
-■ ■ Dafly N«t PnMi Vor tlM WMk ) 'I ■ I W #1 JOM U . I M i r w M M a C V T C 13,995 X«iIbH> et tlw Audit \ B o n m i «C iStMMUm X MencfcdWer— >4 City of VilUigm Chmrm' ti(KL. Lxxxm, na SM (TWENTY IMAGES) MANCHESTER, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19<4 Ml Pucu^lt) PRICE SEVEN CENT%: Events To Delegate His Workload In State Will Press ■ ^ ------ Workman Killed NEW DELHI, I n d 1 *9prl«n* m»y b« in action did not allay foara that he was critically ill (A P )— Ailing PHm« Miniir poalUon to attend to the buai- On.Road Project neas of government," an au­ Shastri had been working up t*r LAI Bahadur Shastrl thoritative aource said. Sunday to 18 hours a day, attempting to Side waa reported in generafly night, Shastrl's son. Hart, aald 'Iflve new Impetua to solving the HARTFORDf (AP) — A good condition today but hia father would need at least country's monumental prob­ 60 - year - old ' construction lems. ‘ more of his official eched- a month’s rest, and there waa worker from Middletown specuiaUon aome o f his fides A government official said nle was canceled. would take the relna of gAvem- Shastri awakened in a cheerful was killed instantly today Flies Home For the tirat time there waa a ment ten^rarUy. mood Sunday. He got out of bed when a cable snapped on a public aucgeaUon that the 5»- The son’s statement indicated to change clothes, had morning crane, pouring a bucket­ yaar-old prime mlnlater, who After Ending India was again on the verge of tea with his family and later load of concrete on him on reportedly waa atrlcken with a a period of temporary leader­ ate a little rice and butter. In­ mild heart attack Friday night, ship. After the late' prime min­ formants said. an East-West highway ac­ ahould delegate aome of hia ister Nehru suffered a stroke In President Sarvepalli Radhak- cess road In West Hartford. Saigon Duty reaponaiblllUea. January, he tumed\over mai.y rishnan, HoipeDitie MinisterMil G. L. Dead from the accident waa . llio Timea of India aald no of the burdens of hid. office to Frank Fazzino of 67 Oak St. WASHINGTON (AP) — prime mlnlater can afford to do Shartrl. Since Shastrl . lacked (SeeB TagaP age Nine)I ’Treated fof minor injuries Henry, Cabot Lodge de» without a full-time foreign mlh- Nehru’s authority, the govern­ from the accident and dismissed later, aa ShaaM doea. The pa- ment was beset by lndoi!<s‘on. by Hartfbrd Hospital were: cliared today that he (Minaid'- er called for “ a mdra liberal The government slumped Into Joseph Fortin, 44, o f Soutlw ered it a higher duty toe Selegation of reaponalbility.” another leadership crisis when Poles Asked .ingrton, chest and knee injuries, him to return home and Shaatrl, like hia predeceaaor, Nehru died of a heart attack . and Sebastian Civltello, 53,. of fight for the Republican the late Prim e Mlnlater Nehru, May 27, but it ended quickly Cromwell, lacerated rig^t hand retained the foreign mlnlater'a with Shatri's flectio n as prime and right leg. .. presidential nominatiem for portfolio when he formed hie minister June 1. To Aid Peace The accident occurred at Gov. William W. Scranton government. He alao aarvea aa Shaatrl, SB, is officially re­ about' 7 ;50 a.m. at one of the than to remain as U.S. am­ mlnlater for atomic energy. ported ailing from “overstrain By K ennedy j access overpasses In the ’Trout bassador to South V iet A government apokeaman id- and temperature," but auth­ ' Brook-Park Rd. area. Nam. pued tiiia atatement^on flhaatrl’a oritative informants said he suf­ He told a White House news condition; “ The prime minia- fered a mild heart attack F ri­ ‘ WARSAW, Poland (A P )—En- ^ . , conference, after receiving a ter'a temperature la near nor­ day. couraged by wildly cheering! Soiaiert L.nargea glowing farewell from Presi­ mal now. He slept well last ’Ihe diminutive prime min­ Polish crowds, Robert F. Ken- OXFORD (AP) — Two sol- dent Johnson, that he felt the night. Hie general condition la ister almost died of a heart at­ ntdy called on Communist Po- diers stationed at N IK E bases war in South Viet Nam was jpiod and he la chMrful.” tack In 1949. The government’s land Sunday night to help pro- ConnecUcut face Circuit "on the track,” while " I felt “In a couple of days the statement on his present condi- mote 'the new thaw in the cold ' C"urt arraignment today on war. rape charges. the Republican party is not en the track.” The U S. attorney general told ^ Affirming that not be- Foreign Minister Adam Rapac- ’ I ^ ki that Poland has a unique op- ® : lieve it was too latd for 8crax»- portuni'ty to supply a bridge of ’ “ eW In , ton to head off the front-running LBJ Links Peace, {mderstanding between the Unit- yesterday alter • ' Sen. Barry Ooldwater for hia 29-yea r-bld mother of one told party’s presidential nomination. ed States and the Soviet Union. Lodge strongly indicated ha U.S. sources said Kennedy state police both of them raped her on a lonely road in Oxford. would attempt to enlist former told Rapacki that Poland could President Dwight D. Eisenhow­ play a key role in improving The woman, who was not War Preparedness er’s active support for Scran­ relations bcause of its mem­ identified, told state police she got out of her husband’s car on ton. r bership in the Soviet bloc and Rt. 34 in Newtown after a fight Lodge helped engineer Eisen­ the strong ties between the Po­ WASHINGTON (A P ) — Presi-^from honest clash of beliefs or hower’s nomination In 1952. lish and Americ'an peoples. and was walking home when gent Johnson says t)^ , United goals. In such cases our the soldiers offered her a ride. He said he had been talking to strength does not, entitle us to They met for dinner at Jab- the general since 1941,' when States “ must be p r e y e d to She said she got away from President Johtison praises Henry Cabot Lodge’s service as ambassador to impose our interest. Rather, our lonna Palace, a former royal they were both on Arm y mar hunting lodge 10 miles from the soldiers afterward in An- South Viet Nam as he speaks briefly at the White House today with Lodge at llsk war” to keep its frestjum, desire for peace compels us to sonia. Boulware is stationed In neuvers in Louisiana, and that yet ready to “ seek Just compt^ seek Just compromise." Warsaw. They also were be­ ,,^Jiis side. (A P Photofax.) )ie was "too old to atop now.** / lieved to have discussed the Ansonla and Jaudon at New mlse" to achieve peace. In discussing "the several Britain. Lodge returned to a theme, bs paths we take to peace,” John­ German territories seized by 71110 waa Johnson's keynote : expressed on his arrival four son made some pointed state­ Poland after World War n. The message Sunday as he ended a hours earlier, at Andrews Air ments about the civil rights Western allies have not official­ Scranton Telegrams Force Base —the duty of botl three - day trip into Michigan ly recognized these as perma­ Youths s a Quizzed problem at home In talking r HARTFORD (AP) Gov and Minnesota. He took up the political parties to nominat# about ^’the ability to adjust dis­ nent Polish territory. W illiam W. Scranton “ threw matter of war and peace In his men who are prudent and not putes wHhout the use of force.” The meeting followed a tri­ some business Western Union',".Riehts Case-f t t only non-political speech of the c .i X impulsive. Johnson- said that in the pur­ umphant tour of Warsaw by the way last night. trip, at a Swedish Day fesUvnl He said that the president at suit of Justifte, the nation can visiting American despite an of­ The Pennsylvania. governor the United States Is the man In Minneapolis. said on nationwide television Boosts Zeal In Southern Hunt find guidance “ here in our own ficial news blackout on his dr- who makes the decision about Facing thousands of cheerlnj epuntry's historic pledge to the rival. that those who supported him the use of the atomic bomb. Minnesotans who stood under rule of law.” Poland[s official press and ra- for the Republican presidential I M ERID IAN, Miss. (A P ) — | PH ILAD E LPH IA, Miss. (AP)/..York; and James Chaney. 22, a “ That is something Uiat Is ■hade trees In Minnehaha Park, nomination ahould send him a I “ Certainly, I ’m afraid, everyone very real,” he said. Johnson said; —The Mississippi Highway PS'~ Meridian Negro, continued in I (Bfe Page Twelve) (Bee Page Bight) telegram. ' la afraid,” said Marilyn Leon- "There is a threshoold below “Today, as always, if a na­ trol and FBI agents questioned this red clay hill section of east- The Hartford office said more lard, “ but the importance of the which no party should go la tion Is to keep Its ^eedom it motorists at a roadblock today central Mississipfri. r-' than 200 'calls were handled in ' Job____ makes_ tbem overcome per- nominating a man for the presi­ muat be prepared to risk war. whether they knew an3rthing the first hour after Scranton’s tso m T f e v . One hundred sailors from the dency,” he emphasized.
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