rdc;Lr, explore the wide variety of "Hao lam" cheeses ... Hao\amOu:e~es;ire strictly Cholov Yjs~<iet;i:;ertified Kosher vnder the rnl,\bi!)ical supervision of~Cf.~~~J;ij•B. Grvl)er. IKAJlP MAYBE USED FDR PASSOVER WORJJJ CHEESE CO., lNC. I B)lOOKLYN N.Y. ll23Z N"U•~w •po:i•ip n·1m po 1)jf 9,Cj.1{ •Jin •1<11 (be program of the Gedolei Hadar EXCERPTS FROM THE KOL KORAH! ,to stop the humilitaion ol widows DTN n::>JOD Nlil ilf 1.:>Tl" ••• "lnOO\!JD~l lD~V~ orphans through public appeals This obligates every individual for himself and his family. .. - ' c . '\\\.~ ~\tl~ cf,;~,(;,,,,, c;,, ~16\f.1' [fi\X\4f'$. .....,..· ~~~t}~\l :'\\~\~~\ el? .Y·p 1jll?lll' ~"n c,. t''/ :;;/" _,, '-""' \"- "\)l).1' l,\~\t"- ' ~ , e • , , " ~ , " ~ , ' , ,, o , ,, " , • " ~a~ All of Kial Yisroel unites by signing up in .the unique program of project AREIVIM in case of tragedy~.,. Double the Mitzva ... The Classic Take this special mitzva to a whole new Formal elegance to please the level. When you buy a Designer Succah for refined eye. Soothing gold with your family, the proceeds will help Oorah cream-toned design is warm and donate a succah to a Jewish family that would otherwise not have one. Your family inviting. Subtle interior and guests will love the artistic look of your print is highlighted Succa, and an Oorah family will love the by designed win­ incomparable joy of their first real Succos. dow flaps and va­ Be unique, be ahead of the crowd, and lance. be among those who show that they care about their fellow Jews. Indulge your hea1i's desire. Feel the pull of Yerushalayim as we hope for the rebuilding of "Succas David Hanofeles." Ko- tel design is carried over onto interior window flaps and valance. Rich Embroidery Deep, rich colors create the look of finely stitched patchwork of Judaic designs capturing the themes of Succos. A true work of art for those who appreciate creative • beauty. Interior win­ ow flaps and va­ nce carry over the 'r-=~ ------- ·---- ----~~---··---------....--~~-~-------·----- --- ·-------·--·------- -----------·-·----------- fHE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 002.1-6615 JS 1'1-'IH.!SHED IN THIS ISSUE MONTHLY, EXCEPT JULY & Ar1(;us·1 '\:-.ID A COMlllNfCD ISSl.'E nrn L"ii'iUARY/Fioam_:."irff, !lY nn: AGUDAT!l !SllAEL OF AME!HC..'\, 42. BRO.-\OWAY. N!'W Yof/1'. NY rooo4. 1 PF.RIO!lfCiU.S l'OSTAGE J'AIO IN '.\i~.W 6 READERS' FoRV~li: 0RTHODOXY S CONFUSED PRIORITIES YoHK. NY. Su1:1scn1PTJON 525.00/n:.An: 2. YEARS. 548.00;:; Yf:ARS. 569.00. Q1_•·tSIDE OF THl: l.'NITf'I) STATES (US n:NO~ DRAW .... 01'; "'us IJANK o .... LY) Sl.5.00 51-'llCl/ARGE PER V(·:AR. SINGLE ANTICIPATING ROSH HASHANA COl'Y SJ.SO; OUTSIDE NY AREA S:;,95; FORH(i" 54.50. 8 A JEWlSH OUTLOOK ON LIFE, POS'fM ..\STER: SEND ADORE.SS CHANCf:S ro: 1 THE JFWl5/l 0HSERVE!l Rabbi Shirnon Schvvab ;r~r 42. BHOAD\V,\Y. NY. NY 10004 ru 2.12-797-.9000, FAX 646-254-1600 P£l!NTE!l IN TllE USA 9 INSCRIBE Us 1N THE BooK OF L1FE, Rabbi Yisroe! Zev Chesir l:d1torio/ 1Joard RABAJ .IOSEf'H El.IAS, Choinmm 12 PRAYING WITH FERVOR, Naftali Verschleisser RABBJ AIHlA BIHIO:"o!Y JOSEPH F!UEfH>'iSO:-.J RABBI YISROEL MEJR KllU.Nl',!l RAllBI Nosso:'\ Sc1n::RMA1' PROF•. A.ARO"' TWERSKJ Foundn"> 16 ADULTS AT RISK'. WILL YOUR GRANDFATHER BE [}1~. ERNST I.. BODENHEIMER Z"L RAB Fil Mo.s~n: SHE!~ER Z"L JEWISH?, Rabbi Mordechai Becher and .\/(lnoqcmrnt /loard Nc\Fl'Ol.I HTr~SCU. !SAA(: K!RZNFR, Rabbi Chanan Gordon RM.Bill SHI.OMO l.t:SIN. \.IRS. LEAH ZAGEL.ttAUM. 22 (HILD MOLESTATION IN THE JEWISH COMMUNITY: Adn'r/il'in_q !\lmmgcr OVERBLOWN OR UNDERSTATED?, PtHH.ISHED ny David J\!!andel i\(;t<UAf!I ISRAF!_ o~· A:1.n:R!CA 1 U.S. TRADE [)JS'f'fllBUTOR 34 NOUN OR ADJECTIVE? - THE PROFESSOR S CHALLENGE F~:LJHIEl"\I PtlBJ.JSl!ERS 208 Airport faewtil'f It.uh .\'omwt. ,\T 10f!54 TO MODERN ORTHODOXY, Rabbi Chairr1 David Zvviebe! BRHISll Ri':f'Rt:SENTATIV!-' M.T f\lBE!.\lA"' 37 BRISK: NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, Rabbi Shlomo Cronrnor \lbrhs ·\fo1111t l'/casont I Iii/ /_r)IJi/011 /;>; 9..Vf.. F:\'Gf.A ..V{) Lorincz, prepared for publication by ''/onoson nn:NCll fll·:PRE<;ENTATl\'I RAH fl! BAMFIFfH;f:R Rosenblum 21 liou/nanl f'a1.1hm15 57000 Met::. f-RA.!\'Cf: ISHAl·:l.l REl'IH:St:°'TATIVE INT .... l .. MEDIA l'LACFME."i'J PU/3 7195 I y; }r!ff'o Road STATEMENT OF POLICY }t.'niso!em 94340. ISRAE-.l fHJ, h:w1SI! 0BSEl~VER HAS Dl':\'O'IED A GIH.. <\r Dl':Al. Of S!',\Cf. TO BU.GIA_.... RFPRESENTATlVT·: fHF·: l'El~ll.S OE THE f'.\iTFR:'\f:'J' .\ND TO THE "IEFO f-'()f( EVERYO:'\E IO MR. E. APTER BE EXT!tE\1ELY VIGILANT 1.-.; ITS !1.~E. '«'E HAVE f:CJIOFD Till': Pl.EAS I anqc fl:ierit~lr. 2.<J 2018 Ar1t1i·erp. Hf-'f.Gfl ill OF OUR GEDOl.l\t THAT IT .SHOl•l.D N(H ttf: IN USE. trNLE.SS IT !S Ai'\ li_,AVOJOABLE NECESSITY, Ai'\ll TtH:I\/ O'.\il,Y WITH AU. Slll'!"AfU.t: SOUTH ,\fl~IC·\N ru:PRE<;~;_'\i'fAT!VI' lllE JEWISH OBSERVER oor-:s NO'J ASSUMt: MR. V. T,,\llACK SAfEGUAf(DS. WHILE ITS DANGEf(S MUST BE RECOGNIZED AO\'() co .... ~ RESPONSIBILITY FOR TllE KASH HUS Of ANY PRODllC-f. /'() lkw 5t3:!2. TROLLED TO i':VEJH POSStlll.E DEGREE. t)! IR GEDOLJM RFCOGNIZE THAT Raedrnc. johmmnblltl} PUIH.JCATION. OR SF:RVIC:E AOVf;RT!SED IN !TS PAGES 2124 "iOUfl-1 ~VRIC'A MA 'lY 1'1-:0Pl.E .AND BllS!N ESSES RT:Ql!IRE rJ S l!SI'. ;\ND THf:REf'O!U; IT © (OPl'R!GHT 2007 fl AS NOT BEEi\/ llANNED. THIS IS WHY \VE ACCEPT AJJVEFITl.SEME"ITS t\l.'STRr\L!A.'I Jlf:PHFSENTATIV! UST!!\/G \VEUSl'/E ,\DDRJCSSE';, DliT I,'< NO \V.'\Y DOES THIS IMl'J.YTHA'I OH. A. DIN,-.;EN I 77 f31r11qa Road SEPTEMBER 2007 / VOLUME XL NO. 6 Tiii'THf· INTERNET.GF:DOl.IM__ O_ .. _._._.._h \VI SH _(_)_O_'_' _.. _,_, __ .. _(;0 N DON F ( ASU \l ll_JSf <H L""""-"'" \\I< "'" ,11 IJR41/,\ - --·-------------- ·- - --- ---... -·-·---------.. ----·-- SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 7 E R S' PRIORITIES IN CHARITY: that is being done in New York. the menahalim was not evident to the THE BALTIMORE FORMULA LAURENCE M. KATZ youngsters growing up. Furthermore, Baltimore, MD if a yeshiva is indeed a private busi­ To the Editor: ness, then the customers will act as Marvin Schick ("The Orthodox DIFFERENT GENERATIONS, market participants and try to drive Community's Confused Priorities," DIFFERENT STRATEGIES down the price. I believe this phenom­ June '07) sees the cup as half empty. enon is the true root of the problem I see it as half full. Perhaps the dif- To the Editor: identified by Mr. Schick. ference is that he is looking at New Once again, The Jewish Observer has In addition, in the following com - York, and I am looking at Baltimore. courageously published an article on ments, my facts may not be entire­ In Baltimore, the local federation, a most serious topic that requires the ly correct, but they are based on the Associated Jewish Federation of attention of our entire tzibbur. "The statements I have heard for older Baltimore, has come to acknowledge Orthodox Community's Confused rabbanim. In the early days of the the vital role of the yeshivos and day Priorities," by Marvin Schick, astutely yeshiva world in America, the olam schools in educating the next genera- traced the steep decline in sacrifice haTorah wonld shun relationships tion to appreciate and connect to our being made for the sake of Torah-true with the Federation. Only money that heritage. This has not always been education across all modes of the ca1ne from pure sources was accepted. so, and the federation vision may Orthodox community. Negotiating for funds from organiza­ not precisely be the vision of Marvin I, however, am from a generation tions such as U)A-Federation that can Schick or me or the readers of The later than Marvin Schick, and perhaps also involve all sorts of hashchasa was Jewish Observer, but they have come can offer an additional insight. The a second-generation yeshiva phenom­ a long way. early builders of Torah in America, enon. The Federation's withdrawal of We enjoy a mutually support- Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz ':>"ll!, such funds is itself a proof that we, in ive relationship. This past year, the Rabbi Aaron Kotler ':>"ll!, and the our heilige yeshivas, should not accept Associated advocated with a promi- many roshei yeshivas and rebbei'im such monies. nent foundation to support day school in the yeshivas in the first half of the YAAKOV WEISS education in Baltimore. The result is 20'h century (RJJ, Torah Vodaath and Rockland, NY a five-year, 15-million-dollar com- Chaim Berlin) were devoted to the mitment under which the Weinberg goal of spreading Torah al taharas CHINUCH SOLUTIONS: Foundation will provide two million hakodesh lesheim Shamayim. There AVOID EXCLUSIVITY dollars per year, and the Associated was no personal gain or benefit. will provide one million dollars per Because of this selfless devotion, they To the Editor: year, on top of its regular allocations were zochim to unprecedented siyatta In his heartfelt angst over the tragic to the Baltimore day schools.
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