NPT/C0NF/3S/I ¿fag -• 063 /?4S4 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons FINAL DOCUMENT Part I Geneva, 1975 J 6лГ1"*!Г; LES CCHJVgftTÜRES • - . /. _ ', г п SSS.E : 0¿3 NPT/CONF/35/I .««-****- REVIEW CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS FINAL DOCUMENT PART I Geneva, 1975 NPT/CONF/35/I 30 May 1975 Original: ENGLISH PINAL DOCUMENT OF THE REVIEW CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS The Final Document of the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons consists of three parts: I. Organization and Work of the Conference (NPT/CONF/35/I) II. Documents of the Conference (NPT/CONF/35/II) III. Summary Records (NPT/CONF/35/И1) GE. 75-66165 ?й- KPT/CONP/35/l page ii CONTENTS I." ORGANIZATION AND WORK OF THE CONFERENCE Introduction Organization of the Conference Participation at the Conference Financial Arrangements , Work of the Conference . Documentation General Assembly Resolution 3261 D (XXIX) Conclusion of the Conference Ц'"• Annex I: Final Declaration of the Conference Annex II: Interpretative Statements in connexion with Final Declaration Annex III: Draft Resolutions NPT/C0NF/L.2/Rev.l; NPT/C0NF/L.3/Rev.l; NPT/C0NF/L.4/Rev.l Annex IV: Draft Resolutions NPT/CONF/L.1*; NPT/C0NF/C.1/L.1-3; NPT/CONF/29; NPT/CONF/C.II/L.1-2 Annex V: List of Documents of the Conference Annex VI: List of Delegations II. DOCUMENTS OF THE CONFERENCE III. SUMMARY RECORDS NET/CONFIS/! page 1 HKAL DOCUMENT OP THE REVIEW CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS I. ORGANIZATION AND WORK OF THE CONFERENCE Introduction 1. Article VIII, paragraph 3> of the Trep.ty en the Nou-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which enterad into force on rj March 1970» provides that: * "Five years after the entry into iv,j.ot ox ¿his Treaty, a conference of Parties tc the Treaty shall Ъе held in Geneva^ Switzerland, in order to review the operation of this Treaty vith a view to assuring that the purposes of the Preamble and the provisions of the Treaty are being realized .•.". 2. At the twenty-aighth session, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted resolution ?184B (XXVIII). In the preamble, the General Assembly recalled resolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968, in which it had commended the Tieaty, noted paragraph J of Article VIII c. the Treaty, and e¿ípressed the expectation that the review conference would take place soon after the date of 5 March 1975» the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty* The operative part of resolution 31Q4B (XXVII) reac? as follows: "1. Notes that, following appropriate consultation, a preparatory committee has boen formed of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons serving on the board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency or represented at the Conference of the Conniittee on Disarmament; 2. r^queats \»hs Secretary-General to render the necessary assistance and to provide cuch services, including summary records, as may Ъе required for the review conference and its preparation." 3. The Preparatory Committee was thus composed, at it3 first and second sessions, of the following 26 регЛеге: Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Hungary, Irolv^d; Lebanon, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania Sudan, Sweden, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States ana Yugoslavia. At its third session, the following States Parties to tha Treaty, having become members of the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (COD) or of the Board of Governors of the Interne+\опа1 Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), were included in the Committees German Democratic Republic, Iran, Iraq, Thailand, Uruguay and Zaiie. 4. The Committee held three sessions at Geneva: the first from 1 to 8 April 1974? the Becond fron 26 August to 6 September 1974? and the tliird from 3 to 14 February 1975* Progress; reports on thn first two sessions of the Committee (NPT/PC.I/13 and ЧРТ/РС.Н/23) and ths fina?, report of th3 Committee (NPT/CONF/З) were circulated to the States Parties. 5- At the first meeting, on 1 April 1974> the Committee agreed that Ambassador V.H. Barron of Canada would serve as Chairman of the first session, Ambassador E. Wysner of Poland аз Chairman of the second session, and Auta3sador L. Eckerberg of Sweden as Chairman of th¿ third seesion, the three together page 2 constituting the Bureau and the two not serving as Chairman at any given session to serve as Vice-Chairmen of that session. The Committee decided that the Chairman of .the third session should open the Review Conference. 6. The Committee decided to issue as pre-session Conference documents working papers (NPT/CONF/6 to 10) pertaining to the implementation of various provisions of the Treaty, submitted to the Committee by the Secretary-General of the united Nations, by the Director-General of the IAEA and by the Ag( ..cy for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America ir response to invita+ion from the Committee and subsequently updated and revised, as follows: (a) by the Secretariat of tho Uhit^ù Hâtions: - Working Paper on the basic facts within the framework of the United Nations in connexion with the realization of the purposes of the tenth paragraph of the Preamble of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. (NPT/CONF/8 and Add.l) - Working Paper on basic facts within the framework of the United Nations ... in connexion with the realization of the purposes of Articles I and II of , '... the Non-Proliferation Treaty. (NPT/CONF/5) - Working Paper on basic facte within the framework of the United Nations in connexion with realization of the purposes of Articles IV and V of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. (NPT/CONFAO and Add.l) _ . ' - Working Paper on basic facts within the framework of the United Nations -*. in connexion with the realization of the purposes of Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. (NPT/CONP/7 and Add.l) (b) by the International Atomic Energy Agency: VJ. - Analytical and Technical Report on the IAEA's activities under Article III of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. ' y . (NPT/cONF/6/Rev.l, NPT/CONF/6, Annex 9, l*PT/C0NF/6/Add.2) #. ' - IAEA's Activities under Article IV of the NPT. (ЫРТ/CONP/ll and Add.l) - IAEA's Activities under Article V of the NPT. (RPT/C0NF/12 and Corr.l and Ada.l) (c) by the Agency on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (OPANAL): - Report on the implementation of the Treaty of Tlatelolco and some comments , ' and views with respect to Article VII and other related provisions of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. (NPT/CONF/9 and Add.l) 7» The following additional documents were issued as official documents of the Conference prior to the opening of the Conference: NPT/CONF/l e Provisional agenda NPT/CONP/2 Draft rules of procedure NPT/CONF/3 Pinal Report of the Preparatory Committee NPT/CONP/35/I page J NFT/CONF/4 Arrangements for meeting the costs of the Conference? A. Hule 12 of the draft rules of procedure B. Revised statement on financial implications of the Conference NPT/C0NF/13 Letter dated 18 December 1974 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Chairman of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons NPT/CONP/14 Letter dated 5 February 1975 from the Head of the Delegation of Mexico to the Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons addressed to the Chairman of the Third Session of the Preparatory Committee NPT/CONF/15 Ghana, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, Sudan, Yugoslavia and Zaire - Working Paper on the final documents of the NPT Review Conference Organization of the Conference 8. In accordance with the decision of the Preparatory Committee, the Conference was convened on 5 May 1975 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva for a period of up to four weeks. After the opening of the Conference by Ambassador L. Eckerberg of Sweden, Chairman of the Third Session of the Preparatory Committee, the Conference elected by acclamation as its President Mrs. Inga Thorsson, Under-Secretary of State of Sweden. 9. At the opening session of the Conference Mr. Kurt Waldheim, Secretary-General of the United Nations and Mr. Sigvard Eklund, Director-General of the IAEA addressed the Conference. 10. At the same meeting, the Conference adopted the draft rules of procedure recommended by the Preparatory Committee (NPT/CONP/2) without change except for an increase in the number of Vice-Presidents to 26 from the recommended 24 (HPT/CONFIO). The rules of procedure established (a) two Main Committees; (b) a General Committee, chaired by the President of the Conference and composed of the Chairmen of the Conference's two Main Committees, its Drafting Committee and its Credentials Committee, as well as the 26 Vice-Presidents of the Conference; (c) A Drafting Committee, componed of representatives of the same 31 States Parties represented on the General Committee; (d) a Credentials Committee, composed of a Chairman and two Vice-OhaiГШРП elected by the Conference, and six other members appointed by the Conference on the рг-ороза1 of the President.
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