Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association August 5,1987, Volume 24 Number 28 Crowley Next national forum session named to likely at January Convention It is likely that the next session in reception that night, and from 9 the NCAA membership structure Council the NCAA Presidents Commission’s a.m. to noon the next dav. The and appropriate bases for financial Joseph Crowley, president of the National Forum will be conducted January 1989 session at the annual aid to student-athletes. University of Nevada, Reno, has in conjunction with the NCAA’S Convention would be the same one- The January 1989 session then been named to the NCAA Council. 82nd annual Convention next Jan- day format planned for this coming would deal with freshman eligibility He replaces Jack V. Doland, who uary in Nashville. January in Nashville. and with the results of the various has retired as president at McNeese The Commission’s Ad Hoc Com- Topics studies, approved at the special Con- State University. mittee on the National Forum, Topics for the January session in vention last June, dealing with the Crowley, 53, was named Nevada- chaired by President Bernard F. Nashville will feature economic con- student-athlete’s experience in com- Rena’s president in March 1979. He Sliger of Florida State University, siderations in athletics, including parison with that of the nonathlete had served as chair of the school’s has recommended to the Commis- various cost and revenue factors, student. political science department from sion’s executive committee that the and the concept of revenue sharing The ad hoc committee believes 1976 to 1978, when he was named second Forum sessionbe conducted or distribution. this schedule of topics will assure acting president. on the day prior to the voting ses- Tentatively scheduled as major that the results of the intended A native of Qelwein, Iowa, Crow- Joseph Crowfey sions at the 1988annual Convention. topics for the June 1989meeting are See Next, page 2 That would put the sessionon the ley attended the University of Iowa before and after a three-year stint in Convention program for Monday, January 11. The tentative schedule the U.S. Air Force. science faculty at Nevada-Reno in would call for the Forum sessionto Annual budget on agenda He earned a bachelor’s degree in 1966 and, a year later, earned a run from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and from political science from the school doctorate in political science from about 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., with the for Executive Committee and became as a sportswriter for the the University of Washington. NCAA honors luncheon at midday. Fresno (California) Bee while com- While on leave from the univer- “It appears to be a good schedule, Each August, the NCAA Execu- 88 fiscal year were in final draft pleting a master’s degree in social sity, he served as director of institu- and I expect the Commission will tive Committee and Council meet stages at press time. Complete de- science from Fresno State Univer- tional studies for the Washington, adopt it,” Commission Chair John at a common site on consecutive tails of the budget and a summary sity. D.C., based National Commission B. Slaughter said this week. days. This year, those meetings will of Executive Committee actions Crowley joined the political on Water Quality. It had been thought earlier that take place at Point Clear, Alabama. will be included in the August 19 the next session in the 18-month The Executive Committee will meet and September 2 issues of The National Forum would be sometime August 10-l 1, and the Council will NCAA News. meet August 12-14. Following are Thomas will represent this fall, but Sliger’s ad hoc commit- In addition to the general operat- tee did not believe there was ade- previews of those meetings. ing budget fnr the next fiscal year, quate time to plan and organize an Executive Committee the committee also will review the SEC on Commission effective session earlier than Janu- Approval of the NCAA’s 1987-88 1986-87 fiscal year and yearend ary. budget and reports from several projections, as well as allocations of Joab L. Thomas, president of the general and sports committees high- any excess receipts. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Three more light the agenda for the Executive Reports from sports committees In all, the ad hoc committee re- has been selected by the Southeast- Committee’s August 10-l I meeting. include nine requests for expansion ern Conference as its representative commends three additional national Budget projections for the 1987- See Annual, page 3 on the NCAA Presidents Commis- meetings as part of the National sion. Thomas has been president at Forum. The first was held in con- Alabama since July 1, 1981. junction with the Association’s spe- Women’s athletics committee He earned his bachelor’s and cial Convention in Dallas in June. master’s degrees and a doctorate in The committee is recommending, biology at Harvard University. He in addition to the January 1988 seeks topics for discussion was a member of the research and session in Nashville, that another Staff members at NCAA member Phyllis Howlett, assistant com- teaching staff of the Arnold Ar- national meeting be conducted in institutions are invited to submit missioner of the Big Ten Conference, boretum at Harvard from 1959 to late June 1989 and the final session agenda items for the first meeting of chairs the committee. Other 1961. in conjunction with the annual the NCAA Committee on Women’s members of the group include Gary From 1961 to 1975, he held posi- NCAA Convention in .January Athletics, which is set for August Cunningham, California State Uni- tions of assistant, associate and full 1989. 27-28 in Boston. versity, Fresno; Christopher Ditt- professor of biology at Alabama. If the site for the 1989 Conven- Established by the membership man, Continental Divide Confer- He also served as assistant dean in tion, which is not yet final, is in the at the I987 Convention, the new ence; John A. Reeves, State the college of arts and sciences in West, the June Forum meeting group has been charged “to study University of New York, Stony 1964-65 and 1969. From 1969 to would be at an Eastern location. If and make policy recommendations Brook; Linda Hershey-Hopple, 1975, he was dean of students and the Convention is not in the West, to the Council concerning opportu- Franklin and Marshall College; Jo- vice-president for student affairs. the June meeting should be, accord- nities for women in athletics at the landa Jones, student-athlete, Uni- From I976 to 1981, he was chan- ing to the committee. institutional, conference and na- versity of Houston; P. LaVerne cellor of North Carolina State Uni- The June meeting would run from tional levels, as well as other issues Sweat, Hampton University; Jim versity. Joab L. momas 2 to 6 p.m. on the first day, with a directly affecting women’s athletics.” See Women k, page 2 NCAA men’s basketball attendance up slightly In the News Uncertain by of 666,919 in total attendance, showed small increasesin both home By James M. Van Valkenburg offset losses the “grass roots” The future of televised sports NCAA Director of Statistics teams, or the 980 teams below smashing the record set in 1986 by and tournament attendance, a tiny competition is cloudy in view of 159,747, or 31.5 percent. The per- group (21 teams) of NCAA corres- NCAA Division I. More about that the decline in viewer and adver- later. The national increase was sessionfigure was 19,615, helped by ponding members was up and the NCAA Division 1 basketball tiser interest, according to a lead- 266,5 15, or less than one percent. regional games in domed stadiums NAIA tournament jumped 36.3 per- reached a record high of 2 1.8 million ing journal. Page 5. spectators in 1987, helping national Attendance fell in 1986 for the and the finals in the Louisiana Su- cent in per-session average, but all attendance gain back most of its only time in 11 seasons of official perdome, with a record 64,959 for other sectors were down, including Ferrin is chair loss in 1986. However, the national compilations by the NCAA Statis- each Final Four session.That broke 2.68 percent in NCAA Division III. C. Arnold Ferrin Jr., a former total of 31,911,301 still was short of tics Service (4 11,887 nationally and the 16,498set in 1982,the only other Why the increases? director of athletics at the Unii the record high set in 1985. 104,844 in NCAA Division I). The time it was in New Orleans. And Why the solid increasesin NCAA versity of Utah, will replace Rii The national figure includes all gains this year make the national home attendance was up 27 1,834to Division I? We really do not know, chard D. Schultz as chair of the 1,270 senior colleges with men’s total second highest in history to the a record 20,109,522 (8,282 above but we will take a stab at it. Last Division 1 Men’s Basketball Com- varsity teams ~ 760 of them NCAA record 32,056,673 in 1985. 1985). year, we blamed the decreaseon the mittee. Page 9. members, of which 290 are in Divi- Tournament leads the way In contrast, attendance for allI uneven economy and noted that Unconstitutional sion I. The NCAA Division I Men’s teams below Division I was down, colleges in the states that were af- A court in the state of Wash- for the fifth time in six seasons, fected were collectively down.
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