i :::EMBER 13, 1939 an. - --:::: :::nernbers, who e hearing in -sses ed I This Is How It Feels When The German Bombers Are Attacking By DANIEL DE LUCE If it holds. together until 1 can get this off to Rumania eerie by the flickering light of a dozen buildings fired by One quickly gets a helpless feeling that he can't escape LWOW, Poland, Sept. 13 (AP) (By Courier to Rumanian then I will believe in miracles. nazi bombs. the nazi bombs, that they've got your number. Frontier, Filed Budapest 9 p.m., 3 p.m. EST) - As I write Even the sidewalks, or what I can see of them out of At night you bump into spy-conscious policemen and dis- On the way up here from Hungary shortly after the cuss the war in hushed tones with people whose faces you war began I Jeft the stalled train nearly 20 times with the this dispatch 21 GerrnsD bombers are raining heavy bombs the grimy window, seem to dance. can't see You }lope that with daylight the first bombers rest of the passengers to seek refuge in apple orchards, ceme­ on the oil and alcohol refineries. Heavy black smoke over the buildings opposite seem s to somehow'will fail to arrive. teries, tunnels, or just ditches from the bombing, machine The table under my hand is shaking like something alive. rise jerkily to the tune of explosions. The days are made up of bad coffee, soggy food, reluctant gunning nazi plane!). In this infernal din set up by screaming sirens, barkIng This has been going on nearly all the time since I ar- dashes into smelly cellars when air raid sirens sound and The first bombardment of Lwow came the morning of anti-aircraft guns and the roar of bursting bombs I can't rived here. Only at nights does the shaking cease. Then it queer pauses, hat in hand, as peasant carts go by with air Sept. 1, just when Hitler was telling the reichstag hiB de­ take my mind off the shivering wall of this ancient hotel. is a case of blind groping through a pitch black city made raid victims piled like so many anillUlls. cision to invade Poland. More Work ! Fair, Warm IOWA-GeaeraUy fair aDd _&ba­ Hawkeye wdders continue drULs aed warm. ~bJe Ihowen Ia In blLstertnr heat. aortbweat &odu; tomorrow 1lJIIte'" See r&&,e 3 t DaiII I &led aud cooler. with Ih_en.-- Iowa City's Morning N e 'w spa per FIVE CENTS rbe AIIIOOI.t.d Pre •• IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939 rbo A.....,.. ted Pren VOLUME xxxvm NUMBER 170 . * * * * * * . * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * French Engage :iu Major Drive to Crack Siegfried Fortifications , -~-------------------------. --------------- .--::: S I * * * * * * t . P British Troops Polish 'Life-Line' In Believe Nazis Two Sides to The Question Battered Polish Forces Retreat Land Safely Planning Bases To East as Germans Mark Up ~ On French Soil In S. America Fresh Victories in Invasion 171P" French Infantry British Will Follow By The Associated Press Fresh victories for the German army in Poland were R~ports Strategic Germany's Exanlple In reported by Berlin last night while a battered POlish army Gains in Germany Bombing Operations re,treated steadily toward the east. --- Giving no details. the Germans announced that Warsaw By C. S. FOLTZ, JR. LONDON, Sept. 13 (AP)- was encircled and that their troops were pushing toward Lwow (Lemberg), in southeastern Poland. BASEL, Switzerland, Sept. ~he ' official British belief that Modlin. northern keystone to defense of Warsaw, was ' 1~ (AP) - ' Two powerful Germany may attempt to es- surrounded, it was said. French a.rmy- forces were re- tablish submarine and air On the western front. the b.ases in South and Central l"rench repOTte<i sev ral hundred ported tonight to be folding America was expressed to- One Step thousand British soldiers were in like wings on the German city night while the British gov- France and that the polJus had of Saarbruecken. ernment made it clear that its moved about a mile farther Into More troops were engaged bombing operations in Ger- In Reverse 1,lIzi territory. At the same time in the drive on the rich center many depends on whether the ,I dispatch from Lwow, in the Congrllll8lllllD Wlllte Polish Defenders Polish Ukraine, said the Polish of the Saar mining basin, ac- reich's high command carried Senator Borah stmy was failing back aIter tern: cording to reports reaching out its threat to bomb unforti- Senator William E. Borah of Idaho Representative Dudley A. White Taking Les on On p<>rarily holding German forces Switzerland, than in any ac- fied Polish cities. has notified President Roosevelt of Norwalk, 0., an opponent of n[echamUzed VVarfare alon, the San and Vlstula ri­ tion since the war began. In. a brief communique, t,he that' he wtll vigorously fight an the adminutration on the peu- vera. It a,ppeared 8 m3jor drive I <A! f . 'f . tte t t h th tr lil - -Gern't8n metorized. uni~ cce to crack the fl'rst I.·ne of the m hI;:; ry 0 m ormatIOn saId a Ill\) 0 C ange e- neu a y trality Issue in con){ress ibis sum- the government had reason to act should the president calI a . BT ELMER PETERSON reported to have reached the main German Siegfried forti fica- believe that Germany might special session of congress to enact mer, has announced he favors re- Somewhere in southeastern Po­ highway connecting Lwow with tions was in progress. ", '.' try to build bases in the Central the administration's neutrality peal of the arms embargo and a land, by courier to Budapest, Sept. Lublin, 100 miles northwar d. and South Americas and had in- program. return to international law. 13 (AP)-There has been talk lor While announcing victories in - I :: . I Poland, the German government PARIS, Sept. 13 (AP)- Several structed England's envoys to be *. * • * * * • *. *.. * * • • • • • years of a lightning war. Poland hundred thousand British troops .. th tch published in Berlin a contraband have landed in France unhamp- ThIS Central Press map graphlc- ian supplies are obtained by the on e wa .. .. now offers evidence of what such law which wa said by authori­ ered either by submarine or aerial ally illustrates the German drive Polish fighting forces. Should the At the same tIme the Bnhsh a war can do. tative sources to be designed as a t GeriIian plan succeed the Polish governmen.t took the stand that, F. D. R. Opens Way Pathos, misery, death, suffering "defense" Bialnst the gnglish at ack, it was announced tonight. to cut the main highways in forces around Warsaw would be although It had agreed not to "blockade." A long list of for­ Announcement of the achieve- b and war again have been wrapped ment was made in authorized southern Poland which lead to completely isolated. from outside omb civilians, it would claim a bidden war materials, money, ma~ uarters shortly after Premier Rumania and over which Ruman~ help. free hand if the German high up into one package and this time q ____________....:...._~-"-''__ ________ command carried out its reported chines and transport equipment Daladier had r.eformed his cab- threat to bomb Polish towns to To Embargo Action it is labelled "Poland." was published by the Geimans. inet for "win the war" purposes, crush civilian resistance. It has brought Its lessons, this French quarters in Paris report­ Dub W T k Lif ed the British troops landed un­ with himseU as premier, minister uque oman a es, e lightning WBr which many be- 01 foreign affairs and minister of molested either by submarine or Officials Cross I o'lva's Solons Call S Congress Jieved impossible in II Europe so war and national defense. Aft Kille ' H T Cheldr aerial attack. It also followed an official com- er lng. er WO I en Into Rumania S l Ot I armed and ready. munique stating t,hat French p t on sslte 0 Into Session It has minimi:Led the factor of Germans Report BUDAPEST, Sept. 13 (AP) - personal courage and demonstrat- troops fighting their way forward Eleven Polish officials, headed by Of N t 1 t in the Saarbrucken area of Ger­ Police Find Bodies Eugene Kwiatkowski, vice pre­ eu ra I Y F S 21 ed the remarkable ettlciency of Polilh Advance6 Japan Increases airplane attack when such an at- BERLIN, Sept. 13 (AP)- A many again had bettered their Afler Relatives mier and finance minister, were or ept pOSitions after having previously . Pressure· Against reported tOnight to have crossed DES MOINES, Sept. 13 (AP)- • tack is inadequately opposed. It German army re\X)rt tonight :said gained a mile. Find House Locked the southern Polish border into Iowa's congressional delegation WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 (AP) has shown that only when defend- that Warsaw was completely en­ The addition of two ministries Rumania. tonigh t was widely split on the _ President Roosevelt cailed a ing troops are properly dug in circled. :chool British, French special session of congress for can they resist heavy mechanized A dispatch from the German -blockade and armament-and One of the party was identified neutrality Issue for which a spe­ the consolidation of the national DUBUQUE, Sept. 13 (AP) Sept. 21 today and theteby gave units. army in the lle1d stated German as the head of the Polszka bank cia I session has been called for defense and foreign attalrs niln- Dubuque County Coroner C. C. SHANGHAI, Sept. U (Thurs­ (bank of Poland). the signal for a tense and bitter In the defense of Warsaw per- troops had surrounded the PoUsh istries under DalBdler, gave the Coady said tonight th~t Mrs.
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