PORTL DAILY PRESS. Established June Vol. 9. 23,1862. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 1870. 10, Termβ $8.00 per annum, in at/rt The Portland Dally Preee TO LET. MISC JEJL LAN BO US. MISCELLANEOUS. Ii THE DAILY published every day (Sundays excepted) by PRESS lie Join, tills us that it will with such the clasp To Let. force as to Portland DAILY PRESS. slop the circulation of the blocd· Publishing Co., desirable rent ot six looots, witbin Ihffce BUSINESS DIRECTORY. grand A\EflYm η lies' walk ol City On one when was ButMIn?. Rent »25 00 I er PORTLAND. occasion, lie exhibiting it* ▲t 109 Exchanqe Street, Portland. monti-. Apply at H Al NES & SMITH, lie hid "09 ENTIRELY allowed it to coil itsell about liis ncck. llw· NEW. let) Middle Terms Dollars a Tear in advance. Hack Block, St. ! Eight Advertising Agency. Hatch At this moment just returned from AT WELL Shooting a young came behind Haying New York with a Urge and well selected Stock of the & CO.. 1744 Middle Btreet, Adveetise- Thursday lady up To Rent. ment s Mornint, Hovember JO, 1870. and did not inserted in papers in Maine and through- IN fOHTLiND) HAINE, him, discover the reptile uriti' The Maine State Preee et the at the ami desirable tw(> storv bouse Bear Mor- country publisher's lowes rates. within a few VERY On the 13 th feet of it. The so startled ANEWrill's comer, on the line of Horse li. R. Posses- LATEST STYLES no Horn·required 1 Turadny, *f Narcaiber. The Flight of the sight Morning at { American Kf.idrul. lier that she uttered a Is published every Thursday sion immediate! v. For ot sluiek. The particulars enquire OF fr»m Ρ η snake, a at a Agricultural Implements Λ Seed·. tin. is $2.50 year; if paid in advance, $2.00 which invariably started at any sudden JOHN C. PROCTER, SAWYER & No. IIS TICKETS $J Ή) FOR BTRING OF THBEE." year. WOODFORD, Exchange St. On the morning of Oct. 27tU the noise, tightened its folds so that the doctor ___ Real Estate American Broker, was in lit Prier. 1 residents of Paris to leave Hie be- dauger of suffocation. Kates of Auvfr πμν<;.—One Inch of space, nov7dlw* 9) Exchange Street. Auctioneer. double barrel breech loading Sbot prepared Gun worib He captuied it on a farm about in length of solution, constitute!* » MILLINERY O. W. $100.00. leagured went in parties of four ten miles 'Square." AND ! HOLMES, No. 327 St. Auction city. Tliey from FANCY Congress Salei GOODS 2nd I'm ζ a. 1 Gauley's in West on $1.50 per square dailj first weft. 75 cents Tenement to Lrt every Evening. Private Sales the Sporting Rifle worth $28.CO. Bridge, Virginia, We are now to furnish our customers during day. and occupied thirty carriages. A pair of good the :<d of week after; three or prepared and the public with all the latest novelties oi the season in 3d Pbize. 1 Augusi, three months per insertions, less, $1.00; Ν up stairs tenement of 7 rooms, No. 16 Spruce Target ltill·, $16.00. It was ago to-day. continuing every other after the bonne. nov5tt horses cost 1,000 francs. At 7 o'clock the discovered a who was at work day first week, 50 A street. Apply at Agencies for 40 Rod Open Sight. 80 Telescope. in by boy cents. Flowers, Laces, Silks* &e. Sewing machines. a field. When Feathers, Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Ac, W. S. to Messrs. discovered it took in Half DYER, 158 Middle St, ·τογ Η. Η. Hay's. All J. B. LVCAI, carriages began move, preceded by a tree. The refoge square, three insertions or 75 To Let, of boy notified Dr. less, cents; kind· Machines lor aale and to let. Dealer In Guns, Ward and IIofTinan and of Crawford, who one week, $1.00; 50 cents week after. Ladies', Children's Hats & Bonnets Mdnufd & Htpaιι ing. Rifle», Fishing Tackle, Sporting the Secretaries I to bo near at per No 1G Union Wliarf. Apply lo Mioses', Trimmed to Order Μ. Λ G. H. 54 Middle Goods, &<·., No. «9 Exchange Me. happened liand, and he at once Special one WALDEN, Street, ow St., Portland, made Notices, third additional. GEORGE ITS ! Meserve & novleodtd Legation. Among the party were Mr. O'Sul- arrangements to it alive. " STORE GWYNN, GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Also a Λιΐΐ line ol Lock, Co. (Improved Hotct.) capture The Under bead of $2.00 per no3d3w 103 Commercial it. tiee was cut flown. Amusements," livan and wife, Harry Stone, Mr. Creamer Immediately upon its square per week ; three insertions or less SI.50. fall Dr. Ciawfords " Lace Bib- Bakers. and wife of dog attacked the snake, Advertisements inserted in the Maine Tenement to Embroidery, Goods, Trimmings, Detroi!, Messrs. Kidder, Helmick, which Let. seized its assailant by the ami Btate Press" (which has a circulation W. O.COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Wells and nose, large NICE new tenement ior a smiJl Turubull, with twenty Russians. then threw ils tail around in o( the for SI.00 family. Price with a vicious every part State) per square A $2C5. Apply to GEO. C. fc'KYE, bons, &c. Each for first and Λ0 cents for Hosiery, Gloves, &c., Boots BIRDS,_P>IRDS. American was furnished Mr. Wash- whirr, striking the dog in the mouth with the insertion, per square oc2SU corner ol Congress and Franklin its and Shoes—Gouts Custom Work. by each insertion. burne with hornlike appendase. Tho went into con- subsequent Mrs. WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. lainser-pamier, and each was re- dog Address all communications to W. L·. 332 SAWYER & WOODFORD vulsions, and died in about To Let. SNKLL, Congress Street, quired to sign a document to thirty seconds, PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Have just jtived a tine lot ot promising cany showing clearly that the horn inflicted a dead- pleasant iront room, with board, on Portland, Maine. Booksellers and Stationers. no letters or papers of The oc lw any kind. pro- ly wound. ALAKGE,reasonable terms. For particulars apply at No. 14ft Oxford HOTT, TOGO St Κ GERMAN CANARIES ! cession moved street, near Elm. oct28tf BREED, Middle Street. along the highway under the Some time after the capture Dr. Crawford BUSINESS CARDS Call and Sec Them. fortifications, and took the road to Creteuil. accidentally bruised the tatt in dropping the To Let. Book-Binders. 1'ul of the box in which he ATLANTIC. have also The outside had cleared kept his pet, so PLEASANT Tenement ot They receiTO the country been of all eight rooms, up- SMALL & SHACK FORD, No. 35 Plnm Street. that the greater part of the born was severed, & stairs. ot &c. of eatables. HAWKS A Plenty water, A(«hcj Xsjc»' HalfII Fire Potatoes, grapes, beets and fruit, to ifs CRAGIN, Enquire at No. 3 Sherbrooke St. oc26dlw# Kindling·, only enough remainins show character. Mutual AT all were here (SUCCESSORS 10 WM. ΓΑ1ΝΕ,) Insurance Bonnet and Hat Bleachery. WUOLE8ALE AND BIT AIL. gone, except and there a stray The Doctor says that before this Injury was Comp'y, Η. E. the bom AGENTS FOR TOE CELEBRATED (ORGANIZED IN 1842.) UNDERWOOD,No. 310( Congress Street. apple. For upwards of an hour they encoun- sustained, upon holding up before A Tenement to Let a / 119 light, a fluid could plainly be seen inclosed SI Wall corner Exchange Street. tered no French soldiers, were et., of William, New York. nov3eo<12w although they in a hollow which he a small without children. Coal and Wood. all the time an space within, supposes respectable family preceded by ambulance wagon to Burdett TO novT-tf at 27 Wilmot I>AUL PRINCE Λ have been (lie poison which so Organs· Apply Street Ineureg Against Marine and Inland Risks. SON, foot of Wllmot «tree which acted as un- quickly Navigation vanguard. They passed summoned his trusted friend 75 Tubs Choice der the guns of Fort aid from the scene Clarenton, reached of his • To be Tbls ia Cabinet Furniture Butter, Creteuil at 0 earthly exploits. Let» company PURELY MUTUAL. The whole PROFIT revert· to the ASSURED, and are divided manufacturers. o'clock in the Here Pianos, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins ANN U the morning. The snake liai BOOMS. Two pleasant rooms on ALLY, upon Premami terminated daring the year ; for which CertMcates are Issued, bearing THEO. JOHNSON Λ CO.. No. 13} Union Street. JUST R* they found ruins and and the vil- grown about seven inches ALSO LODGINGscco mî floor, at 28 Sf. oct12eod3w* interest nntiI redeemed. EIVED, desolation, since its High lage abandoned by its population. capture. The boy whose discovery Musical Merchandise of all kind· >■ lauarr 1 ΝΤΟ, the Aaacla AceiBilalet Irmw i'j SMITH of it led to its capture had seen it a few House to Let In Westbrook. Bwaineaa were aa fell·»·, Tins Carpenters and Builders. & 1 UILBROOK, On passing the French at 9:30 weeks United 8 ta tes and outposts and describes it as then but on band. State of New-York Stock·, City, Bank and other 00 WHITNEY & MEANS. our was discovered before, about two constantly CLASS French Roof Loans scoured Stock·, 97,856,990 Pearl st, opposite the Park. no3d2w No. 21 anci S3 o'clock, flag hy the Prus- House, containing by Stock· and otherwise 00 Market Street. feet in lenglli. Dr. Crawford sayi that it was New «nil Kxfcimive Niock of Sh©"! Music. ÂFIRST(10) ten looms, (stable connected) on Pleasant Premium Note· and Bill· 3,148,400 sian outposts, ten miles from the walls of Wood Receivable, Real Estât·, Bond and Mortgages and other securities.
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