Hypersequent Calculi for G¨odel Logics | a Survey Matthias Baaz1, Agata Ciabattoni1∗ and Christian G. Fermuller¨ 2 1Institut fur¨ Algebra und Computermathematik E118.2, 2Institut fur¨ Computersprachen E185, Technische Universit¨at Wien, A{1040 Vienna, Austria fbaaz,agata,[email protected] Abstract Hypersequent calculi arise by generalizing standard sequent calculi to refer to whole contexts of sequents instead of single sequents. We present a number of results using hypersequents to obtain a Gentzen-style characterization for the family of G¨odel logics. We first describe analytic calculi for propositional finite and infinite-valued G¨odel logics. We then show that the framework of hypersequents allows one to move straightforwardly from the propositional level to first-order as well as propositional quantification. A certain type of modalities, enhancing the expressive power of G¨odel logic, is also considered. 1 Introduction In this paper we survey a number of results in proof theory for G¨odel logics, that have been scattered over several works of the authors. We also include some new material. Our aim is to show that a particular type of calculus | based on so-called hypersequents | is a simple but versatile tool for handling several important logics in Gentzen's spirit. Indeed, in his seminal paper on the concept of logical inference, Gentzen [44, 45] achieved | among other things | a satisfactory characterization of the relation between classical and intuitionistic proofs in terms of sequents as basic objects of derivations. In particular, the sequent calculus LJ for intuitionistic logic is defined by simply restricting the right hand side of all sequents to contain at most one formula in the sequent calculus LK for classical logic. In the presence of the cut rule it is almost trivial to define sound and complete sequent calculi for all kinds of other logics for which a Hilbert style axiomatization is known. One can, e.g., simply extend (a suitable version of) Gentzen's calculi with additional axioms. However, it should be clear that only cut-free and therefore analytic Gentzen-style systems share the important proof theoretical properties of LJ and LK. In particular, (some form of) analyticity is a pre-condition for efficient | human or mechanized | proof search. Consequently, a main challenge in proof theory ∗Research supported by EC Marie Curie fellowship HPMF-CT- 1999-00301 1 is to extend Gentzen's celebrated results to other logics by defining appropriate calculi which enjoy cut-elimination. I.e., one should be able to show how any given derivation can be transformed into an equivalent one that does not contain applications of the cut rule. A large range of variants and extensions of Gentzen's original sequent calculi have been introduced in the last decades to provide analytic proof systems for many types of non-classical logics. As an example, we just mention labeled systems [42] to accommodate modalities and the generalization of the (binary) sequent arrow to an n-ary relation (\many placed sequents") in order to describe analytic deduction in finite-valued logics in a uniform manner see, e.g., [60, 56, 25, 48, 19] as well as the more recent survey article [18]. Here we deal with another natural extension of Gentzen's calculi, called hyperse- quent calculi. A hypersequent calculus is defined by incorporating Gentzen's original calculus (LJ, LK or a substructural version of it) as a sub-calculus and adding an additional layer of information by considering a single sequent to live in the context of finite multisets of sequents (called hypersequents). This opens the possibility to define new rules that allow to \exchange information" between different sequents. It is this type of rules which increases the expressive power of hypersequent calculi compared to ordinary sequent calculi. To illustrate the method of hypersequents we investigate the family of (proposi- tional and quantified) G¨odel logics that is of particular interest in its own. Propositional finite-valued G¨odel logics were introduced (implicitly) by G¨odel [47] to show that intuitionistic logic does not have a characteristic finite matrix. Dummett [34] later generalized these to an infinite set of truth-values, and showed that the set of its tautologies is axiomatized by intuitionistic logic extended by the linearity axiom (A ⊃ B)_(B ⊃ A). Hence infinite-valued G¨odel logic G is also called G¨odel-Dummett logic or Dummett's LC. G¨odel logics naturally turn up in a number of different areas of logic and computer science. For instance, Dunn and Meyer [35] pointed out their relation to relevance logics; Visser [68] employed G in investigations of the provability logic of Heyting arithmetic; three-valued G¨odel logic G3 has been used to model strong equivalence between logic programs [53]; and more importantly, G was recognized as one of the most important formalizations of fuzzy logic [49]. A hypersequent calculus for G was introduced in [4]. This calculus | which we call HG | is defined by embedding Gentzen's LJ-sequents into hypersequents and by adding suitable structural rules to manipulate the additional layer of structure to the basic objects of inferences. HG will be described in Section 3. In Section 3.2 we will present hypersequent calculi HGk for the finite-valued G¨odel logics Gk with k truth-values (k ≥ 2). These calculi, introduced in [30], are simply obtained by adding one more structural rule to HG. This is done in a uniform way for all k. A new proof of the cut-elimination theorem for HGk is provided. Section 3.3 contains new results on G∆, i.e., G¨odel logic extended by the \projec- tion modality" ∆ of [9] (see also [65, 64]). Indeed, by adding suitable rules to HG one obtains a hypersequent calculus for G∆. Finally, in Section 4 we will show that hypersequents allow to extend analytic cal- culi for propositional G¨odel logic to include quantifiers. In particular, we will consider two different forms of quantification: first-order quantifiers (universal and existential 2 quantification over object variables) and propositional or \fuzzy" quantifiers (universal and existential quantification over propositions). Refining and restructuring the re- sults contained in [20] and [24], we shall discuss analytic hypersequent calculi for both first-order and quantified propositional G¨odel logic. As we shall see, the first-order calculus allows one to prove (a suitable version of) Gentzen's mid-sequent theorem. 2 Hypersequent Calculi Hypersequent calculi have been introduced in [2] and [54]. They are a natural gener- alization of Gentzen's sequent calculi. We take sequents to be expressions of the form Γ ) Π where Γ and Π are finite multisets of formulas [44, 59]. Hypersequent calculi do not alter the definition of a sequent at all, but just add an additional level of context to ordinary sequents. Definition 1 A hypersequent is a multiset1, written as Γ1 ) Π1 j : : : j Γn ) Πn where, for all i = 1; : : : n; Γi ) Πi is an ordinary sequent. Γi ) Πi is called a component of the hypersequent. A hypersequent is called single-conclusioned if, for every i = 1; : : : ; n, Πi consists of at most one formula. The symbol \j" is intended to denote disjunction at the meta-level. (This will be made precise in Definition 2, below.) Just as ordinary sequent calculi, hypersequent calculi consist in initial hyperse- quents (i.e., axioms) as well as logical and structural rules. The axioms and logical rules are essentially the same as in sequent calculi. The only difference is the presence of side hypersequents, denoted by G and G0, representing (possibly empty) hyperse- quents. The structural rules are divided into internal and external rules. The internal structural rules deal with formulas within components. When present, they are the same as in ordinary sequent calculi (weakening and contraction). The external struc- tural rules manipulate whole components of a hypersequent. These are external weak- ening (ew) and external contraction (ec) (see Table 1). As an example, in Table 1 one can find a hypersequent calculus for intuitionistic logic IL which we call HIL. The \hyperlevel" of this calculus is in fact redundant, in the sense that a hypersequent Γ1 ) Π1 j : : : j Γk ) Πk is derivable if and only if for some i 2 f1; : : : ; kg, already Γi ) Πi is derivable. In hypersequent calculi it is possible to define additional external structural rules which simultaneously act on several components of one or more hypersequents. Below are some examples of rules of this kind (see [2, 3, 5, 27, 30] for further examples). • As shown in [31], by adding to HIL the following rule G j Γ; Γ0 ) (lq) G j Γ ) j Γ0 ) 1If one prefers sequences over multisets as basic objects of inference then a permutation rule has to be added to the calculus. 3 Axioms Cut Rule G j Γ0 ) A G0 j A; Γ ) C (cut) A ) A ?) A G j G0 j Γ; Γ0 ) C External Structural Rules G G j Γ ) A j Γ ) A (ew) (ec) G j Γ ) A G j Γ ) A Internal Structural Rules G j Γ ) C G j Γ ) G j Γ; A; A ) C (w; l) (w; r) (c; l) G j Γ; A ) C G j Γ ) C G j Γ; A ) C Logical Rules G j Γ; A ) B G j Γ ) A G0 j B; Γ ) C (⊃; r) (⊃; l) G j Γ ) A ⊃ B G j G0 j Γ; A ⊃ B ) C 0 G j Γ ) A G j Γ ) B G j Γ; Ai ) C 0 (^; r) (^i; l)i=1;2 G j G j Γ ) A ^ B G j Γ; A1 ^ A2 ) C 0 G j Γ ) Ai G j Γ; A ) C G j Γ; B ) C (_i; r)i=1;2 0 (_; l) G j Γ ) A1 _ A2 G j G j Γ; A _ B ) C Table 1: Hypersequent Calculus HIL for Intuitionistic Logic one obtains a cut-free calculus for the intermediate logic LQ [51] whose ax- iomatization is given by adding the weak law of excluded middle, i.e., (A ⊃ ?) _ ((A ⊃ ?) ⊃ ?) to a Hilbert style calculus for intuitionistic propositional logic (see, e.g., Table 2 below).
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