MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY At a special student assembly to- morrow the fourth hour Dr. L. J. Paetow of the University of Oalifornia Tickets are still on sale at the Book will speak. Special entertainment is being arranged. Store and Watt's for Dr. E. A. Bryan's State College Pageant. VOL. X~XIV. STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 No. 90 BUTCHER GOES EAST TO RUN TOOL GANG LIST DISPLAY CLASS WORK NOMINATIONS MAJOR Will Attend Architecture Convention MilO INTEREST SHOWN --'-"-- Monday's Evergreen Will Contain TICKETS ABE ON SAlE Fine Arts and Engineering Schools VARSITY TRACK S~UAn' in St. Louis Campus Day Assignments C. R. Butcher, instructor in the, Show Exhibits BUSINESS OF MEETINGS;' Students of the State college are re- department of architectural engineer- i IN SPRING ElECTIONS Exhibits of the fine arts and engin- quested to read carefully the May 14 FOR HISTORIC PAGEANT ing, left Tuesday afternoon for St. eering departments are on display in Wltl HAYE DUAl MEET issue of The Evergreen as at that Louis to attend a convention of the the corridors of the Mechanic Arts time the names of the tool gang for SENIORS DISCUSS SNEAK American Institute of Architecture OF A.S.S.C.W. OFFICERS building. The fine arts exhibit in- campus divisions one and two will ap- WHITlEN 8Y DR. BRYAN and a meeting of the Collegiate School cludes water colorings, charcoal pear. Also in Monday's issue will be WnH VANDAlS FRIDAY of Architecture. sketches and pencil drawings. These Dunning, Murrow, Ihler, Kelly Joe Blum Voted Yell King-Ev- published names and work under di- During his trip east he intends to Portrays Demand for drawings are indicative of the ability and Taylor Candidates for visions three and four. All exemp- College visit various departments of architec- erett Henning and Johnny and progress of the students enrolled Washington Cinder Artists Per- tions and corrections will appear in of Industrial Arts and Presidencies ture at the University of Nebraska, King to Be Dukes in the fine arts department. form on McLean Field Before the following Wednesday's Evergreen. Agriculture Kansas State, University of Kansas, Definite plans for action are being The engineering exhibit is made up Idaho High School Athletes Washburn college and W'_shington. worked out in detail, according to of pictures showing the work of oth- Most Affairs Contested He will be gone several weeks. All Others Unopposed er engineering agencies and individual Gerald Dixon, men's big chief. , Important as History work. These photographs include all To See Big Four Active phases of engineering, and their pre- Kt¥ner Thanks Junior 7JVeek-End McDowell, Rohwer and Driscoll Will Departments Cooperate In Staging sentation of field engineering corn- Committees for Their Work-Frosh Head Student Body Next Year- bines interest and education. Meet Will Give Rival Fans Their N. Y. TIMES EDITOR INTRAMURAl lEAGUE "The Spirit of Wash- Hear Dance Report 619 Ballots Case First Glimpse of Schlademan's ington" SCHEDUlED TO GIVE Quartet Seniors met the fourth period, yes- As a result of a mildly contested OPENS SEASON MONDAY Tickets for "The Spirit of Washing- PROOF RfAD HISTORY terday for their regular class meeting. election for student body officers, held Meeting the Idaho tracksters for the ton," the Founder's day pageant to be Plans for the memorial and sneak COMMENCEMENT TAlK Tuesday, Joe Blum was elected yell second time this year, Washington Sigma Nu and Beta Take Open- presented May II and 12, are on sale were made. The date for the Senior king, ~ith Johnny King and Everett State's varsity squad journeys to Mos- ing Games By Decided at the Student Book store and Watt's OF SlATE COllEGE; Class play has been set for May 26, Henning chosen as yell dukes. Other cow Friday afternoon for the annual Pharmacy for 35 cents. It will start Plans for commencement week-end Chancellor E. H. Lindley of Uni- candidates for student offices were Margins dual tilt with the Vandals on McLean promptly at 8 o'clock both nights. were discussed. versity of Kansas Will Give unopposed, and the following person- field, starting at 2 o'clock. The rival The pageant was written by Dr. E. OfF PRESS BY JUNE 1 Juniors met in room 110 College hall Baccalaureate Address squads had their first arguments two ~el will take their offices. at the next IGames A. Bryan with the view of showing yesterday, the fourth period. The Jun- student body meeting, May 15, and Start at 5:30 weeks ago on the Gonzaga oval, when ---, the public the importance of the State iors were reminded of Senior Sneak continue through next year: president; Dr. E. A. Bryan and Isobel Keen- Coach Karl Schladernan's cohorts College of Washington. He portrays day and of their privileges on that day. Plan Program in Gym Erwin McDowell; vice president, Ted ey Are in Spokane Making mixed with the Idaho and Bulldog Teams Divided Into Four Leagues- the demand that the public of the Bert Keener, president, thanked the Rohwer; secretary, Agnes Driscoll. squads. state as a whole had for such a college Last Corrections Junior Week-end committees for their Men's member-at-large, True Ouil- Buckley and Rohwer Will Friday's dual affair will be the fea- Will Be Room for Everyone in New of industrial arts and agriculture. The good work. Nominations for next Officiate lette; women's member-at-Iarge, Vir-I legislation of founding the college is ture 'event of the first day's activities years offices are as follows: Dick Dun- Gymnasium, Says Isaacs-s-Plan ginia Phipps; senior representatives, reproduced in the production. Has Seven Divisions of Idaho's annual hrgh school meet. A ning, president; Dorey Spencer, Dale All-College Dance Bob Killian and Dorothy Jahnke; jun- Four Departments Cooperate week later the Webfootcrs from Ore- Whiteman, vice-president; Dea Davis, Four teams swung into action Mon- ior representatives, Stanley Williams F our departments of the college are gon tangle with the Cougar cinder ar- Marguerite Golden, secretary; AI Dau- day night in the first games of the With the completion of the spring and Margaret Wells; athletic council, cooperating with Dr. Bryan in stag- Book Deals With Various Periods tists here at our gathering of Wash- bert, treasurer; Jack Littlernore, Row- term in June, the graduating class of Harry Spiedel, Dan Horan and James Intramural baseball season. The first ing the pageant. Mrs. La Verna Kim- and Phases of Washington ington's prep school aces. land Newman, Kennard Jones, Cecil Gilleland; managing editor of The game was between Sigma Nu and Tau Led by Cleaver 1928 will be honored by a commence- brough and Karel Havlicek of the State Life Kappa Epsilon. Sigma N u won easily Carlyle, Lewis Hall, executive coun- ment program which is to be the big- Evergreen, Joe Blum; editor of the music department have selected and The Vandals flashed only a fair ag- with a 10 to 3 score in their favor, cil; Forrest Curry, Phil Millard, Dan gest thing of its kind ever held on the Chinook, Lloyd Birkett; editor of the are directing the music. Ann Crad- gregation at the triangular - meet in Horan, Burnette Grimes, Ruth Heub- Cougar's Paw, John Forbes. In the other game Beta Theta Pi Spokane a couple of weeks ago. Led campus of the State College of Wash- dock of the Home Economics depart- Dr, Enoch A. Bryan and Isobel ner, Alice Plough, social committee. The total number of ballots cast pounded its way to a 16 to 6 victory by Captain Don Cleaver, undoubted- ington, according to Professor Charles ment has designed the costumes. The Keeney are in Spokane proof reading was 619. over Phi Sigma Kappa. ly one of the best distance runners on Meet In Science Hall A. Isaacs. As head of the committee dances are being directed by Maurine the History of the State College of V otes were cast for the yell king the coast, the Idaho boys gathered in The Sophomore class meeting was in charge, he has been successful in se- The Sigma Nu-Tau Kappa Epsilon Hall of Women's Physical Education Washington. The book, written by and dukes as follows: 53 points against nearly 100 for the held in room 106 Science hall. Nom- curing prominent men to speak during game provided two of the features of and Maynard Lee Daggy is directing Dr. Bryan, will be distributed about Yell king-Joe Blum, .362; Harold the afternoon. The Tekes pulled two Cougars. Most of the Idaho points inations for next years officers took the various exercises. On Sunday, the acting of the performance. June 1. McArthur, 231. were due to seconds and thirds, only up the major part of the time. The June 10, Chancellor E. H. Lindley of speedy double plays that had the ear- "With effective lighting and impres- The author gives a picture of the Yell dukes-Johnny King, 397; Ev- three events, including the mile relay, nominations were as follo.ws: Ed Mur- the University of Kansas, will give the marks of a varsity play. Both plays sive music blended into the -action of growth of the college. There are erett Henning, 332; Pete Green, 256; being copped by the Vandal runners. row, Gerald Ihler, president; Lyle baccalaureate address in E. A. Bryan cut short possible scores for the Sig- the story, the pageant is an appealing many political incidents recorded Cliff Simons, 187. Cleaver scored an easy victory in the Keith, vice-president; Ruth Patrie, hall. Monday, June 11, the com- ma Nu team.
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