce is a Great Alaskan. I wish him and Not content to merely serve their neighbors tunity to examine the best means for directing Carolyn all the best and continued good health in this brave role, both men took on extra re- our resources. as they embark on the next chapter of their sponsibilities in the Northvale Fire Department The World Health Organization recently lives. and Northvale Fire Association to help their came out with an interesting study entitled: VerDate Nov 24 2008 15:02 Apr 07, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E29MR7.000 E29MR7 emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 8510 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 6 March 29, 2007 ‘‘Appreciating Assets: The Contribution of Reli- County Dental Research Clinic. Community reau of the Department of Justice at the time gion to Universal Access in Africa.’’ The study Smiles was established by a group of dedi- in question. On November 5, 1990, Ms. Landis was focused on the treatment of HIV/AIDS, cated dentists in 1946 as the Dade County withdrew $24,439.00 in retirement contribu- and utilized Zambia and Lesotho as the two Dental Research Clinic. Their guiding prin- tions and was advised that if she later re-en- study sites, but the findings provide useful in- ciples are: to provide quality dental care, pro- tered federal service, she could re-deposit the dications for addressing other health issues, vide professional improvements and post- withdrawal without paying interest and not suf- including tuberculosis, throughout Africa.
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