iMMAP - Humanitarian Access Response Weekly Explosive Incidents Flash News (12 - 18 MAR 2020) 68 11 43 19 0 INCIDENTS PEOPLE KILLED PEOPLE INJURED EXPLOSIONS AIRSTRIKE BAGHDAD GOVERNORATE An Armed Group 12/MAR/2020 Security Forces 12/MAR/2020 An IED explosion injured two civilians in the Al-Hurria neighborhood. Found and cleared 38 IEDs in the Jazira Samarra area in Samarra district. An Armed Group 12/MAR/2020 ISIS 14/MAR/2020 An IED explosion injured a civilian in the Al-Aboodi area. Killed three Popular Mobilization Forces members in the Zorra Al-Hawi area in Samarra district. An Armed Group 12/MAR/2020 An IED explosion injured a civilian in the Shoorta Al-Khamisa area. Popular Mobilization Forces 15/MAR/2020 Bombarded an ISIS hideout using mortar shells and Katyusha rockets, injuring several ISIS An Armed Group 12/MAR/2020 An IED explosion injured two civilians in the Al-Kariaat area. members and making the others flee in the Zorra and Hawi Al-Hawish areas. An Armed Group 12/MAR/2020 Military Intelligence 17/MAR/2020 An IED explosion injured two civilians in the Al-Ghadeer area. Found and cleared a cache of explosives belonging to ISIS containing 34 mortar shells of different types, 18 detonators, and 418 cannon shells in Al-Eitha village. An Armed Group 12/MAR/2020 A double IED explosion injured a civilian in Madina Al-Sadr neighborhood. An Armed Group 17/MAR/2020 Four Mortar shells hit Al-Imam neighborhood in Tuz Kurmatu district, injuring five An Armed Group 14/MAR/2020 civilians. Launched 11 Katyusha rockets at the Taji airbase north of the capital. KIRKUK GOVERNORATE An Armed Group 14/MAR/2020 Shot and killed a civilian in the Til Al-Tassa area in the Al-Tarmiaa district. An Armed Group 15/MAR/2020 A planted IED injured a Federal Police Forces member in the south of Kirkuk. Security Forces 15/MAR/2020 Injured six demonstrators in Al-Khalani square in the center of the capital. Federal Police Forces 16/MAR/2020 Found an ISIS hideout and cleared a cache of explosives containing nine missiles, two An Armed Group 17/MAR/2020 IEDs, and explosive materials in Al-Mahmoodya village in Al-Rashad subdistrict. Two rockets landed in the Al-Jadriya area. One of the rockets hit a residential area, injuring two civilians. ISIS 16/MAR/2020 Planted an IED on a motorcycle, injuring seven civilians in Tuz Khurmatu district. DIYALA GOVERNORATE An Armed Group 18/MAR/2020 Security Forces 12/MAR/2020 An adhesive IED exploded on the vehicle of a Security Forces member while he was Found a corpse in Al-Mandali subdistrict, east of Diyala. returning home in Domiz. An Armed Group 12/MAR/2020 ANBAR GOVERNORATE Planted an IED and killed a Security Forces member in Khalis district. Security Forces 12/MAR/2020 An Armed Group 15/MAR/2020 Found and cleared 34 IEDs, 26 gallons filled with C4, and 65 adhesive IEDs belonging to Shot and killed a civilian in Abi Saida subdistrict in Miqdadia district, northeast of Diyala. ISIS in AL-Shuhadaa neighborhood in Fallujah district. Security Forces 16/MAR/2020 ISIS 13/MAR/2020 Found and cleared a cache of explosives containing five mortar shells and 28 missiles, Launched an attack on a Tribal Mobilization Forces checkpoint, killing a member and including four Katyusha rockets in the orchards of Albu Shahin village in Al-Salam injuring two others in the Al-Rudha area in A-Mohammadi subdistrict in Heet district. subdistrict in Al-Khalis district. ERBIL GOVERNORATE An Armed Group 17/MAR/2020 A planted IED explosion injured two farmers in the agricultural area of AL-Hadu Al-Akhdar Security Forces 12/MAR/2020 village in Al-Ibarra subdistrict, northeast of Baqubah district. Destroyed two ISIS tunnels and a hideout in Gouj, Sarnaj, and Hashtar areas in Makhmur district. An Armed Group 17/MAR/2020 A targeted IED explosion killed two Federal Police Forces members in the Shekhi area in Security Forces 12/MAR/2020 the outskirts of the Abi Saida subdistrict in Miqdadiya district. Found and cleared a cache of explosives belonging to ISIS containing 103 IEDs and 87 detonators in Gouj, Sarnaj, and Hashtar in Makhmur district. An Armed Group 17/MAR/2020 Five rockets hit Al-Islaah village in the vicinity of the Jalawlah subdistrict. An Armed Group 17/MAR/2020 A double IED explosion injured an Iraqi soldier in Rawala village in Al-Qaraj subdistrict in Joint Security Forces 17/MAR/2020 Makhmur district. Found and cleared a cache of explosives containing 11 IEDs, several adhesive IEDs, smoke grenades, and landmines in Umm Al-Hawali village in Hamrin mountains. NINEWA GOVERNORATE An Armed Group 17/MAR/2020 Security Forces 14/MAR/2020 Targeted a Federal Police Forces patrol, Killing two of them in an IED explosion in Hawd Found and cleared a cache of explosives inside an ISIS hideout containing 180 mortar Al-Waquf area, northeast of Baqubah. shells, 28 homemade IEDs, nine tank missiles, and eight rockets in Qasr Al-Hassinat area in Qayrawan subdistrict in the Baa'j district. SALAH AL-DIN GOVERNORATE Popular Mobilization Forces 16/MAR/2020 Security Forces 12/MAR/2020 Dismantled 20 IEDs belonging to ISIS in the Bazkirtan village. Bombarded five different sites of ISIS in the Hawi Al-Adhim area in the abandoned villages on the borders between Salah Al-Din and Diyala. People Killed & Injured Per Governorate People Killed & Injured Per Incident Type Killed Killed 20 19 40 17 Injured 33 Injured 30 10 20 10 5 10 8 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diyala Kirkuk Salah Al-Din Anbar Erbil Baghdad Direct Attack/Clashes Bomb Attack Crime Air Strike iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response: Explosive Hazard Incidents Risk Level in Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salah Al-Din Governorates from 12 to 18 Mar 2020 Zakho TTuurrkkeeyy D a h u k Amedi Dahuk N i n e w a E r b i l S u l a y m a n i y a h Mergasur SSyyrriiaa K i r k u k Sumel D A H U K IIrraann Dahuk S a l a h A l - D i n Soran D i y a l a Shikhan Akre B a g h d a d A n b a r Telafar W a s s i t Choman JJoorrddaann K e r b a l aB a b y l o n Tilkaif Q a d i s s i y a M i s s a n N a j a f T h i - Q a r Shaqlawa B a s r a h Mosul M u t h a n n a SSaauu ddii AArraabbiiaa Hamdaniya Sinjar Rania Pshdar KKuuwwaaiitt Erbil Erbil Explosive Incident Risk Level Mosul II r a n E R B I L Koisnjaq High Low N I N E W A Dokan Capital Makhmur Sharbazher Governorate Center S y r ii a Penjwin Dabes Sulaymaniah Ba'aj IDPs Camp Kirkuk Sulaymaniya Hatra Shirqat Kirkuk Chamchamal Primary Road S U L A Y M A N I Y A H Hawiga K I R K U K Darbandihkan Halabja Iraq Boundary Daquq Governorate Boundary Kalar Baiji District Boundary Tooz Ru'ua Tikrit Tikrit Kifri S A L A H A L - D I N 0 40 80 Daur Haditha Khanaqin Km Samarra D I Y A L A Ka'im Khalis A N B A R Thethar Balad Ana Muqdadiya Heet Fares Ba`aqubah Tarmia Ba'quba Baladrooz Ramadi KadhimiaAdhamia Thawra1 Ramadi Baghdad Abu Ghraib Karkh Resafa Mada'in Falluja B A G H D A D Rutba Mahmoudiya Badra Azezia Suwaira Kerbala Kerbala Mahawil W A S S I T Musayab Kut Ain Al-Tamur Hilla Kut Hindiya Hilla K E R B A L A Hashimiya Na'maniya iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response: Explosive Hazard Incidents in Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salah Al-Din Governorates from 12 to 18 Mar 2020 D A H U K Amedi Mergasur TTuurrTkkeeyyu r k e D ayh u k Dahuk Sumel Dahuk N i n e w a E r b i l Shikhan S u l a y m a n i y a h Akre SSyyrriiaa K i r k u k Soran IIrraann Telafar Choman S a l a h A l - D i n Tilkaif D i y a l a B a g h d a d Shaqlawa A n b a r W a s s i t JJoorrddaann K e r b a l aB a b y l o n Mosul Q a d i s s i y a M i s s a n Sinjar Hamdaniya Rania Pshdar N a j a f T h i - Q a r Erbil B a s r a h M u t h a n n a SSaauu ddii AArraabbiiaa Erbil K u w a i t Mosul K u w a i t E R B I L Koisnjaq N I N E W A Dokan Explosive Hazard Makhmur Sharbazher Penjwin Capital Dabes Sulaymaniah S y r ii a Ba'aj Kirkuk Governorate Center Sulaymaniya Hatra Shirqat Kirkuk S y r ii a Chamchamal IDPs Camp S U L A Y M A N I Y A H Hawiga K I R K U K Darbandihkan Halabja Primary Road Daquq Iraq Boundary Kalar Governorate Boundary Baiji Tooz Ru'ua District Boundary Tikrit Tikrit Kifri S A L A H A L - D I N Daur II r a n Haditha Khanaqin Samarra 0 40 80 D I Y A L A Km Ka'im Khalis A N B A R Thethar Balad Ana Muqdadiya Heet Fares Ba`aqubah Tarmia Ba'quba Baladrooz Ramadi KadhimiaAdhamia Thawra1 Ramadi Baghdad Resafa Abu Ghraib Karkh Mada'in Falluja B A G H D A D Rutba Mahmoudiya Badra Azezia Suwaira KerbalaKerbala Mahawil W A S S I T Musayab Kut Ain Al-Tamur Hindiya Hilla K E R B A L A Hilla Na'maniya Kut Hashimiya Disclaimer: All information is the best available from various sources including public, national and international sources, and has been cross-checked by iMMAP as best as possible.
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