Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana ISSN: 1405-3322 [email protected] Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, A.C. México Bermúdez, Hermann D.; Vega-Sandoval, Francisco A.; Vega, Francisco J. Neogene decapod crustaceans from the Caribbean of Colombia Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, vol. 69, núm. 3, 2017, pp. 655-668 Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, A.C. Distrito Federal, México Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=94353719008 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2017 / 655 Neogene decapod crustaceans from the Caribbean of Colombia Hermann D. Bermúdez, Francisco A. Vega-Sandoval, Francisco J. Vega ABSTRACT Hermann D. Bermúdez ABSTRACT RESUMEN 440 Hemlock Rd. St. George, VT, 05495. USA. An abundant and diverse assemblage Se reporta una diversa y abundante asocia- Francisco A. Vega-Sandoval of decapod crustaceans from the ción de crustáceos decápodos del Neógeno Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Tierra, Neogene (Miocene to Pliocene) from Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional (Mioceno al Plioceno) de las formaciones Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, the Las Perdices and Tubará forma- Las Perdices y Tubará en el Cinturón Ple- Querétaro, C.P. 76230, Mexico. tions in San Jacinto Fold Belt (Co- gado de San Jacinto (Caribe colombiano). lombian Caribbean) is here reported. En sedimentos marinos y parálicos, fueron Francisco J. Vega Found in shallow marine and paralic [email protected] encontrados ejemplares de las especies: Ca- sediments, specimens of the following Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional llianassidae, Neocallichirus scotti (Brown species are identified: Callianassidae, Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, and Pilsbry, 1913), Glypturus toulai C.P. 04510, CDMX, Mexico. Neocallichirus scotti (Brown and Pilsb- (Rathbun, 1919), Petrochirus bouvie- ry, 1913), Glypturus toulai (Rathbun, ri Rathbun, 1919, Hepatus lineatinus 1919), Petrochirus bouvieri Rathbun, 1919, Hepatus lineatinus Collins and Collins and Todd in Todd and Collins, Todd in Todd and Collins, 2005, Pa- 2005, Palaeopinixa perornata Collins laeopinixa perornata Collins and Mor- and Morris, 1976, Persephona enigma- ris, 1976, Persephona enigmatica Collins tica Collins and Todd in Todd and Co- and Todd in Todd and Collins, 2005, llins, 2005, Microphrys sp., Necronectes Microphrys sp., Necronectes proavitus proavitus (Rathbun, 1918), Scylla sp., (Rathbun, 1918), Scylla sp., Euphylax Euphylax maculatus Collins and Todd maculatus Collins and Todd in Todd in Todd and Collins, 2005, y Eurytium and Collins, 2005, and Eurytium sp. sp. Todas estas especies indican una co- All of these species indicate a cor- rrelación con otras asociaciones caribeñas relation with other Caribbean crus- de crustáceos del Neógeno, principalmente taceans from the Neogene, mainly of de Panamá, Costa Rica, y Venezuela. Las Panama, Costa Rica, and Venezuela. asociaciones de facies y el conjunto de crus- The facies association and decapod táceos sugieren paleoambientes marinos so- assemblage suggest shallow marine meros para las unidades neógenas de esta environments for the Neogene units área de la costa caribe de Colombia. of this area of Caribbean coast of Colombia. Palabras clave: Crustacea, Decapoda, Neógeno, Caribe, Keywords: Crustacea, De- Colombia. capoda, Neogene, Caribbean, Colombia. BOL. SOC. GEOL. MEX. 2017 VOL. 69 NO. 3 P. 655 ‒ 668 Manuscript received: April 24, 2017. Corrected manuscript received: June 2, 2017. Manuscript accepted: June 10, 2017. Neogene decapod crustaceans from the Caribbean of Colombia 656 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2017 1. Introduction and thin sandstones and siderite lenses near the top. The Piojó Formation (middle – upper Mio- Neogene shallow marine lithostratigraphic units cene) consists of very thick sandstone beds at the are found at the San Jacinto Fold Belt (SJFB), base, followed by thick layers of mudstone and INTRODUCTION mainly at the Luruaco anticlinorium, placed be- shale, intercalated with sandstone beds at the top. tween Cartagena de Indias and Barranquilla (N The Tubará Formation (upper Miocene – Plio- Colombia), where fossiliferous horizons include cene) consists of conglomerate and sandstone at abundant mollusks, reported by several authors the base, followed by mudstone and fossiliferous (Pilsbry and Brown, 1917; Anderson, 1927, 1929; sandstone, with abundant layers of coquina. The Weisbord, 1929). Recently, more detailed strati- fine-grained sequences include abundant macro- graphic and paleontological reports indicate a invertebrate fossils, mainly mollusks, echinoderms more precise age and defined paleoenvironments and annelid tubes, as well as foraminifera and fish (Pineda-Salgado et al., 2013). This is the first re- remains. These fossils have been partially studied cord of Neogene crustaceans from the Colombi- by several authors: Anderson (1929), Weisbord an Caribbean. Most of the crustacean specimens (1929), Barrios (1960), Bermúdez et al. (2009), Pi- have a good preservation, including both isolated neda-Salgado et al. (2013), Vega and Bermúdez articles and articulated carapaces, some with fine (2015). details of the cuticle. The most abundant crusta- Crustacean specimens were collected near the top ceans are callianassoids and portunoids. of the Las Perdices Formation, within concretions in a thick, dark-gray massive claystone, with coal 1.1. LOCATION AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING fragments, and bivalves, gastropods, polychaete tubes, and echinoids. Based upon calcareous nan- The study area is located on the central portion of noplankton, foraminifera and pollen biostratigra- the Caribbean coast of Colombia, in the Luruaco phy, these layers were deposited during early to region (W area of Atlántico department), 50 km middle Miocene as muds deposited in low-energy, SW of Barranquilla (Figure 1), approximately 700 anoxic environments with occasional influence of km north of Bogotá, D.C. The crustacean speci- marine water. These conditions have been shown mens from the Las Perdices Formation were col- to cause stress and prevent a presence of infaunal lected in outcrops located 1 km NE of Hibacharo organisms (Maceachern et al., 2005; Bhattacharya town, Atlántico (Figure 1). The sampled horizons and MacEachern, 2009). Presence of siderite re- correspond to the SE plunge of the Tubará syn- inforce the paleoenvironmental interpretation of cline, at the top of the unit, composed mainly by a reducing environment in fluvial to estuarine fa- shales and marls. Crustacean specimens from the cies with abundant vegetal remains (Berner, 1971), Tubará Formation were found along roadcuts that where oxygen is removed by the influence of an- leads to the municipio de Tubará, Atlántico, at the oxic bacteria, causing siderite precipitation and W flank of the Tubará syncline, in marls with in- presence of methane (Berner, 1981; Middleton tercalations of sandstone and conglomerate. and Nelson, 1996; Laenen and De Craen, 2004). This prevents the presence of filter-feeding organ- 1.2. STRATIGRAPHY isms (Coates and MacEachern, 2007), as seen in most coastal lagoons. The Luruaco anticlinorium includes Neogene Crustacean remains are more abundant and di- sediments of the Las Perdices, Piojó and Tubará verse within the fossiliferous beds of the Tubará formations (Figure 2). The Las Perdices Forma- Formation, found near the top of Pliocene age tion (Upper Oligocene – middle Miocene) con- stratigraphic unit (Molinares et al., 2007), within sists mainly of mudstone, marl and gray shale, thin to thick fossiliferous dark-gray shale layers, with a few horizons with calcareous concretions, Neogene decapod crustaceans from the Caribbean of Colombia Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 2017 / 657 INTRODUCTION / MATERIAL SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Figure 1 Location map of the Luruaco anticlinorium, north region of SJFB province, Caribbean of Colombia, with position of fossil localities: (1) Hibacharo area, Las Perdices Formation, (2) Tubará area, Tubará Formation. interbedded with thick, cross-bedded, grayish-yel- Systematic order is mainly based on de Grave et al. low, lithic sandstone and coquinoid beds (includ- (2009). ing gastropods, bivalves, cirripedians, polychaete tubes, shark teeth and turtle remains). Storm accu- mulations of bioclasts include crustacean remains 3. Systematic paleontology at the top of the Tubará Formation, in a lithology dominated by sandstone, whereas more complete Order Decapoda Latreille, 1802 crab remains are found in fine sandstone, suggest- Infraorder Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979 ing low energy and fast burial, as indicated by the Superfamily Callianassoidea Dana, 1852 presence of articulated corpses and molts. Family Callianassidae Dana, 1852 Figure 3.1 2. Material Description. Merus elongated, semirectangu- lar, with sharp longitudinal keel on outer surface; The study specimens are deposited in the Paleon- carpus narrow, one-third the length of carpus, tological Collection of the Universidad Nacional smooth outer surface; propodus semirectangular, de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamen- as high as carpus. The specimens are incomplete to de Geociencias, Bogotá D.C., Colombia, under to offer a more specific identification. catalog numbers UN-DG-CR. Neogene decapod crustaceans
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