The Sunflower Page 2 OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER Ejume LXIX—Number 27 Stop Light, Registration Time Elections, Shortened SGA Topics ATTENTION pre-registered students! It is possible to shorten your registration time for next semester. Plans outlining the Student Gov­ This can be done by picking up A-Bar ernment Association hopes for a 2:10-2:45 the permit to enroll card and your Bas-Bre traffic signal at the com er o f 17th 2:45-3:20 packets on Monday, Jan. 25, and Bri-Cha 3:20-4:00 and Yale were made clear at the Tuesday, Jane 20, fi-om 8 a.m. to Jan. 5 meeting o f SGA. Thurs., Jan, 28 5 p.m. Pre-enrolled students may Che-Cz 8:00-8:35 Fred Funk, chairman of the complete all forms in advance of D 8:35-9:10 F a c t-f inding and Investigation registration unless they are mak­ E-Fo 9:10-9:15 Committee read a letter at the ing schedule changes, in which case Fra-Go 9:45-10:20 meeting to be sent to City Traffic they should leave..the front of the Gra-Har 10:20-10:55 Engineer, Paul Graves. The letter schedule cards blank, except for Has-Hs 10:55-11:30 calls for a widening and resur­ name and address. Hu-Ju 1:00-1:35 facing of 17th street. Students not pre-registered can K-Lar 1:35-2:10 also take advantage of this by Las-McK The amounts ot the allocations 2:10-2:45 filling out all forms except the McL-Miz for WSU organizations will be an­ 2:45-3:20 front of schedule cards. Mo-0 3:30-4:00 nounced at the next SGA meeting, The schedule for registration of nCAGO TRIBUNE AWARD presented by Colonel Seem, is received according to Harold Lacy, chair- The registration schedule for pre-registered students is as students Uy Advanced Array ROTC cadets David Wainwright and Mike Green- riian of Organizations Committee. not pre-registered is as Iwood. follows: follows: Wed., Jan. 27 Fri., Jan. 29 Election Committee Chairman f-i Keith Thompson said that the CAC P-Q 8:00-8:35 L-Maz 8:00 A-Beo 1:00 objects to the crowded conditions Rn-Ros 8:35-9:10 Mc-Mos 8:30 Ber-By 1:30 Student Concert Tickets during elections, and that student Rot-Se 9:10-9:-l5 Mot-Pf 9:00 C-Coz 2:00 opinion is needed to influence the Sh-So 9.45-10:20 Ph-Ror 9:30 Cr-Dy 2:30 CAC. Sp-Te 10:20-10:55 Ros-Sme 10:00 E-Fy 3:00 Th-V 10:55-11:30 Smi-Thi 10:30 G-Hav 3:30 Sports Illustrated magazine will To Be Available Early Wa-Wm 1:00-1:35 Tho-Wel 11:00 Haw-Ivy 4:00 receive a letter from the Pep wi-z 1:35-2:10 Wem-Z 11:.30 Student tickets to the Fifth Wichita Symphony Con­ Council concerning the W S U J-Ky 4:30 Dr. Worth A. Fletcher, ^ gistrar certs will be available early due to the semester break. Stu­ basketball rating, according to of WSU, says that there are 6,434 dents may begin picking up tickets-tomorrow in the Music Chairman John Morton. The maga. lOffice. zine has picked the Shockers to Tuition Cost pre-registered students and that the predicted number of students Christian Fen-as, noted French certo in D major, Op. 35.” finish 18th in the nation. Morton added that the pep trophy will be at WSU for second seeemter IS I violinist, will be featui-ed on this To Increase n])proximately 8,400. concert. Ferras was born in Tou- The concerts will be held Jan. awarded during Hippodrome festi­ ::c : •• 31 and Feb. 1 in the East High Iquet, France, in June 1933, and vities. School Auditorium. It^gan his musical studies at the A final total of 120 pints of At Fall Term I Conservatoi-y of Nice. He later The Sixth Wichita Symphony blood were obtained from student New tuition increases effective I studied at the Paris Conservatory will he held Feb. 21 and 22 fea- British donors during the recent drive on Sept 1, 1965, were recently an­ lunder Benedetti. luring the Verdi Requim Mass. campus. Chairman Rae Ann Met- nounced by Roger Lowe, Univer­ Iti 194(1 he was awarded the Con- tlen also urged that in future sity BtislRess Manager. Consulate Iscivatory’s first prizes both in vio- drives, a co-chairman be installed. Current undergraduate and liin and chamber music. Winning Sludent Teachers April 23 and 24 mark the dates graduate fees for Kansas residents I top honors is almost second nature for the upcoming ‘Hippodrome will be increased $1 per hour to Iwith Ferras. In 1948 he was winner Visits Here event. Chairman Robbie Cole add­ $7. Graduate non-resident fees I of the International Contest at To Meet Jan. 13 ed that resei-vations cannot be will remain at the current $10 per With an air of Ian Fleming’s All secondary student teach­ Schevoningen and in 1949 the Mar­ made until it is known what or­ hour rate. Undergraduate non­ agent 007, Michael Newton, In­ guerite Long-Jacques Thibaud In- ers for the second semester ganizations will be participating. resident fees will increase $4 per formation Agency Officer at the [ternational Competition. are to meet at 10 a.m., Wed­ hour to $20. British Consulate in Kansas City, Compositions to be played will Jeff Brooks, Chairman of the nesday, .Inn. 13. in Rm. 156 in The campus privilege fe e ,. and spoke before several University I be the Bach-Stokowski’s “ Komm Missouri Valley Student Compact the library fee, which students pay classes. Sussei- Tod,” Sibelius* "Symphony the Corbin Education Center Committee, received a letter from each semester, will not increase. I No. 1 in E minor, Op. 39,” Griffes’ to discuss assignments for the Drake University which advocates The current campus fee is $2.25 "Treat what I say with extreme rThe Pleasure Some of Kubla second semester. a traveling art show among mem- per hour, and the library fee is caution,” said Newton. He explain, I Khan,” and Tshaikowsky’s "Con- l)er schools. $2.50 per student. cd that he was paid to spread jolly good cheer about Great Britain, and that what he was saying was, in effect, propaganda. "Part of my job in a foreign country,” he 2nd Term Sunflower Staff Selected explained, "is to break down some misconceptions we tend to build Sunflower staff posi­ up about each other.” Britons are tions for the second se­ not all aristocrats as many Ameri­ mester have been select­ cans think. "Britain is like what ed by the Student Publi­ Britain is in 1964, not 1904 or cations Board, according 1864,” Newton said. to Curtis • Terflinger, The second function of his job, chairman of the Board ho said, "is to make tho actions of my country more explicable.” He of Publications. talked about Britain's National Heading the Sunflower staff next Health Service saying that it en­ jsemester will be Bill Rapps, editor- joys great popularity among both in-chief, Willia (j. Jackson, manag­ patients and doctors. ing editor, and Bob Harvey, busi- Occasionally he finds himself ex. jness manager. plaining America to Britons who Rapps, a Liberal Arts jun­ happen to wander into Kansas ior. served this semester in City. One tourist in particular was Ihe position of managing edi­ complaining aboui tho quality of tor. Jackson, a Liberal Arts America’s radio programming. To sophomore, held the position prove his point, he turned on the of news editor. Harvey, Lib­ radio and immediately found a eral Arts junior, was the busi­ "raucous” rock-and-roll program. ness manager last semester; Newton perhaps smiled as he told News editors will be Judy Fair- the tourist that the song was "I jnursl, University College fresh- Want to Hold Your Hand,” a per­ |*nan, and Tom Poole, Liberal Arts version of a delightful English I junior, Folk Song about a river in Liver­ Joy-Lyn Updike, Liberal pool, and sung by you know who. Arts junior, and Michael Hall, Liberal Arts sophomore, were ^ned copy desk chiefs. Announcement Staff writers will be Cliff Taimy. Arts sophomore, and Available Now Michael Snyder, Liberal Arts Mnior. , . , Announcements for January to r,: Bill Rapps, editor-in-chief, Judy Fair- . l*rr,"«rry Brosius,tJroBJus, Liberal Arts jun-jur- SUNFLOWsuiNriiuw STAFF MEMBERS for second^ semester w-mare I. graduates are now available in [tor.wr, wasw n a named_____ j ___society, .... editor,.1 ,,.... and- _ ji .hurst, news editor,..fix_Tj„u Bob 1T.O.VOV Harvey, hiininAAs business manAirer. manager, Willis Willis Jackson, managing editor, and Tom Poole, the bookstore and should be picked up at your earliest pos­ sible convenience according to Dave Leach, senior class Northeutt, University Col- president ^^’psJunan, was appointed to ® position of photo editor. Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives •ivZ^'irSSi*^ Editorial V iew$... Cl IndividuaVs Religious Beliefs Until Proven Guilty "Use every third desk, don’t look right or left, and hide M ay Oppose Society's Rules your answers.” That these words are to be heard in a college classroom By MIKE SNYDER, Staff Writer preceding examinations is perhai» one of the unhappiest The true test of the tenacity with which men adhere to their religious beliefs com^J facts regarding the modem American education system.
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