NYA ME AKUMA No. 50 December f 998 Program of the 14th Session 3: biennial conference of the New perspectives on the develop- Society of Africanist ment of early complex societies in Archaeologists, Syracuse, the Northern Horn of Africa 2. NewYork, May 20-24,1998. Organized by S. Brandt and M. curtis. chaired by M. Curtis. Plenary session. M.C. Curtis. Archaeological investigation of early Alison Brooks and Sally McBrearty. New interpre- complex societies in Eritrea: a call for a regional tations of the origin of modern human behavior in approach. Africa. S.A. Brandt et.al. Implications of a recent test Diane Gifford-Gonzalez. Trajectories toward food excavation in the southern Red Sea Hills, Sudan. production in sub-Saharan Africa. A.O. A-Magid. Tabot: an ancient waystation in the Augustin Holl. Village, cities, chiefdoms, and southern Red Sea Hills, Sudan. states in West African prehistory. Nicholas David. The changing roles of ethnoar- Session 4: chaeology. Ethnoarchaeological research in Africa 1. Session 1: Chaired by N. David. New perspectives on the develop- N. David. Mandara ethnoarchaeology: Nigerian ment of early complex societies in and Ghanaian phases. the Northern Horn of Africa 1. M. Sall. Ethnicity, ethnic boundaries and the Serer Organized by S. Brandt and M. potter (Senegal). Curtis. Chaired by M. Curtis. H. Wallaert. Learning how to make the right pots. D.W. Phillipson. Ancient Aksum: an overview of Apprenticeship strategies serving style duplication. current research. A case study in handmade pottery from Cameroon. C.R. Cain. Initial results from zooarchaeological A.O. Ogundiran. Sacrifice, feasting and socio- analysis at Aksum, Ethiopia. political formation: archaeology of ritual in a pre- L. Phillipson. Stone tool use in ancient Aksum. colonial Yomba community. A.C. D'Andrea et.al. Current ethnoarchaeological B.A. Ogunfolakan. Archaeological survey of Osun research in the Ethiopian highlands. north east of Osun State, Nigeria. Session 2: Session 5: Recent innovations in analytical The stone age in Eastern Africa. techniques 1. Chaired by B.V. Ludwig. Chair: B.L. Hardy. A. Hawkins. The Aterian of Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. B.L. Hardy and K.A. Murphy. Stop and dunk M.F. Wiseman. Stalking the later Late Pleistocene before you wash: the effect of curation and washing inhabitants of Dakhleh Oasis. on residue analysis of stone tools. F. Rahemtulla. Acheulian mobility and technologi- B. Kimura. Recovery of DNA from ethnoarchaeo- cal design. logical stone scrapers from Ethiopia. S. McBrearty. Middle Pleistocene technological R. Shahack-Gross et.ai. Oxide staining and burned change in the Kapthurin Formation, Baringo, bones: implications for the earliest use of fire by Kenya. hominids. N YA ME AKUMA No. 50 December 1998 B.V. Ludwig. An experimental assessment of East Session 8. The Late Stone Age and African Plio-Pleistocene cultural entities. Early lron Age in Southern Africa. Chaired by' A. Smith. Session 6: A. Smith. Ethnohistory and archaeology of the Constructing social fields: the JuI'Hoansi. embodiment of change and conti- A.E. Close and C.G. Sarnpson. Did the Seacow nuity in Ghana. River bushmen make backed microliths? Organized and chaired by A.B. Stahl. M. Dobres. Understanding the agency and social A.B. Stahl. The changing social fields of Banda dynamics of pre-Holocene hunter-gatherer tech- villagers, A.D. 1300-1920. nologies: A view from Elands Bay (South Africa). A.S. Caton. Embodying change and continuity in S. Kent. Hunter-gatherers or pastoralists or both bead practices. during the Late Stone Age and Early Iron Age in southern Africa. J.N.L. Smith. Occupation of the hinterland: a pre- liminary assessment of settlement patterns in the S. Pfeiffer and J. Sealy. Reconstructing diet and Banda region of west central Ghana. behavior of Later Stone Age people of the Southern Cape, South Africa. C.M. Mather. Change and continuity in vernacular architecture, Upper East Region, Ghana. S. Hall. Burial and sequence in the Later Stone Age of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. M. Das Dores Cruz. iWe prefer metal pots?. The role of consumer preference in Banda ceramic pm- duction. Session 9. B.C. Vivian. Putting pipes in their place. lron Age expansion and issues of complexity in West and Central Africa. Session 7: Chaired by K.C. Machnald. Rocking the Bantu cradle. Chaired by 0.Gosselain. B. Janssens. Bantu languages: innovative or M. Delneuf. Occupation humaine et extension des zones forestieres lors deux derniers millenaires en archaic? Afrique centrale. P. Lavachery. Sitting in the cradle and looking westward, the Holocene archaeological sequence of S. MacEachern. Excavations at Aissa Harde, the grassfields. Northern Cameroon, 1995- 1996. I? de Maret. First steps southward. B. Agbaje-Williams. Potsherd pavements, early urban sites in Nigeria Central Yorubaland: a A. Assoko Ndong. Settling in the southwest: the consideration. archaeology sequence in Gabon. K.C. MacDonald et.al. Tango Maare Diabal: O.P.Gosselain. Pottery tales from the trip. excavations at a 1st millenium A.D. Malian town. A. Bulkens. Mortar, pestle and grinding stone: J. Woodhouse. First millenium A.D. metallurgy in linguistic indicators of the history of food the southern Gourma (Mali). processing. V. Chikwendu. Search for Igbo-Ukwu bronze makers. N YA ME AKUMA No. 50 December 1998 Session 10. Archaeological and pastoralism in secondary settings. archaeobotanical research in the S. Buhnen. House and tomb: build ideology and Sahel zone of Burkina Faso and cosmology. Nigeria. R.A. Walicka Zeh. Traditional Malian architecture: Organized and chaired by f? Breunig. an ethnoarchaeological study of building tech- P. Breunig. Objectives and results of the Franlcfurt nology and cultural form. University project: an overview. G. Chouin. Looking through the forest-secret B. Wiesmuller. Stages of pottery development in groves as historical and archaeological clues in the south of Lake Chad from 1000 B.C. up to southern Ghana: an approach. historical times. K. Neurnann. Development of plant food pro- Session 13. duction in the Sahel. Recent research from the Senegal K.P. Wendt. The southwestern Chad Basin in the Valley. 2nd millenium B.C. Organized and chaired by S. Mclntosh. D. Gronenbon and C. Magnavita. Historical archaeology in the southern Chad basin: the exca- R. MacDonald Hutton and K.C. MacDonald. The vations at Ngala and Dikwa by the Johann- mammalian, avian and reptile bones from Cubalel Wolfgang Goethe University, FrankfurtIMain. and Siure (Middle Senegal Valley, Senegal). N.S. Gueye. Ethnohistory, ethnoarchaeology and Session 11. interpretation of ceramic change in the Middle The archaeology of enslavement Senegal Valley. and the African diaspora. I. Thiaw. The impact of French penetration in the Organized by K. Agorsah. Upepr Senegal: preliminary results. Chaired by T. Singleton. S.K. McIntosh and H. Boucoum. An 800 year K.G. Kelly. Long distance trade and state forrna- cultural sequence at Sincu Bara: evaluating the tion: the archaeology the Heuda State, Benin, West implications. Africa. D. Killick and H. Boucoum. Metals and metallurgy Y. Bredwa-Mensah. Slavery and plantation life at in the Middle Senegal River valley. the Danish plantation site of Bibease, Gold Coast. A. Deme. Archaeological investigations of long E.K. Agorsah. Settlement pattern studies in the term socio-political change in the Middle Senegal archaeology of the African diaspora. Valley. D.V. Armstrong. Perspectives on house and yard in African Caribbean archaeology. Session 14. The Iron Age in Southern Africa. T. Singleton. Discussant. Chaired by A. Lindahl. Session 12: D. Gifford-Gonzalez. Prehistoric livestock economies, environmental filters, social implica- Ethnoarchaeological research in tions. Africa 2. Chaired by K. Mutunda. T. Huffman. Cattle and bridewealth in the Eastern Stream Early Iron Age. K. Mutundu. Ethnohistoric archaeology of the A. Lindahl et.al. Ceramics, metal craft and settle- Mukugodo in north-central Kenya: contemporary ment in southwestern Zimbabwe since ca 1400A.D. hunter-gatherer subsistence and the transition to NYAME AKUMA No. 50 December 1998 J.F.N. Binneman. Investigation of an Early Iron Session 17. Age settlement in the Great Kei River Valley, The Stone Age in Western and Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Northern Africa. J. Calabrese. Social and political complexity in the Chaired by E. Cornelissen. Shashi-Limpopo Valley: ceramics, settlement patterns and social identity. J.L. Casey. Report on investigations at Birimi: mul- tidisciplinary research at a multi-component site in K.A. Murphy. Human bones do tell tales: the role Ghana, West Africa. of herding and farming in the diet of prehistoric inhabitants from Kgaswe, Botswana. A. Hawkins et.al. The Middle Stone Age at the Birimi site, northern Ghana. E.E. Cornelissen. Shum Laka (Northwestern Session 15. Cameroon): further evidence on the late occupation Recent innovations in analytical of the rock shelter. techniques 2. Chaired by A. Livingstone-Smith. Session 18: A. Livingstone-Smith. The reconstruction of Recent research in African shaping techniques: problems and perspectives in ceramic analysis. Archaeology. Chaired by G. Hundie. M. Hauser et.al. Composition analysis and the delineation of ceramic wares in coastal Ghana. G. Hundie. Rock paintings of Borana Region, Southern Ethiopia. S. Irving and M.H. Hill. Petrography of pottery from Cassan, the Gambia. K. Weedrnan. The ethnoarchaeology of variation A.T. Morton and T.R. Pickering. Bone transport and similarity in Gamo hide working material cul- and taphonornic transport groups in lacustrine ture. environments. J.W. Arthur. Ceramic ethnoarchaeology among the J. Smith et.al. Documented C31C4 vegetational Gamo people: pottery production and consumer shifts in relation to the Caledon River Valley cultural use. sequence, terminal Pleistocene to mid-Holocene. E. Huseycom. Imagina: the last house of iron. F'. F'. Sinclair. Atlas of African Archaelogy. Discussion of the film. 1. Pikirayi. Less implicitely historical archaeolo- Session 16. gies: Later Shona histories and archaeology on the Past, politics and education. Zimbabwe plateau. Chaired by A.B. Esterhuysen. Session 19.
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